Stop this "muh juice" faggotry(pic related), and recognize that your critisisms of modern liberal identity politics, and capital are good.
On the point of tradition, and multiculturalism, you seem to not recognize that capitalism inheritantly corrupts by making people lose any morals in the pursuit of profit, therefore creating twerking, and other shit.
Multiculturalism is inherit to socialism, yet it doesn't mean you lose culture, in fact it purifies it by destroying whats corrupting it (capitalism), and preventing the movement of the impoverished (largely brown people, due to echoes of greater explotation) by the rich.
t. Ambassador
Stop this "muh juice" faggotry(pic related), and recognize that your critisisms of modern liberal identity politics...
Other urls found in this thread:
Pro gun as well, anybody who tells you otherwise is full of shit
Haven't spent much time here then?
Wew lad looks like you accidentally clicked on the wrong board while trying to find >>>Zig Forums
If it did, then the kikes would've been purged in the multikulti dystopia they've created
Hey Zig Forums, non-whites are poor because they are genetically inferior, but even if that were not the case, I still want them to live in their own country and not be allowed to mix with us.
Pic related, this is the exact same autistic neckbeard reeing
Correlation doesnt equal causation.
Judaism rewards greed and destroying yourself as much as the japanese work ethic, its just them destroying themselves initially then holding on to power. You exaggerate numbers btw.
Correlation doesnt equal causation, does the amount of donuts increasing in the us cause global warming?
old Soviet Russia
Best Korea
Look at all those ethnically diverse commie countries.
Pic related. Do you and liberals always call anybody who hates israel anti semitic?
2nd pic
Pure Zig Forums faggotry.
Reminder that mods allow this thread.
Attempting name calling, and retreating to a safe space? I thought you thought you were the big boys?
You mean the porn industry and the push to bring in more shitskins to undermine White countries don't have jews them?
My word.
While I may agree with you broadly, if only because the Carnegie Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation were pioneering what later became Jewish tricks before the WASPS handed the keys over to the Jews, opposing the Jewish long game and ethnic solidarity are important and not to be forsaken.
You people want 'communism' when most people don't even have real communities. Do you see how backward you are? You must have a People before you can give them power. Yet every step of the way you oppose any attempt of white people banding together to enact their interests. You are often footsoldiers for neoliberalism and you know it. Why do you love punching 'Nazis' when corporate bankers, liberals and the like (those who are actively destroying the world and its peoples) go unharmed? It is because you have found a comfortable niche within their narrative and you just care about the survival of your ideology, not its success.
I was an ancom once, for over ten years. I have a rap sheet to back it up, unfortunately. Only later did I realize all the shit i cared about and believed in was just a carrot on the end of a neoliberal stick.
Sure about that ?
Assuming you havent had time to read all my posts. Giving time in the spirit of debate
So fucking what? What does this have to do with the fact you kikes are flooding white countries with non-whites? They don't belong here.
Revolutionary Catalonia, and the soviet union arent vibrant communities now apparently.
Fuck off back to Zig Forums, you still get the rope no matter how much autism you spew.
I'm sure a handful of you faggots are, the problem is every single person you niggers put into power basically to a man at least that I've heard of and I've heard of a LOT of leftists inevitably isn't pro gun and inevitably disarms everybody they can because your stupid system doesn't even remotely work and attempting to have an even bigger monopoly on violence than you already did is a good way to let it continue limping along for a few decades
Its the rich bringing others in for cheaper labor, by creating an increase in demand
Holy fuck you dumb homos stop replying to bait threads.
Correct they do both. You do understand they imported more than one person right? They imported over 30 million whereby if you go to any construction site you see non American subhumans working there and if you go to any welfare office you see non American subhumans lined up around the block. You kikes have attacked and destroyed every segment of our culture and society.
You replied.
As for the critique of disarmament, there's plenty of propaga put out about the soviets, dont you think it's strange there's a plethora of sources about the rural workers having rifles yet media says that they only let the millitary have guns?
No fuck off
oh look another shit thread thanks mods
You make it seem as though they do both magically every timeindividually.
I see absolutely no contradictions here
this is from the front page of reddit.
you should go back there and stay there.
I have created enough in the past year to have some time to do absolutely nothing.
look at that big bill haywood quote about bosses taking your shit, and google how its connected to capitalism fren.
The overwhelming majority of the population was ethnically Russian and lived West of the Urals. Whatever you try to project onto the Soviet state, it was indeed a successor state to the Kievan'Rus, Great Muscovy, and the Russian Empire – replete with the overthrowing of the Tatar yoke and the final destruction of the Ottoman Empire. It is abundantly clear men like Stalin and Brezhnev understood this.
