I've just finished a natsoc book about Nordic Aryan religion. It will soon be published by Counter Currents. Once it's out, I'll drop you guys 100 free copies. But now, I'm focusing on what to translate next. Are there any natsoc works in dire need of English translation? I'll decide which recommendation to start translating.
Taking translation requests
Other urls found in this thread:
Geschlecht und Charakter? Weininger. Don't think I was able to find an English copy.
There are many copies online. Try libgen or archive. I've thought about translating his other works though. But I won't translate something that has already been translated. I focus on untranslated works only.
Yeah sorry about that, I was thinking of something else, "Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens". Karl Binding. What do you think?
I'll have a look and see if I want to add it to my list :^)
Thanks. I've been extremely interested to read it. I'll be monitoring the thread.
Church meetups??? Wrong thread.
Mensch und die Sonne
Oh, you're a Christian. So am I but it's an important history book, dumbass.
I'll check it out. Thanks
There's a group effort to translate a 600 page book in the following thread, but you could also translate the other books by the same author, available from libgen
Does anyone speak French? I think Hervé Ryssen's books are a must have in English.
I hope you're open to being paid in gay sex.
Die Ura Linda Chronik, not sure if the modern direct English translation ever got finished.
Any commentary by Himmler would be insightful at least.
Haha, grinder greggy. I'll be going through Arktos next time.
Doesn't look like it's been started at all. Don't think I'm down to do that myself. It's at least two years work solo.
This is a good recommendation. I'll see if it has been finished. If it hasn't, I'll definitely put it as high priority.
There's a current thread >>12726219 asking for a translation of a letter from Evola to Ernst Junger.
He's generally great, but most translations are in French and that's like 2/3 of his bibliog.
Some of his correspondence, maybe to Huxley, haven't been translated.
I already have that translated but it's on my computer and I've only got my phone right now. I'll post later.
Reply to link myself to thread.
Thread is already gone. I remember when I posted the letter that it was deleted very quickly.
Don't forget that the NSDAP was a Christian based movement and that the idea of the NatSoc movement being satanic, pagan based movement is post-war kike propaganda in order to remove the idea of morality from the movement
KYS kike
No. This isn't true. I've got a library of over 1000 natsoc works in German. Hitler's plan was to eliminate Christianity eventually and replace it with a natsoc religion which never came to real fruition. Research and development into religion and spirituality was one of the Reich's biggest focuses. There are hundreds of these theoretical works. But you haven't heard of them because they are out of print and untranslated. But you can acquire them at German specialty bookshops. You won't find anything with an English Google search though.
I've got one more page to translate of a short theoretical work by a Munich metaphysician who published natsoc theory works that proves this.
That's part of the title. Don't know how translating foundational natsoc works makes me a kike.
OP here, now on my PC.
Your suggestion caught my interest greatly but it appears that it was already fully translated to English – in the 1800s!!! Sorry but you are a little late.
You can search for the Scribd downloader website and rip it for free without any sign-ups. Enjoy!
Any more suggestions? The other two are not really inline with what I'm interested in working on.
I've decided to go with this unless anyone has anything else of equal good to offer.
Das Rätsel der Edda und der arische Urglaube
The riddle of the Edda and the Aryan original belief
Any idea when we can expect the drop? Will it be pdf? Also congrats on your publication success!
~ 2 months. It just went in for editing and examination. I will give away a few PDFs for you goys but I will try to offer a discount with a limited code if I can do so without being chased away as a kike shill. Can't tell you what the title is yet but I'm sure everyone will enjoy it.
based. thanks for your contribution, user
I was hoping for a modern translation as I heard that the 1800's one was less than stellar, to put it mildly. If I'm not misremembering the guy translated using modern Frisian rather than ye olde version it was written in. Not sure how the German version came to be.
You kikes are always trying to marginalize national socialism with that pagan bullshit.
