I think Tucker Carlson is an actual social nationalist in formation.
Tucker Carlson is a Social Nationalist
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I'm going to do a study of December and January to see what percentage of Tucker's guests are Jewish.
He isn't.
Are you really or are you just pissing in the first comment? I don't see any point at all in bullying those that lean toward the correctest view in American politics.
He's had Dave Rubin on, and that's all I really need to know to know it's a big joke, but I'm curious as to the actual rate, and whether or not Tucker chooses his guests.
I like that he drives the left crazy
Carlson was born in San Francisco, California and grew up on Laurel Terrace Drive in Studio City.[2] He is the elder son of Richard Warner Carlson, a former Los Angeles news anchor and U.S. ambassador to the Seychelles who was also president of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and director of Voice of America.
VOA was established in 1942,[2] and the VOA charter (Public Laws 94-350 and 103-415)[3] was signed into law in 1976 by President Gerald Ford. The charter contains its mission "to broadcast accurate, balanced, and comprehensive news and information to an international audience",
Some commentators consider Voice of America to be a form of propaganda.[6][7] In response to the request of the United States Department of Justice that RT register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Russia's Justice Ministry labeled Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty as foreign agents in December 2017
Enjoy your puppet show, then, fool. Trump makes librulz mad too, but you're still getting no wall, amnesty, and millions more brown people. Fucking moron.
So I decided to get started and here's where we are so far.
People married to Jews = Jews
January 2nd - 6 guests, 50% Jewish
- Elvira Salazar
Salazar was born in Miami, the daughter of Cuban exiles. (en.wikipedia.org
- (((Lee Smith)))
Smith is the media columnist for Tablet Magazine. (Tablet is an American Jewish online magazine founded in 2009 by Jewish non-profit Nextbook.)
- (((Tammy Bruce)))
"L.A.’s radio phenom Tammy Bruce, a gay Jewish Palinista with a Tammy’s Army of followers" (archive.fo
- Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch President (en.wikipedia.org
- Douglas MacGreger
Douglas A. Macgregor is a U.S. Army Colonel (retired), author, and consultant.
- (((David Isay)))
David Avram "Dave" Isay (born December 5, 1965) is an American radio producer and founder of Sound Portraits Productions; Isay produced a wide variety of programs for NPR, including the Yiddish Radio Project. (en.wikipedia.org
January 3rd - 4 guests, 50% Jewish
- (((Richard Goodstein)))
Former Clinton Advisor
- Mike Pence
'we need a wall but also daca is on the table'
- Heather MacDonald
Heather Lynn Mac Donald (born November 23, 1956) is an American political commentator, essayist, attorney and journalist. She is described as a secular conservative.
- (Mark Steyn)
He has stated that "the last Jewish female in my line was one of my paternal great-grandmothers"; married to (((Karol Sheinin))).(informationcradle.com
January 4th - 6 guests [5 kosher], 17% Jewish [83% kosher]
- (((Chris Hahn)))
Former Chuck Schumer advisor
- Lisa Boothe
Fox News Thot; political parentage; was a senior director at the Black Rock Group (Due to its power and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world's largest shadow bank.)
- Victor Davis Hanson
In his article 'Israel did it', Hanson asked why Israel, during the 2006 Lebanon war, was being blamed for responding to attacks by Hezbollah. Hanson was critical of the Middle East policies of the administration of Barack Obama and accused the Obama administration of distancing itself from Israel, despite its exceptional position as a tolerant Western nation in the Middle East, and of preferring the Palestinian Authority and Hamas despite their being anti-Western.; victorhanson.com
- Allie Beth Stuckey
"The truth is, @pnehlen can't properly respond to this thread, because he's going to have to Google 99% of what I'm talking about. He cares about Christendom; he knows nothing of Christianity."…"Allie, how does it feel to live in the husk of your once great Christian country and have your mutuals, Ben and Elliot, trash talk your & your ancestor's religion?"… "They're Jewish. Why would I expect them to believe what I believe? Are they wrong? Yes. Am I offended? No."… So, your anti-semitism, @pnehlen, comes from both a lack of sincerity in your faith & a lack of understanding. “For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.” Romans 10:12… "Jesus cannot be separated from his Jewishness. He is the Lion of Judah. The "new & better Adam," the "new & better David." See Matthew 1: his genealogy is listed for this purpose. The fact that Jesus is a Jew is integral to the story of redemption. 2/ Jesus is the fulfillment of JEWISH prophecy. He would not be relevant without the existence of Israel & Jewish Scripture. Gentiles are "adopted," "grafted in." We weren't part of the picture for a looong time (though, yes, always a part of God's eternal plan) 3/"… Utterly spiritually semitic, effectively Jewish if not biologically.
