I have been reading a bit about the fringe theories on the tibet being the secret place of origin of whites.
I know there have been mummies found on the tarim basin that appear to have been blondes and gingers in life.
The Germans sent a expedition to the tibet and met with the local authorities, took some cranial measures and whatever they did was lost to history.
There where people who believed the Tibet to be the entrance to another dimension or a kingdom inside the earth, which resonates with the theory of germans escaping to antartica.
Also the Mad Baron, Ungern-Sternberg talked about the tibet being the center of the world, and that there are secret tribes of aryans hidden over there, at the end of his life he was betrayed because he wanted to cross the Gobi desert to reach it.
So what is up with the Tibet, is there a secret history im missing, or this is the product of pointless ocultism?
Tibet, Craddle of Aryans?
Other urls found in this thread:
I heard that supposedly 10,000 Tibetans fought to the death defending Berlin, but idk whether it is true. Some other user will have to deep dive on this topic. Interesting thread idea though.
We need someone with more hindsight to explain less enlightened anons what was going on with the Tibet.
Im also reading of a Buryat convert to Orthodoxy who was a important healer on the Russian court trying to influence the russians into invading the Tibet and Mongolia under the Prophecies of a White Saviour freeing them and restoring Budhism.
Something was up.
I too have heard this.
The really spooky thing is I came here to say exactly that.
From what I understand that played a part in why the rest of the world let China buttfuck them after the war.
Daily reminder. Jews taught and led Mao by the nose in all things related to policy and government. It is no coincidence Tibet was punished for working with and hosting a German expedition.
It is no coincidence jews around the world, especially in America have hoarded a great deal of text, relics and artwork made by Tibetans "for the sake of preservation" and spearheaded most of the translations of the texts they just happen to now have control over. They continue to control the historical narrative, and so much was lost to the intentional purging of texts, temples and artwork by the Chinese Zog army.
Jews continue to directly influence and run the Chinese government in the financial and geopolitical fronts.
It was always Thule, a deep island far from Scandinavia.
Trust no one else.
Thule is different from Shambhala. Germans had a lot of theories, and the theories could not be tempered with science because the Third Reich never got the chance to actually study history thoroughly enough.
Countless sites have been destroyed, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria. Countless temples, texts and relics, gone, turned to dust. Intentionally. Through out the Americas, all relics related to giants or other types of humans have been systematically destroyed, so that the narrative proposed by free masons and jews would not be threatened. That we live alone in the universe, it's just us, and our consumer lifestyle.
I'll just leave this here …
Shambala i.e. Eastern Heaven is Japan.
But Thule is where aryan come from.
Thule might have been Atlantis all along.
Tibet is firmly asiatic, genetically. What you refer to is the Tarim Basin which was at times under the control of Tibet.
Fuck off eso niggers
And who are you, yid?
Baron Ungern-Sternberg was 100% [ourguy] , I encourage anons to read about him. He fought judeo-Bolsheviks and chink Bolsheviks, accomplished stunning military feats and superhuman efforts, managed to free parts of Mongolia and killed Jews on sight. He was also worshiped as god by central Asians in his regiment. Their ancient texts were telling them about a (white) race of divine beings coming to free them from the decay forced onto them by Khazaric rats. A prime example what one man with an adamant spirit can do even if faced with a much more numerous and overwhelming enemy.
Regarding Tibet, they were preserving the historical truth about the Aryan-Hyperborean race and their religious practices (some of which contained very advanced science, too advanced even for current understanding), which caused both the interest of NS researchers/secret societies and wraith of the eternal subhuman and his minions. Tibet was more likely one of few remaining places that were not destroyed or desecrated by (((them))) at the time rather than a place of origin of our race. It was their place of habitat once, just like northern India, ancient Egypt etc. were.
The Baron is a man im fond of, he was a Monarchist who aspired to make a Russian, Japanese and Chinese military coalition of White and Yellow Monarchist empires with the purpose of invading Western Europe and saving it from the Jews who had established in power all over the continent.
