Let's clarify white genocide
White genocide was never about the last white man, shivering in the cold atop a mountain, dying and taking his genes with him. It is not total extinction, but reduction to (eventually) South Africa-tier minority status in our own countries. We are unlikely to become technically extinct – the fate we are fighting to prevent is actually more dire than that; becoming the despised minority under a retarded nigger regime that will be blaming and punishing our descendants for every failure they cause for a thousand years. The horror of it all will be the white father in the year 2150, who has to stand by approvingly while his daughter is deflowered by a nigger cop collecting his pussy bribe. The shame of it; the total end of pride that comes after our people are (((democratically))) defeated and the implications of equality-liberalism have driven us hurtling backward in an almost impossible reversal of history.
As for white genes, those will linger on. In this horrible potential future, some remnant of whites can persist, along with the genetic heritage of our people. Hell, the fucking Tibetans are still technically there, and Han displacement aside, they'll still have descendants hundreds of years from now.
No, the real disgrace is not even the rapes and the torture, all of it done by sub-80-IQ niggers who think they have every right because Commissar Shlomo told him he was still being oppressed. The disgrace will be the waste of fucking potential.
If our ancestors of the, oh I don't know. . . let's go with the 1940s, had only had the guts to pack up the niggers and ship them to Africa with the new dual monarchy of Israel and Malagasy, then we and our German kinfolk would have annihilated communism by 1950 with a rain of atomic bombs. Our first Moon landings would have been a decade earlier, and the first Mars landing would have been in 1975. By the end of the century, the population of Africa would have been back where it belonged, in the low-hundred millions, all the pastoral lifestyle would support. Latin America would be a sea of brown peasants with no medical care utterly dominated by the large and growing white ruling class. East Asia would be quiet as the tomb, with the Japanese honorably pruning the Chinese bonsai tree to just about 250 million near-slaves. And we whites would have built the first of a trillion space colonies to orbit the Sun and achieve a K-II civilization within the lives of our great- great-grandchildren. In a thousand years, we would have colonized a hundred systems, and in a million the galaxy. Then, our descendants so remote they have evolved beyond our imaginations will get real fucking serious and send generation ships into the Virgo cluster for some serious colonization.
Instead, we are now debating whether:
There are at least two alternate quantum universes out there. In one, the timeline I described above is happening right now. In the other, the other timeline I described will happen. Our life's goal is to shift from one wave form to the other, and to restore what always should have been.
Attached: Space_Force_One.jpg (1920x1200, 596.81K)