Fox 11 News reports:

Ethan was killed on April 20, 2018. However, criminal charges were not filed until late last week.


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Yeah that's your typical Christfag for you.

Do you expect anyone to believe you, Moshe? You should wait until Christians are less common and then you can pull out the old Soviet lies of Christians eating children.

This is why when niggers pipe up about
no, it fucking doesn't - it perverts and subverts innate values that are intrinsic to true human beings.

how did you manage to make something hard to read when you have someone else write it up for you you autistic faggot op
another article sums it up better

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That's what happens when jews and potato niggers collide.

Single mom probably in jail, brother/sister/aunt takes custody.


Amazing how light the bitch gets off on the charges considering she was one of the ADULT GUARDIANS of the delinquent child being charged with homicide.

Kill yourself lowjew.

That's what happen when you try to force a certain angle.
The mind subconciously realise there is something abnormal about the pattern.

At some point we need to stop being impressed with the incompetency of the justice system. It is time to recognize justice as reactionary.

yep I see the mother is Andrea Everett. Any who..this is the original story.

Abrahamism is a mental illness.

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mental illnesses deserve pity, even while they deserve sterilization. Abrahanists simply deserve the gas.

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here is something weird. so you look up up these two Timothy and Tina Hauschultz in Manitowoc County. Look into it a bit. its not even the same person as the story mugshot. They just use the names of the people. its all fake freemason news

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Typical Christfaggotry to accuse everyone else of being a kike for not endlessly shilling kike lies and cuckery. Christians are less common every day and I couldn't be happier, when no one remembers any filthy desert religion the world will begin to heal from having to suffer carrying little wretches like you around on it.

Semitism at it's finest. Why gain knowledge when you can fill your mind and the minds of your children with jewish infighting?

do you think it's just >>12762146 typical anti-Christ fuel?
or more John Nash-inspired, like a signal to look up Timothy 13 for the code, etc?

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Problem is that the Christianity is being replaced with Weimar-style degeneracy.

This is a serious post.

Christianity is a death cult of which it’s members are driven to an insane individualism and filled with a Marxist sense of morality and universal love. In no way should Christians be persecuted in a national socialist society but their should be a strong push to fuse the good Christian theology with a more warrior based pagan religious system that does not allow subversion from outsiders. Christians unfortunately have got us to the exact place we are and according to them everything is just fine even as they are met by hordes of jewish brainwashed feminists, faggot trannies and pro abortionists. Christians and their church leadership have lost the moral authority to speak down upon volkish-natsoc revolutionaries with any form of criticism that should be taken seriously

im sorry what? where do you derive your morality?

Hitler tried that. Christians wouldn't give up the kikery.

satanic individuals using their own shitty brand of "christianity" is not people following Christ's doctrines at all, pagans get the rope


Matthew 1

I did I bit more digging and found another Tina Hauschultz. This other Tina married Timothy. Her name is Tina Mckeever-Hauschultz. I dunno wtf happen to this chick but she looked all normal a few years ago. She even has a linkedin profile

she also publish a bunch of books under the name Tina Marie.

def some funny business going on!

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oh yea and if the kid in her facebook pictures from years ago is the 15 year old in the news story, then I am pretty sure that kid is literally mentally retarded. He didnt look right

Not a day goes by where I don't see some christfag impotently fantasizing about killing heathens. Vindictive. Just like kikes.

Nigger, hush.

There's no chance this story is legit.

t+2.5 hours
Shit, Zig Forums's snafu

That won't last, because it can't last. Degeneracy ultimately leads to collapse or revolution, which means this time if there are any white survivors they'll abandon "Christian morality" and just go with what works. Nationalism is the future.

He just didn't have long enough.

Wtf I hate God now, thanks rabbi!


Actually Christianity is on the rise. Latin America and Africa continue to drive Christianity forward to the glorious future (free from the toxic white male).

You must be really retarded to talk shit about jews while worshipping A FUCKING COMMIE JEW.

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rabbi yeshua was also a sodomite

and the only reason the yids hate him like with niggers do not want a king jewsus ruling over them

Ten minutes, a hammer, a hatchet, ten nails and pliers and justice will come.

Another religious D&C thread.

Yep. Notice all the ((( (1)s ))) .

I'm glad we're calling this out now. They try to do this from all perspectives. Sad that a few anons actually participate. These are always made with shitty arguments to provoke the same rote 'discussion' and create hatred.

Forgot to sage

Nice buzzwords + meme history and.png(s) y'all fucking babbons…
These last weeks have seen some of the least cultured lowesr IQ niggerfaggots d&c ever in the history of the board (and that's saying a LOT on Zig Forums's Zig Forums)… Schlomoes truly are in full force in here since January.
Don't you all children have some magical cum drinking fest celebration in the woods with your fellow retarded Varg slurpers, hey lads?

A thread died, again, for this shit I hope you're happy with yourself schlom(OP)

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