The Never Again Education Act introduced, which will require kids to be brainwashed with Holocaust propaganda and the new anti-Semitism monitor is appointed.
He's an ex gang prosecutor and pro immigration Republican, as if there's anti immigration Republicans.
Other urls found in this thread:
Every single person associated with this administration needs to be hunted down and killed.
Starting to look alot like the USSR
Reported to the Secret Service.
Suck a cock, you zogbot faggot.
I didn't see any mention of the Holodomor, where 66 Million Aryans were Tortured, Raped, and Murdered.. Maybe its on the next page?
Hahahahahahahah oh man this is just fucking funny now.
You'll be sucking cocks in prison, anarchokiddy ;^)
Right before the half a million kids who died in Iraq under sanctions.
It can't be made any more clearer - trump's a ZOGbot.
He became one with the swamp.
Reminder that Zogbots are not human, they aren't even animals. They do not have souls, they aren't even sentient. The killing of a Zogbot is no different than the "killing" of a television set.
Video very very very very very very much related.
You'd have to ignore ~30 years of track record to believe this.
He was always a covert bit of the swamp, wasn't he?
Nothing particularly covert about following Pat Buchanan from party to party for close to a decade, harassing him for not being a stooge for israel or a nigger lover. Or flooding city council members in Florida with interracial propaganda and making a spectacle of it in jewish newspapers to intimidate them into approving your nigger jew country club where your family's try hard bad taste can be put on full display.
Well….. Whats da answar?
William Pierce 1999
Are you referring to your boss Bibi?
OMG filterman, I might have to start watching you again if you have girls with cute braids like that.
Are you referring to Alex Jones?
Or are you just another asshurt yid?
yo thats based add that to the dozens of martin luther king papers kindergarteners bring home
I just noticed Ira Foreman mentioned in the 1999 article used to be the Anti Semitism monitor before this Trump appointment, odd coincidence.
You have to understand how cuckchan and here have been used to a massive extent to support our own destruction to really get a feel of how fucked things really are.
For the lulz was for the kikes lulz, and they are still laughing that they got the most right wing nationalist resources online to get them an election win - of course if you take it a step further, it doesn't matter who got in the kikes would of won.
What is worse is that they are still here, in every thread - remember this place is National Socialist - anyone pushing something else is too new to know the truth or here to destroy.
They banned dozens to hundreds of posters daily, ran automated posting scripts and paid agents from SCL, and heavily advertised the board to redditniggers. Very few people who were regulars here were fooled – they were simply banned over and over again with their posts wiped.
Which is even scarier to think that the majority of what happened was not actual posters, here and everywhere else online. How much of it was (((manufactured))) i guess we will never know.
They even stole our fucking meme frog.
That's where you're wrong schlomo,
I'm a fascist.
Luckily niggers and spicks don't pay attention in class so it'll go in one ear and out the other.
The best white schools are private schools that are immune to this type of communist re-education.
At worst, it will be another tax-funded kike money grab like obamacare.
Sounds like another, shoah, my fellow user. It saddens me to hear of such unwanton persecution and butthurt.
Oy vey, not the meme frog. They'll come for our meme magic next.
All I can do is vote against it.
I'm all ears if you have a solution.
inb4 "final solution" larp
op DIRECTLY linked to jewish telegraph agency
how do you not get this? kikes are so reviled that they use their proximity to destroy support
Feeling some real pity for that mulatto teacher in the second video. Racemixing not even once.
My sister (American citizen) goes to private (((catholic))) school… it's as pozzed as a public school, with "religion" covering up the kike brainwashing.
Thinking of going back to south America as soon as I adopt a waifu.
Like real old/pol/acks say… maga with daca
Better throw some more tax dollars there way.
no one has ever fucking said that without being paid by kushner, you massive cock chugging faggot
((( )))
70 Years Ago In A Foreign Country
((( )))
Actually yes. You see, many Hispanics are Aryan. NO MORE BROTHERS WARS!!!!
you're the worst fucking shill i've ever seen here
That means kike hate needs to grow into an entire genre of entertainment to counter the narrative that the 1st Amendment will allow a single inch more.
Yes, starting with you FBI sodomite.
why don't anti-trump contrarians start hating jews now?
Nah, just more kosher whores for Israel.
Outside of the US, that's fairly normal.
Still here. Wow.
maybe you should have asked if getting caught was a part of his plan?