Freemasonary is mostly to blame for the downfall of America as well
Reddit is shit, ill post things that represent infographics by researchers, and thats what this is
I am not sure what your posts added that might sway me. Yes, many leftists are anti-Isreal. Good job. This helped me push my green-party tier mother into boderline antisemitism. Opposing Isreal means nothing if you cannot erect a culture which is counter to its aims.
Well that's pretty far back to go, isnt it? And actually, since I've studied the Catalonian experiment pretty well (there is a pretty comprehensive biography of Durutti I have that is recommended), lets talk about this. Catalonia was able to enact, albeit for a short time, something akin to anarchist communism precisely because the people there had strong ethnic, historical, and cultural ties, allowing them to establish an admittedly impressive method of organization that required high trust and common good will. In fact most worker's communities before the world wars shared this and they were readily organized. Now many people don't know their neighbors and they have more in common with strangers on the internet than the guy next door. This atomization, engendered by neoliberalism/capitalism, is precisely that which makes both of our dreams impossible and by advocating for immigration (state sponsored scabs, really) you are carrying water for the IMF's of the world.
Neoliberalism wants to have a purely liquid human commodity with no ties to land or eachother, capable of crossing porous borders as the market demands with no cohesion or adhesion. The left, too, has largely planted itself on this platform. Far gone are the days of opposing 'globalization.'
Have you never stopped to think how strange it is that the places where really interesting leftist experiments were able to prosper (to a degree) always have a very strong ethnic and cultural component? Chiapas, Rojava, Catalonia, Ukraine? It is because ideology and 'class consciousness' is not enough. Kinship, blood, history, land. These makes peoples capable of great things.
Okay. You're clearly building strawmen at this point. No one watches Shapiro here.
Central asia is now non existant, along with the Caucasuses, and Baltics
I'm trying to find the state of the union Trump thread can someone link me to it? Been jumping around random threads in the catalog and there doesn't seem to be one. Trump is about to give a major speech about the wall why don't we have a thread about this?
You underestimate libertarian autism
Blood, land and a large number of people are needed for any state or revolution
Pilpul, the post.
another effete imageboard intellectual, fuck off pls
What does that mean? You mean no longer part of the Soviet Union or Russian Federation? Yeah, what's your point and what does that have to do with what was being talked about?
Again, what does that have to do with the topic? The board as it is, the actual long-term posters as they are, not some fictional image you've created based on a collage of what you believe the positions to be gleamed from who knows where.
So what's your opinion on Israel OP?
They can try to take me down,and prove this is a safe space dont compare this to leftypol, we need a line so were not annexed by autistic chapo tier reddit subs
No it's the jews bringing in biological weapons, for the soul purpose of destroying whites. As much as jews care about making money, they are willing to waste shitloads of money on unprofitable matters, just to hurt whitey.
Remember to sage.
Imperialist settler state born out of ethno nationalism, that acts as the U.S.As right hand man in genocide
Then why the fuck does your side glorify in attacking any one who opposes immigration, a prime vehicle of atomization and alienation?
Of course he does.
Please explain how America benefits from Israel, and not the other way around.
I dont want to repeat myself about correlation
Theres people arguing abput this being a natsoc or conservative board, your image isn't exactly solid m8
Ex-green party voter here too.
I know this feel.
Alienation from capitalism hits you right in the feels.
You dont have enough time to chill with them and the architecture in suberbs divides people and classes which prevents bonding
My image meaning what? If you are saying my image is that of being a National Socialist, then my image is solid. I would only be ashamed if my image was that of being a normie cuck.
You're a very low IQ poster and seem to build your arguments on false generalizations which you don't even bother attempting to prove, but rather take for granted. Kindly fuck off and lurk for two years before posting.
It's from everyone around me having fucking nothing in common with me and the whites being cucks and hating me and the non-whites all being hostile fuckheads that hate me.
I had to change all the locks on my house and get a security camera because of changes being made in my city that are bringing more shitskins here. Crime has skyrocketed thousands of times.
And correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation, but causation necessitates correlation. Please don't make anymore threads, the board is going to shit as it is.
So OP you going to answer this?, because personally I don't see how the American government giving Israel billions in foreign and military aide every year benefits the American government or it's citizens more than Israel.
Oh look. OP just got out of freshman level Psychology 101 where this is programmed into the students to make them the NPCs that they are. Generally true, correlation doesn't prove causation, but how do you then classify a correlation? This is important and constantly skipped over. When does a correlation cease becoming a correlation and instead reveal itself as the direct cause?