National socialism is about the folk, asshole. And the decent folks are Christians, not some degenerate semen drinking pagan.
Can you put Siege in Yiddish for me?
look at the chutzpah on this yid
Such a low IQ statement. It is a book published by the biggest NS Verlag of the time and – somehow – therefore I'm a subversive Kike?
LOL, go back to training camp, Levi.
Amazing. That is truly the work of a one shekel per hour Yid.
I think I may have seen a few other translations but I'm not sure if they're complete. I'll have to research the topic and figure out what's what. If it's worth investing time into, I may recruit some guys from here to help patch a good version together.
Can you recommend a good introductory work on this? And I’m assuming the work you just finished translating also focused on this as well, correct? You definitely piqued my curiousity
There is no work that introduces an official plan or anything like that per se, but if you read an assortment of NS literature the picture becomes pretty clear – to the point of being totally evident. Thus, I can't point out any one totally clear proof. But I can suggest some material. Try:
All of Rosenberg's NS-centric work.
Ludendorff's letters to Hitler.
Goebbels's diaries.
And any decent literary coverage on the struggle of the church under NatSoc Germany.
There's even a term for that:
It appears the reason they didn't eradicate the Church was because Hitler knew that banning and lambasting the only popular form of spirituality in one go would lead to the demoralisation of the people and a potential backlash, especially in such trying times, something they didn't need.
You people are so highly seated on that horse that you can't see that morality is, not merely a European possession, but deeply ingrained in the heathen fabric of all of Europe. This is why they spoke of racial souls and why every action towards the Church was conditional on its support for the nationstate.
Like so:
Hitler was also trying to keep the German nation together and rally the support of other nominally Christian nations, including Clerical Italy, Romania and Anglican England. This was a policy to be floating in the best of times, and as Hitler himself said, he was not facing the best of times as a ruler.
Could we collectively assemble a bibliography of NS texts published in the Third Realm? I am just beginning to pen one down based on my meager collection and reading off some sites dedicated to this topic.
Correct and long-term he saw that the best way to do that was by transitioning Germany from Christianity to an NS-designed Paganism. The reason why the Reich was putting so much energy into old German culture and religion and finding ways to implement that. There's zero reason to do that if you are a Christian living in a Christian society. From the Christian worldview, it's just unimportant myth.
I have a list. The total number of works from the NS period is >3000. Good luck.
JJ rub
JJ JJ JJ rub
JJ rub
Thank you. I’m a white nationalist but need to more formally educate myself on this history and on national socialism in general. These sources will be immensely helpful
The Ostara publications would be fantastic.
My pc can't open them. Can you double check, please?
Fedrekult: fra norsk folkeliv i hedensk og kristen tid, by Emil Birkeli needs a good English translation.
Care to share that list then?
Debunk all kike claims SS was into Thule society and following the teaching of master masoness madame blavatsky theosophical society and her little Australian boy fucking associate C W leadbeater.
Do Junger's Feuer und Blut. I will buy a physical copy if you do.
Bumb for actually doing the hard work in spreading some solid info. what's the title of the book that's soon to come out so we can keep an eye out for it?
hey OP there is already a book that is in dire need of translating if you can get your hands on it
Der Aufgang der Menschheit – Herman Wirth
Hitler said in the private table talks that Christianity would wither away on its own, and the state wouldn't interfere.
There already is a work in progress of a translation of the Oera Linda book
It looks like Ch 5 'Das Heilige Jahr' is the bulk of the book, from 189-418. A hefty thing to chip at, but I'm going to try and see how long the whole will take. I want to add a commentary to this one, so I don't want to rush.
Does anyone have or see online a copy of Die Heilige Urschrift der Menschheit?
And he was wrong. It still has not withered away
1 This was written upon all citadels. Before the bad times came (2193 BCE), our land was the most beautiful in all of Wralda. The sun rose higher and there was rarely frost.