He was devoted to monarchy a mix of christianity and budhism and was believed to be the incarnation of Mahakala, one of the 4 Dharmaphalas of Budhism, who come to the earth to clean it from degeneracy when it becomes corrupt, something similar to Kali to the Hindus.
This was all before the NSDAP became relevant.
I saw him many times on my dreams, speaking to me.
I read that somewhere too, it would be a pretty good question how the hell did they end up in Berlin, the tibet was not part of the axis, there was no way to ship them all the way to Europe like Spain did, they just had to cross the french border into german occupied France.
Don't you mean the Inca empire? :^3
It's one of rare instances where I'd actually support Monarchy. Russian, Japanese etc. royal families were mostly unkiked, unlike the majority of European ones. Although the kikes did have a major influence on the Russian court, which caused them to act tyrannical towards the peasants and thus fuel the revolution (that kikes would later lead as people's people), the royal family itself was not. That's why they got killed. However, today you have rothkikes claiming to be their descendants and shilling for monarchy to return in Russia with one of (((them))) as kangz. I hope you realize the pattern, history is not black and white. This was a difference between true aristocrats and kike "royalty" like British Crown, and it traces roots going back to ancient Egypt.
He was devoted to Vedas and Tibetan mystery schools, if you actually read some Vedic texts you will find all of the genuine elements of Christianity there, minus rabbi Jeshohua and his "bloodline" . It's also the root of uncucked Buddhist minority.
NSDAP didn't invent it, they were part of something much older, and much greater than themselves.
Monarchy was either subverted or eliminated, when they couldn't infiltrate it.
1689, when they saw that the King wasnt bending over to them they launched the Glorious revolution.
1789: Masons Launched the French Revolution.
1810: Masonic Revolutions backed by Britain start all over Spanish America
1820: Italian freemasons organize rebellions agaisnt the Italian States
1825: Masons try to depose the Tsar on the Decembrist Coup
1830: French masons depose the Catholic Traditionalist brother of Louis XVI.
1848: Masons try to depose the Austrian and German Monarchies
1911: Jewish backed Sun Yat Sen imposes enlightenment ideas on China
1914: Jews start the World War to get rid of the Kaiserreich, the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire
1917: The Jews of Wall Street depose the Tsar and usher the October Revolution
1918: Jews stage revolutions in Germany, kill the Tsar and impose a ZOG in Germany.
1917 to 1921: Civil War between Whites and Reds in Russia.
1939: Jews start another great war to get rid of Germany under the NSDAP.
There are still Tocharians (ancient Persian line) living in Tajikistan and they share most of their haplo-groups with western Europeans.
I would rape the tall one like a goblin does in Goblin Slayer
Too bad they are Muslims now and therefore no longer culturally Aryan.
But what made them susceptible to subversion or elimination? Certain ideas that they accepted many centuries earlier, which slowly made them stop being aristocratic, turned them into tyrants, and opened way for the various revolutions to be staged. It's never black and white, their subversion is highly dialectical. They always play the both sides. What was it that paved way for usurers to gain hold of European courts?
Civnat detected, into the oven you go. Culture is easily changed, genes are not.
I really want to know the origin of this story.
Here's the version I heard a long time ago;
As the Soviet forces entered Berlin they kicked down the door of a house to search for women to rape and murder. However, upon searching the house they discovered 3 Buddhist monks in SS uniforms dead on the floor. Later, after the city had been thoroughly pillaged, they discovered several hundred Buddhist monks all similarly clad.
In addition, I heard that Hitler had brought them in through Thailand (the last known visitor to Hitler was the ambassador of Thailand) to help decode some ancient Tibetan text.
I lived in Thailand for a long time and found that certain people there were fascinated with National Socialist Germany, Hitler, and the Aryan race. You could be walking in some random village and see NSDAP symbology and I'm not just talking random Swastikas, I mean actual SS stuff and flags. Hitler is viewed by many as a symbol of strength and leadership. It is in Thailand that I was first told this story about Buddhist monks in SS uniforms.
