a picture is worth a thousand words.
but I have to say more. How do you think this will turn out?
a picture is worth a thousand words.
but I have to say more. How do you think this will turn out?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not anymore
At least they're raping a nigger and not a human.
I don't know if I should care or not.
National Lampoon, 1971; "The Faggots".
My my, how times have changed..
imagine being a nigger with gay dads
saved. thank you
it's similar.
The more I argued with them the more I learned their dialectic. At first they calculated on the stupidity of their adversary.
Then, when they could find no other way out, they played stupid themselves. …Whenever you attacked one of the
apostles, your hand closed around slimy matter which immediately separated and slipped through the fingers and the
next moment reconstituted itself. If you struck such an annihilating blow that, observed by the audience, he had no
choice but to agree with you, and thus you thought you had taken one step forward, the next day your amazement would
be great. The Jew knew nothing at all about yesterday and repeated his same old twaddle as though nothing had
happened; if you angrily challenged him on this, he could not remember a thing other than he had demonstrated the
correctness of his assertions on the previous day.
Many times I stood there astonished.
I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: their verbal agility or their art in lying.
Gradually, I began to hate them.
CBC radio in canada did a gushing stoey on 2 faggots and 2 dykes creating a family by artificially inseminating dyke #1 with fag #1 sperm, twice. They literally, instead of having the faggot cum inside the dyke, went to a fertility clinic and he wacked off into a cup and she got basted.
Just let that percolate in your membrane, and try not to be aghast at it all.
I'd go with "yes". Degeneracy is evil regardless. I'd feel the same if it was a chimp baby - just because I don't want them wandering the streets or voting doesn't mean I want degenerates raping them. Niglets should be free, roaming their jungle and savanna habitats in Africa & being general happy primates.
Personnally, and I know most people on here will disagree but I am ok with people having different points of view, I mostly don't care for these reasons :
- Most of all, nobody will take kids from heteros to give them to gays, these are orphans. So the real question is : is it better to have gay parents or no parents at all ?
- In hetero couples you sometimes have a very effeminate father and/or a very masculine mother and then it is already like a gay couple. I mean I had friends whose mother looked and acted so much like a man than I was convinced it was their father and for several days I checked her hand to say hello before they told me it was their mother… And I had other friends whose father was so sissy that I expected him to have boobs…
- Kids don't copy their parents, they copy what they see on TV. If having gay parents could make the kid gay too, then how could gay become gay while having hetero parents ??? And anyway even if they do, why giving a fuck ? Don't you prefer having gays in your neighborhood than thug negros ?
- Good gay parents are still better than some very bad hetero parents. Just like the very worse whites are worse than the very best blacks.
- As for raping the kids, they are gays, not pedophiles. Of course saddly a few will be, just like in hetero couples, but when you adopt an orphan you have the social services spying the fuck out of you.
In this case, you should also ask yourself if a black baby raised by white gay parents will be a better person than a regular black being raised by… well, nobody. I don't expect this one to become a thug. And may him/her become a gay too, I don't care, it will still be better than being a thug.
I approve of the two "White" queers adopting a black baby.
no parents.
AND, you are a tortured soul, user.
You have issues.
Leave Zig Forums and seek (((therapy)))
I would be okay to suspend all hostilities and stop these gays before we do anything else
It looks dead already.
user, let me explain something to you about homosexuality: it's essentially a mental condition. I'm not trying to be offensive here, I am an ACTUAL faggot who has read the best available research on this anomaly. I'm not trying to blow this out of proportion - mental anomalies abound accross the population. Being a homosexual is nowhere near as damaging as being schizophrenic or mentally retarded, at least in my opinion. But I think you should look at this more clearly, because children are at stake here. This something as isn't trivial as being *nice* to gays.
Are you aware of the correlation between homosexuality and the increased likelihood of a slew of abhorrent behaviors and mental problems? Gays are more likely to have been molested themselves - a distinct multiplier for the likelihood of negative life outcomes. We're much more likely to engage in dangerous sexual activity, drug addiction, depression, suicide, and yes - we ARE more likely to engage in pedophilia. That's a FACT. All things considered, I'd bet on a straight baby-sitter for any child - any day. On your point that maybe gay parents are better than none.. unfortunately for those kids, I suppose the experiment is afoot. We'll see. Go on, celebrate the acceptance of mental anomalies - see where it leads us.
being adopted by fags should be rightly considered child abuse
when theres a black person in the image its:
nigga * 1000
parental adversary
There is something primordially off about two homosexual men (who do not have a love bond with the feminine) raising children. They lack certain qualities, perhaps energetic balances, necessary to properly raise, and nurture the development of children. Gay men are too lustful and basically I don't trust them to do the right thing when it matters.
One straight man, depending on his relative quality, could better raise children than two gay men.
Sure there are exceptions.
You must be new here.
Gay = pedophile
That's the overwhelming opinion on Zig Forums
Haha based
bull dykes' score;
-1 for indulging in a stupid Hollywood meme
+5 for creating a superb new murderous twist
How cute; they've already dressed the little nig in prison stripes in preparation for his life's calling.
