Thomas Cheung arrested for arranging to have sex with a kid
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Literally who?
Still none the wiser tbh.
Explain who this pedofaggot is.
Some game developer from a studio i'v never heard of making games i'v never heard of.
malefeminist, twitchfag, youtube partner and child predator
"male femenist turns sexual abuser/pedo" is the "anti-gay politician found in a fag orgy" for millenials and zykloners.
I have no clue who that is
Interesting how that's reflected in the Franklin Scandal being perpetrated by republicans, and the recent pizzagate revelations involving democrats.
You can't make this shit up.
Fine let's play a real game. Let me go change the rules again.
I only remember Smite because I heard and read about it fucking everywhere because it was one of those fad games.
Everyone involved in politics is a sexual deviant.
To be honest, every VIP/admin/celebrity on a platform with over 100k users will have endless opportunity to sleep with underage females. This is almost never through grooming or solicitation. Jailbait scene girls will throw themselves on these people as if they were in a band or on tv. Where the platform culture is startup, devs will be used to an atmosphere of underage hookup drama.
I hate this guy just looking at him. Don't care what happens tbh. But how severe was this? Was he trying to rent a trafficked child, or did he think he was hooking up with a daddy-issues middle schooler?
And nothing of value was lost.
Jetpack fighter is breddy gud
You mean the streaming platform that sandnigger Hassan uses to groom underage girls for sex trafficking to his sandnigger benefactors?
I was told by a political staffer years ago that politicians are not family men.
Considering "child" can mean anything from "an actual toddler" to "a 17-year-old that told me she was 25 and she looked it", I'll choose to withhold judgement.
Also, if you think there any actual homosexuals who are white-knighting beta feminists, that's hilarious. Talk about the ONE group that literally has nothing to gain by associating with women at all.
Define "kid" and "children". Wanting to fuck a 16 yr old girl isn't pedophilia.
is that you Sam.
Anyone behind what happened to tribes has to be fucked up.
Head of legal department Jason Bentley blogs about all the times he watched children be fucked. He censors ABC gay journalist posted content exposing Gary dowsett head of safe schools and AMBLA.
It isn't and it's legal in many countries.
dubs man…you did it
Hideous bugman with bad skin
Decides to attract attention to his ugliness by coloring his faggot coif mauve.
Simple solution.
(don't tell me it's a fake picture; I so want it to be true)
Ching Chong Chinaman
"our country"