Plastics are quite possibly the reason for the biological shift to degeneracy in people. Many people have argued that the rise of transgenderism, homosexuality, feminism/shitty parenting, and effeminate men is purely due to social factors, but the real culprit is plastics. I began researching this topic when I heard Sam Hyde mention that it was the cause of record low testosterone levels, but it's much worse.
In an article in the Annual Review of Public Health did testing on animals and observed their behavior, some of their findings are quite telling. Here are some of the ones that caught my eye.
This shit is a mirror fucking image of the current year. The amount of plastics that we absorb on a daily basis through food containers, water bottles, and just about all cheap products around us is insane, and that's just from the plastics we know about.
On a serious not, being a materialist is inherently depressing. If happiness is the act of the mind focusing on good desires, then how is one supposed to be happy believing the world is purely material – a giant mechanical machine, and, therefore, everything is totally meaningless and illusory? The Asians presupposed this and adopted Buddhist beliefs and practices as a way to self-detach from care, in an attempt to free themselves. The modern Westerner does not even have that. What they have is drugs, entertainment, and an over-supply of cheap, meaningless sex. But those don't lead to freedom but instead enslave the individual. They bring neither meaning nor even an illusion of higher understanding. The modern Westerner is a pig wallowing in their own filth, utterly and completely demoralised, having no future, no hope – only a pleasure-chemical fuelled blitz through the fast-lane of abjectly nihilistic modernity. Dawkins be their guide.
This isn't related to anything in this thread, but I just googled "shekelgruber" for absolutely no reason and the first result was hilter's dad—Alois Johann Schicklgruber; I am amused at this, but I'm now wondering why he changed his name. Should I be calling him Adolf Schicklgruber? lol
Jordan Smith
Quote me where I said that. I never did. But modern society itself is inherently materialistic and you are simply uneducated if you think otherwise. The West of today is a product of distilled materialist thought, hence the lack of higher values and spirituality, for instance, which are almost completely absent. Everything disposable, everything exists for consumption, and all people are fungible cogs for the big machine.
Carson Anderson
I was not disagreeing with you, just making a point that the west does not need a "buddhism" of sorts. I completely agree that the west is based in materialism and is inherently unhealthy.
Benjamin Mitchell
Stop breathing, you're stealing air belonging to white men.
Wyatt Miller
Social factors exist within the realm of ideas which makes them more more important on a fundamental level than plastic ones. HOWEVER The fact is that surgery represents an affirmation of an idea and is in this way is an idea made concrete makes it more harmful than an idea. To phrase this more overtly- A tranny will kill himself if he changes his mind UNLESS he has not yet recieved destructive hormonal therapy or reassignment surgery BECAUSE he has not made a concrete affirmation of the idea. Ideas are an interpretation of reality and are on a FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL harmless, but to make an inconsistent idea a realty is to destroy yourself WHICH IS THE DANGER OF AN IDEA. This is at least what I believe.
Lack of labour+forced obidience+forced insecurity. Man is programmed to provide himself with food, shelter, clothing and fuel. It takes up to 14 hours a day work for a hunter-gatherer, but they are not overworked or depressed. On the contrary, they are quite content with their life and depression as such doesn't exist. Because they: - Exercise their body and mind to the full, feeling power - power feels good - repeat - Provide by themselves for themselves, nobody bosses them around so no humiliation, and nobody can break their living at a whim - They don't suppress their anger or sexual arousal. They want a fight - they have a fight, they want sex - they come to wife and have sex. Neither anger nor sexual frustration grow until the big boom of running amok or school shooting or whatever. Sure nomadic hunter-gatherers can fall prey to disease or huge carnivore or enemy tribe raider, but it's just life. It happens, they deal with it and move on. They are not overly upset over such things. Now see for the modern man. He can't have a fight, because it is prohibited for cattle to injure each other and break state's property, the policemen see to that. He can't just go have sex with his wife, because his wife can break his living on a whim, enforced by policemen. You can't just go live innawoods without having a problem of state workers evicting you from state property, or policemen caging you for not paying your tribute taxes. Did you count the number of times I wrote "police"? Alien people have life or death power of you, you can't influence them at all. The economy is made such that only a small number of people can be independent artisans or small enterprise owners, majority either work for someone else - have an alien bossing them around and controlling their living. No self-sufficiency, no self-security, forced to be bossed around by the police, the politicians and your boss you have little to no power to influence shot of total war with the System. And your work is mindless repetitive drivel where you provide for other people, not yourself directly.