It is a weird experience and Thailand is one of those few places where you can openly talk about the jews without encountering the pearl clutching and worried glances from offended liberals. Also, the Dali Lama is pro-German nationalism. Then and now.
I do not know if this story about the monks is true, but if it is, it is a good bet that the Fascist Thai government was involved.
Fun fact, Plaek Phibunsongkhram was the Fascist leader of Thailand during the war and obviously was very strongly predisposed towards Hitler and Mussolini. And he played a clever trick on the world in the last phases of the war and not only survived it, but retook control of the country in 1947 in a coup d'etat. The only fascist leader to do so after the war.
Jews gained a hold on royal courts when the Europeans decided on the renaissance that lending money was ok, thanks to the Medici and company, and the jews said "If everyone does it so can we", then they started being "Court Jews", you know those smart pet kikes that they let have some privileges, thats how they started climbing in power until on one point they became the owners of the world.
At least thats the easy history, there is also the Satanic Clique but thats another complex history.
As for the European monarchies they didnt catch the Jewish plots until it was too late.
I had heard about the Asians having a fixation
with NS uniforms but i tought it to be moslty about aesthethics more than about ideology.
That is a interesting history.
Also any idea why there have been so many coups in Thailand.
They can get their Aryan Card back when they convert away from Islam then.
Do Christians have to earn back their Aryan cards too? Because Christianity is just as non-Aryan as Islam.
That's where you're mainly wrong, kiddo.
Christianity is semitic, true, but due to the prolonged contact with Real Humans it was turned and transformed into something better. Aryan religions all highly value truth and honesty, while classic semitic religions (Jews, Muslims) value and even encourage lying.
Middle and right ones have no shitskin genes. I would breed the right one.
itt, 8/pol/ has no clue what the fuck they're talking about
I was there during the 2014 one. The reason for that was the military (who are solid Thai nationalists) and a lot of the people (the Thai equivalent of Trumpian conservatives) were frustrated by the corruption and foreign influence under the Shinawatra government. She was just a puppet of her brother and powerful foreign backers in Qatar and the west. She wasn't even Thai, she is Chinese but that's a whole other can of worms. Anyway, the country was a mess and the military decided to hell with democracy and took over. And they have been ruling ever since and by god, the country is so much safer after getting rid of democracy.
Basically all the coups are like this.
Democracy happens, it's cool for a while, and then either the economy goes to shit or corruption gets so bad that the country begins to implode and the military steps in to restore order. Then they return power to the parliament (because there are three political factions in Thailand; the military, the parliament, and the monarchy and they try to keep each other in balance) and the cycle starts over again. Ms Shinawatra's problem was that she attempted to circumvent normal political checks and take extra power for her party and the military caught wind of it and stopped it.
The Thai military is very powerful and well connected and thy can basically do whatever they want. I remember back in 2014 Vice was there giving interviews and they were predicting civil war because they didn't understand Thai politics. There will not be a civil war.
So Thailand is not under direct influence of ZOG then, its looking after its own interests now.
If thats the case, good for them, however its surprising how much they allow western expats there, my guess its that it represents a huge source of income.
The Monarchy always was important down there, but it tought it was mostly ceremonial, however the Old King is dead, and it seems the son doesnt have much interesting in other than having a degenerate life style.
Well, let's hope our ET friends come back soon.
starting to sound like ben shapiro here
There was always something noble about the Thai, they seem to stick out from the other nations in the region. I guess you should follow the path of Vajrayana Buddhism. No wonder they were turned into the prostitution capital of the world by the kikes, just like Ukraine was. Dalai Lama was [ourguy] for at least 3 incarnations now, as some user said. On a fun note, many anime plots with heroes becoming demigods were inspired by Japanese myths and Vajrayana Buddhism which had a considerate influence there.
What makes you think that they weren't kiked much earlier, with the advent of Christianity maybe? They took control of the Rome, and through Rome, the rest of Europe. You need to go much further back in history to find the root of our current predicament.
