While the two-party system still reigns and the status quo remains, i propose that all of us who wish for radical change swear to ourselves that we will not fight each-other until the current political conditions are demolished.
Communists, Nazis, AnCaps, we should try to abolish the current state of things before we destroy each-other. If the current state of things is abolished, war will be easier to wage among ourselves, freeing us from our own inaction!
Of course, such a promise won't mean anything, but i'm simply sick of the status quo, i think we all are. If you hate neoliberals and neoconservatives, i want you to promise to yourself right now that you will not harm other radical elements of society until the current social conditions allow for war again. After that, may the best ideology win.
A proposal
fuck off and die bitch
At this point nukes are the only option.
Zogbots are hardly radical elements of society.
Where did it say "go vote" in the op?
Lurk more, newfag.
Rope yourself.
It's the shill's thread you retarded fuck.
The communists will ignore this advice and try to backstab you.
I like the way you think, OP. I agree that the radical lefts' appreciation for the dire state of Western liberal democracy can appear sympathetic, but you need to keep your eye on the ball.
Trump believes in compromise. Look where that got us.
fuckin nupol
fuck off
We should work together to bring down the neoliberal world order, rather than fighting each other to support it. This is what kike fears the most, and it's what's happening in France for example. For any of us to bring a new order, the old one has to be demolished. Then we can draw the borders among ourselves, and each go our own ways, or fight, whatever works.
Anyone saying otherwise is a state parasite shill afraid for his source of income being endangered (temporarily). Look at them screeching ITT.
gay fucking dugin nigger fuck off and die in a fire you aids commie kike faggot
we know your game u bunch of kikes
this thread IS the communists
I think the simple fact that people are progressively being magnetically pulled to "extreme" ends of the political spectrum is a sign that this is already happening subconsciously among individuals closer to the poles. The status quo is less and less safe and promising, as it becomes more apparent every day to even the more simple minded individuals that those who represent that status quo are highly defensive, and are openly hostile to anything that could even potentially threaten their illegitimate positions of power.
We shouldn't shake hands with the enemy just because they're the enemy of a bigger enemy. Remember: any movement that isn't explicitly right-wing will become left-wing (>>12765188
See: The Chinese Civil War). If an anti-establishment movement happens more or less organically (early Occupy Wall Street and the Trump campaign come to mind), we should contribute, but never forget that such a movement would simply be a means to an end. Never lose sight of the end. Your ancestors live through you, and they are watching. Don't let them down.
Only statement of his i agree with
Horseshoe theory. This is no longer a battle of the nations, or the battle of the ideas. This is a battle against nepotistic, oligarchic kikes holding the entire world as a hostage and destroying everything. Once those rats are removed (I hope every last one of them gets killed), we can get the history going again.
it's not a horrible idea, if the communist want to take a shot at the (((global elite))) I sure won't be jumping in front of that bullet
I have no problem with this. Temporary alliance to crush the moderates then bam full on "gas the art studentd" extremist war now
Alliance is not a requirement, especially considering how these contemporary political movements have their strength in being decentralized. To say we (Zig Forums) are "allies" of any left-wing group, and even some right-wing groups, we are implicitly saying that as a collective we will tolerate their ideology being spewed on our board. What else would it mean? How else could Zig Forums "ally" with any other group without having to deal with their bullshit here? No, we don't need an alliance, we just need to kickstart or contribute to multiple little movements that are anti-establishment. Remain detached from them, because being blatant about our specific goals is not the most effective option, and any movement that isn't explicitly right-wing will become left-wing, as I said earlier.
Just contribute to anti-establishment movements or start your own. Subtlety is key, and humor has historically been our strong-suit. No gay "alliances" with faggots or commies necessary.
Maybe the new world will be divided between political factions. You would have a country for white race national socialists, a country for communists, one for libertarians etc.
It's simple game theory that this idea is bullshit, the winning move is always to violate the bond in order to win.
Yes goy. America must be destroyed… not Israel.
Form a pact with people that are 100% going to stab you in the back the first opportunity they get, many of whom consider you to be worse enemies than the current system.
seems to me if we get rid of political zionists and castrate the influence of diaspora, problem solved.
A lot of good whites in America. All you're supporting is a fervent Zionist.
Duginists deserve death.