23 just changed my results going from 99.9% to 100%. Removing my african and jewish DNA (both of which previously remained with their 90% accuracy tab)
Did they get sued or some shit?
23 just changed my results going from 99.9% to 100%. Removing my african and jewish DNA (both of which previously remained with their 90% accuracy tab)
Did they get sued or some shit?
That's funny they changed my results from 100% European to 99.9%. I know they had been sued for messing with European DNA results.
No. Thank kind of stuff is continuously updated as more samples are mapped. It just means some alleles they thought were predominant in sub-africa and kikes are actually found more frequently in white Euros. There was probably some mixing with those populations at some point and the alleles you carry are similar to the alleles passed on to the mixed people. Doesn't mean you are mixed or ever were.
Obviously the concepts are a bit over your head. The question was regarding the proliferation snps within a given population. One mixing can lead to proliferation, They updated your profile to show the origin. It's not african or kike. Feel good and stop being retarded.
Lol autist
97% Flipland here. 3% Chink. That's more Chink than Pocahontas is Native American.
No more kwanzaa or chanuka for you
Government improved their analysis.
Why would you give your dna to this (((company)))?
The govt probably already collected dna samples from us when we were in kindergarten
Thanks OP, when your cousins children do crimes they can be identified through your dna sample
Need a redpill on the safety/future dangers of doing a DNA test. On one hand I've been through the system many times and fingerprinted multiple times. But to my knowledge no DNA test unless it was stolen.
I want to know if I need to an hero because jew or not
This Neolithic DNA for example overlaps with North Africa because they were the first indigenous and was always a trade area. They have work from the top down because of the invasions of shitskins. So common ancestry with Whites is going to popup even more. North America was first settled by Western Hunter-gathers the shitskin asians came much later and some east american redskin tribes still had some blue eyed tribes roaming when Europeans finally came back to their rightful land but those tribes are completely gone by now.
Lol, exclaims autist whenever someone says something that is actually intelligent.
All they need is your DNA trace, they can trace back from 3rd cousins which by then could be some on a different continent.
This technology has been around for a decade its just cheaper now to do for law enforcement.
There is a reason (((they))) use shady suicides, so theres no DNA collection if its booked under suicide.
>There is a reason (((they))) use shady suicides, so theres no DNA collection if its booked under suicide.
Your (((they))) are not omnipresent supernatural overlords, you fucking schizophrenic idiot.
Kill yourself you retard and your mom for birthing you , police corruption has always been utilized by (((groups))).
Pathetic pseud
Of course. Your prose exposed you from your first post. Go back to rational wiki or whatever midwit cesspool you frequent
A miserable moron schizophrenic kike nutcase calling someone smarter then them a schizo
For pointing out (((suicides))).
Could it be anymore obvious you are a dumbass jew having a manic episode. You and your inbred mom deserve the cancer in your frail bodies, i heard sitting in a hot oven cures it try that.
>paying (((them))) to put your DNA in a government database
If you're this stupid you need to get the fuck off Zig Forums immediately.
Just checked mine. They've changed it.
I used to get 0,1% heeb on the Speculative setting and zero on the other two. Now it's gone. But I also remember there being no slav and now I get between 0,6% and 2,1% Eastern European fepending on the 5 different confidence settings. Also they still don't seem to have any data for the Uralic natives of Russia, which was the main reason I did the test around 5 years ago when I was still semi-bluepilled.
well, it just shows your modern ancestry
The database wont matter. We do not intend to rock the boat we intend to sink it. Maybe its an issue if you plan on raping someone.
Pretty sure 23andme is the only one that also checks autosomal dna so it goee back further that 20 generations or whatever.
cute viral marketing
not interested
I am pretty sure they just compare your autosomal results with other modern results
I meant mitochondrial dna is what they test which goes back much longer. Maybe something else. I just heard it wasnt as recent as most other tests
You guys actually gave your DNA to stupid fucks who will sell it to get an extra dime? Why?
Seems accurate, that'd mean that anything mixed in with them would them be counted as an overlap.
There's also the pilpul they use after employees said they added fake african and jewish results so maybe they're operating by just taking any 'unknown' and calling it something else. 23andme is jewy as fuck by the way.
They nuked my results after realizing I had 184 chromosomes. ;_;
Am I finished?
at least you could get the file from there to run
I mean unless I am American, I don't need my results to come back as 100% "my nationality" and if I am European then all samples from the same country cluster very near
ancient ancestry
They didn't.
It's viral marketing.
Same jew posting from different IPs.
I don't think any redpilled Zig Forumsack would do it. But if you already did it before becoming a Zig Forumsack then what's done is done.