This is like the exact opposite to a fulfilling male's life. You are effectively forbidden to express anger or sex desire, to provide for yourself by yourself, outside of the US and few other countries you are even prohibited to defend yourself in any way but fleeing away and calling the cops because weapons are prohibited, much less using them.
As if that wasn't enough, you have that anti-man System produce toxic wastes that slowly but surely turns you into a cunt. I see no way of surviving that, short of total eradication of modern technological society that turns a man into a conditioned emasculated cog, running away inna countryside is but a temporary delay. On the other hand, I like my computers and electricity and central heating. What do?
Justin Thomas
This poster is simply anarchoprimitivist.
Anthony Cruz
I am not. I don't want to renounce modern civilization. If only because the first guy to start industrial mass-production will own the world and repeat the cycle all over. Whoever didn't want to live in an industrial society had it delivered at machine gun point. I remember how Japs forbade firearms to save dat samurai spirit from mass-produced boomstick, then Murricans just sailed in with Big firearms and say hello. They'd be one of Russian or American colonies if not industrialized - and their overlord would just do the same to them. A land of depressed overworked grass-fed weebs anyway. But neither can you just live in a society that literally poisons your very nature to an extent that you become infertile or your children are born freaks. This is literally a dead end. So what do? You can't just go be /out/ and /fit/ separate from society, when your groundwater is poisoned with chemicals that turn you into a sissy fag.
Tyler Watson
Justin Turner
Plastics are used everywhere, so the effects should also be seen everywhere.
Liam Cook
Yes you can. Millions upon millions whites are fitfags and better for it.
This. Stop diverting attention from the kike disease. Overuse of plastics is merely a fucking symptom.
Owen Perry
We give them plastic goods in exchange for African iron.
This could work.
Connor Sanders
Is it not pathetic that all i want to do is grow a garden, tend to animals, create art, make love toma woman, feel free and exhilerated in clean air away from exhaust fumes….
And when i wake up in the morning i just dont know how to do it, or do not want to face the wage slavey seemingly required to achieve it?
I just want to grow a fuckin garden I am tired of listening to my boomer father complain to customer service about his internet/cell bundle plan billing Tired of hearing my mom bitch at us fornevery little thing Tired of seeing my sister on her phone all the time Tired of ruining my eyesight stsring at screens
I step outside for some freshnair and sunlight and all i see is concrete, cheap wooden houses made to last not long, car engines revving
I am putting on my headphones and riding the bus today. I dont know what to do anymore. It feels like i either suicide into greatnessmor become an ultra capitalist whore ormgo innawoods and nurture a different type of neuroticism
Excuse me while i go hyperventilate
Leo Gray
Except they throw it in the ocean and it ends up as microplastic for the fish and eventually us
Elijah Taylor
You know most lefty women are disgusted when they have to used plastic bags from grocery store or that all kids toys are encased in plastic. They get so worked up about plastic that it is ripe for meems directly targeting lefty lunatic women.
John Moore
Been telling people about this for years. You should try to get food that is not packaged in plastic, even the "food safe" plastics are not really safe. And NEVER, EVER cook food in a plastic container of any kind…and that includes defrosting it. Heat releases chemical elements in the plastic pretty much instantly. Throw all plastic cups, bowls, etc., out, and get ceramic or glass. And keeping anything acidic in plastic, such as orange juice in a plastic pitcher, is also a no-no.
Wrap your foods in tin foil, ceramic, or glass and don't heat up foods inside a plastic container.
Samuel Young
I used to work in kitchens and every night every prep pan gets wrapped in plastic and then ripped off and thrown away when they open next day. Imagine that x 100000 restaraunts every day all year.
Daniel Anderson
Retarded since which plastic? There's thousands of various poly ers and OP didn't list any one if them.
Evan Howard
No, they are not. Lack of cultural virtue in society, and saturated fat in diets, is.
Eli Lopez
You know, if you really wanted to, you could simply go out onto "public" land and just live in the woods. It's being done, right now. Go back far enough, and the feds will never find you.
Now, this requires you to be able to build a house, a water source, make the kind of things you'll need, like fireplaces and candles, hunt, fish, make clothing as yours wears out, etc….but you really won't be able to get back in the woods without being noticed, unless you are only taking the hand tools and initial supplies you can carry on your back.