- Jeff Bell
BSO Deputies Association President
- Dan Bongino
BASTE mixed-race; Bongino is married to Paula Andrea, née Martinez, who was born in Colombia; facebook.com
Note: Why does Tucker regularly have gay jews on his show? Tammy Bruce, Dave Rubin, etc… I don't understand.
Isn't Tucker supposed to be (((BASTE)))? Is he BASTED in gay jewish spum, or what?
January 7th - 6 guests [5 kosher], 50% Jewish [83% kosher]
- Mark Morgan
Former Border Patrol Chief
- Peter Kirsanow
High-yellow negro; Peter N. Kirsanow is a partner with the law firm of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, working within its Labor & Employment Practice Group in Cleveland, Ohio. He is also a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights… "And a nuclear Iran? No worries. They can be contained. It’s those Jewish settlements we need to keep an eye on.Even videotaped beheadings of Americans created no sense of urgency within the administration." … "Black or Hispanic undergraduate applicants are 500 times more likely to be admitted than similarly situated white or Asian applicants" [Black, Hispanic, white, Asian…]
- Lisa Boothe
See above.
- (Mark Steyn)
See above.
- (((Amy Peikoff)))
Amy Peikoff (nee Rambach); Jewish libertarian wife of (((Leonard Sylvan Peikoff))), close friend and heir of (((Ayn Rand)))
- (((Alex Berenson)))
NYT journalist
Woops, no, correction, I missed on there.
January 7th - 7 guests [6 kosher], 57% Jewish [85% kosher]
- Mark Morgan
Former Border Patrol Chief
- Peter Kirsanow
High-yellow negro; Peter N. Kirsanow is a partner with the law firm of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, working within its Labor & Employment Practice Group in Cleveland, Ohio. He is also a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights… "And a nuclear Iran? No worries. They can be contained. It’s those Jewish settlements we need to keep an eye on.Even videotaped beheadings of Americans created no sense of urgency within the administration." … "Black or Hispanic undergraduate applicants are 500 times more likely to be admitted than similarly situated white or Asian applicants" [Black, Hispanic, white, Asian…]
- Lisa Boothe
See above.
- (Mark Steyn)
See above.
- (((Amy Peikoff)))
Amy Peikoff (nee Rambach); Jewish libertarian wife of (((Leonard Sylvan Peikoff))), close friend and heir of (((Ayn Rand)))
- (((Alex Berenson)))
NYT journalist
- (((Richard Goodstein)))
See above.
January 8th - 6 guests, 83% Jewish (100% kosher)
- Jon Summers
Former Chuck Schumer aid; Summers: Americanized form of some like-sounding Ashkenazic Jewish name.
- (((Dave Rubin)))
Gay and Jewish. Member of (((Intellectual Dark Web)))
- (((Bernard Whitman)))
Also gay and Jewish. Former pollster for Clinton and (((Bloomberg))).
- (((Christina Hoff Sommers)))
Jewish professor. Member of (((Intellectual Dark Web)))
- (((Justin Haskins)))
Heartland institute kike, Haskins writes regularly for The Blaze
- (((Tammy Bruce)))
See above.
Three gay Jews in 1 hour. And none of the Boomers watching even realize it. Hilarious.
Tucker is a pawn of the Jew. He might be woke on muh traditional values, but he's a Christian Zionist who would gladly suck off the kikes
Fuck off.
January 9th - 7 guests [4 kosher], 14% Jewish [57% kosher]
- Mark Morgan
See above.
- Brit Hume
Kosher windbag, married Kim Schiller Hume, who was a Fox News vice president and Washington bureau chief
- Lisa Boothe
See above.
- Jonathan Harris
Lame nigger Democuck
- J D Vance
White cuck author of "Hillbilly Elegy"; After law school, Vance worked as the principal in a venture capital firm owned by Peter Thiel; Vance is married to one of his former law school classmates, Usha, an Indian-American woman; In January 2017, Vance became a CNN Contributor. In April 2017, Ron Howard signed on to direct a movie based on Hillbilly Elegy
- Kieran Lalor
Kieran Michael Lalor (born January 23, 1976) is an American politician, entrepreneur and author who founded Iraq Vets for Congress (a political action committee).
- (Michelle Malkin)
Asian cumdump wife of Zionist (((Jesse Malkin)))
He certainly seems to be a mouthpiece for Jewry.
