Tulsi Gabbard has caved to the Zionists. She's off the menu, boys. Who are we supporting in 2020?
Attention Accelerationists
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Duke/Farrakhan 2020.
Isn't she married to that one guy who was shot, who publicly became anti-gun even though he was caught going to a gun range with an ar-15 that he owned?
ok realistically… who are you supporting?
Not sure. All I know is she's hot and a Zionist.
Do we vote for the guy who makes suppressors OTC purchasable happen?
We vote for whoever will open our borders and force white genocide in the faces of every single god damn white person in America. There's no stopping the chaos!!!!11
That's nice, fuck off nigger.
wtf did you just say to me? ill assume you had a hard day at work, are just venting on an anonymous image board, and will overlook your rude attitude.
Skin lumpy, wouldn't bang
Betting on the best of two bad options is still picking the bad option. Tulsi is still better than any of your mainstream political shitbag that'll ever have a chance to get in congress. Without a total collapse of the American Empire there is simply no choice of our kind or people of our persuasion ever getting in office and repeating the 1930's. If you want to try go ahead but it just means you don't understand the dynamics of how things have changed and why its impossible. You're better off devoting all your energy to causing the division within America to widen so that recovery is impossible without being a third world which we're already hidden.
If you had to vote she's better than most, but there's really no point in voting for any of these retards. Trump should be the final proof that nothing can be truly done, but he did us a solid by helping break down political correctness. Now that gate can never be sealed without violence. Either way win-win.
true and checks out. if voting is rigged, we take advantage by helping the most anti-white candidate possible
Patrick Little
TFW Accelerationinism goes too far, and the new ZOGbot allows Verizon to Fry all WHites with 5G
Tulsi is being set up just like Trump was. The "outsider", "anti-jew" narrative is certain corners is identical. So is the lingering ties to zionist money, the MIC, and the Hindustani geopolitical objectives.
The Hindustans Culturally Appropriated our Aryan System of Vedanta.. and now, Aryans don't even know what an Upanishads is/
lol no
feels bad man
i agree with this. trump was spammed by altright and so is gabbard
How is she not still the accelerationist choice?
need anti-white but also anti-zionist candidates, like AOC
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar
In all seriousness, what are the chances the GOP nominates someone OTHER than Trump? Going third-party you might as well not even bother voting. You'll get what you get. Choice is a joke.
I would love to see a Paul Run. Maybe Mitt Romney? IDK
yes exactly. based
Yeah man but at some point GOP loses. If Zig Forums doesn't decide who he loses too… it's all over.
Well, that's a more esoteric view of things that I wasn't really referring to. I mean India's position as a net oil importer, clearly third tier in continental Asia behind China and Russia, its history of trying to play all sides between USSR/Britain/USA, existential conflict over the long, medium, and near terms with Islam, subversive immigrant population heavily present in the USA.
It's not groundbreaking analysis to realize their interests align with the talmudic mafia in the USA.
sorry, user but i'm still with her!
dob jej
she's /our new age racketeer cult guru/ now
AOC isn't a genuine anti-zionist. She's a marrano playing a role. Not noticing the similarities with Trump where she makes these incredibly grandiose statements and gets her supporters frenzied?
She sounds good, but I believe she supports the whole apparatus of our involvement in the Middle East. Like, israel gets its money so the Palestinians get their money. I am sure she is genuinely antagonistic of israel, but the Semitic gravy train takes precedence.
Don't think it'll make a difference. Dems aren't going to run some super-liberal lesbian Mexican Muslim or such nonsense. Neither are they running Bernie fucking Sanders. They'll put up some easygoing moderate, who will beat Trump effortlessly just on the votes of people who want to restore some semblance of sanity to governance. The GOP is losing right now, and it was my point that you're not going to have a choice who the replacement is, because it'll just be the Dem candidate. The primaries are a meaningless dog and pony show.
whats your opinion on all the anti-Israel democrats now coming into power?
All probably a ruse. Nobody is truly anti-Israel because that's where all the money is. Just look at how long Trump got a lot of people believing he was going to be, and how that turned out. On the off-chance that any of them are legit, I can't see them getting nominated, even discounting any sort of inside corruption. Democrats tend to want to portray an all-inclusive platform, being "anti-" nothing.
The Soy Jew. He has good taste in women.
what's your solution to our current problem? i mean do you have one? and i dont mean to sound condescending I'm really asking
Lookin like fuckin Ray Liotta over here
Don't want to speak for anyone else, but you'd probably need a death squad campaign on par with the Khmer Rouge and a rigid system to permanently disadvantage any surviving descendants and any of the line after that like they do in North Korea.
Welp 😓
havent heard of it. will research tho
The whole point of trump was to say "heh maybe we can vote ourselves out of this mess" but it can never happen (as millions of illegal shitskins give birth to "legal" citizens, and it'll never happen again. Hopefully more people realize this, but that's the one up-in-the-air thing. I don't intend on dying a quiet death if things go as they have been since 1965.
youre retarded at this point. do you not understand how infected this entire world is? it all needs to burn.
Don't accelerationists want to, you know, accelerate the destruction of society? Shouldn't you be supporting the most pozzed candidate?
Trump was always pro-Israel
However, none of the politicians are truly anti-Israel because leftists want the two state solution and to end the wars for greater Israel (not sure if they will)
Israeli Jews are however afraid of muslims and that's why they like to have nationalist parties to support them because they know that if west imports more muslims, they would get no support from the west and they will be eventually destroyed by Iran
The idea is that in America white genocide is happening behind the scenes. Immediately after white anons see the European migrant crisis they begin to resist white genocide in America, so they're given Trump to pacify them with empty promises. They think politicians will save them. Accelerationism is a strategy to redpill the masses quickly and force revolt.