Do you really want that? Being a "wage slave" (productive member of society), is a whole lot easier, but…as you say…not nearly as "free."
You might want to consider a balance between the two…go into business for yourself, and build that business as large as you feel comfortable with. Then you have all the uncertainty of being at the whims of the markets, but no boss, no regimented hours, and a bit of that freedom you want. Nothing is easy on this world. Like the Christian book says (and yes, there is a lot of wisdom in that thing, even if you don't believe the overall philosophy) "by the sweat of your brow will you live." And this is true of all animals on Earth, as well. It is the way of things, and you were born into it.
You have a lot options, actually. None of them are perfect, all of them are hard.
It melts even when wrapping warm food. Do not use it. I was told it off-gasses some chemical when cooking with it (as a pot or pan) but I couldn't confirm this with searches. There is lead in the glaze so when it is cracked it is potentially harmful. Crock-pots are notorius for this. Maybe a potter could help us here Are there non-lead glazes. There must be. But how do you confirm others are using it. Some "glass" has plastic in it to make it stronger. Otherwise, glass is best option next to better metals such as copper or alloys like steel.
Wyatt Diaz
Saturated fat is a precursor to things like hormone-steroid production and cholesterol production.
Jackson Perez
No thanks
Andrew Morales
Lot's of money and knuckling down to society's stupid rules, unfortunately. Women are social creatures. They care more about what their fellow women think about them, than they do about their house burning down all around them. This is why yearly fashion is sold to women, why they are so damn easy to indoctrinate in college, and why they respond so well to inferences made on the electronic Jew.
Find a smart women, that cares more about tradition and family, and you have found a RARE gem.
I outlined other options, didn't I? The mountain-man lifestyle is not one I've chosen, either. I like things such as electricity, home computers, and running water.
I chose the "start your own business" route. Worked out, so far, but you really are at the mercy of the economic climate. Multiple streams of income are the solution, of course, but that entails even more work.
Sure Chaim. The thing we've been eating for thousands of years just suddenly started turning men into women in the last 80 years because reasons. The fact that the rate of fags, trannies, low T men, infertility, etc all track almost perfectly with plastic exposure is just a co-incidence right?
Or just buy some cheap land and sell some eggs to cover the property taxes. Why would you try to hide on public land like a retard?
Jonathan Smith
The assumption is that user does not want to be a wage slave, and thus will have no money to achieve land ownership. Of course, you are right…if you can scrape up the dough for a reasonable chunk of land, you now have resources to work with. I have chickens and gardens, and fruit trees, myself.
But the idea of "cheap land" is not an option for most, as land is getting pretty damn expensive, and if you have improvements on it, like a house, the taxes go through the roof.
Normally, where land is cheap, you don't have a lot of customers for things like produce and eggs. It might be better to raise cattle as "organic" (stupid use of the word) and grass-fed, and sell directly to the public. You'd need an acre per head of graze, and they still need to have their feed supplemented by grain, the degree of which is dependant on your climate. But then…you're now a small business, aren't you?
I have those things and I live at 2k ft in the mountains about 5 hours from the closest city and 8 from the closest mega city full of non-europeans. Electricity is cheap if you don't use it to cook of heat, or at least not to heat. A computer is like 80 amp/hrs and many can be powered with a single $100 solar panel. Water is more difficult to get if you don't have a stream or lake near you. Drilling for water is possible with two people if it the water teble is not too deep and one knows how to weld but if you are too deep you need a machine. As long as you look at nearby water well logs before you buy/move/drill you will be fine, as you can select an area with a water table at less than 100 feet.
Julian Butler
I meant a diet low in saturated fats, such as the 80's and 90's "fat-free" everything. My bad for abusing sentence structure.
Gabriel Young
No, we retain the meaning of life. That which chooses to live goes on to beget life, and that which chooses surrender to death makes its own ending. The choice of despair and death is wrong because those who choose it, end. The choice of life and struggle is right, because those who choose it have the chance to go on, and so all life comes from the choice to continue. As those who live we are governed by this fundamental choice, to struggle and survive, and our survival proves us right.
