(((Harvard))) finds that smoking drugs increases test and sperm count
Important discovery. Yes it is.
confirmed. 30 year stoner here, the sperm just keeps on flowin
God damned sub human niggermonkeys.
It was banned by kikes though.
Talk about selection bias. It might very well be that the potheads all have high T and barren wives, or it might be that marijuana decreases male fertility in a way that doesn't impact sperm counts. The non-smoking group will have a sperm count lower than the greater population, as they are selected for having fertility problems. If the smoking group's sperm counts are closer to normal, then they are less likely to be at the fertility clinic due to having low sperm counts, and more likely to be there for some other reason, like that the pot lowered their fertility in some other way.
Of course, like hinted at, it's probably just that high T men are more likely to engage in risky behaviour, like taking drugs.
Sitting comfortably with a big bag of monster munch is risky now?
right off the bat, its probably a flawed study. Men that use drugs "at some point" are men more likely to take risks because they have higher T levels growing up. That doesnt mean the use of drugs makes your sperm and T levels rise.
I'm gonna go with this explanation since the 'control' group was a bunch of "subfertile men in couples seeking treatment at a fertility center"
Need to do a better study with control of men who aren't defective.
"At some point" can means something like "once at a party" so is completely irrelevant as a factor but that's modern academia for you.
Yeah there’s a lot of trash studies like that.
Keep in mind the specific criteria of this study is if you smoke TWO joints or more in your life. Think about that.
There is no substance in the world that is that effective, average participant age was 35 so some guy who puffed on a couple joints 15 years ago somehow a decade and a half later has higher T? Give me a break…
It's probably that marijuana is basically harmless, but that people that would use it in the first place tend to have higher testosterone. Not that using it once gives you a testosterone boost for life, that sounds a bit ridiculous.
Nonetheless, "duh jen err uhh see" nofun basementautist anti-drug boomers BTFO.
No, it was pushed by kikes. Even today the jews are the ones who want retarded goys to smoke weed
I only smoked pot once and now I'm gay.
No shit. There's a direct corellation because the average Luddite macho douchefag who couldn't give half a fuck what others think is the primary dude bro demographic who smokes.
You're not going to find Melvin Soyguy smoking weed because he's crippled under social pressures and is worried about what others will think of him. People who just don't give a fuck, which overlaps with people who smoke, are more high T in the first place.
I fucking wish weed would cause that much testosterone, all the fucking hippies would be joining RWDS by now.
That's why they heavily invested in research and use it in their health care industry right, because it's bad for the goyim.
Not as bad as cigarettes but it still harms your lungs and helps increases your risk for lung cancer, among other lung problems. Not to mention it fuck up your brain chemicals from long term use.
That's from smoking, not the weed itself. There are other ways to use it.
Why is everyone a fucking brainlet on this? If you ABUSE shit and way overdo it, yeah, you'll fuck yourself up. Just USING it alone doesn't have these negative effects. It's all moderation and shit. Simple!
When you have no experience nor knowledge on a matter, it's better not to speak.
Zig Forums thrives on people talking about shit they know nothing about though.
You obviously know jack shit. The "TV" is saying the exact retarded bullshit your saying. Weed has been proven to degrade your mental cortex and essentially drop iq. Weed smokers are fucking literally retarded and become more retarded because of it.
No they don't. They want the shekels. They'll do whatever it is the goyim do just to get the shekels. The shekels are like jewish opiates. If you deprive the jew of the shekels they kike out. You don't want a full blown kike-out do you?
Do you?
Cannabis and psilocybin are white man's medicine, rabbi.
Meanwhile, in the real world, people are literally dying from cirrhosis, car crashes, heroin overdoses, getting addicted to opiates, but muh weed is the biggest problem we have to drop everything for.
Youd think weed was as bad as jews.
Smoke a Jay for uncle A and calm your ass down.
I never said that stop being a strawmanning nigger. You are the retard here going "but dude weed fine" which goes against pretty much everything taught here and scientific research.
Yep, totally unbiased source.
Far far less biased than (((Harvard)))
Wow epic, actual experience isn't real, only what some nameless kike websites that align with what the jew television says are.