Gotta love how every time Trump gets criticism, jews salivate over the thought of getting nazis to vote for retards. Warren endorsed Hillary. She can't be taken seriously. Just because Trump hasn't gassed any jews and may never gas any jews doesn't mean I'm going to vote for somebody 6,000,000 times worse.
What is controlled opposition, for 1000?
What's with massive amounts of Judaism and faggotry and Zig Forums recently
Socialism, even as a part of natsoc, isn't a dichotomy but is dualistic. If something is a utility, you socialize it 100%. If it isn't, you don't. You fucking gut it. Pull out the rug from under the poverty that you are subsidizing. In-betweensies is untenable shit like obamacare. Welfare is just corporate welfare when you take the spics/niggers out of the picture.
A national socialist sees the utility in everything.
After his segment on her book I decided to vote for her in the primary. I live in an open primary state.
Honestly, letting Dems know that voting for family is a great idea. Dangle that carrot.
I'm still voting Trump in the National election.
Nice meme shmuli
Ah yes le homo pedo shill news network always seems to be butt blasted at anything.
This is how I know it's a Zig Forums raid. You faggots are obsessed with sucking cock.
You can only have sustainable Gibs without mass migration at the levels only present in wartime.
He sounds like a socialist shill whenever he kvetches about cannabis, that's for sure.
Masons are left wing too user.
Get the fuck out.
He just sounds like a jaded lolbert about profit motive
I like Dan but his podcast is like going to Kensington Market, which is what anyone on MSM is going to sound like and expecting different is either insanity or willful blindness. He who has the gold makes the rules, and Dan wants his Fox gig this summer when they finally can Ingraham.
No, that's the shilling point from Kevin Sabet the Bahai and company. They lost the reefer madness argument as ad homenim so they're shilling muh big tobacco.
I never said I was surprised by it.
Given edibles are comprised of drugged junk food, that's cogent.
All marxist propaganda is inherently fecal and sexual. You are scared of glory, you revel in humiliation and degeneracy.
Hes a useful talking head who's clumsy writing has let a few good red pills slip on national television. He has his moments, but is still just a talking head. It's more of an entertainment show about bringing retarded leftists on to spill hypocrisies from their mouths
I'm not Black, can you just say that in normal people speak please? All that weird rhyming makes it impossible to tell what you're actually trying to say.
Ah I think I might be getting an idea what you're saying.
The moderation staff was replaced in late November with people who appear to have originated on 4chan's /int/ board.
Apparently the people who were promoted to moderator status from the board itself were all removed for various reasons, some fully justified, others arguably so, and so they were replaced by the administrators of the site.
Since then, there has been a visible shift on the board, and a large amount of it has had to do with opposition to things like National Socialism and racial in-group preference, while promoting things like Trump, civic nationalism and Christian Identity.
I've also noticed a lot of this going around.
Anytime someone posts something, usually in mockery of a political candidate or pundit, an user will claim that this is demonstrative of 'obsession' with some aspect of the mockery.
If you make fun of Trump sucking an Israeli-themed penis, you are obsessed with cock.
If you make fun of Ann Coulter being an apparent coal-burner, you are obsessed with race-mixing niggers.
Etc etc etc.
its really quite tedious, and demonstrative of a semitic argumentative character, as - from personal experience, at least - I have observed that accusation of 'obsession' or some other form of psychological malfeasance is a common vector of attack for semites.
Dan Bongino seems like a nice enough fellow for a political pundit, but I have no time for his ice-cold takes on the issues of the day and anyone who supports Israel so aggressively and disingenuously is not someone I am inclined towards trusting.
That position is perfectly understandable given the xontext of a hypothetical (Warren focusing exclusively on the issues outlined in that book and nothing else) and the well-argued views held by internet NatSocs and other members of the dissident right. Of course, Warren's economic populism will certainly come attached with a titanic load of leftist baggage which makes the whole endeavor pointless but it's good to see Tucker holding to his newfound principles.
Warren should become president if she finds proof of the holohoax or admits its bullshit. If she is too weak to admit there is no evidence, she is too weak to lead the world's police.
Oooga booga to you too nigger.
Tucker isn't advocating people vote for Warren, you retard. His point was if she were to run on a platform consistent with her book, then she would be worth voting for because the book speaks directly to the threatened (White) middle class of America. But there's no way in hell that she'll run on a platform beneficial to the ailing White middle class; because as a modern Democrat, that is the antithesis of what the party stands for, and running on such a platform is simply no longer possible. Hence no votes for Warren.
You do realize Tucker invites people on his show to make fun of them and poke holes in their ideas.
He invites them on there to argue with them and mock them, then make this face at them when they inevitably say something goofy.