As an intellectual exercise, can you describe to me an action that the enemy takes to further their position that you can't rationalize as actually being in our favor? Just one will do.
Is she married to that guy or is he just her pimp?
He's a kike, what do you think?
Anything in the past 100 years.
Try to condense your nebulous thoughts into a coherent and poignant answer. An actual example, don't retreat into vagaries, it's lazy.
Here's a problem. The empathetic gene only exist in the white race. Niggers and spics dgaf about your mythical six million.
You're the one handing out exercises like a childless whore teacher looking down on her students. If you have a point make it you menstrating cunt.
I didn't watch the state of the union last night.
Let me just guess. All talk again? No action taken for the border, is my prediction right?
Also didn't watch but you can be sure plenty of niggers were patted on the head, beaners were embraced, and ebil whitey that built the building the child rapists and subhuman darkies were sitting in was disenfranchized.
The one that purged jews? You wished you were them.
But it was a statement of fact. You can't outlaw facts.
the silver lining I guess
Honestly, all we need to do is make sure kids hear about the holohoax and about how it didn't happen.
Kids hate school, and therefore hate what their teachers teach them. It would be real easy.
It purged ~20 million Russians before that just fine. Also spread the poz all over the world.
Trump gets the rope too.
You will not engage in simple tasks and demonstrate antagonism towards following instructions, yet we are going to win this war, huh?
not wanting to troll but please someone exactly explain when was mmuricuh really great? :3
i know one Anglin dude whos gonna have to stop shilling for Trump cause the illusion cant hold any longer
not that he isn't now announcing ready to support some boobed mestizo polskank!!
This website 100% will report this to the FBI
Every post on honeypot chan is monitored.
Mind blown
Kampfy back it with his endless kikery
I swear to God Kampfy, one day you'll get the rope
The "purges" was internal power struggle, absolutely not something specifically about jews.
They already taught us that the holocoaster, lamp shades, and jew soap bars were real when I was in school. No change really, orange kike is just making it official policy.
What the fuck is even the official numbers? for fucking sure it's not 6,000,000
Idk nigger, I talk about killing politicians(which is the next logical step) all the time on this board and never heard about it.
Jonestein screeches more about Hitler and the Holocaust than any other subject.
If Anglin cared about keeping up the illusion, he wouldn't have an admitted jew for a webmaster.
So the act literally changes nothing? What's even the point?
Look I do agree with the sentiment but Stalin did lead part of the red army (to surprising defeats) during the Russian civil war so the assertion that he never set foot on a battlefield is incorrect.
Damn. We lost another good (((white))) woman.
To appease kikes. Why else? Trump is in love with them.
I don’t think so. Look at the order of those tweets from her boyfriend.
Why do I love uncle Adolph so much?
Is it revisionist realization, my german blood, or something deeper?
Just so it's clear, why do they push for mandatory Holocaust studies? It's not for what they say it is.
William Pierce explains, you can start at the
7 min til 12 min mark. This is what needs to be explained to kids and you can do it without denying the Holocaust.
As a natural and organic user, I think that guy was presenting an esoteric metaphor that sometimes a family is strong when it's big.
Desperation in the ranks of the establishment is an amazing thing to witness. None of my kids' friends believe in the Holohoax, by the way. Some of that is just topical edginess, but a little directed questioning for kids who haven't been fully conditioned yet goes a long way.
Remember about the 60 million Incans that were genocided by the Jewish controlled Spaniards or something… my great great great grandmother was a rape victim of this shoah, no other event in history ever comes close to that!
So, the shit we're forced to study just has an actual name now. It's not much of a change, really. I hope to god and beyond that Trump is only appeasing the kikes for a moment, and he'll later kick the kikes out of the US. But that's probably not likely.
So, the shit we're forced to study just has an actual name now. It's not much of a change, really. I hope to god and beyond that Trump is only appeasing the kikes for a moment, and he'll later kick the kikes out of the US. But that's probably not likely.
Fuck Jüden, it is Trump's only real flaw.
I'm not a niggercock sucking FBI faggot so what we do you speak of?
How're those lawsuits stacking up niggerbrain?:^)
Don't take my challenging a lying shill nigger with support for Jones the dumb nigger with no self control
That's what I'm thinking.
Not pulling your kids out of school and homeschooling them is child abuse.