Gay dads in this story above charged for child rape. The left said ha ha Christians how dare you complained about them doing simulated sex acts on children's school only bus stop shelters telling the children to try safe gay sex paid for with taxpayers money to qld aids council. They got their own kids now. We the gays are vindicated. They will make great gay dads……
A year later…..
Arrested for boy rape.
Then I get arrest warrants from faggot cop Ben Bjarsen for crime of criticing those before the courts for boy rape.
Head of pflag Australia parents of gays and lesbians ran a go fundme to get them off raping a child in bali.
I have photos of these child fucking fags hugging the QLD child protection minister and John Howard. But if you complain the gay child fucking fb/policeglbti will come for you. So this whole thread is a misnomer. Everything child fucking fag gay dads do to little boys is so fabulous its blasphemy and a hate crime to complain.
The @nodiscrim @ncatnsw government ruled in court Robert Oscar Lopez gay child rape victim is a hate criminal for not loving it in a John Sunol court case.
Gay dads Child fucking is wonderful the gov says, and if you don't like it you are an intolerant Christian bigot who needs to be re-educated on the joys of altar boy sex.
That's how far its gone in Australia. The only solution left is to kill the child rapists when dialogue against them taking over is hate speech
The gay dad in the first link pictured above won best foster carer award in national carer awards same year he was charged for boy rape. The gov says the best dad is a gay dad who fucks his son.
@twodadsandme aka @michaeljames_TV features a lot on 153news.net
Troll the child fucker and give the gay police some dead ends to chase please.
Shoot the faggots and drown the niglet in a bucket.
There's that Girl's Love symbol too.
Children adopted by gays WILL be raped or abused or neglected. Sometimes all 3. Children require self sacrifice to be raised properly. Gays can't even deny their own lusts of the flesh long enough to procreate. What sort of fucking retarded mental gymnastics do you have to do to not realize this?
Yes, and a good gay parent would have not left his wife to chase his own selfish desires. A good parent is a good parent regardless of whatever sexual desires he has. The key word here is parent, which you fling around carelessly. The definition of parent is (That which produces; cause; source.) If you adopt kids, you are NOT the parent. Parents have a natural inclination to take care of their offspring, non-parents don't, especially when adopting children of foreign origins.
As sad as it is, the nigger is probably gonna turn out better with two white faggots than actual nigger parents
mandatory story since Trump brought up Pittsburgh in his state of the union speech. This was not Anti-Semetic, it was the targetting of a single doctor in Dor Hadash (the gay-friendly synagogue performing the bris) who is a pediatrician who moonlights as an HIV therapist… (((pure coincidence)))
The other 11 were just incidental. They probably attacked the shooter or the HIV pedi-Doctor was hiding behind them, or maybe the SWAT team killed them, hard to say.
Is this why Iran calls America The Great Satan?
No waman's lib in Iran…
Sorry, it is hormones. Mom didn't eat enough saturated fats while prego.
Except he will be wearing diapers until he's 12.
What are you saying?
Worst luck in the universe
kike propaganda.
People can do this on their own with only a third party to certify that the contract was made and signed.
The nigger baby will end up killing its fudge packing parents in a fit of ape-like rage before it reaches the age of 18.
At least the kikes have made it fashionable for these sick degenerates to adopt little niglets instead of harming human babies
unbelievable. saved.
This is the single most fucking clown world image possible. It's a literal intersection of everything that is fucked in the West:
I'm laughing because of how fucking ridiculously clown world this is. Can you imagine taking this pic to WW2 and showing American zogbots this image?
Whatcha sliding moshe?
Have some more
It's amazing to me how things have changed in my lifetime. The idea of faggots proclaiming themselves in public, then demanding marriage and adoption rights would have made the WWII generation run amok with axes and rifles in broad daylight.
They deserve it, since it was they who destroyed National Socialism, put/let Jews into power and let communism fester uncontested.
This thread is a gay circle jerk. Two of the things gay white men are obsessed with in one image: homosexuality and black people.
What are you sliding?
It's a gay circle jerk. This is cheap, low tier bait.
These old documents are so retarded you might think they're faked by pro-gay groups to slander anti-gays.
What kind of a silly goose gives away a whole continent to niggers?
They gonna rape him and make him gay.
He will then spread AIDS to the Black community.
This could work out.
We need to get this story to Tariq Nasheed.
It gonna be lit.
The memes, they just keep comin
But what does it mean? Truly a mystery.
Being molested doesn't ever completely flip a person's orientation. It makes straight men a little bit bisexual. By a little bit, I mean they are always attracted to women, but they have a second layer to their sexuality that is imposed on them. They will seek out men, have sex with them (sometimes constantly), but its never fulfilling and it seems (in my opinion from interacting with them), like it actually stresses them out. It's more like a neurotic itch they have to fulfill that fucks up their normal sexual functioning. These guys, and I've met plenty, still get boners when they see naked women.