2 The trees and shrubs produced various fruits and other foods, which are now lost to us. In the fields we had not only barley, oats, and rye, but also wheat that shined like gold and could be baked in the sun’s rays.
3 The years were not counted, because all the years were just as joyous as another.
4 Wralda’s sea bordered our country on one side and no one but us was able to sail it. On the other side we were protected by Twiskland. Finda’s descendants did not dare cross into our country due to the wild animals and the thick forest.
5 Toward sunrise our boundary went to the Baltic Sea and toward sunset to the Mediterranean Sea; so that besides the small rivers we had twelve large rivers given to us by Wralda to show our seafaring men the way to His Sea.
6 The banks of these rivers were at one time entirely inhabited by our people, as well as the fields on the Rhine from one end to the other.
7 Opposite to Denmark and Juttenland we had farms with a Citadel Maiden. From there we mined copper and iron, as well as tar, pitch, and other resources. Opposite to us we had Westland with Britain, where we mined tin.
8 Britain was the land of outlaws who with the help from their Citadel Maiden had gone away to save their lives. To prevent them from coming back they were tattooed with a B on their forehead, branded with a red dye, and criminals were branded with a blue dye.
9 Our sailors and merchants had businesses in the distant lands of Krekaland and in Libya. Libya is where Lyda’s people descended from.
10 As our country was so great and extensive, we had many different names. Those who were settled to the east of Denmark were called Jutten, because often they did nothing else than look for amber on the shore.
11 Those who lived on the islands were called Letten, because they lived an isolated life. Those who lived between Denmark and Sandval, now the Scheldt, were called Stuurlieden (pilots), Zeekampers (naval men), and Angular (fishermen).
12 The Angular did not fish with nets, but with lines and hooks.
13 Those who were from there to the next Krekaland, were merely called Kadheimer (coastal inhabitants), because they never went to sea.
14 Those who sat in the Hohenmarken, which bordered Twiskland, were called Saxon, on the ground, because they were always armed against the wild beasts and outlaws.
15 Besides these we had the names Landzaten (natives of the land), Marzaten (natives of the fens), and Woud or Hout zaten (natives of the woods).
The second chapter in the Aryan Scriptures tells us about the old land. It describes what it used to be. We can see that old Europe was very different from today. The temperature was warmer and better for farming. In March 2016 a study was done to see what caused the expansion into northern Europe and the decline of farming. "The geographic expansion of LBK populations appears to coincide with winter warming by ca. 2.5°C on average, and an increase in summer and winter precipitation, while its decline is associated with decreases in winter temperature, by ~1.5°C on average, and summer rainfall." (Ref 1). Also the sea surface was warmer than it is now, causing a warming effect on land (Ref 2). This explains why frost was rare.
The foods that were in the old land are described as wheat that no longer exist in the lands. We know that farming and wheat can be dated back to the early neolithic age (Ref 3-5). It is not unreasonable that a lot of the earlier foods produce at these early farms may have been lost or replace with other foods.
One thing to note is the description of the sun rising and setting from North to South. A study was done on the climate changing in N. Africa that took place 4000 years ago going from being a grassy plain to a desert. It was concluded that the root cause was a change in the Earth's orbit. According to this study the Earth's orbit started changing 9,000 years ago forcing a climate change thousands of years later. The Earth's tilt was 24.14 degrees, compared to 23.45 today (Ref 6). We know that the Earth's tilt has change several times since then. The date they use doesn't match with the standing stones found in Scotland. These stones are dated to around 5,000 years ago. They were built to go with astronomical bodies like the sun. If they were then they would be off by some degrees. According to research done on the stone circles on the Ockney Islands by Dr Gail Higginbottom of the University of Adelaide found "the alignment can be off by a degree or two" (Ref 7). These stones show a change in the Earth's orbit which happened again closer to the time of the Sahara plains turning into deserts.