Psychedelics should be the only psychoactives you consume. Sparingly.
Shitty baseless claim. (((Harvard))) thinks correlation means causation it's way more invalid than this
Everything is biased you fucking retard.
Personally I am very mixed on weed, I think it should be legal just as much as cigs or alcohol. But pot culture is cancer, and it isn't this magic plant that cures everything just because it's natural. Has it's drawbacks. I use to smoke it, nearly became a pot head but stopped so I can have more self discipline and one night I laid in bed freaking out thinking I was going to die because I was so stoned, heart was pounding painfully hard and could hardly breathe. Only thing it helped me with is sleep and eating, but I don't need weed for any of that. Maybe for cancer patients going through kemo therapy or some suffering from insomnia.
You're a fucking joke. I have Epilepsy and I would rather use cannabis than take these fucking jewish horse pills twice a day. But thanks to jews that's illegal in my state. So I have to take jewish horse pills twice a day for the rest of my life.
But hey, it only costs $600/mo. Way cheaper than a bag of dude weed bro. Right pharmajews? Right anti-white faggots? It's way better that I am forced to pay jews $600/mo just to be alive when God created a plant I could cultivate in my own garden for free. Because you're brainwashed and "dude weed bro". Right?
Tell me how right I am, little Moshe-lings.
That's a fuckin lowball estimate if I've ever seen one.
Fuck off nigger.
The "culture" around nearly anything is cancer. Nobody claims it's a flawless thing with no negatives either. Sounds like you personally overdid it and had a bad run. Self control is key.
Everything has an idea or something to prove. The people behind it wish for a further goal. All news and information you see comes from someone with an idea making it biased.
I don't care about your epilepsy you are still a degenerate. What even was your experience with pills to make you choose weed.
Shitty left wing tier argument.
What I figured, learned the hard way. Thought the effects had a limit.
Too be fair, big pharma does distribute meds that do more harm on the long run then good. Like ADHD pills or anti depressants.
Meant to quote
You haven't had any arguments or sources up until this point except for "but it feels good! It's good in moderation! Goy the sources you posted are Jewish now here is why my obviously Jewish source is better!"
True tbh I believe in taking as little meds as possible. With epilepsy I'm not so sure though.
Fucking kill yourself. Anyone that would prefer a white man take jew-made pharma drugs instead of a natural medicine is either a kike himself or an anti-white shitskin.
An understandable stance to take but way too convenient. If EVERYTHING is biased, then there is no reason to bring up studies at all because clearly there exists no reliable information on the effects of cannabis at all.
Nothing is true, so this whole debate is futile.
Breaking the law is risky, dipshit
Why is a talking genetic defect pretending normal humans give a shit about it?
Your nonargument has literally been nothing but "it's bad because X says so", exposing you have NO experience and NO actual knowledge. Your opinion isn't worth shit.
Biased doesn't mean falsehood always. Out of 2 conflicted opinions, one is bound to be correct biased or not. To observe truth there must be considerable evidence behind a biased claim. One biased claim such as "weed bad" would have enough evidence than then opposition making it highly likely to be truth.
It was banned because they did not have the monopoly. Now that they have a virtual monopoly its approved.
Except that's purely your own opinion. I don't accept "biased" sources from you, you won't accept "biased" sources from me.
Don't bother user. He clearly is anti-white and wants whites to get hooked on/die from pharma drugs. Any mod worth his weight would have banned him already
If you wanna talk about biases, how about the FACT that Reagan had to order multiple studies on cannabis just to get it to be criminalized?
Sic Gorgiamvs Allos Svbjectatos Nvnc. Faggot.
Hey look! A nigger that knows nothing about Epilepsy!
DOTR nigs
If it was a law that was rigorously enforced in my area, it would be a risk.
They were behind outlawing it because it threatened the cotton and pharmaceutical industry. They then began to push it through the media after being illegal to inflate non-violent drug offenses and further prop up the US's disgusting and genuinely evil prison system to profit off of private prisons.
