As if the birthrate disparity wasn't bad enough, /ourguys/ are offing themselves like it's April 1945.
What the fuck are we doing about this?
Demoralisation. Want to fight it, spread Red Pills and awaken the European man inside them. Give them back their strength that (((media))) has stolen from them. Grant them the tools to become what they're meant to be.
Go ask a Rabbi.
Go back to reddit you glow in the dark cia nigger. Fucking shills these days
Keep the fact that being alive is enough to piss them off in your head. Just by merely existing you're doing something, that should help prevent suicide.
Those are rookie numbers, we need to get those up
Karma is a bitch.
What's the actual suicide been for white males over the last thirty years?
Does this one include or exclude hispanics? Does it include or exclude those who choose to identify as white when checking a box on a form?
The kikes have made this neo-Weimar Republic unlivable to any semi-sane White man. So in desperation, he offs himself. More Whites have probably committed suicide than all the American soldiers that died in World War II.
In bad taste?
Not with those digits.
Bad faith, Schlomo, bad faith.
Why is it lower in the kiked-up blue states? Living in New Jersey makes me want to end it almost every day.
Suicide is probably often a means to avoid degeneration, thus the degenerate don't actually commit suicide, too stupid to know they're stupid, or something like that.
That's a good way to look at it. Lifefuel post, my man.
is there a way to spin this to demand more female/minority suicides for equality?
If you're gonna an hero, you might as well become an immigrant.
Degeneration is done by choice, which requires freewill and the conscious choice to commit said acts.
All I can really say is:
"Do not go to ask your debtor the payment of a debt on the day when you have no other resource. He will learn by your air and tone how it is with you, and will treat you as a beggar. But work and starve a little longer. Wait till your affairs go better, and you have other means at hand; you will then ask in a different tone, and he will treat your claim with entire respect."
The bank I owe around $75 thousand to, is owned by the mob that owes me nearly half a billion dollars.
True. Though, I imagine that there are some people who have turned to degeneracy who in otherwise normal sane times wouldn't even think to do so. Such was common in the Weimar Republic.
Basically, they can pay themselves and then fuck off.
Sometimes the corruption can seep into foundations and weaken and crumble, leaving one no choice but suicide\wild escapism\degeneracy, then some mean are too afraid of death to flee into the wild or the unknown, and thus degenerate, while others may choose to die, but really it would be best to at least self-immolate like a monk in political protest instead of cleaning the mess for them if you really had no other option. It seems Molyneux has said before, "Suicide is a the biggest fuck you anyone can give anyone else." and while that may be true, it does mean there has never a been a circumstance of war where such was warranted.
Nothing. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. You already know the only thing which will save the white race. You refuse to do it.
i hate this state too
It does not* mean never a circumstance of warrant, rather.
My thoughts too. This might be phony, skewed data that includes beaners, sand niggers and packets as white.
The only thing that can happen is if the kikes finally go overboard, and send this dying and decaying shit nation into economic hyperinflation, make the USA so unstable internally, that people will have no choice but to elect a new Hitler. But it's doubtful that that would actually happen.
That's because there is no real life support for Whites thanks to White Nationalism. And anyone that tries you Nazi fags derail the effort for the Jews.
No I will not impregnate your hog.
Which they will never do, exactly. Slow boil worked for literally a century; they're not about to change that.
On behalf of former "redditors", here's the thing:
Reddit has openly signalled that they don't give a fuck about free speech. They will ban you for "hate", "racism", "violence, any excuse at this point. We can't even have our enclaves anymore.
The only reason so many of us are on this shithole is because we're waiting for a viable alternative. Posting here is ultimately pointless, since nothing is attributable to you and gets deleted after a few days/weeks.
Voat didn't take off, but something will eventually. Really, anything with voting systems and profiles that accumulate "karma-like" points will do.
raise awareness of it if you want. go write to some (((news outlets))) or (((e-celebs))).
target the alt kike, see if they can be weaponized against the system.
fyi for any newfag morons reading
this is a spambot
or the alt lite or whatever the fuck, same gay jew shit