Mining and farming has been apart of Norway for thousands of years going back to the early part of the Mesolithic age (Ref 8). Occupation of the Rhine has always been done. Brandwijk-Kerkhof (ca. 4600 to 3630 cal B.C.) is a Neolithic site, located on a river dune in the Dutch Rhine/Maas river area (Ref 9).
We can see that the bell beaker people emerged out of the Rhine and surrounding areas. We also know they were a sailing nation. Multiple artifacts have been found to support this. Verse 9 said they had Citadels in Libya for trade (Ref 10). The Bell Beaker Empire aka Aryan Empire was throughout all of Europe. This chapter goes into detail what life was like at the height of their empire.
1. The expansion of Central and Northern European Neolithic populations was associated with a multi-century warm winter and wetter climate journals.sagepub.com
2. Sargasso Sea Surface Temperature lv-twk.oekosys.tu-berlin.de
3. Ancient; DNA reveals how wheat came to prehistoric Britain android_asset
4. Why Did Ancient Britons Stop Eating Fish? web.archive.org
5. Food Production in Prehistoric Europe science.sciencemag.org
6. Ancient desertification of Sahara called abrupt, ruinousmpimet.mpg.de
7. Scotland's Standing Stones Really Were Astronomical Devices iflscience.com
8. Was There Really a Neolithic Age in Norway academia.edu
9. Neolithisation at the site Brandwijk-Kerkhof, the Netherlands: natural vegetation, human impact and plant food subsistence openaccess.leidenuniv.nl
10. Bell Beaker Culture cof.quantumfuturegroup.org
There is a lot of talk about where the Aryans came from, but the Oera Linda Book gives a detail lay out of where they are from and they root etymology of the names we use today. Here is the evidence backing the words of our ancestors in the Oera Linda Book that we came from Europe before Doggerland was destroyed. None of these things were known about at the time of the translation of the book in 1867. Therefore these discoveries prove the accounts in the book accurate and our true heritage and history in written form.
1 How the bad times came. All summer long the sun was hidden behind the clouds, as if she did not want to see Irtha. There was a perpetual calm, and a damp mist hung like a wet sail over the houses and the marshes. The air became heavy and dusky and in men's hearts there was neither joy nor cheerfulness.
2 In the midst of this silence Irtha began to tremble, as if she was dying: Mountains split open spewing fire and lava. The high lying lands sunk into her womb, and in low lying fields she raised mountains.
3 Aldland, called by the seafaring people, Atland, disappeared, and the wild waves rose so high over hills and dales that everything was buried in the sea. Our fellow men were swallowed up by the earth, and others who had escaped the fire perished in the floods.
4 Not only in Finda's land did the earth vomited fire, but also in Twiskland. Whole forests were burned one after the other, and when the wind blew from that quarter our land was covered with ashes. Rivers changed their course, and at their mouths new islands were formed of sand and drift.
5 Irtha suffered for three years, when she recovered one could see her scars. Many countries were submerged, and new lands rose from the sea, and over half of Twiskland forests were destroyed.
6 Troops of Finda's people came and settled in the now empty places. Our dispersed people were exterminated or made slaves. Then watchfulness was doubly impressed upon us, and time taught us that union is our greatest defense.
Aldland means old land. The location of Aldland is between Britain, Norway, and the Netherlands. It is known as Doggerland today (Ref 1). Doggerland is believed to have submerged completely around 6000 years ago. One hypothesis believe the melted ice capes sunk the island in a slow process. The writings of our Ancestors says, this happened rapidly in the course of three years and it happened around 4200 years ago.
In chapter two it discusses the vastness of the lands and how their land had 12 rivers and many small ones that only our ancestors could navigate. The dry riverbeds of Britain have been documented by Robert John Langdon and base on his findings he has filled the dry riverbeds on maps today to show us piece of what Aldland looked like (Ref 2). We also know that the 4.2ka bp event happened around this time (Ref 3). Plato almost 2 thousand years later describes the location of Aldland as being pass the straits of Gibraltar. In his tale of ancient history he says an island existed just outside the straits. after 2000 years some of the details would have been lost. Especially if those details were relied upon oral tradition. If you think about how the sailors would travel for trade to get to Lyda's land from Doggerland you would find they would have to go through the straits of Gibraltar. Over time the entry way into the straits could have been mistaken for the location of Aldland.