These are both true to an extent. Christian ideas are much older than Christianity. (Jesus was a kike plagiarist with a messianic complex, as most of them are), and it took a lot of elements from pagan religions and scientific knowledge of our people, making it less kiked. But why accept all the semitic elements when you can have all of the good stuff without the corruption? Read Vedic texts, you will realize just how much of a scam Rabbi Jeshohua was. The point is to BECOME CHRIST, not to worship a lying kike as your only ticket to heaven.
You cant help yourselves but spew this shit in every thread, just like the zognald spammers - just fucking leave.
(checkin' those digits)
Not under direct control, no.
Thailand and their military understand that opposing the Zionists would be suicide. So the collaborate while keeping them at arms length. However, the Thai government controls all their own broadcast channels and they have strict laws in place to keep foreign businesses under their control.
They're poor but free and frankly I envy their ethnocentrism. They're polite to White people but are quite xenophobic in a very good way.
Still, they constantly have to suck up to America and used to provide them bases in the country. Now they're trying to curry favour with China and get them to assist them with their muslim problem. But even then, the government is terrified of getting too close to China for obvious reasons. That's one reason why no one trusts a Shinawatra. But in the capital you can bump into a lot of Chinese and Arabs too. It's a problem that they have to deal with. Also, if China and America imploded, apparently the first thing they'd do is invade Cambodia. Probably kill them all.
Yeah. That is a problem for them. Believe it or not, even the socialist-y type people I talked with supported the new king and everyone has this strange faith that the new king will do great things. But the military is intentionally keeping him from officially succeeding his now very dead father because they have little confidence in him and suspect something. It's been years now and the coronation has not happened.
Always bear in mind that there is more to the "monarchy faction" than meets the eye. They have great support both with the people and from the inner elite.
It's basically like a feudal court. You have three factions that vie for power that constantly seek to thwart each other and maintain balance. I for one expect things to heat up if they ever let him officially take power. Which I hear will happen soon.
Show me where it says that lying is a-okay in the New Testament.
Irrelevant. My point is that Islam is a semitic religion of lies, which is the exact opposite of all Aryan religions (Indian religions, Zoroastrianism etc). Therefore, Muslims are culturally NOT WHITE. You can take the whitest white-bread Swede and the moment he converts he is no longer a Swede, or White.
What do they think about all the degeneracy that Americans brought?
Can't disagree there. But I'd take ethnic Swedish Muslim over a Christian nigger any time. You can deprogram people from toxic religions, you can't deprogram them from toxic genes.
Fair point.
No, but Central Asia (and Northwestern China) and Siberia were Aryan lands before Turks and Siberians took them over
A new research introducing new population - Ancient North Siberians, these were ancestral to the Ancient North Eurasians (Mal'ta)
These Ancient North Siberians were replaced by the East Asian like population (ancestral to the modern Siberians) somewhere 20000-11000 BC
Ancient Central Asians could be divided into North and South.
Ancient North Central Asians were Corded Ware-like while ancient South Central Asians were Iran Neolithic-like
Researches about replacement of Aryan people during Iron Age in Central Asia
Honestly, the religious ones don't know what to think. I never actually saw a transvestite. But I never looked for them and people outside of Bangkok probably live their lives without seeing homosexuals and transvestites. I have a deraigned brother who thinks he's a girl and when I mentioned this to a friend, he basically said "Huh?"
They've done a pretty good job of actually preserving their root culture and outside of the capital there's almost no trace of judeo perversion. Most people even inside the city don't even speak English.
The only real threat is they accept westerners for medical tourism and if weird transsexuals want to pay them to mutilate their bodies, they see nothing wrong with taking their money. This brings a lot or weird nonsense into the capital. I heard that there were a bunch of degenerate bars in the capital that hosted weird shit for foreigners but I never bothered searching for any so I don't know.
I often would encounter White guys (mostly from Anglosphere) with Thai GFs on trains going to meet families. People I talked with had mixed feelings. On the one hand they liked White people but on the otherhand, you really get the impression that these are low status girls for marrying foreigners and I heard more than a few rude words about them.
