No, Hitler isn't coming.
Its time to take action into our own hands.
Daily reminder to filter trumpniggers immediately and anyone repeatedly engaging with them. Flooding a thread with dozens of back and forth posts is a deliberate tactic.
Note to all Jews, everywhere…
This PROVES Trump loves you guys!!
He's going to let you sit in chairs, right near his stage, while he talks to people 'n sheet!!!
Keep voting for him, Jews, and let's get some of that shekel action going his way, next election, OK?
Well shilled (((friend))).
Oh look another (((leftypol))) thread
Trump is a kike shill. Get used to it. He never pretended he wasn't. America first is just a slogan. Like Make America Great Again. Is America even good yet? No, it's a fucking shithole. Its problems are even more apparent than under the Obama admin because the one thing Trump has done, not through any policy of his own but through the outside scrutiny that's been placed on him (as opposed to the aiding and abetting the Media did for the Obama admin), is highlight just how shitty America is and how much the Republic needs to die by fire.
This is why Zig Forums is dying. You keep letting Zig Forums shill here and keep bumping their threads. It's not all about kikes 24/7 on here nor should it be
If you are repeatedly engaging, post after post to the point where you are racking up dozens of posts in a single thread, with obvious zionist trumpniggers than yes you should be filtered.
Based & Redpilled
Of course, but it's not through being a hollywood nazi with ridiculous standards. George Lincoln Rockwell, Patrick Little, and Paul Nehlen should have proven that the "EXTREEMEEE NON-cuck" politician types fails as it attracts shills, feds, and weirdos who throw you under the bus for the most stupid reasons out there. They will never be content as they will conjure any retarded excuse to oppose right-wing power, and that's why you should never fulfill their demands to begin with.
Whoa! You sure convinced me, I better support child drag queens and trannies now since he didn't give a wall in the first two years.
They were going to post regardless, might as well post the truth.
If Trump was a kike puppet why are they mad at him for pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan?
What is true about any of this?
He hasn't done either. Troop levels went up in Afghanistan.
You have not read the news lately, have you?
Middle East Pullout Canceled
Trump: We’re going to be there and we’re going to be staying. We have to protect Israel,
He already said we're pulling out. The war is ending and the kikes are pissed off
The left cant meme
nice cherry picking. He also said we are pulling out for good. This is just temporary at best. We are done with Syria and Afghanistan. I don't expect kikes to read
He says a lot of things. I'm going to take my own advice in this thread at nip you in the bud.
You can easily convince yourself that he's a KIKE SHILL by obsessively fixating on negativity like shills do. They don't realize that the US and other nations are forced to do so under the Sampson Option.
It's true that there's a distinct group of people who demand politicians to be EXTREEEEME hollywood nazis who gas all of the kikes. There's a lot of low IQ people who unfortunately fall for that dumb rhetoric as well.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
Remember to trust the plan.
We are playing 4D chess here not 2D checkers.
Deepstate is going to be BTFO because of this!!!
I'm not hoping for anything tonight. Expect lip service and empty promises and the board to get flooded with more "DRUMPFH IS A KIKE DONT VOTE" shilling in response to whatever he says.
We will not be labled by the demonrats as vile racists!
Trump is flipping the narrative and showing the libtards who is boss!
>Oh look another (((leftypol))) thread
Reminder that leftykike permabans you for shit talking the orange nigger.
I can't wait! I miss old Zig Forums where criticizing the God Emperor meant a lifetime ban.
Literally nobody here misses you, Kampfy. Return to your people.
Not even remotely close to what I'm arguing. Back when he was running in 2016, one of his favorite talking points was how the Obama administration were shitty negotiators. His favorite issue in particular to pick on was one nobody in America gave a shit about, the Iran deal. The reason why he opposed the Iran deal. On page 38 of Crippled America, Trump writes that "When he was running for President in 2008, [Obama] correctly said, 'Iran is a grave threat. It has an illicit nuclear program, it supports terrorism across the region and militias in Iraq, it threatens Israel's existence, and it denies the Holocaust'" (emphasis added). He goes on to say on the same page, "Iran was a powerful nation until the religious fanatics took over. As long as those people remain in power, those people will be our enemy and a threat to Israel's existence. Their supreme leaders, Ayatollah Khamenei, has promised that Israel won't exist in 25 years. We have to take that threat seriously and act accordingly." The next paragraph, which ends on page 39 is worth quoting in its entirety. "I've always loved and admired the Jewish people and supported the special relationship we have with Israel. The next president has to restore our traditionally strong partnership. We have been there for Israel and will continue to be there for Israel, because it is the one stable democracy in that region. It has become a fair-trading partner and a fellow pioneer on the frontiers of medicine, communications, technology, and energy development, which will benefit both of our nations well into the future."
This is what Trump ran on. He never tried to hide it. I would not bet on whoever comes next to not also be a kike shill, it's an inevitable consequence of this system. However, Trump is certainly not the best he can get and he has a rhetorically hard position in the next election with the crippling shadow of the Mueller probe floating over his campaign and administration. He has to convince people either that his administration is good and times are going well, an impression that few have, or run on being the one to bring change even though he failed to do so when given the opportunity in 2016. I suggest divesting yourself from the Trump train and looking at the fields in both parties for the least worse candidate that can win, which may be Trump, but you shouldn't assume as such.