“This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles;" Plato's Timaeus
What triggered the event that destroyed Aldland?
Evidence exist that the earth was hit with a series of meteors at that time (Ref 4-7). These meteor strikes happened across the globe all at once. These strikes caused massive earthquakes that lasted for a period of 3 years. In Aldland it seems that they were spared any meteor strikes or they would have wrote about it. They do mention how the sun was hidden behind the clouds. This could have been debris that was kicked up from the strikes. The earthquakes soon started after that. In chapter two it mentions that the sun rose and set closer to the north and south. Changing of the Earth's orientation to the sun has been shown to be caused by Earthquakes. According to NASA, "The March 11, magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of each Earth day and shifted its axis" (Ref 8). This was one huge earthquake think about what a series of huge earthquakes which caused volcanic eruptions would do to the Earth.
1. Doggerland - The Europe That Was nationalgeographic.org
2. Prehistoric Map Series of Wiltshire archaeological-sites.co.uk
3. 4.2 kiloyear event en.wikipedia.org
4. Meteor clue to end of Middle East civilisations telegraph.co.uk
5. Massive Meteorite Pulled From Argentina Hole seeker.com
6. Meteorite craters in Australia australiangeographic.com.au
8. Japan Quake May Have Shortened Earth Days, Moved Axis nasa.gov
The Origin and True Identity of White Europeans.
1 This was inscribed upon the walls of Freya's Citadel in Texland, as well as at Stavia and Medeasblik.
2 It was Freya's day, and seven times seven years had elapsed since Fasta was appointed Folkmother according to Freya's will. The citadel of Medeasblik was ready, and a fam (lady) was chosen.
3 Fasta would light the new fire and when she had done so in the presence of the folk Freya called out from Her Watch-Star so that all men-a-like could hear it.
4 Fasta, take your stylus and write the things that weren't known to you. Fasta did as she was told. This is how we Freya's children learn of our origin.
5 This is our origin. Wralda, who alone is good and eternal, made the Tanfang. Then came time. Time wrought all things, even the earth.
6 Earth bore all grasses, herbs, and trees, all good and all bad animals. All that is good and dear she brought by day, and all that is bad and injurious she brought forth by night. After the twelfth Jolfeast she bore three daughters.
7 Lyda out of glowing matter, Finda out of hot matter, and Freya out of warm matter. By Her blot and Wheel Wralda dispels the sins of Adam, so mankind will become wise by Him.
8 As soon as She became full grown dreams of pleasure and delight filled Her and Wralda's order came to be known and now bearing twelve sons and twelve daughters, at each Yuletide, twins. Thereof all mankind come.
27 Freya was white like snow at dawn, and the blue of Her eyes was more beautiful than a rainbow.
28 Beautiful Freya! Like the rays of the midday sun Her hair shined like the webs of a spider.
29 Eloquent Freya! When She opened Her lips the birds became quiet and the leaves became still.
30 Dominate Freya! At the glance of Her eyes the lion lays down at Her feet and the adder withholds his poison.
31 Pure Freya! Her food was sweet like honey and Her drink was dew gathered from the cup of a flower.
32 Enlightened Freya! The first lesson She taught Her children was self-control. The second lesson was a love of virtue. When they were grown She taught them the value of freedom. She said, “Without freedom all virtues will serve to make you slaves, and disgrace your origin.”
33 Mild Freya! She never allowed anyone to dig metal out of the ground for Her benefit, but when She did it was for the benefit of all.