They seem like family oriented women… but they're also family oriented women, if you catch my drift.
less so than chinese etc. they actually have indo-aryan dna because aryans wandered there roughly around the same time as the north india invasion.
Look, OP, and all you other fags, just learn another language so you won't lose important information.
Here are you NatSoc books about Tibet.
Culture is fickle, the people remain the same at a biological level, and biology is the drive of a people. All behaviour is rooted in behaviour.
A negroid converted to christianity has a few conscious failsafes, but it remains a savage throughout the generations in most cases.
Just with vikings, gauls etc, when they became christian - it did put in place a few regulations of behaviour, but the core remained unchanged despite a thousand years passing. They remain what they are and what they were.
You are confusing the issue of a traitor making a conscious decision with someone being born into it. Also, although there are surface similarities between muslims in arab countries and those in south east asia, they are very different creatures and it is immediately evident on a personal level and in their society.
Religion doesn't say much apart from give a history lesson on who invaded who. You can even separate within arab counties and compare moroccans with northern syrians. I know which I would suspect and distrust more.
One woman from my country got scolded and kicked out of the temple for dressing too slutty for their tastes, it caused a scandal. I guess their society is divided on those matters. But there is a lot of traps and prostitutes there, and they seem perfectly fine with prostituting children as well. They probably get pissed about whites taking their women as much as whites get pissed about niggers taking their women.
Are any of those in English?
Islam has nothing to look for in east Asia as well. I hope those countries form a coalition to purge the shitskin religion from their ancestral lands. Same goes for Christianity, just to a lesser extent. One interesting thing that I have noticed is that some Indonesians for example, are VERY tribal, and often very xenophobic towards other tribes. And some tribes do look much more human than the rest, which are typical island niggers. But those tribes are usually the ones still maintaining their folk religions and customs, still untainted by Abrahamic (globalist) religions.
You are right, religion is a layer that goes over culture, and culture is a layer that goes over genes.
Tell that to the Iranians that became inbred retards because of Islam.
So they can alter the laws of physical reality that everyone is bound to, including doing the equivalent of running a two second mile by travelling to a completely different dimension, but they cant win a war. They have access to sci Fi tier technology, but they just so happened to miss nukes. Yeah, no. Kill yourself.
Germans developed nuclear weapons first. They just didn't want to use them, but we know (((who))) was delighted to. The stories about UFO's and other bullshit are exaggerated though. They were trying to develop something like that, but they never got a chance. Part of kikes war on humanity is keeping them in technological and scientific darkness, only giving them scraps, and in a manner that would degrade and ruin them, rather than improve them.
Oooo. That's a thought crime in Britain. Canada too. And parts of the USA. This guy sounds like a bobo but he's still not politically correct enough for American leftists.
I don't blame them. Cosmopolitan women in the west are sluts. I'd throw them out of my temple too if I had one.
Whatever is in Tibet is lost. China has most likely discovered it and either handed it over to their Jewish masters, or
destroyed it. Hopefully there are remnants we can one day get our hands on.
Middle and right ones has high Turkic/East Asian admixture. The Turkic peoples should be considered potential allies, but we shouldn't be breeding with them.
Minus turkroaches, obviously.
No Muslim can ever be an ally to a white person.
I dunno about Turkic peoples, but Mongolians are pretty based.
The sad thing is; how on earth could they help us in our struggle and consequently, how can we help them in their struggle? I'd love to have Mongolia reclaim her national honour and wouldn't mind seeing them annex northern "China"
But that's all theoretical when we cannot assist them in doing so. Conversely, I'm sure many Mongolian nationalists would be happy to see us drive out the muslims and jews from Europe. But they cannot help us do so.
Thus, the closest thing to an alliance would be us cheering each other on.
Irving makes a good case about Germany developing nuclear weapons, and even on of the bombs dropped on Japan being of German origin.
some badass nips
That's assuming they have managed to find everything. Knowledge cannot be destroyed though.
Inb4 Zig Forums actually becomes a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
I believe even declassified Soviet documents were implying the same.
