Explain me this you faggots. 60% of the US is white. 2-4% of US is Jewish. Right now there’s black pills on the genocide of the white race. Everyone bitches about how bad white altruism is. About how bad it is that we evolved a pathological need to help others. If whites evolved to survive through freezing temps, wars, and destruction of the past, why wouldn’t they evolve to awaken against the attack on their race? Right now whites are being born into families that are responding to the evolutionary pressure. They are learning the faults of altruism, and the out group danger of jewish supremacists. The jews are creating a stronger race to contend with, they aren’t destroying it.
Explain me this you faggots. 60% of the US is white. 2-4% of US is Jewish...
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Race is the emergent consequence of the sum total of the selective pressure on a confined gene pool. It is not an organism in itself, nor is there any particular reason why the race should evolve as a unit. Individuals live and die, while their genes pass along or do not pass along. Gangs of genes, called gene complexes or "geneplexes" produce most of the traits the individuals who have them express. Bundle together a bunch of these traits, which is what happens when there's gene flow within but not between populations, and the outward traits of a single race begin to emerge.
Short version: You can be part of a race right now, but there's absolutely no selective pressure working to keep that race intact. Selection could easily favor your (currently white) gene complexes breaking up and hopping into spic and nigger gene pools. In that case, your jungle fever phenotype would persist, while more dignified strains go extinct.
Tl;dr: Evolution does not preserve races. Isolation does. Individuals of any race could have endless offspring in different races, and the individual genes would be just as happy.
Pick one and only one.
The white race is a world minority at less than 8% of the total population.
Aside from actual genocide, soft jewish genocide of whites is too slow to sidestep evolution. A certain number of whites will evolve beyond the pressure of their demise. The Jews would bank on two things for white genocide. Communist mass murders, war whites fight, or transhumanist ai.
This is assuming that the white race will race mixe. The numbers and instinct alone say otherwise.
Yep. Dumbfucks thought mixing Europeans would make the EUropeans forget about their culture but it just made pan-europeans who love all European culture but especially their own. That is why they are pushing so hard for non-european migrants into European countries, so that they can try again. Problem is the mixed races already exist in other places and, once everybody has dna test kit in home buy bento, they will find they are genetically closest to north africans or arabs or mongolians or whatever and fuck off to there and/or stop mixing with Europeans.
It's like 20%.
Oh user, I dont know how to tell you this, but the jew subversion of white women is strong.
Pic related, 4/2016.
They will. Even a fucking dog would. They just need more child rapes and murders. Shit has to touch them. Something on (((tv))) is entirely different than having Tyrone in your living room from a home invasion, raping and killing your family.
Also, all the benevolent shit you mention is largely the result of kike religion which is thoroughly dead now. Good and bad with that but it's another talk.
Yea verily, for the Jew always shittith his own nest.
Actually, the Jew population in the U.S. was at it's height at around 3%
It's currently less than 2%, and dropping.
They are Jewing the Whites so hard to wreck their own race, that it's affecting the Jewish numbers, as well.
And with the small number of Jews in the U.S., they will be dissipated long before we are.
Amschel Rothschild's daughter, Kate Rothschild/Goldsmith is already a coalburner:
"Kate Emma Rothschild (born 1982) who married Ben Goldsmith, a son of the late billionaire Sir James Goldsmith and Lady Annabel Goldsmith), in 2003 at St. Mary's Church in Bury St. Edmunds. They have three children. In 2012, the couple announced they were divorcing after it was alleged Kate had an affair with American [nigger] rapper Jay Electronica"
And other Jewish women are burning coal at unprecedented rates, as well.
When you point your propaganda at the general population, you should remember that your own kind are part of that population.
Meanwhile you post 11 and 8 year old stats. At least come with more relevant numbers.
Try again Levi.
This and including jewish genetic's predilection towards schizophrenia and degeneracy, jewish women are likely to follow this propaganda. Traditional mainline jews not as much.