If it were not known that a Vitamin C deficiency was the cause of Scurvy, would you then conclude that Vitamin C was merely a correlation? If you had what's often called brain fog and after taking a pill containing only Vitamin B5, would you conclude you were low in Vitamin B5 or that it's a correlation - a coincidence? If a jew stabs you in the back with a knife do you see the jew as a correlation or the knife? The answer is that studying for correlations is a way to mask the truth and to hide the perpetrator. Protip: Weapon Control in any form follows this. The shitskins that commit crime aren't being eradicated, the availability of weapons are.
The reality is that Correlation doesn't prove causation has become a fallacy - if it was ever not. Jews being involved in the world's problems and affecting the lives of whites in adverse ways has been shown to be direct and indirect. The magnitude of direct and indirect involvement is so overt that it's to the point where if something terrible happens it's an absolute guarantee that jews are behind it. The fact that you can downplay jewish involvement and shout, "Correlation!" shows how you missed the, "Pure Coincidence," meme or chose to rebrand it. I hope the school loans were worth it. Because you learned nothing of value.
So OP did you abandon thread already?
So three queers walk into a Library. A father and two sons. One obviously has full blown AIDS.
The father looks talk, has congestion. The eldest son has a cough a d the youngest looks to skinny to be his age.
Which has full blown AIDS?
your evidence is all made up idiotic, NEET. You think Jews never were poor enough, well here's a article on them stealing to make it through
Those aren't even mutually exclusive tho
If you're still here why not explain how you think America benefits from Israel and not the other way around?
Gets rid of a minority, and serves as a military base
Why did you even come here?
Notice he left out kinship (because he doesn't believe that part), in a short lazy response to your argument, which used historical examples, and then ignored your further question. In fact all his responses are short, lazy greentext meme responses. He's an actual leftist brainlet being challanged for the first time, and is ignoring posts he can't easily shoot down with typical leftist rhetoric, and had the arrogance to think he deserves his own thread showcasing his retardation.
Big bad ebil USA is part of a racist conspiracy to kill brown people halfway across the world apparently
I would have thought that le superior race would be more intellectually honest
one thing to note, you're making the eternal rightist mistake of left = liberal. there are myriad difference between the 2 ideologies.
Capitalist immigration is shitty, we don't need to attack individual immigrants. as their victims of circumstance, due to capital moving them around
Of course I believe in kinship, and a nation, pic related.
That's national liberation
Not racist, just choosing appropriate/easy countries to pillage
So you believe that the USA is part of a racist conspiracy to kill brown people?
That makes more sense to you than jews subverting the American government to help expand and finance their own theocratic ethnostate?
That’s literally what you said. You claimed that the US is conspiring to kill brown people in Palestine.
you're sperging at the wrong user, that wasn't me. also,
not minorities in arabia, silly billy
Yes? The Rich only seek profit, and this killing helps.
The kikes are evolving. No longer do they wait to "first post", but instead they have become op.
Are you just some commie here to defend OP?
You’re right, I just realized that you were another Zig Forums fag filling in for the other one, your arguments are basically the same so I didn’t notice.
Screech strawman all you like, but the other commie claimed that the US is part of a racist conspiracy to kill brown people in a tiny middle eastern country. Or did he not claim that?
Prove me wrong
Borwn people kill brown people no matter what country their in.
Banning all black people from your country will make murder practically non-existent. If you disagree than you're in favor of murder and you express that you want to further facilitate and support black on black crime which would make you a racist.
Marxism is, at its core, an ideology that is founded on the principle of "us vs them". This is, of course, faulty and shitty logic that leads to an innate sense of division among people, in a repeating fractal-like pattern. From the nation, to the state, to each community, and down to even families and friends - all become divided due to a subversive cultural push of "us vs them". Any ideology - whether "modified" or otherwise - that pulls from marx is thus inherently faulty. Funnily, National Socialism is one of the few forms of so-called "socialism" that was directly stated to not pull from marx in any way, shape, or form. It still has its faults, but they're very different faults than those of marxism.
syndicalist, here of my own volition.
see, this is just lazy. you put no thought into who or even what your opponent is. just put the JOOZ label on it and screech autistically to desired effect.
So when Israel attacked the US Liberty in a failed false flag, how did that benefit America?
I don't care what some other poster said, I don't see why you're butthurting at me about it
China and the USSR are/were extremely multicultural
If you read Marx himself, he didn't have particularly high opinions of the exact kinds of people who keep championing him today.
USS Liberty"
Nigger, socialism leaves the rich alive as long as they hand the shit over