I don't mean Moslem Turkic peoples, I mean the Eurasian ones that are largely Shamanic, Buddhist or Christian. The Chuvash, Altai, etc. Basically, the East Asian looking people inhabiting the Eurasian Steppe and Siberia.
I like Mongolians. Most Turkic people are of the Eurasian sort, which are the ones I mean, not the Turks/Khazars, etc. Fuck them.
I like his optimistic vision of the future.
The Tartaria/Aryan/Scythian empire is a very interesting topic, empire of the blue eye'd teachers on horse back seem to be a recurring theme in history.
Research the origin of the word Mogul and all the primary sources of the Mongolian empire. You will start to understand why Germans were called 'huns' sometimes in propaganda, Asia used to be much Whiter not too long ago.
Darn it, wrong mummies. It's amazing that these ever saw the light of day considering the honifcation programs that have been in place. I hope one day we can look inside the Chinese pyramids.
Never should have taught niggers to read.
I'll just leave this here.
Remember all that we have lost, and all that we stand to lose, if we do not take up the struggle.
The new Thai king banned the sale of Buddha statues as it promotes the devotion TO Buddha instead of the practice and teachings OF. Though he was photographed looking like a faggot at the airport (pic related) he is very much conservative and the military are in fact protecting him, as he can still make decisions even though he hasn't had the coronation. His father spoke of this tactic in the 80's when asked if he died early (I will try to find a non Thai source, or maybe just post a Chinese or Thai one and u can all translate on ur own?)
This is why I and other Thai's have faith in him. He is making dog whistle manoeuvres that our old people understand. He also was rude to the Vietnamese and Korean leaders on purpose as they are the Asian Jews in terms of money takeovers (banks/property etc)
infinite quads confirm thais are the ancient aryans
There is something interesting about tibet,the center thing can be one of two thing or maybe something else but from what I've read.
1."Mount Kailash" There is claims that its a pyramid,like in gyza,mexico,and all over the world you know what I mean. But that this specific one in Tibet,Is still working and there is much hype about it.
2.According to some cycles,that occur in earth. Tibet is the "Spiritual Center Of The Earth" for this time. also I can't remmember but I heard it somewhere or I saw in some documentary.
Anyway what intersting for me is Himmler and Hitler were in that occultism stuff,or some of them. So they would probaly knew about the occult stuff in Tibet. All that hype about "Ahnenerbe".
It reminds me,I heard somewhere that the reason they went to antartica was because they got some maps in Tibet.
If you guys heard about Lobsang Rampa books I dont know if this man is a hoax or not I read all of his books was a fucn read, around 6-7 years ago,But he writes I think in "The Hermit" that he went to some mountain caves in Tibet and there were some Giant Skeletons,and ancient technologys and shit like that.
But the point and also I've read it from a Russian eye surgegy guy who obssesed with Tibet,the same things about the mountains that when he went to tibet, there were "Hermit Monks" that were keeping the entrance to caves that held there some kind of technology,and what he calls a "genome hard drive of humans" lets say it like that. I dont know to believe it or not but the guy really put alot of work into his books.
Anyway Tibet got some real secrets for sure I would say because they still have tradition that going on for very long time, I'm talking about the monks.
I Dont know how to embed.
If you want I will try to translate it later to english.
This word has genuinely no meaning at this point. Between the "esoteric immigrant" shill and you /fringe/tards, you've completely destroyed the word with your rampant misuse.
And of course the post lost its sage.
It's more likely that bronze age Europid steppe folk like Andronovo left their traces there, and that due to isolation and distance from abrahamitic trash they have preserved aspects of our common aryan spirituality that got lost in the west.
It's almost if that's done on purpose.
I highly recommend watching this documentary, if you ignore the faint "critical" commentary, it has a lot of good information.
Explain red-headed mummies of asia if you're so smart.
Actually, that's one interpretation, they never actually refer to Muslims, they call the enemy 'Mlecca'. Some have interpreted this to mean, the men from Mecca, even more interestingly, others have interpreted this to mean the worshipers of 'molech'.