Now that their pro-weed propaganda is having real social change, they're champing at the bit to profit on legal weed sales, while still raking in billions from non-violent drug offenses in states where it isn't legal. Almost like the kikes have always played both sides, huh?
This is the truth and why they always pushed legalization rather than de-criminalization. If anyone can grow their own and use it as medicine or recreational amusement there's nothing in it for them.
using a drug just so you feel good isnt really good. you are getting a dopamine high from a drug instead of doing sonething worthwhile for that dopamine. it probably also fucks up your brain chemistry over a long period of time. even "casual" smoking is probably too much. Id just avoid it entirely. If you just want to feel good, go for a run.
Spot the retarded goys. It's a nigger drug you morons
Typical "weed cures everything doooooooood" faggot stoner mentality. You really give a shit about being healthy then just cure the fucking disease instead of masking it with (((medication)))
Virtue signal harder. Jesus christ. Faggots like you are why MUH HORSESHOE THEORY appears to have weight to outside observers.
You have no argument and no intellect. Nothing but emotional drivel and lacking logic. Get out.
I dont even know what horseshoe theory is, calm down, faggot. Why dont you go smoke a joint with your dealer that you think is your friend and shut the fuck up.
Classic anti-cannabis argument
Really makes one think.
Awwwwwwwww, did I hurt your fee-fees? lol, sorry but the truth doesn't give a shit about your feelings and the truth is weed is for weak retards. Did the fucking 1960's teach you retarded niggers nothing about drugs?
One day you won't reveal yourself to be anti-white, Ari
Ok perhaps a list of approved medicines and recreational substances is in order.
Oh and please remember to get all those cannbinoid receptors removed from your brain and nervous system, white people have no use for them.
Ironically your post was oxymoronic.
Survival of the strongest whites is what will carry us to victory. William L. Peirce made it clear that the goal isn't to save every white possible but up make sure we're the only ones standing in the battlefield.
Yeah we know Hershel
Whites lived thousand of in countries with all drugs been legal. Its niggers and similar trash problem not be able to control themselves. Drugs is best weapon against subhumans. This is why control freaks commies are so against them they know if can get access to drugs they would be erased by natural selection.
hows living in a bubble normalfag?
Control and consolidations are achievable through supply. Faults with prohibitions remain and that's what drug advocates fail about.
Every cannabis thread on Zig Forums always moves in argumentative circles. It's a law at this point.
So naturally high T men with high sperm count are just more likely to use cannabis?
Low T alcohol drinkers blown the fuck out.
Joe Rogan will milk this for years.
Commies, every time.
Drugs are centralized sector regardless the color of market.
Pinkos arent the mono vector you autistic lolbertarian.
THings created by commies?
That is not how you spell crack.
And self-service of capital
Am I reading this right or does it say that marijuana smokers are 2.4 times more likely to have low sperm counts? It doesn't seem to contradict the other studies I've read at all. They're just Jewing the statistics to present marijuana in a positive light relative to male fertility. Fucking Jews.
It's been shown to retard IQ in adolescents, m8. Not adults AFAIK.
So you get your entire world view from people who write fiction books and television shows? That's amazing, you're truly an intellectual. Nigger.
Jesus dude. Cannabis has legitimate medicinal applications. I hate discussing studies and shit on Zig Forums because the threads get flooded with either low IQ's or shills. This thread has been absolutely terrible.
This is what you look like.
Niggers be like, no shit.
Eat eggs if you want bigger loads. Pineapple if you want it to taste better for the roastie.
Is naturalnews more your speed then?
weed makes you lazy and stupid. many people get anxiety and paranoia from weed. weed makes your sleep worse. weed is often the gateway to other drugs. also, weed increases the probability of developing schizophrenia, if you have it in your family.
finally, the fact that (((they))) are pushing weed (and other drugs) so hard and making crappy studies (like in OP) to """Back Up""" their claims should be worrying you.
Straightedge confirmed for faggotry? News at 11
Fuck off.
weed literally does make you lazy and stupid. I smoke occasionally and I couldn't be bothered to care about fuck all when high. i don't know about sleep quality but you stop having dreams
nigger-tier counter arguments.
that's because it makes your sleep less deep.