"Wer leben will, der kämpfe also, und wer nicht streiten will in dieser Welt des ewigen Ringens, verdient das Leben nicht." - Adolf Hitler
Jeremiah Thompson
All good, I live in the woods, myself. But we're exploring all options, and user seems to be talking about just living by gardening, without all the ancillary money-making necessary to purchase the equipment you speak of.
Society will not leave you alone. Even if you did not have the expenses of electricity, property taxes, cable hook-up for the internet (you can get just the internet, and forego the fucking TV half of the cable service (which is useless & not entertaining at best, and insulting & offending, usually), there is the matter of small things, like gravel for the driveway, equipment to clear that long drive in the winter snows, maintenance on the house & improvements… Yes, you can cut your need for shekels to a minimum, but you still need to make some shekels, somehow.
Even having the correct clothes for the changing environment is expensive. Or the correct firearms.
Camden Gutierrez
Well, until we collapse the Jewish central banking cartel, and money is then originated by the treasuries of the various nations, again, we are stuck with corporate scrip, issued by Jew-run banking corporations…might as well be shekels.
Sad, but it's the hand we're currently dealt, we have to play it…for now.
Yes it is. Anyone can live in a $500 busted van for 3 months while showering at the Y and working a shitty minimum wage job. A shack in the woods does nothing to the taxes. You don't need a lot of customers to make $50/year for your property taxes. I wouldn't do something retarded like that, which is what I just explained.
That still doesn't work. A lack of fat doesn't turn people into fags. There's dozens of chemicals, mostly used in plastics, that we know for sure turn rats gay and shrink their balls. Even the unborn male fetuses become fags if their mother is exposed to tiny trace amounts.
Still wrong, watts. A watt is already a rate of energy per time. A joule per second per hour makes no sense.
Thomas Evans
Jesus, where the hell do YOU live? I live in Appalachia, and the taxes on even raw land (farmette size) are a hell of a lot more than 50 bucks a year. And living in a shitty van while showering at the Y has nothing to do with the price of land, what the hell were you trying to say?
Sorry, pal. Nothing you want is available without making money in some fashion. I guess a well-to-do relative could leave you some shekels, or you might win the lottery, but otherwise, property, and the associated costs of owning it, costs money.
Henry Hill
He is probably 12 there is nowhere in the US with property taxes that low
Hudson Fisher
Are you retarded or something? You said it is not an option for most. I explained exactly how it is an option for anyone. And I said to make money. I guess that answers my question.
Low saturated fat intake equals low hormone production. There is a reason why you see more fags and dikes in poorer places with high-sugar diets and at the home of moms who forced similar diet choices. While your autistic standards-based preference has been noted, watt-hours (Wh) is an accurate unit of measurement although it is called kilowatt-hour (kWh). It measures the amount of watts used by a machinie multiplied by the hours of intended use. If you have a sinlge 100 watt solar panel, every hour it generates 100 watts, 80 of which are used, every hour, while shitposting.
Oliver Cooper
I paid ~$100 for my 10acre plot this past January.
Isaiah Phillips
No it doesn't. You don't see that though. It has nothing to do with standards or autism. You tried to correct yourself but were still wrong. I helped you. Crying like a retarded nigger when someone helps you learn isn't productive. Yes it is, and it is a measure of energy not power. But you said "watt/hrs" which is not Wh, it is something nonsensical that doesn't exist. Maybe you shouldn't try to explain to the person who just corrected you, especially when you then go on to be totally fucking wrong again in the very next sentence. No and no. If you have a 100 watt solar panel, the maximum it could ever generate is 100 watts. If it were at that maximum, it would generate 100 Wh/hour, which if you have managed to pass 5th grade maths is 100 watts, not 100 watts/hour. Watts per hour can not exist and is completely nonsensical. That is like saying if you buy a car with a top speed of 160 km/hour then every time you turn it on it goes 160km/hour/hour.
What, living in a van? Are we talking about the same thing, here?
Joseph Rodriguez
10 acres ain't much, but it's not bad, either. But our taxes here are much more than your's, apparently. Around here, depending on location, you would be paying anywhere from $600 to $1,000 in taxes, on that plot.