56% too scared to do a dna test. At the very least it tells you the likely roots of where your family was recently. I assumed dorset for example but its most likely manchester.
Wow, this (((company))) even sends shills here to shill their (((product))). Case in point: (((d72181)))
Isn't the CEO of 23andme the sister of YouTube's CEO? That's a lot of valuable information very close to the Googl.
People who trust this shit are idiots. This shit was for and ONLY for a database sent to law enforcement and otherwise and every single thing sent out was horseshit. That people truly think some lab processed hundreds of millions of free DNA samples just to tell you your heritage is unfathomably retarded. Next level retard shit… FULL retard shit actually.
Lol another psued parroting the same shit. Its so obvious you are just trying to cope with your substantial nonwhite dna. They already have your dna and its worthless unless you commit some basic bitch crime and get caught doing it.
You're not fooling anyone, schlomo.
Ghengis Khan had Ginger Gene's.
Is this supposed to be the average EU citizen?
Why the fuck do you need some Business to tell you who you are based on DNA, do you not have a fucking family history?
I don't need to pay someone to tell me who I am, because thanks to research done by my grandparents I can trace my Family back to the 17th Century.
On top of that they were Landowners, in a region where the law forbade Jews from owning land and the villages they lived in were free of Jews, thanks to the regular purging of any Jewish Family that tired to live there.
So basically I am as jew free as it human possibly is and even if in the hundreds of people that make up my ancestors was ever a chase of race mixing, its so small that it doesn't matters.
Remember that after the Nuremberg Law a mongrel could be a citizen in the Third Reich, but a Mongrel that doesn't that have a history and shows signs of degenerative behavior is a Untermensch.
(((DNA))) companies have boasted they "alter the results to stick it to those with 'white privilege'." They make a small percentage 'unknown' or a some other random choice like (((nigger)))
>giving your genetic code to (((scammers))) so they can engineer a bio-virus to wipe out your lineage
Oh wait, it's shills pretending to have done so to get more Zig Forums anons to get themselves fucked. Or is it? nu/pol/ is stupid enough to fall for this.
2% or less is "distortion" and shouldn't be considered legit. When I got my 23&me it was 100% euro, and still is. However, I did this at a time when all the shady things about them hadn't come out and everyone was doing it. If you do get it done, you can opt out of sharing and request the sample be destroyed after you get your results. This is very easy to do in the dashboard on your account. I also think you can back out of GEDmatch if you connected to it.
If I were anyone at this point in time I wouldn't do it. They are not really that specific, and the science isn't that sound either. basically it just means that you matched the genetics of others in an area, so it's not really this super accurate data of like phenotype and specific countries.
yeah it only goes back like 400 years i think
GEDmatch is a tool the feds use to do this. They made headlines when they found a killer by a cousin's trace. You can upload your 23&me data into GEDmatch to find family members for those who didn't know.
You people are noobs at life.
PKU cards at birth. The DNA panic occurring just now is too late.
You're a fucking retard, this
user is right. There are a significant number of European genes which have been increasing in frequency in Africa for the last few millennia, because any time a white person ended up there since antiquity, their descendants outcompeted the indigenous people. Any time a European slave was captured and sold into the horn of Africa, every time some frog knocked boots with a pygmy, their genes proliferated like wildfire.
Fixation/high frequencies of a gene do not necessarily mean it is endemic.
Kill yourself
Good goy
Its intelligence. Smart people dont wonder if theyre white, good blood knows where it came from, its a sum of many generations before you. So all the dumb subIQ numbnuts line up to be part of the club. And dumb as they are they believe that kikes have the power to put you there with their fantastic DNA machine of wonder and miracles.
The love i feel for my people is infinitely greater than the hatred i have for other folks, but i sometimes wish to cull my own stock.
holy shit are you guys that pissed about being called mutts? you do know DNA tests are bullshit anyway and its just a ploy to get a sample of you
Enjoy being in an evidence database for future criminal activity for the rest of eternity you idiot, that includes any genetic relatives also dumbass
LMFAO that can't be a real study, at this point in time I wouldn't be surprised if that kike shit based study was actually was considered reliable evidence
Why would you send jews your DNA?
Should be the eternal tumor
its 100% real, are you questioning g-d's chosen?
Excommunicated from the (((tribe))), eh OP? LEL
No worries… It's only for grifter scum anyway… Consider yourself lucky. But be careful… Sounds like you probably have some of that (((blood))) in you… Damned corrosive stuff to the soul. Mind yourself.
Damn you're retarded.