It seems jewish mindset does aggrandize destruction of external environment for superiority of internal tribe. This is why they are so unintentionally self defeatist, and seemingly intelligently stupid in their decisions. Basically 'shit you hasidic nigger, what are you doing?'
Actually, the last count I heard was almost a decade ago, and it was estimated at 18%.
It has probably dropped since then, with third-world populations exploding due to free food from the west.
The white population is, in reality, increasing, but it is not increasing as fast as other race's populations, and in their own countries they are losing percentages of population ENTIRELY due to massive immigration.
Jew filth will tell you it's because whites are not having enough children, and the nations NEED immigration to make up for it, but this has never been the case. in many white countries the population was at 0% increase, it had actually stabilized, which is nature's way of saying you have populated your territory to maximum, time to level off. The Japanese overpopulated their territory, and nature was trying to bring their population down to maximum, but the filthy globalist trash running the world are giving THEM the same lie.
It's really simple…do you WANT to be China or India, where the population is out of control, and people are cheap, throwaway commodities, easily replaced and not really worth anything?
Or do you want an actual nation, with a stable population, where jobs, food, environmental concerns, all balance out with the number of citizens?
Most Jews the type who Zig Forums hates are actually very generous, but only to other jews.
The atheist non-observant Jews may as well be gentiles, but the ones like myself who are apart of the synagogue community simply dont help gentiles.
I work jewerly in NYC and only hire jews, better yet ones I know from shul. I know I can trust them to work well and be loyal, bad things happen to Jews who steal from other Jews; it's not done.
Here is some silver from today btw, its 392oz; I'm not JIDF, just a far right jew :)
Checks out; this kike knows his audience has a thing about silver.
Keep up the fun-posting, Jew-user. You'll be the last in line for history's first-ever gas showers.
Thanks guys, I know I'm a walking stereotype and accept & embrace it:)
Some golden eagles and a mans wedding ring from this morning, my treat!
Altruism itself is great. We need to reserve it for our families.
I'll give you this, you stepped right up in the belly of the beast.
But imagine if I said I owned a business, and we only hire white people.
How long before The ACLU would be knocking on my door, with a lawsuit?
Have YOU ever been hit with a lawsuit, for only hiring Jews?
Yea, didn't think so.
Ethnic nepotism is only allowed for non-whites and Jews, so you and the nog are brothers (even though the nogs hate you).
And you wonder why people have despised Jews throughout the ages…
Though to be fair, the issue isn't really altruism. Altruism is to give freely, which is suicidal. If we did that, they wouldn't have to guilt trip us. What's happening is that our reciprocity is being taken advantage of with lies and propaganda. We give 'altruistically' in an effort to reciprocate for the perceived wrongs of ourselves and our inherent original sin (white 'privilege') of building a beautiful world from the ground up through hard work.
We're getting wise to the propaganda, and realizing we've been had. The other side of the coin of reciprocity is a swift retaliatory sense of justice. When we wrong others, we want to make up for it; and when others wrong us, we MAKE them make up for it.
Yet WN Nazi fags are the first to fuck up any attempt by Whites to do the same nepotism in their own defense,.
because christcuck conditioning destroys ethnic protection.
How so?
Race can be viewed like Gaia theory, as a form of super or meta organism. We do have genetic interests that manifest most obviously as instinctive in-group preference from birth. Its not the only factor but it IS a factor.
Culture and general world view can serve to reinforce or hinder this as we are learning the hard way.
Still, race is effectively functions as a super-organism.
Dont worry mr.gentile, I'm real :)
Government theft is the problem, not white altruism. It's a shame Macron chose to be a faggot rather than lead the way on evolving democracy so people can get back the power they lost to corporations.
Yuck, cheap gold-nugget ring.
Those things went out in the 70's,
Stopped reading right there. Filtered.
12k gold is still gold, it will most likly be sold for scrap.
it's was bit more damaged then it looks in both pics, so I will prolly get maybe 3% below spot on scraps.
That's a known shill, don't bother.