Brody Moore
It's called 'steroidogenesis' and it converts cholesterol, a steroid, one which is often synthesized from saturated fats, into other steroids, such as steroid hormones. Vitamin D production is also related and synthesized from sirum cholesterol in the skin via the sun, cholesterol that required saturated fatty acids as precursor to formation. No, you. No. jew dna doesn't exist. 'x/x' is common way to write 'unit/unit' or 'unit per unit' you faggot. It does exist and is quite sensible. I explained it to anons reading since you failed at making your point and have since become a typical projecting jew. How much of a dumb jew are you that you blatantly lie like this. Watts used every hour is a thing caled (Wh) or "watts/hr" but as you pointed out it makes little sense to have such a redundancy since watts is joules/second. You should really be objecting to kilowatt-hour (kWh), too. Yet you include no time measurement. You should do some reading on how solar panels work as a 100w panel geerates 100w of potential power every single hour.
This thread is about plastics and how to avoid them, so I will end this nonsense argument where you refuse to accept easily searchable and confirmable fact.
Charles Campbell
Sorry. Correction. Ain't getting shit at night.
Logan Ramirez
Are you actually retarded? Kill yourself.
Jonathan Morris
Is the current state of society inherently nihilistic though? I was always under the impression that the current state society is driven by the idea of complete freedom and destroying everything that causes pain and reaction.
Nicholas Davis
Here it's about 1% so when you get a dwelling unit it takes the value up bc jews and you pay more. You don't break $1,000/year in taxes until the value hits about $100,000. A $1,000,000 property is like paying $1,000/month for rent. Except a tax-lien auction takes longer than a typical eviction and awaits a proper constitutional challenge.
Mason Torres
Yes, I've noticed.
Holy fuck stop with your bullshit. You can look up tax rates online.
Cholesterol is not a steroid, and we produce cholesterol. In fact, high sugar intake increases cholesterol. No it does not. Why are you repeating kike propaganda about saturated fats increasing cholesterol from 50 years ago? Even the kikiest of kikes gave that lie up already. I didn't say division is nonsensical you braindead nigger, I said a rate divided by a rate is. There is no such thing as km/hour/hour Except you have no clue what you are talking about. Multiplication and division are not the same thing. "Wh" is watts multiplied by hours. "Watts/hr" would be watts divided by hours, which is completely nonsensical as I clearly explained to you. Instead of doubling down like a fucking moron, just learn. Say "oops my bad" and learn the basic grade school science I am teaching you. What kind of supposed white person wants to not just wallow in ignorance, but lash out and attack those who provide him knowledge? Watts is a rate, like I told you. Again you are saying your car goes 160km/hour/hour. Please, explain what a km/hour/hour is. A watt is a measure of power, that is energy transferred over time. The time is already built into the unit. 1 watt is one joule per second. A 100 watt panel generates 100 joules per second. What is 100 joules per second per hour? That is nonsense, only a nigger could be too stupid to grasp this. Yes, easily searchable and confirmable that you don't understand 5th grade physics:
Brandon Turner
This user knows.
Leo Hernandez
The record shows you did this, not the other user, btw.
Liam Nelson
Oh and Lel.
Ayden Ward
Wow that's really surprising. $/time is fine moron, the problem is dividing it by time again. The unit "watt" is already per time. It is joules per second. How do you get paid $20/hour/hour? The same way you get 100 joules/second/hour. You don't, that's nonsense.
Noah Sanchez
Required reading is Cradle to Cradle Remaking the Way We Make Things Pic very much related.
The same way you have kilowatts per hour or kWh or kW h which was already correctly argued to not be a technically observed standard. It's like my unlicenced electrician boomer father is posting itt rn and arguing that "electricity isn't pulled" simply because he has never visualized electricity in such a way.
Joseph Parker
James King
There is a reason real farmers own bulldozers.
Kayden Miller
You don't have kilowatts per hour, you do have kWh: "kilowatt hours". That is not the same thing. Dividing and multiplying are not the same. Watts per hour is watts divided by hours, w/h. Watt hours is watts multiplied by hours, wh. Joules divided by seconds divided by hours is nonsense, just like you don't get paid $5/hour/hour or drive 60 miles/hour/hour. No, it is like some illiterate niglets arguing that 2x2 and 2/2 are the same thing because "bitch numbahs dont be real".
Real farmers don't own bulldozers, and you don't need a bulldozer to cut down a few trees. What you are looking for is a "chainsaw".
Ryan Turner
True, but China is also a culprit.
Joseph Torres
The roots are actually your primary issue
James Rivera
km/hour/hour is acceleration
Tyler James
Correct. A kW⋅h is not "1000 watts per hour" but "1000 watts of power sustained for an hour". It is a recognized 'International System of Units' unit of measurement.