34 Happy Freya! As the stars surround earth, Freya’s children had become many.
35 Wise Freya! When She raised Her children to the seventh generation She called them to Flyland and gave them Her scriptures, saying, “Let this be your guide and it will never fail.”
36 Exalted Freya! When She finished speaking the earth began to tremble like the seas of Wralda. Flyland sunk underneath Her feet and the sky became black and tears fell from Him without end. When they began to look for their Mother She had already risen to Her watch-star. Then thunder burst forth from the clouds, and the lightening wrote upon the sky, “Watch!”
37 Farsighted Freya! The land that which She had sailed from was now just a stream and besides Her counsel all that came from Her hand was gone.
38 Obedient children! When they came to themselves again, they made a high mound and built upon it a citadel. On the walls they wrote Freya’s Counsel. They named the surrounding area Texland so that everyone could find it. So the counsel of Freya shall remain as long the earth remains.
There was a change in the genetic make up of European people around “6,500 years ago” (Ref 1). A child was born that was unique and different from the other races already on Earth. In verses 27 & 28 it describes Her as having blue eyes and White skin with blonde hair. So, we know what Freya looked like, but where was She born? Verse 37 gives us a hint. It tells us, “The land that which She had sailed from was now just a stream.” This doesn’t say it was submerged, but that it was drier. This goes with what is described in a later account about the old country. The verses state “that besides the small rivers we had twelve large rivers given to us by Wralda to show our seafaring men the way to His Sea.” Atland, which means old country, is being described as embodied with many rivers. The description is of Europe’s geographical contours before the 4.2ka BP event (Ref 2, 3).
So, back to the question, where was Freya born? She was born in the area known today as Avebury, Marlborough, UK. In Avebury there are structures that date before 3,000 BCE (Ref 4, 5). Remember verse 37 described the area with water. Today Avebury looks dry, but 4000-5000 years ago it was a different world. There is evidence of Britain being a part of a land bridge which connected to the mainland and Scandinavia.
Robert John Langdon has done extensive research into the dry riverbeds in Britain and Europe. He recreated maps that show what Avebury’s geography before the 4.2ka BP event (Fig 1, 2) (Ref 6, 7). This shows that the Avebury area not only matches with what was written in the Aryan Scriptures, but provides even more insight into our origin. One insight is with Silbury Hill. It shows us that the Hill was one of the oldest structures used for the Sacred Fire (Ref 8). On top of Silbury Hill a fire was attended to which was used for multiple purposes. One purpose was to act as a way for sailors to safely navigate the intricate rivers. Another was for religious teachings first taught by Freya to her children. Eventually these teachings became the first European religion based on their origin, traditions, and the teachings of their Mother Freya. As the children of Freya grew, so did the evidence of their existence.
The Bell-Beaker culture is a people that came between 3000-2500 BCE (Ref 9) that provides evidence of Freya’s people. They are tracked by their very distinct pottery art and garnered the name Bell-Beaker because their pottery is shaped like a bell. Additionally, they worked with various metals for weaponry and art as well as farmed. An extensive genetic study was done revealing a group with Iberian, British, and Anatolian genetic origin evolved in the area and overtook the Neolithic farmers genetically (Ref 10). This is backed by the study that shows modern day Europeans come from three major genetic groups (Ref 11). We have accurate evidence from ancient structures, genetic studies, and writings that illustrate a strong connection with each other.
Below is a map of Europe with evidence of the Beaker culture showing that they were not in just one area but in all of Europe (Fig 3). Notice the large area of orange on the map in Britain illustrating the immense amount of artifacts left by the Bell-Beaker people. These ancient people were Fryan or as we call them now, Aryan. Fryan came from the name of their Mother, Frya known today as Freya. Thus, the creation account in the Aryan Scriptures is proven accurate with the geographical evidence from Langdon and the plethora of archaeological evidence of the Bell-Beaker people.
