The sooner you come home, the sooner we can declare independence. Post your Northwest Initiative OC.
Also I'm looking for somewhere I can buy the flag. Sure, I can make one, but I'd rather not. Anyone know of anywhere?
The sooner you come home, the sooner we can declare independence. Post your Northwest Initiative OC.
Also I'm looking for somewhere I can buy the flag. Sure, I can make one, but I'd rather not. Anyone know of anywhere?
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Washington's a shithole, beaners and nigs everywhere.
Your better off trying for Oregon,Idaho, Montana
Eastern WA is bro tier. But Western WA, especially Seattle? FIle name related.
I already live there, in a 70% zone. Looking to move to an adjacent 80% zone within a year. Measles is just as sensationalized as ebola was. We'll all be fine.
A contender for most nukable state
That's 3½ states m8 gg better luck next time
In this economy you must not have any qualifications to have trouble finding a job.
Or the farmers selling the majority of their harvest to chinks.
Protip:fuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn nothaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn
This, why not Montana? It's the size of a medium sized European country and barely has a million people living in it, that means the land is cheap as fuck. It's 90% huwite and the rest is injuns, >.5% nigger.
The per-capita child rape count there is 3x every other state.
Are there that many jews there? Or is it shitskins raping their own?
Too dry for coastal Europeans. Maybe inland Slavs or Czechs.
The NWF touted migration but the NA claims they'll actively assist you. Come to Oregon and reclaim your birthright user.
Here's Harrold Covington's "The Brigade". Reads like one part manual, one part novel, one part masturbatory aid.
Also I've met no less than 5 virgins since I moved here, all in the church, 4 of which want to be simple housewives and pop out a bunch of kids, all looking for their HUSBANDS.
Violence is the only way to solve these problems.
I'd probably give it a shot if somebody threw me a job up there just to get me on my feet initially. Doing whatever, I don't care.
Take down the Lenin statue in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood in the shadow of a Fag Mason building. Or at least expose its alignment to UW's Red Square and where it triangulates to.
I can’t tell anymore if this is bait or you’re just a boomer.
Washington is under 70% white. the only actual (mostly) white regions of the USA left are West Virginia (lower class heroin land) and Northern New England (upper class heroin land). "balkanization" or "secession" are impossible, the predecent that it is impossible to leave the union was established in the civil war. if that didn't happen then- basically a third of the country legally declaring independence through their legal representatives and often referendum as well- then it's not going to happen now because some 1% of the population doesn't want white people to go extinct
Can you recommend some good Civil War material? It's a period I'd like to understand better.
is someone gonna try doing this?
I bet living in an all-white state is comfy
You need to start taking closer looks at statistics and demographics.
That's like saying that the American Revolution was doomed to failure because the precident was already set that revolt against the King was impossible during the Peasant's Revolt in the late Middle Ages.
lol no most of rural WA is full of Mexicans
So, you just go to church and start chatting up random chicks? How did the topic of virginity enter the conversation?
Really? I was in WV a few months ago and I didn't see any Mexicans.
Do you live in WV?
Yeah, Iowa is almost 90 percent white and look what happened to Mollie Tibbetts
Your priorities are all fucked up.
Non-whores are upset that the Talmudvision keeps telling them to suck dick, when their own consciences tell them to marry first. This will become apparent in the course of talking to them. There's nothing quite like the bashful look on a 22-year-old virgin girl's face when she "confides" in you that she's "not very popular," only to seem to glow when you validate her excellent life choices.
Marry one of them, user. Fuck her until a white baby falls out, then repeat the process.
It is the 33rd state after all, pedo masons have to hang out somewhere
In that case, we have work to do. We must drive them back into the sewers the kikes call "cities"
Montana, West Virginia, or South Dakota are your best bets if you don't want to be pozzed by shitty local gubmint run by hipster retards.
if you don't kick us out first you will fail
No thanks. Too much rain.
I can’t tell anymore if this is bait or you’re just a boomer.
Can’t speak for the other states, but Oregon has a pretty diverse climate, it’s much drier in the eastern part of the state
California is probably more to your liking then.
Running away doesn't fix the problem.
Maine has the least shitskins, but the somalians are adding up.
IDK why you retards want a nation under a chinese colony
Has anyone here actually moved to the Pacific Northwest to be a part of this? Or are you all LARPers?
Get out.
The (((organization))) has existed for decades and absolutely nothing has come of it. It's a honeypot. Report all these threads for spam.
I ask because I'm already out here and I've never heard of this outside of Zig Forums.
Exactly. It's controlled opposition.
Why would you hear about it outside of here? No one is going to be broadcasting it for everyone to hear. The whole point is that you come here on your own and establish yourself, help other whites, get into local politics. It’s playing the long game
You've clearly never been to New England. Most of Maine, for example, is working class.
No thanks. Not enough snow.
Portland is a kike nexus.
Seattle is essentially the same.
Bend, OR. Pretty dry most of the year but great area for snow
Running away Never solved anything
You guys have been saying this crap for decades. People will continue to say this crap for decades. And guess what, nothing will ever happen because nothing has happened
But consolidation has on many occasions.
We're regrouping.
You know how jews took over the world? By being all over the world.
Urge to not kill myself and finish University rising now.
Even when I was there 18 years ago, "Seattle mentality" was present in eastern Washington when talking to people.
Yea and the entire city of Portland is raging liberals. Been going there my entire life, family lives on one of the islands in Casco bay.