As opposed to slandering people's character with pornographic filth. That certainly isn't a semetic manner of arguing, pure 100% aryan.
fuck off shill
that's nice, btw cuckchan has been calling you, they want you back
Oh hai newfag. It would be considerably difficult for someone to promote ol' Zion Don more than Kampfy and his team of dicksuckers did. That was, quite literally, the only thing you were allowed to do here for the better part of two years.
Okay but did he name the jew.
We can't defeat our enemy if we're too afraid to say their name.
It's redpilling.
he supports israel and is against white nationalism, also supports mutilating baby dicks
forgot my pic
Tucker is someone who understands that while libertarianism is a very compelling model, ultimately it will be abused by (((the bad people))) so there should be a balance where strong rules protect the people of a nation while minimally limiting their freedom.
Technically I think you could call him national socialist or at least ideologically close to it. He himself would likely not identify as natsoc though simply because it has very negative connotations and he likes his job.
where did tuck say he supports circumcision
Alliteration almost always amuses all ages and abilities, although anonymous authors admit ailing attention…
I'm immensely impressed, incredible internet innovator.
Cucker Tarlson is somewhere between lolbertarian and neocon
Do you ever get bored of saying incurious tedious horseshit like this every single day forever?
Alliteration's appeal always alternates as adapted across Abrahamic announcements and anonymous annecdotes.
I do. But that's not my point.
Its also beside the point, as he brings on Tammy Bruce and Dave Rubin - both jewish and gay - and he doesn't poke any holes in any of their ideas.
IIRC, what you're implying was not the case with…
Tammy Bruce
Mark Steyn
Lisa Boothe
Victor Davis Hanson
Allie Beth Stuckey
Amy Peikoff
Alex Berenson
Dave Rubin
Christian Hoff Sommers
Justin Haskins
Brit Hume
JD Vance
nor Michelle Malkin.
Your narrative doesn't hold up under scrutiny.
Yes, as opposed to mocking someone via sexually explicit means, which are quite effective and ubiquitously employed.
It can be, certainly, but a much more definiteiyl 'semitic' manner of arguing is to psychoanalyze your opposition and try to imply their mockery of you is instead demonstrable of some sort of inner psychological aberrancy.
It certainly would be, but our mods seem hell bent on beating the roach at his own game, without feeling the consequences.
It was truly dreadful, yes. Thankfully the roach is gone now.
So explain to me why the current moderation being trash - and they are trash - has anything to do with the roach again?
Specific part.
Tucker is kosher. Deal with it, losers.
The psychoanalysis and pornographic slander both share the same semetic trait: character assassination.
Of course tucker is kosher, he's on television.
And its very effective, basically the backbone of modern politics.
After all, when politics is reduced to a popularity contest amongst the plebs, attacking ones popularity is a perfectly viable strategy.
Someone paid by jews to read jewish scripts on jewish television does not support us. Go the fuck back to reddit.
this, if it's on tv it's controlled heavily and made to induce subconscious feelings
C'mon people, you're better than this.
wtf is clooney doing with his hand. I just realized he's actually a brainlet
He's keeping it off Letterman's lap. If his hand was any lower, his forearm would touch thigh and be awfully close to genitals.
He is still an idiot though.
he's not nearly into violence as an ideology enough to be a national socialist. he's bought and paid for by the kikes that run fox news. seems likable, but totally dumbed down and controlled. the entire MSM is fucked.
Your nose shows shylock.
Due to the roach being gone the trump niggers had pissed off in significant numbers the reason we are seeing them now is because of the kid smiling at then native event.
Why won't lolbergs be propertarinism?
Is basically lolberginism but it makes sense.
I've seen this shit repeatedly, what in the actual fuck is wrong with Salon? Are the just Jews, or are they communist LGBTQ womenz of culorz that have penis envy???
Wew, Zig Forums working in overdrive on Zig Forums today.
Nice thread flood, nigger. Maybe you should go to youtube instead and watch one of these segments. You're literally proposing that all of these people he brings on he supports, when in reality it's a show that most often used to laugh at and mock people on the left; hence why so many leftists (niggers, jews, gays etc.) are on the show. Are you really this fucking stupid?
You Americans are embrassing
People take time in the redpill process. Defeatist retards and trannypol shills begone. Tucker has actively put whites' interests into the mainstream, and pointed out how 'diversity' means 'no white people'.
To the trannies from Zig Forums: we are sucking up the anticapitalist movement of white workers. There is nothing you can do to stop that.
To defeatist retards: just off yourselves if you're going to be mad that someone isn't part of atomwaffen
Hope he is.
always with the homosexuality. This is how you know it is a leftist trying to pose as the right.