Now that we know that Freya is the Mother of our people, let us learn about Her. She is the beginning of our culture. And from Her, new moral concepts were given. In verse 29 it says, that even birds became quiet to listen to what She was about to say. She raised Her children with a moral code based off of virtues, verse 32. Freya points out that virtue by itself can lead to enslavement. Today we see this with he majority of White countries becoming slaves to the virtue of altruism by importing people from the world to their lands. Freya is quoted as saying,
“Without freedom all virtues will serve to make you slaves, and disgrace your origin.”
These words hold true. We have disgraced our origin to the point where very few of us know the truth of our path to destruction. Due to the massive immigration in our lands, we have obviously lost our freedoms. Today the meaning of the word freedom has been bastardized and is now equated to individualism. But Freya was much more wise and knew that freedom and individualism cannot stand alone. Following is Her counsel to us:
“Though Him only can I recognize as free who is neither a slave to another nor to his own thoughts.” Freya
This definition shows that true Freedom is not individualism. Individualism is slavery to oneself. The teachings of Freya led to the first governments where the people had no ruler or laws. She created our foundation for free and virtuous societies which led to a the first forms of republics. Verse 36, states She was exalted to Her Watch-Star, Delta Orionis for Her great acts and teachings. The ritual performed for Her exaltation was done by fire. Cremation was a normal act for burial. I hope those who have ask, ‘Who am I’ can answer proudly after reading this information: ‘I am Aryan'
Pic 1. Prehistoric map of Avebury and Silbury Hill showing what the dry river beds looked like 4200 years by Robert John Langdon
Pic 2. Area covered by the initial prehistoric series on a modern OS Map by Langdon found at his site: archaeological-sites.co.uk
Pic 3. The Bell-Beaker culture, c. 2900 – 1800 BC is the term for a widely scattered ‘archaeological culture’ of prehistoric Western Europe
1. Modern Europe’s Genetic History Starts in Stone Age news.nationalgeographic.com
2. 4.2 kiloyear Event en.m.wikipedia.org
3. Was there a ‘4.2 ka event’ in Great Britain and Ireland? Evidence from the peatland Record sciencedirect.com
5. Avebury’s Lost Stone Avenue academia.edu
6. Prehistoric Map Series of Wiltshire archaeological-sites.co.uk
7. Avebury’s ‘Lost’ Stone Avenue (video) m.youtube.com
8. ÆSTÍA – ΕΣΤΙΑ hellenicgods.org
9. Bell-Beaker Culture en.m.wikipedia.org
10. The Beaker Phenomenon And The Genomic Transformation Of Northwest Europe biorxiv.org
11. Ancient Human Genomes Suggest Three Ancestral Population for Present Day Europeans nature.com
I've been looking for a translation of Leon DeGrelle's 'souls that burn', I can find Spanish and French translations but none in English. My French is weak and my Spanish even weaker.
I just find the guy really interesting. Sort of a personal embodiment of the spirit of a heroic age. I've read his accounts on the western front and his history of the SS but I'd be interested in his personal account and I think plenty of people would be interested as well.
Once I am able to, soon, I will open a Wordpress blog where people can pay, perhaps also in Bitcoin or whatever other wallet they use, for translations. Someone has requested NS publications from South America like Serrano, the Chilean NS Party, the Argentinian NS Party etc. Also, loads of German nonfiction texts are inaccessible to English monolinguists because postwar Academe would rather ignore them. I would like to translate them, but I need funds to buy them, and to spend time translating. I would also like to mark my own annotations in these works, to act as a commentary bringing older ideas into modern context. Philology is the White Mans Domain, and I intend to keep it so.
There should be a a thread abput books from different reigions about national socialism or some other issues we are facing.
Nice pic of hitler user.
requesting these
yes, and it was around this time that the vatican mobilized against germany. if hitler had not made that fateful comment and held onto these thoughts till after the war, who knows how things might have turned out. if you look at the areas of germany that were genocided it becomes apparent they were all non catholic areas. one needs to play chess with the vatican not go in full bore.