Israelis are rich kikes and Palestinians are poor kikes. (((Hamas))) is controlled opposition. Now, the Lebanese and Hezbollah, they don't like the yids…
I'll be voting for whatever democrat promises to pack the courts with illegal supreme court justices to ensure that the rule of law is thoroughly destroyed, which always ALWAYS precedes civil war.
Trump was in (((real estate))), it's not an option.
That's my point. Judging by OP's tweet, Tulsi Gabbard seems like an anti-white candidate. I though an accelerationist would support her.
If you want a truly anti-white and anti-Israel canditate you should support Bernie
True but we need whites redpilled on both white genocide and zionism. Gabbard is pro-Israel and only fills one of those positions
so bernie is /ourguy/? lets make this happen Zig Forums
I'm a far-center moderate extremist. Who's my guy?
Trump 2020, Rand Paul 2024
lol no
no you fucked bitch that yid isnt our guy theres probably only a couple thousand of us anyway so dont even try pushing voting anymore. all it does is shit the catalog and all discussion. kill your enemies and destroy their bases.
I think he will be useful for destroying the economy too tbh
The shotgun you should be sucking off right now.
but the put is there is no /ourguy/..so how do we make this fact work for us?
I get you guys want society to fall and stuff, but what happens next? Are you guys just anarchists with a streak of individualism?
assassinate orchestrators and destroy everything then mass murder of undesirables
Cant speak for others but I want white people to wake up and get pissed so we can have a chance at survival
We are supporting Trump, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Okay, so white nationalist who wants to rebuild from the ground up. What does your future whites only utopia look like? National Socialist, I suppose?
No one. The only way forward for us is withdrawal from and boycott of every part of the kike system. It must be attacked and starved by any means at our disposal. If you don't realize this after the (((Trump))) deception, then I don't know what to tell you.
I'm not voting for anyone unless they name the jew.
I just want whites happy and prosperous. My worldview is National Socialist tho.
We're not voting for (((harris))), you retarded shill. You know what's ON the menu? Nuking israel.
didnt say anything about harris are you trying to fuck me? i will fuck you.
not if i fuck both of you first
I'm voting whichever Democrat seems the most insane. I gotta make sure I switch parties soon so I can vote in the primaries.
national socialism isnt delusional enough to seek utopia. it seeks survival.
The declared candidates and the ones "thinking about it" are all just your average pro-israel libtards. Beto is a white Onigger, and reminds me of when Bill "I jizzed on a Jew girl's face" Clinton when he first started out. Which brings us to……Zig Forums…..you know SHE is going to run again right?
I prefer the Starbucks jew since the job has really turned into a CEO-in-chief of other CEOs type of role.
theyll probably choose her to so the marxists can chimp out and further radicalize how shes big money blah blah and cuckservatives will cope post “well it could be worse” the new paradigm will be literal communists shilling for COMMUNISM NOW vs democrats playing the longer game
A Schultz administration would be indistinguishable from Trump's.
This is the most likely scenario with Dems going full Communist by 2024 an election they will most certainly win.
Free Starbucks for the goyim.
Obligatory. Should do more.
No war with China and Wall St too afraid to crash everything sounds good to me.
The point of accelerationism is to accelerate capitalism. Not pols jerk off fantasy about race war
Imagine. Being a communist. Obsessing day and night about an economic system. Thinking about wealth distribution. Never thinking about god or blood. All he knows and strives for is to change an economic system and he thinks that will solve all his problems.
25,411.52 +172.15 (0.68%)
I'll go ahead and filter you. I'm not really interested in whatever you're trying to get across.
Accelerationism has two sides/possibilities to it: accelerating the collapse of the global industrialist capitalist system, and the acceleration of racial/political tensions to the point of total war (hopefully a Racial Holy War :^) Doesn't matter which happens first (ideally both happen), but our only hope is some kind of major reset.
You sound like a loser. No reason we can't take the Democrat primary like we took the Republican one. There is no good reason for any republican not to register democrat to guide the primary process.
Bernie's against immigration that will lower wages, he voted against immigration reform in 2007. Every other D or R ids owned by corporations which means keep the floodgates open.
Fuck Tulsi , Bernie or bust.
dude watch the video
This isnt communism you fucking philistine. Aceelratonism literally means accelerating the process of capitalism so that the AI god will be built and wipe out humanity.
It has nothing to do with pols race war garbage. In fact it actually wants to kill everyone equally
Sam Hyde, get him to run as a Democrat
I can't believe this idea hasn't taken off
You're not my dad. You can't tell me what to do.
You need to go insanerer.
You know you have met an absolute fucking plebe when they think accelrationism means destroying shit. I mean like a real low iq motherfucker.
accelrationism is about accelerating the process of capital so that we reach the singularity and AI is built and wipes out humanity.
Pol trying to turn it into a racial thing is low iq as fuck, well all of you are pretty low iq. But it makes the assumption that everyone is as racist and insecure as you
The actual future of racial fascism is most likely some form of intense tribalism mixed with anarcho primtivism
I have no doubt you, and people calling to vote democrat for "Acceleration" are some sort of demoralization and psyop campaign.
out of context here
Your post is an eyesore, and you, yourself, are an ignoramus. Just about every mark you can identify about what you said and how you typed it can identify that you are not from here. Kindly suck start a shotgun.
Trump. They're all fucking kikes anyway so might as well just pick the guy that triggers everyone the most so we at least get 4 more years of chimp outs, salt, and tranny suicides.
Hello Reddit
Patrick Little 2020