Jaxson Rodriguez
I thought my 60w magsafe power adapter used 60w of power every hour, or 60wH of energy.
They sure don't dig roads and holes for foundation by hand anymore. Waste of time and energy.
Adam Bell
The recognized symbol "kW⋅h" means "1000 watts multiplied by 1 hour" yet it means something different? Is this like 'K' not meaning 1,000 even though it does; e.g., kB vs KB. Something fucky is going on here.
Cooper Thomas
Prefab tiny house and a rented helicopter. (Of course foundation work would be done in advance with materials portaged in.)
Evan Wilson
No, he's a misdirectional shill. They're really poorly disguised and stand out.
Nolan Lewis
The maths would actually be "216,000w/hr" or "216,000 watts per hour". Even if 93a643 doesn't always accept that '/' often means "per" which means "multiplied by" even though it is also a maths symbol for "divided by". I blame the standards jew.
William Cooper
What do you do about plumbing?
Jose Ross
They are not an issue at all. What are you planting a canola field?
Farmers don't make roads, they farm.
Yes. No, it means 1000 watts multiplied by 1 hour. You have a 100w light bulb. You run it for 10 hours. So you multiply them: 100W * 10 hours = 1000Wh, or 1kWh.
No, it would be 216,000 J/hr, which is 216,000 W. You fucking had it in the greentext and then immediately turned your brain off again. Of course it means per you fucking moron. No it does not, it means divided by. Holy shit is this seriously the level of burger "education"? Do the fucking math you retard. You travel 100 km in 2 hours. How fast did you go? 100km/2hour = 50 km/h. No fucking multiplication involved you dumb nigger. The division used to create the unit is still right there in the fucking unit. km/h comes from dividing km by hours.
Carter Thompson
Oops, forgot to finish editing the rest of that in. Which is 216,000W divided by the number of seconds in an hour: 3600. So 60 W. The math has to work both directions bro.
Jayden Hernandez
Can you queers go have your little slapfight somewhere else? This thread has an interesting topic but you pseudes have shit all over it. Fuck off.
Alexander Phillips
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. There is no waste management in Apefrica so it just ends up in the water anyways.
Eli Gutierrez
I'm not that user, but would like to accent some parts of your post.
One can presumably buy very cheap land legally in barely populated states with relatively untouched nature. But: - Your air and water supply will be polluted anyway, if diluted do to distance to degeneracy centrals. - No guarantees the USA won't go full USSR where living on your own was a criminal offense punishable by forced labor in prison camps. Somebody has to provide the gibs to nigs, eh. Squatting on "public" land just adds public workers evicting you to all of the above.
Productive for WHOM? The juice, lol? A subsistence farmers is not "productive" yet lives happily by his own labor and feeds his family not stealing from anyone. I wonder who might be behind shaming proles to turn to dehumanized industrial cogs already.
If everybody becomes a businessman, then who will do the manual work? There can be only so much businessmen and artisans in an industrial society. You will be forced out of artisan or businessman freedom by market forces. Same as first factory plants made most of artisan jobs obsolete. Artisan products cost way more than industrial mass made shit. And not everyone is cut out to become a businessman, no more than everyone is made to become a programmer. So need one force himself into a life of hated labor to evade a life of hated labor? No real choice there. Also the state strangling small business owners if favor of easily controlled mass producing Big Biz, or straight turning everyone into a state slave like Communists did every time.
But the President of the United States of America and all his kingly retinue forcing you to pay taxes on niggers and bake cakes for gays. What, you don't want to pay welfare to Israel out of half your total income? Are you a domestic terrorist?
Tyler Ortiz
An animal in a cage invents his own forest in his mind. It helps him cope, but it is still a caged animal wishing for a free roam in a forest he never saw. Industrial society is a mistake. Basically humans go the way of wolves turning into dogs, self-domesticating themselves into a homo sovieticus. Except the modern logic forcibly turns Rhodesian Ridgeback-like breeds of dogs into Chihuahuas or Toy Terriers by both social conditioning AND CHEMICAL POISONING. Public water turns your children barren fags what the fuck, there is nowhere lower one could sink. Maybe the water supply that fucking kills you outright instead of in one generation.
Jonathan Williams
Does this mean the libtards banning plastic straws was unintentionally based?