The jew is HIV.
3% is not bad, it usually run's 3% to 5% below spot with the metals dealers around here, depending on who you go with.
but buying is pretty cheap, running at 2 bucks above spot (per ounce) for any denomination of bullion, silver or gold.
I remember when it was a buck, but transport costs have gone way up, I suppose…
It makes me feel better to know some of you will be caught in my country when the trap springs. Just a little disappointed how few of you there really are. I'm gong to have to make whole squads be content with sharing one of you apiece, if you survive the fires that is. I doubt many of you will though. And once that's all squared away, there won't even BE a US military to protect you in your dehydrating piece of shit desert. And then you'll get zerg rushed by your genetic relatives. All /ourguys/ are basically experts on kike genetics at this point too, cryptos won't escape either. Quite honestly I may never even SEE a kike execution, considering how many peoples you've made lust for your extermination. That's fine with me, as long as the job gets done. Try to enjoy your last moments of hubris as much as I'll enjoy my infinite future of Aryan prosperity.
stay made goy, were here to stay.
The historical record suggests otherwise. . .
christcuck White altruism beget the government theft.
This may be the case now, but 10, 20, 30, 40 years out you will be a minority. Enjoy your white privilege while it lasts, your numbers are ever shrinking.
The Jewish people are stronger then ever before, while the white race cowers before the negro and their new yellow colonial masters.
Stay mad whitoid.
Kill yourself zeemaps meetup fed shill.
Your strengths are chutzpah and in group preference.
Thats it.
As for the op. I see a lot of childless femicunts. So i guess, yeah, if we survive this may well have served as the scraping away of that which is weak leaving the strong to flourish through bloody civil war.
Imagine a world who has become aware that jews had white countries invaded to get them genocided. Where every jew can be dragged in the streets and beaten to death by hundreds of furious natives, without any need for firing squads and gas chambers.
You raised the stakes too high, this time. Israel is no refuge: if it ever strikes at a European country, that scenario will happen simultaneously in the entire world.
It would make interesting fantasy for sure, but sadly has no basis on reality.
Nigger, they had to make rules to stop jewing each other and direct it towards goyim instead. They are the exact opposite of generous. Everything they do is measured in personal gain, whether it is direct wealth, or favors, etc. Generosity is anathema to them.
56%, to be precise
Focus that on killing all non-whites.
Contribute to genocide all other races, and make the world a White People only world.
He was calling the 4% yids white.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and every white father I know, save one, is arming themselves. Only one of us was armed before 2016.
And that one outlier who isn't arming up is a settled down chad. But his wife is going off the rails. They agreed to have only one kid because the dad didn't want to have children in the first place, but agreed to one. Despite this she nagged him for over a year after their first kid for a second kid. She continued until one morning he had a stroke and she finally backed down and agreed to be happy with their child. This all happened about five years ago.
Fast forward to sometime over Christmas when she came home from a party with her newly adopted black baby. Is she trying to kill her chad provider? Is she trying to make him divorce her? I am assuming this guy will be leading the charge on the DOTR.
Never post here again.
Yup. This is why whites have faced the brink of destruction multiple times, got woke, then retaliated with the fury of 1000 suns, smiting their enemies
larp detected
oy vey why do they persecute me
Ever wonder why it's hard to find positivity on Zig Forums? This thread proves it. They want you to feel negative and depressed. The man who is positive about the future has purpose. They don't want Zig Forums to be positive.
Exactly, and this time they cannot rewrite the internet like they did with WWII history. The truth runs deep.
Back when cincinnati was 90+% german stock. We used to build cool shit.
Now it's a nigger filled waste, seems like 90% Germans means the death of city.
Liberalism will be gone in the next generation.
99% of liberals don't reproduce, and maybe like 10% of conservatives reproduce
Means the next generation will be only hardcore white supremacists.
Do you even population genetics?
Why would they ever do that?
Altruism is a false god.
Nothing is free.
Thank god at least the jews will die out.