Imagine you are an extremely creative and curious child. The world is so vast and you know so little about it—naturally you desire to learn everything you can. Nature itself is the catalyst for the long journey that you are about to embark on. You ask your father why water in the world never runs out. You inquire why bees buzz around flowers. Your immediate family and books are the source of your answers. The means of satisfying that burning question in your brain that you so desperately want to know the answer to. The world was wondrous then, and there was so much to learn.
Then you grew older. You began to pay more attention to the adults talking about politics. You began to take an actual interest in the world events that you saw on the TV or heard on the radio. You weren’t hearing anymore—not like when you were young—you were listening. And then, you began to ask questions. Why are we in the Middle East? Why are White people so hated? Why are these political discussions taboo? Why does everyone seem to have a different answer? You become overwhelmed. There is so much information, and everyone claims to have the answer. Who do you trust? What makes the most sense? What is real and what is fake? Although the task is daunting, you embark on this journey anyways. You resolve to find out the nature of this world and its politics no matter how hard it might be, no matter how long it will take, no matter how much information you will have to sift through.
And then—inevitably—you discover Zig Forums. A haven for collective contribution to the machine of ideas and information. The wheat is separated from the chaff. Everyone contributes a little what they know that is correct, but everyone sees the good information. The pieces start to fit together. You begin to see the true nature of this world, and at first you are angry, then you despair, and then you resolve to do everything in your power to change things. But how?
You talk to your father about this new information you have received—you are so excited to share the incredible information you have discovered! He looks at you like you’re insane. He despairs that you are a racist. He tells you never to speak of this to anyone, otherwise it will ruin your life. Talking about this will prevent you from getting an education, from getting a job, from having a normal life. You ignore him. You tell the few friends you have. Most are receptive, but they don’t seem to truly care as much as you do. They don’t change their degenerate lifestyle choices. They may say that they agree with you with every conversation that you have, but the next discussion they seem to have forgotten everything you have taught them. You decide to dispense this information to the other people in your life. You fear not persecution, you will sacrifice anything for the spreading of the truth. Most people ignore you. Some never speak to you again. And this is when you realize.
Nobody cares. Nobody. Cares. You, you who are reading this are one of the few people in this world who actually cares. You actually. Give. A fuck. Nobody else does. Everyone else is happy to live their life with each passing moment. They don’t really care about the future of their children. They don’t care about the future of our world. All they care about is being happy this moment, and seeking empty pleasures throughout the rest of their lives. They don’t care. And you realize, that you are truly isolated. Instead of spending most of your childhood and teenage years making friends, you decided to learn about this world and its politics. You have this wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share with people. This information you spent most of your life obtaining and honing. You refined your speaking and writing so that you could coherently present these ideas and arguments to other people. And nobody cares. Nobody listens. You’re alone.
This is a thread for sharing feels and boosting the moral of our people. Post anything you feel that other anons go through. Also feel free to post “white pills” in this thread. Although nobody in my life seems to care about anything important, I know that all of you anons do. And even though it is difficult because I will most likely never meet you in person, at least I know you’re out there.