pick one
pick one
even if this is true you'd have to be retarded to think this won't get trump move votes if anything
Thanks to the elections in 2018 we don't have to, niggers still voted 9:1 democrat
You'd have to be retarded to think Trump is going to get anywhere near the same amount of votes. He sold out like a typical jew, no amount of dick sucking to minorities is going to get him the election
For no reason? Really, Zig Forums?
I think this was just one nigger trying to sell another on the ZOG Emperor. Trump's image is very appealing to people with low IQs, like niggers.
Do you think he spent half an hour trotting out niggers and jews for fun? That shit appeals to americans as proven by every other politican and president. If Trump got elected once he will easily get elected again
hmm whats changed since 2016? What will happen over the next 2 years of Trumps immigration policies? Oh yeah, 4-8 million more non-whites will be voting, a million more non-white felons in key battle ground state Florida and Trump had less votes then perhaps the worst candidate in the history of the country. Will trump win? It's definitely possible, presidents almost always win re-election. But afterwards? What's going to happen in 2024? With another 8-12 million more shitskins voting democrat? If he does win, he will be the last republican president and will reward whites by flooding the country with millions more democratic voters. I cannot wait.
So his is a golddigger then?
Well hello there, my fellow nigger.
This is what maganigegrs actually believe
I didn't understood a single word you said :^3
I'm pretty sure the 2016 campaign is stronger evidence that a even more explicitly pro-white candidate would energize the white voting base even more than Trump's supposed dog whistling did.
No, that's how you magapede GOP shills think. Go on twitter or facebook, the average GOP kike is just as viciously anti white as Zig Forums.
Trump went bankrupt running a casino. Let that sink in.
Kanye is playing 5d baseball
This is a jewish shill. Only neocons and boomers think that nonwhites will EVER vote against their race.
They all voted for Trump tho, fellow zionist. They just chose a lesser evil.
Trump won because of white people. Now that he's turned his back on the white population he's not going to get shit for votes
I am beyond words right now.
Wow, so maybe all the claims black people make are true. I guess they really are intellectually superior. I think I'm going to try to get a black girlfriend now. Now that I know I can produce an intellectually superior baby with a black woman, I don't see any reason not to. Thanks Zig Forums for showing me the light!
According to that picture white woman already vote against their race.
Stay triggered, commie.
TRUMP 2020
According to what stats? I've seen stats on refugees and they're drastically lower than under Obama. Got citizenship stats?
1. Look at the image again.
2. That's why women aren't supposed to have the vote.
This isn't your website.
If you paid attention to his entire political history prior to the Likud spergout over the Iran deal, German/Russian natural gas deals, and China overtaking the US economy, he could not have made it any clearer that he despises White people.
Hahahahahahahaha. All those fucking r/the_donald cucks and their nigger buck worship must be masturbating furiously at getting cucked this hard.
Here's one.
Fapping in his cuck shed -
It's called politics you kike. Besides, sentencing reform was started by people like ME twenty years ago who thinks it's just a bad policy to warehouse them at crime college.
As if billionaires interactions are anything besides spy vs spy.
4d basketball
What? Letting out nigger crooks from jail and spitting in the face of the the White people who voted for you to gain absolutely nothing because leftists and blacks will hate you no matter what?
Cucking for the sake of cucking is not politics. It's treason.
The absolute state of this board. Does anyone know where I can find an actual discussion without being filled with retarded boomers and literal shills?
Nope, the ones here are also on end and and zero and mlp and chiru and meguca and lain and and and they are everywhere because they are paid to be. Also many are the same host/persona.
Theres a filter function newfag.
Anglin I know you're lurking this bread. You are the most retarded shill in the history of shilling. Congrats.
"oh daddy daddy please, I was talking with my good friend Chelsea and we so want to let all the niggers out of prison. It's such an injustice that there's more niggers in prison than white peeples. Daddy please"..
"uuhhhh uh, yer ass is hot…uh…OK let niggers go then I be popular with all our NY society frenz again K?"
We never hated blacks. Jews hate blacks. Semites hate blacks. Both have thousands of years of historical interaction with blacks, enslaving them throughout that history.
Third Reich didn't hate blacks.
They just didn't want nigger animals in their country or having niggers contributing to the biological disaster that is miscegenation.
Please don't project, jew.
This is a board of peace.
Sure he did. That's also why he went on Saturday Night Live wearing the hat and said this:
Yep, sure sounds like he was only wearing the hat as a scam, and not as a rebellion against the Hollywood kikes who push him around. Yep, certainly seems that way.
Letting nigger criminals roam the streets to ruin shit even more then they already do is not something you should be proud of you cuck, you're part of the problem
Doubtful. Media called Trump racist but everyone knew he wasn't. If they could call a candidate racist and play clips of him saying pro-white things it'd hurt them.
Nazis had more Africans and Muslims fighting along their side than the Allies by a significant margin.
You're not even trying.
No, he can and has said pro White things which are not racist. Just not acting like a pro Jew nazi cuck.
The current state of american politics
a fucking hat
when will you cunts rise up and use your 2nd amendment rights
Holy shit you can't make this stuff up. Fuck off and die you brainwashed fucking republinigger
No Trump never said used the word whites or caucasians when describing anything. Maybe things would that benefit whites but never once said "I'm doing this to help whites."
Zig Forums, you gotta stop. Just stop. You're already the biggest joke board on the site, there's nowhere further to fall. Stop trying.
but that will scare away the normies.
we need to operate under so many layers of secrecy that nobody will be able to tell us apart from your average neocon. that's real winning right there.
So hows that dead board treating you?
okay you raise a fair point but do you really need to redtext your entire post and call anybody that disagrees with you a "jewish shill"? the whole point of this board is hating the jews, you don't have to voice it in every post. and the "shill" boogeyman is a serious encumberance to civil discourse
SAGE for Blumpf
at last I truly see
The next "shock" will be trumps loss in 2020 unless they rig it in his favor to pin the iran war on him. If Trump wins a second term shit will really hit the fan quick.
I dont buy it.
*IF* this is even true, Kanye has to do this because otherwise NPC drones will hound him to the ends of the Earth, because Orange Man Bad.
That dumbass meme you posted only reflects how fucking idiotic NPCs are. Always looking for a fairy tale, a tidy little narrative to tuck themselves in bed with, thumb in their mouth and a pat on the head. Do you know how long ago it was Alice Johnson was freed? If it was all an act why keep wearing the hat and speaking out?
But its easier for the low iq fucks to accept this than trouble their little peanut brains with things like nuance and cognitive dissonance.
This. I forgot who did it, but someone went out during the 2008 (or was it 2012?) Obama election, and interviewed a pretty sizeable chunk of blacks and asked them if they supported Obama's policies. These policies they listed off, of course, were all policies that the Republican nominee actually supported, at least on paper (pro-life, pro-guns, less taxes, even fucking less social security. etc).
The utter animosity many non-whites feel toward whites is insanely high, but they'll hide it as much as they possibly can.
Niggers never vote against their masters. They kill their own people for drugs, if you call a nigger a person, and they're completely whipped by their ugly, diabetic sheboons.
5 more years.
-beep boop-
-beep boop-
itt people think niggers count heh… Democrats own those stupid monkeys and always will. Spics are far more numerous and thus, more important. They at least have some potential for understanding that, bringing their shitty way of life over here, isn't good for them. That's because most of them actually work unlike niggers. So teling jose that Trump means work and the rest will turn America into Guatafuckingmala should have some effect.
Trump 2020
#jewed #saynotowhiteboys #nowhiteboys #teamjewboys