And the famous blue eyed depiction of Shakyamuni Buddha and all buddha's of the eastern pantheon.
Borders change, history gets rewritten and genocides happen.
If only Whites knew how ancient they were and how much they have lost.
The day I learned what Chinaman did to Tibet is the day I lost all respect for an otherwise respectable warrior society. They wiped out the civilization that gave them KungFu.
If I ever get to meet you in person, I should like to have no game conversation with you. No homo obviously.
It's rare to find another person that knows as much as you have displayed here.
If hitler was the first from the four. Then whose the 2nd?
I've been to all three sides of Tibet, I doubt our ancestors came from there (though there are thousands of undocumented tribes).
The peoples I've found similar to whites are
A. Parthans/pashtuns, around North India and Pakistan
B. Persians
C. Minority tribes in the caucuses
They used the Instant Transmission technique the learned from King Kai.
It’s because National Socialism is Dharmic so it resonates with them.
Is this not the Kashmiri pashmina loomers discord?
It’s where Miguel Serrano and Barron Trump took their doggos to seek the Grail.
They were more spirituality as their main focus and wanting to know what ancient stuff they can fine.
Hitler often mocked Himmler's occultism and thought it was embarrassing.
The most remote tribes in Tibet beget babies with fair hair and sometimes clear eyes, a sign of former miscegenation.
Up to 1500 years ago, the people of the Tarim area did count many Whites. They simply withered on the vine from there. Again, miscegenation. Plus those Mongols coming from the East.
If you think of it, Whites could easily claim a right over crazy amounts of territories because wee wuz eer if we go like kikes with their kikeland in the sand.
Regarding Atlantis, there's this big theory based on submarine shots that shows the existence of a big island close to Ireland, one that would have been reachable when seas were lower.
Oh look its another thinley veiled poo in the loo
shill thread with zero factual sources and evidence to back up any of their national myths and shilled "redpill.jpg"'s grasping for the most fringe hollow earth tier conspiracy theories and occulutist speculations from times when people still believed in hidden islands with dinosaurs for their Indo centric shilling
Thank you for the complement, i have done quite a research on Monarchies from the 1500s to the 1900s, you can clearly see a patern of Revolutionary Subversion.
The west has sadly become rotten and corrupted by jewish marxism.
My biggest issue with Himmler is he trying to negotiate peace with the allies at Hitler's back
The history of whites on that region is one of history's greatest untold events
Only jews say joo.
Onna means woman in japanese, and donna the same in italian. So clearly, the japanese used italian women to colonize their island.
Greek influence after the disintegration of Alexander´s empire.
Nigger what?
Serrano said that the Reich had/has great connections with the Tibetans. I wouldn't be surprised if it where true.
My mother bought some Lobsang Rampa book when i was young. I was more interested in Budhism than in Christianity. But the book was about some undeground facility in mountain. There was hologram, some advance healing device and freezed human bodies. Basicly old monk show all this to young Lobsang. Hologram globe had access to time stream or something. Another thing mention in book was that in 1989 some stuff going to hapen that will eventualy lead to WW3. Why would some almoust dead british fag start LARPing as reincarnated monk and write all these unbelivable stories?
I later found that author of these books is some guy from UK. Story is that soul of murdered Lobsang move to half-life body after original soul left. Tibet was destroyed by Communist China for some reason. Young Dalai Lama had german friend as kid. ( 7 years in Tibet ). Legends about Shambala, whole budhist religion about dimensions after life.
I allways felt like jews are devils since i was kid. All their symbolism and legends looks very satanic to me. Vatican is also pure evil. I felt sinister vibes when i was there. Christianity seems censored to me. Or it is just bullshit religion from begining.
Hermit pdf. Too bad it have 260 pages. I will read i later.
>Serrano said that the Reich had/has great connections with the Tibetans. I wouldn't be surprised if it where true.
Sure the 4th Reich is throwing parties under the ice in Antartica but can't do airbnb.
What is going on here?
Hard to watch when a jew or a golem is narrating. I have no idea whether what this faggot is saying is true or false.