Hey Zig Forums, I'm starting this thread in part to vent, but also to ask for advice and just generally have a thread about what can be done about the public/private education system in America. I recently took on a long-term sub position at a title 1 (poorer than fuck) public school in a literal ghetto. My class consists of the worst nigglets, mutts and wiggers that have ever crawled out of a vagina. There's little to no actual instruction because all they do is shout at each other, fight each other, steal from each other, and demand snacks. Apparently the entire school up to this point has failed to instill any sort of discipline within these students, and the vast majority of them are either being raised by a grand parent or other legal guardian due to their biological parents being dead/in jail/ completely worthless as human beings. On one hand I'm disgusted not just by the whole clusterfuck but by my dumbass actually taking the job and thinking I'm gonna make any sort of difference, and sad knowing that even though these kids are a bunch of little shits but this situation is not their fault. These kids are essentially doomed to either die early in a gang shootout or in jail when they can no longer afford their ADD/Antidepressant meds and chimp out. At best they might make it out of their hood on a scholarship but even then they're almost guaranteed to demand gibmedats. Why even bother wasting tax money to keep them in school? What do you think I should do here? I'm expecting the typical edgy "shoot up the school" responses, but anyone with any advice related to education would be greatly appreciated.
nope, dedicated fascist of some regard, I'm still reading up on all that.
I chose this field for philosophical reasons, not for money. I am reconsidering this at this point, fuck
Also any natsoc/fascist motivational pics or publications would be nice.