None of those were Hollywood stereotypes, you opticskike.
And here's the zeemaps shill. Neck yourself codemonkey. It's entirely your fault this cancer is killing the board.
Well, yeah
He didn't have to say anything. Instead he's opening his mouth for jew dick again.
That sounds very BASED and REDPILLED to me
The most important thing is to not let the DEMONCRATS take power over America
WN is the cancer that's killing the White Race. And what's wrong with zeemaps? Shitposting/Larping for decades now have done nothing positive.
Trump already lost 2020.
There's my nigga.
Fuck off jew.
What's that cunt?
True. The biggest problem on here is that people are not looking at the issues in our country as opposed to what Israel is doing. Trump is up against a fucked up system that is doing everything it can to stop him. The Tulsi shilling is a perfect example
Actually, knowing their all ZOG-loving puppets, getting kikes to back up his border wall stance might not be such a bad idea. Think about it for a while. If someone like Nutenyahoo were to come to Congress and tell them he supports the border wall, all those libshits and cuckservatives would jump in line to kiss his feet and would hand over wall funding with quickness.
Just a thought.
Or I just start pushing the homeless into the bankers areas and fuck all of you over.
Did you forget I am still the master of that branch of Masons?
Trump should get another mental health exam.
Tell me again how its 'nothing', ya scabrous loser.
Pretty much, he has opposition from both in and out. It's tough feat to accomplish anything under them.
Sperg harder, trumpkike.
Hail Saint Bowers
Trump can ask the kikes and "natural republicans" to carry him in 2020. The wage of cuckery is political death.
To be a radical, you just need to tell the truth and look good while doing so. That is a fact.
No one is oging to listen to you if you're a mentally ill leftist tranny or a fat retard who cucks people in trailer parks.
look in the mirror
mind blow
I'm sick of fucking excuses. I can forgive so much, but if the system is so stacked and the closest we can get to /ourguy/ is a disgraceful failure like Trump, then we should fucking burn it down.
So are you just ugly or are you a liar too?
You couldn't be more wrong.
I don't think anyone here would have a problem with him encountering resistance if he was actually fighting back.
The problem is he isn't even fighting.
Hes just bending over with one hand on each cheek and letting the enemy dip their cock in his boy pussy.
I'm sick of you jumping IPs like a lousy in a boxcar full of jewry.
I haven't jumped IPs once. Get your head checked.
The greatest trick the kikes ever played was convincing the right that ZOG was on our side.
Sure thing nigger.
Cool pics. Can anyone join in?
Kek, what a loser.
It does love its projecting.
Trump is pro-ZOG.
Every single action what Trump has done is exactly what Israel wanted him to do.
Also Israel is against United Nations and the liberal agenda
Reminder that Trump commuted the bank fraud sentence of (((Sholom Rubashkin))), an orthodox Jew who operated a kosher meat packing plant that employed hundreds of illegal mexican aliens in Iowa.
Between him and Roof, I'm glad people started picking better targets.
Can we all just agree that everyone here is a kike and get back to what is important(hating on trump)?
Don't forget about the Commando in Orlando, Omar Mateen.
Media covered up the truth of it though.
Trump has done more than anyone to help Whites and rein in the Jews. He's a President, not a King.
And you unsophisticated Nazi asswipes are too stupid to understand that while posting pics of Hitler from Mom's basement for the Jews.
Yes. He should. He unironically should.
Nah. nu/pol/ mod defends 'muh nazzziifags r gay larp!' ban evading spamnigger. That the kikiest thing in the world.
Not even the roach ever went that kosher to my knowledge.
Same shit in every thread.
What has Trump done for White people?
New Jersey Orthodox Rabbi Mordechai Aderet publicly advised his followers not to attend a vigil for the victims of the Tree of Life synagogue shooting because the Jews were murdered during a bris for twins adopted by gay parents.
user, don't bother.
Mod-protected anti-NatSoc spammer is mod-protected.
based and redpilled
You are powerless.
This should be the first question in the first presidential debate of election: Do you believe things jews tell you without requiring proof?
The roach banned everyone for even hinting Trump was a kike cock sucker… myself included.
His challenges to affirmative action were failed and based on discrimination against Asians, the opium epidemic has yet to see any serious governmental action even attempted under his admin, we've taken in a net influx of non-white immigrants, he had no real follow up to his South Africa tweet, and his administration has been derelict in its duty to invoke the insurrection act to punish cities and states that violate federal law by illegally harboring undocumented foreign nationals. What has he done to help whites? He can't even say "white people".
How has Trump done anything to reign in the Jews? Was it when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem? How about when he commuted Sholom Rubashkin's sentence? Maybe it was when he declared anti-semitism to be a poison that must be exterminated?
You have little knowledge, then.
He isn't wrong, but it's funny as fuck in context.
This is going to be comedy around here this election cycle tbh.
Sure, all you libshits and shills and haters, tell us where the Bad Orange Man touched you. For those who honestly hate the man because he failed on his promises, fine. Got any real hopes for a better choice coming up? For those of you shilling for the demoncraps next time, kek. The mountains of salt in Nov 2020 will be at least the size of two scoops.
Same here.
But he never protected someone literally spamming 'NAZIS R GAY FAG LARP' for 50+ posts in multiple threads on multiple IPs.
That's as kiked out as it gets.
kek they still burn