Supposedly genetic memory is a thing, naturally the kikes latched onto the theory like the rats they are.
>(((dna tests)))
The only true test of racial purity is belief in Christian Identity. Until converting to CI all pagans and atheists should be assumed to be non-white
Wasn't this shit place outed awhile ago as actually shilling? Does OP work for them? The fact that the government probably has all your information anyways isn't a fucking excuse to just give them more of it, jesus christ
Shill somewhere else.
Christian identity itself already isn't pure, it's just jewish bullshit spun further by jews to undermine the white race. Fuck off schlomo.
*Sends wife and daughter with the Church women to do "missionary" in Kenya*
Jesus is Lord, pagan
I worship my ancestors and nothing else. I don't mean some intangible concept of my ancestors either like a lot of people mean here. I mean specific men who have lived throughout my family tree and made names for themselves. The same men who lead me here and who lead me to this day. I don't have pretensions of immortality or even that "nothing" happens. Quite frankly I don't know and I won't know - it's irrelevant as it's inevitable it will pass, either I will or will not meet the/a/ Creator/s as death comes for all men in it's time.
But people like you who idealistically follow a hollow 2000 year old Jewish rule book for how to be an "good goy" have nothing to offer us anymore. Your kind fostered our intellectuals and made them the greatest learned philosophers in the world for hundreds of years through the reforms of Charlemagne and the desperate protection of past knowledge by the Church. And for a time it was good. It produced thinkers and writers in fact most of the philosophers of Western Europe throughout all history have been Christian - either by magnitude of population growth or the printing press. People may not like that fact but it is objectively true - and it goes so for most scientists throughout the 1800's and onward. So I'm not some ignorant "Atheist" retard nor am I LARPing as some follower of a Pagan deity. I'm areligious I'm dedicated to the struggle of my people, my ancestors legacy and their history - that history being mine and my children's.
I'm not going to subject them or anyone for that matter to a morally corrupt cult that's sole response to the onslaught that has besieged Western Civilization for the last 300 years is to - bury it's head in the sand.The bible needs to be taught in school simply because it's more important a Historical article than "The Catcher in the Rye" but I'm not going to worship you cucks either.
Listen here, heathen: the day of God's wraith being unleashed upon this wicked Earth is coming soon, and you would be wise to change your ways beforehand. Jesus reads your sin-hardened heart like a book (an epic tragedy of a book), and every page he turns enrages him more. You live like a swine toiling away in the excrement of your sin, and like a swine you do this by routine and nature. Never once have you considered your own wickedness, being blinded by your pagan idols who lead you further into the chasm of depravity. You are unrepentant to the core, and every minute of your life is dedicated to desecrating God's law. You are like a spoiled child who thinks he can get away with everything because his parents don't punish him. But God is your father, and he is allowing you to fill the vessel of his wraith to the top before he spills it upon your head. Every sin you commit in glee is another torment that shall be inflicted on you during the end times. Your skin shall rot off your flesh; your tongue will dry up to dust; your eyes will melt in their sockets; your fingers will turn gangrenous and be filled with maggots that will feast from you; every bone shall be twisted and smashed; every limb shall be pulled from its socket; fire shall consume you and leave you burned, begging for death. God will not allow you the peace of death and resurrection until the debt of your sins has been paid for in full. Your final days will be the longest in your life. I warn you of these things that will surely plague you if you do not turn to Christ. Humble yourself, and submit to our Lord and Savior. Confess it all, all the devil-worship, the sodomy, the furry orgies you have partaken in, and beg for his mercy. God is infinitely merciful, but there will come a day when he will withdraw his mercy from this place, and you will be inflicted with the purest of suffering brought on by your own hands. Sin is a poison, and only through Jesus are we spared from its effects. Convert or die, heretic.
Decoding the world's population of their own and family genetics ensures there is no more privacy left and will be used to predict the future. If you, even if a relative used the service your, consider your DNA no longer private. Plan your rebellion carefully.
The grandchildren also need money from Germany.
I had weird shit happen to mine too. I think basically they're like "don't know, it's niggers." Then they find out what it is, and are like, "Oh, axxxxially not niggers."
Don't rape people. Wow, now you don't have to worry about DNA tests.
This is how stupid liberals actually are.
Yes, so stupid. Now, that was your conclusion, let's hear your… ARGUMENT.
The only thing a DNA test does is tell you how many people of a similar DNA live in a geographical location. It has nothing to do with race since multiculturalism has destroyed most homogeneous nations.
This is how stupid liberals actually are.
That's nice. Name a reason. Because you can't. You've nigged 2x.