Molestation doesn't describe how some people are never molested and never want vagina end up liking dick. They can manufacture gay animals in the lab by playing with specific hormones during a very specific window. This serves a natural purpose in the species. Humans born from these conditions will never succeed in changing their orientation and its not really a bad thing if this is the root cause.
There are two things going on with the explosion of modern "Gay" shit. First of all, when gays were excluded from other order producing places in society, bolsheviks seized on to them, and turned the community into a propaganda tool. Basically they were weaponized into degenerates and its pretty effective. A lot of young people think they are gay for completely silly reasons. I've listened to students bully others into accepting that they are "bisexual like everybody is"… I don't know ANY bisexuals that weren't molested as a child. Which is the second reason for the population explosion. Most bisexuals identify as gay publicly, but they will admit that they attracted to women, even though they deny being bisexual. I've casually asked many how they think they are gay when they can still fuck women… something many gay can't actually do. They get frustrated and talk about "preferences" and "things you want more than others". The thing is, the ones that are born that way don't seem to have any attraction to the vagina. I've listened to a lot of these guys talk about what motivates them to males over females, and honestly I think they understand what has been done to them and just can't admit it. They know their attraction to men is artificial, but they start spouting liberal crap when you point out the connection.
So, between media programming and the bisexualization created by pedos, you end up with the community of gays going from 2% to 15% which is insane. Only about 1/7 of the gay people you see were actually born that way. The others were either brainwashed by the media ("hey look you aren't weird and different', you special and gay"), or by early sexual trauma.
Just my two cents. Never been molested nor wanted a cunt.
The research is skewed between SJW's on one end that are making outrageous claims and using rediculous study methods, and the catholic brigade on other which make equally outrageous claims and focus all their crap on degenerates in prison.
The truth is, "gay" is a waste basket term. Is someone really "gay" if they have three kids with a woman and then moves in with a guy? Is he gay in the same way that someone who has never been able to get aroused by a female is?
There's a lot of factors here, and using the term "gay" as a political wedge is probably damaging to the progress of society. I mean its just not a suitable political category the way we've defined it.
Baby OJ?
Yes admittedly back in 1971 no one could imagine the insane asylum society we have with the vile Folsom St. Fair and numerous gay pride parades everywhere. Faggots have surpassed anything we would have thought possible.
the Pittsburgh shooting that Trump condemned happened because of Bowers targetting a single man in the Dor Hadash synagogue renting space. He is a pediatrician who also treats HIV patients, and he was conducting a dick-sucking circumcision on 2 boys who had just been adopted by gay men. Dor Hadash had initially been brought to Bowers' attention because of their support for the invader migrant caravans. The rest of the people just got killed because of either defending the HIV4KIDZ doc, or by being used as human shields by him. Narrative ("all jews must die") is a false flag spin, Bowers actually let everyone else besides HIVmohel in Dor Hadash leave, and ignored the people who stayed in the closet, only attacking the Rabbi who exited the closet to attack him, so it was self defense.
That first comic is the most brilliant thing I've seen this week.
This but unironically.
sadly, this now passes as optimism.
Well they didn't really have to live with the consequence they passed it onto us so jokes on us I guess
Gays can't be so bad if they're raping the fuck out of and buttfucking jewish boys (no such thing as jewish 'men' kek) until their assholes bleed.
Tor was a mistake
The fag on the left has had cosmetic surgery to give himself cat's eyes. That is extremely disturbing, and it hints strongly that he's already fucking that niglet.
Literally butthurt kike detected. Your butthole still bleeding kike boi?
Hello timecop
Why doe he look so much like fucking Anders Brevik?
2019 National lampoons is Nostradumbass this time line is so comfy
Also they eat the poo poo
good edit
What is wrong with their faces…they look like fucking aliens or something. Fags are disgusting looking creatures.
Wearing makeup
Makeup and plastic surgery>>12780007
Anyone got a copy of the bus-stop ad?
I was with you until
I love it. Thanks.
Children cant be prosecuted according to quaran, or common law for that matter.
i thought it was jews
You don't need Minority Report to predict aggravated turd burglary is in their future.
Sticking your penis into a shit-filled rectum is like picking your nose, except no one gets off picking their nose.
You guys were a penal colony, I figured you would use more direct methods of dealing with the masonic cop program than trying the (((courts)))… like IEDs (since they took the guns away).
t. not Kangaroo FBI, just wondering aloud
< defending niggers
Gays should only be allowed to adopt jewish boys who will have their bleeding baby jew penis sucked by a gross old rabbi and then anally raped until their rectum bleeds profusely as their god Satan intended.
No. Degenerates should be purged.
Can single people adopt a child
That the shooter did it because he was pissed the doc cut his dick
Good question
Gas em, gas em all.
That's antisemitic. Degeneracy is literally Jewish Culture and Jewish Culture dictates all Jewish males are meant to be anally raped by superior Sodomites they themselves promote.