New England is fucked. Have fun with your Democrat governor and democrat state congress. Same goes for every other state in New England as well
Where are they really firing off from and where to?
You come to the NW yid and you're fucking dead.
Those are the faggots that attempted to flee the shithole they created. We have so many fucking boeing cunts over on this side it's pathetic.
Why leave you alive to come back later?
Yep in the fall during harvest because boomers don't want to hire their community members and instead import actual aficans or mexicans.
homeschooling is all but illegal there. people report on each other to child protection services for that shit. Fuck Idaho. Fuck Oregon.
It only rains all day where leftists live.
Do you not know how to do any of those? And isn't that kind of mostly-unnecessary help contributing to the other places getting infested?
Still is if you go to spokane or talk to some leftist who went to school out there. I remember some paki injun girl trying to act all smart and creative after having a useless undergrad in nothing and a masters in Architecture. Diversity is such a fucking failure. She was fat and ugly and rayciss because I am tall and handsome and nordic.
You must live near a city.
can you provide a source specifically about child rape? because i found some that say Oregon is up there for overall per capita
Oregon is a shithole THey are taking away our guns and making people put a camera in their house if they have kids (so pedos can go shopping I guess). Oh!! and you can't build a fucking house on your land! Its bullshit of the highest degree.
Why go claim a place you already have? Makes no sense. Claim something you DON'T have.
I just can't see any way to save the US at this point? Is the move to pull a Snowden and defect to Russia? Would that actually be possible for an average joe?
Alaska you fags. Big, cheap and cold. few niggers allot of ingines but they can be delt with if we had enough of "our boys" there. It'll likely be one of the first to leave the union when shit gets wild. and for defense we can just fight like the rooskies used to. pull back and let the winter sort them out.
We are Hews now. Got it.
What a fucking nightmare.
The independent natsoc state would persecute my Christian faith in ways the current system don't. Any initiative that any broad white American support needs to promise religious liberty.
Ease up a bit.
Get off the internet and get your ass to school child.
>the (((current system))) is better for Christians
What more do you need to realize that Christianity is a tool of the jews?
"System" not meaning current Christian leadership, I mean the restrictions on the state.
No, you mean restrictions by the state, you incoherent christcuck idiot.
Nobody cares if you're Christian so long as you keep it to your goddamn self. But, of course that's impossible for you, because your semitic holy book orders that you proselytize to every non-believer, doing the jew's work - of pacifying goyim - for them.
Jews are an ethnocentric, powerful, and rich minority. We are not, though we are a minority.
If you would simply examine the history of guerrilla warfare, you will find that one of the ways that guerilla movements become standing armies that are able to drive out security forces are by way of ethnic concentration in a geographic area (usually with natural features that aid in ambushing or blocking security forces). The guerrilla bands conduct attacks against enemy occupiers until they are driven into the cities where they isolate themselves in their barracks. The rebels then start to secure the countryside while launching attacks against the besieged security forces. It is very, very beneficial when a large portion of a local population already agrees with the cause of defeating ZOG or whatever the enemy is. This plan would concentrate White nationalists to a degree that would allow such actions to be taken.
On the flip side, we are as dispersed as you could possibly get at this point. And revolution has not taken place. The closest thing we have to resistance is stochastic terrorism. Which any intelligent person will realize is not very effective.
No. It would just persecute boomer retards like yourself.
This plan would concentrate White nationalists to a degree they could be more easily targeted by the most powerful military in the world. We already have the precedent set many times over that when a small subset of the jewish empire tries to break away, the might of its pawns comes bearing down on it. Balkanization before the enemy is weak strikes me as suicide.
Sure. Restrictions from the state are fewer. I was phrasing it the other way, to say the state is more restricted against meddling in my church.
This is what I'm talking about.
I am a young engaged white man about to marry my traditional Christian virgin fiance. Both of us are entirely behind the 14 words. I would be willing sacrifice my comfort and leave my kin for the sake of the survival of our race, but this movement is explicit that it would persecute me.
Balkanization is a kike shill tactic.
That's actually just silly. You're not thinking clearly.
The pacific northwest is hundreds of thousands of square miles. It has some of the most rugged terrain in America.
You're imagining that the pacific northwest is a tiny section of America with a miniscule population. A few thousand White nationalists move there and suddenly the pacific northwest is 99% White nationalist or something and ZOG just arrests us all in some Hollywood raid or something.
Think about it a little more in depth.
It was illegal for the Americans to secede from Britain too. And there was precedent that rebellion would be crushed. But reality is shaped by those with the power to enforce our reality upon the world.
Balkanization makes the enemy weak.
To sum up, you have three flaws in your thinking
1. You misunderstand how guerrilla warfare works and misunderstand the geography and demographics of America.
2. You put too much faith in precedent and legality and too little on violence and force. The USA is unprecedented but maintains itself and its laws through force.
3. Your "plan" is to wait for outside forces to take down the USA. That's not a real plan. That's just waiting around.
Even if this magical collapse that everyone has been talking about for 50 years happened, without organization you would be in no position to fill the vacuum if it came.
History is made by those who make it. Not by the peasants who wait for things to change for them.
You're a retarded kike worshipper that would allow niggers and other subhumans to flood into any ethnostate because "help thy neighbor" and "they is gud christian bois mah nigga".
No, I wouldn't
How hard is that to understand
I wouldn't. A lot of the anti-Christian hostility you experience is simply a reaction to Christian threats to persecute White people who aren't Christian (should they ever seize power)
I personally see this as a far more likely occurrence than Pagans or Atheists persecuting Christians.