More nigger on white violence, when will it ever end?
Black students stalk and beat white students at Centennial High in Las Vegas:
Centennial High School:
10200 Centennial Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89149
Phone: 702.799-3440
More nigger on white violence, when will it ever end?
Black students stalk and beat white students at Centennial High in Las Vegas:
Centennial High School:
10200 Centennial Pkwy.
Las Vegas, NV 89149
Phone: 702.799-3440
And those shitskins all look like they're in their 20's.
After he got banned Colin Flaherty's videos disappeared off my You Tube feed. Now they're being reposted by others and they're flooding my You Tube feed again. I've been watching all these shitskins misbehavin'.
There's no way feral animals like this should be thrown in among the lambs.
I had to go to public school with niggers in the south, and once their hormones kick in around the time of middle school, they literally turn into feral savages over night. They'll attack other students, teachers, and school staff…I've seen it all.
My first week of 8th grade I bore witness to a school janitor being pummeled by an oversized negroid ape all because his broom accidentally hit the ape's shoes.
Imagine living in a society where white men are shamed for defending themselves. That’s the one we’re living in
Why are white parents putting their kids in inner city public schools again? Can anyone please explain this to me? Are 'kwans really that retarded?
Because we're all equal and any episode of mass nigger violence is just an isolated incident. The schools are very racist places on an institutional level, what with the school-to-prison pipeline and all, so it's the duty of right-thinking white families to apply their children's privilege to make positive change.
Have you not been getting the memos, user?
Maybe the white student brought it upon himself. He is probably one of those retards that has no situational awareness and calls random black people niggers. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Never because you don't kill anyone. The end. This is beyond simple.
Because boys are treated as disposable trash by burgers. Their parents mutilate their genitals from birth, despite every single actually white nation rightfully recognizing this as a savage, subhuman practice that permanently stunts brain development. If you're willing to mutilate your son's penis, sending them to a nigger school is nothing by comparison.
Hmm trying to avoid datamining via pictures, if you're doing this via a phone, or taking the pic via a phone with GPS you're boned.
To be fair to the guy there is software out there that can read and wipe exif data. I know ifranview used to do it, but I don't know how pozzed it's become throughout the years.
You sure are one based nigger, nigger. Welcome to Zig Forums. Make yourself at home here; we were all just leaving.
That nigger hates whites. He admitted as much in a stream a couple years ago where he was driving with some sheboon and talking about the OJ trial.
No. I was just being a faggot.
Show us your skin color
Good. That's a healthy attitude for a nigger to have. He's got every right to feel nationalistic attachment to his own bestial people, and I certainly don't need or want his affection.
You could learn a thing or two from this nigger.
You mean Zig Forums?
Right on fucking cue.
Metadata is scrubbed.
Kill yourself cuckold.
Not the point, autist. Learn to fucking read and then brush your teeth with shotgun pellets, faggot
Trump's bringing all of Africa to America, and once chain migration kicks in we're fucked, just saying.
why the fuck are you hand writing replies, this is the second one i have seen
==This brave Aryan sacrificed himself to put 4 blacks in jail for a very long time. #winning=
you could automate this in the same way that human-checking images are formed.
no point writing something and taking a photo. also the camera model can be traced even with exif data, not to mention confirmed with lense micro-scratches.
cut out the middle man, find a text maker. you could do it with a photoshop script in a few minutes even.
Phone: 702.799-3440
It's after hours and no one is answering and unless you know a directory # there is no way to leave a message.
Call back in the morning?
We need to call them daily until something is done.
No comments yet on that second nigger's hair?
they're not you stupid motherfucker, parents have no control over their own school district, they have to by law send them to the school in their school district
jesus christ Zig Forums really has gone full retard
nigger what?
White Nationalists will kosher pill the White Race for the Jews.
I have seen a situation similar to this. At least 1/40 posters is that one geek who taunts to malformed.
That's what happens when you have to repeat each grade 3 times.
tfw I recognize them as "Kid and Play", and discover that it is "Kid n' Play".
I'm black, acknowledge these facts, and I hate my people for it. Do I get points?
White kids need to stay in groups and fight together no matter what. If a white kid sees another white kid fighting a darky he should attack the darky without question.
When 90% was f your race is actively trying to destroy our race, why should we take the time to separate you from your people when at the end of day you have done nothing to help us? Why can't the good blacks get the rest of their race to stop being tools for Jewish world domination?
If you're a good black, you should be focusing on how to improve your own race. Studying what enviornment your people are best adapted to, what sort of cultural and economic system is best for them, and how they be self-sufficient.
You should get yourself a copy of Leni Reifenstahls Africa books, "Last of the Nuba" and the rest, and see what Noble black people actually look like. Recognize that black people will never be white and that that isn't actually a bad thing so long as we stay in our different corners of the Earth. You should be focusing on creating an African version of National Socialism.
If you're actually mixed though, and have large parts of European DNA in your body, as most American blacks do, then you should be focusing on finding an Island nation somewhere away from Africa where you can create a mulatto society. At the end of the day, it isn't my job as a White man to toil away trying to fix your problems, my ancestors tried that, and now we're nearly extinct. So stay the fuck away from us and solve your own shit.
The greatest biological plague in the history of mankind. As it spreads so to will every single thing die that it spreads to. There are (literally) no exceptions.
The White kids should team up if they are getting attacked, just lure them in to a bottle neck where a car can fit and gas it.
YouTube comments give me hope for America. I would civil war with them when Trump loses in 20 months.
Homeschooling, nigger.
Reminder that if you're asking questions like the following:
You are missing the forest for the trees. You have so many niggers in the United States that they form gangs and attack white kids. The time of questioning stopped in the 60's. The time for extermination began a long time ago.
The problem is that most White Americans are spiritual kikes. Don't forget that White Americans are descendants of the zogbots that firebombed Germany, raped German women, and destroyed the greatest nation which ever existed.
White Americans were so depraved they would send the skulls of Japanese men that they killed back to their girlfriends. The descendants of those scumbags aren't any better. White Americans deserve to be eradicated alongside their niggers, they are spiritually the same.
I agree fully. The mass culling of lemming whites is simple eugenics at this point. Let Aryan predators prey.