Even CNN admits it. Discord trannies on suicide watch. It all makes sense why he decided to drop the wall demand and reopen the government for this speech now. This man is a fucking genius!
fuck off trumpnigger
Cool kike free post
Fuck off. Boomer tier politics. Politics are dumb. This is a national socialist board.
polls are worthless though.
Kike thread
You will NEVER be a woman.
JIDF slide thread
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
Do it. For first time you will enjoy refugees you make.
lol, say goodbye to your last bastion to flee in South America.
He never said that.
Mainstream politics is not politics. Mods should delete such threads because they are off-topic.
Just start /omb/ or /muhdrumpfh/ or something and go far away
and you will never be white, you filthy yid.
Technically correct
>Legal immigrants (((enrich))) our Nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country, but they have to come in legally.
When trump delivers on a wall and deportations and draining the swamp Ill reconsider. until then im holding all maganiggers feet to the fire and never letting up, never slacking and never capitulating.
Trump may support the Israel kikes, but he certainly ended the more dangerous kike, the secular journokike. It is up to us and the zoomers to finally end the jew.
If Trump some how manages to get the wall built, while also deporting millions of the illegals already here, then I also might forgive him for being such a zionist ass kisser.
Esoteric immigration is a very hard thing to tackle, it's very complicated.
Scottish Patriots stand With our American friends
fuck off trumpnigger
NO MORE BROTHERS WARS!!!! #AryansTogether #DACAryans4citizen
put the bong down, spic.
I'm not a degenerate
Still not tired.
Fine, just do it somewhere else. This is Zig Forums not cry like a nigger bitch about kabuki every day land
nice boomer meme
All the more proof both Trump and democracy ate retarded
why would i ever want to move there?
That seems a very sound strategy.
Because they're also white
Trump is about to bring there worst people into the US. Most of South America will be safer than the US in the next 4 years
He's almost as popular as Hillary was ;)
Nobody takes you seriously because most of your grievances are bullshit and you have no solutions other than blackpilling or letting a Democrat win.
I've seen shills sperg about Trump bragging about low black unemployment. Trump is literally taking blacks off the gibs and putting them to work and people are bitching about it.
instead of promoting infighting we should be asking ourselves how we can take advantage of this situation.
learn from the kikes - any time something happens, whether it be good or bad for them, they manage to find a way to make a net gain in the end.
there are victories to be made for us from this speech and the resulting political climate but we won't achieve them if the dialogue never gets past the standard "orange man bad"
if you want to shill and post ebin red pills that everyone here has heard a million times then there's plenty of white males over at the_donald who are unaware.
I am not american. and i hope i will die before shit hit fan here anyway. but it is funny that americans starts another pointless war.
His entire family needs to be gassed.
affirmative action is the ultimate gib
Hello Reddit.
He spent a ton of time promoting kike shit like "record numbers of women in work/in congress". Fuck off.
Wat? Dam I missed it.
I thought that was tonight.
Record number of sexy dolly birds to perv at in the office.
Fuck off trumpcuck
You're right, this is 8/pol/, not your faggot cuckchan Zig Forums, if you can;t deal with people here criticizing trump then you don't belong
Thanks, user. Does anyone have good graphics comparing Trump against past administrations on different types of immigration?
wtf I'm voting democrat 2020
There's no room for racism in Zig Forums's movement so shape up or ship out, grandpa.
wtf I love blacks now
POLL: Whites support their own genocide!
Just take his exact wording or the purposeful focus of the shoah being at the end of the speech to illustrate Trump's priorities. The chessfags said this was an opportunity to make a case for the wall from a position of power, but maybe 2-4 minutes were spent on it with quips like "I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever"
This is tragic
Get used to it: This is gonna be normal for the next 6 years.
>If you don't want to hear pointless bitching about things that don't matter that sounds exactly like every leftist at (((school))), you don't belong at /nupol/, because it's just for gay SJW faggotry now, not NatSoc
You're right, enjoy your cancer, you fucking bitch
Reminder: Mods have been banning people making anti-Trump threads.
This thread is two thirds shills. It's amazing how much energy they have when Trump is living rent free in their heads 24/7/365.
Why aren't you out killing jews then?
I view Trump as the last opportunity for a peaceful solution, as he is a systems thinker with superhuman persuasion ability. If anyone can change the jews, it is him. If he can't, then the Final Solution must be implemented.
Here's your (You) for trying.
Right on brother.
How many niggers did you kill today?
Oh, so you aren't doing anything except complaining about the only guy actually getting something done?
Tell your boss you failed at inciting violence today, Agent.
yeah you're right. i guess i'll just give up because orange man bad.
yeah i know. and that means we should give up, yes :^)
Killing/Removing non-whites is what we are going to have to do though. Anyone who suggests otherwise is an idiot. You are as bad as the people who want to remove guns from the U.S.A. but then don't think exactly about how that is going to happen. You have to go in an remove them at some point and that requires violence.
It's known that feds work in teams to astroturf. One of you is going to tell your boss you failed today. Try to do it better next time so he doesn't fuck your wife again
Keep calling everyone you disagree with a shill as a short-cut to critical thinking and reasoning. It just demonstrates you are a white person(maybe?) with a very low-IQ.
I know I am not a shill, so when someone is calling someone else a shill, I have to think about what the "shill" is saying very carefully. Usually its something that challenges the weak minded like yourself and thus merits closer examination.
Violence is the only answer. We aren't going to shit-post the jews, niggers, and spics out of our country but we sure as hell can get rid of them using guns and white men in groups.
IP hopping fed or a team of 3 feds astroturfing?
My VPN has a data-cap. Switching it on and off cycles the IP. You only need to turn it on to post.
Faggots die in the coming holocaust to.
You guys really need to rewrite that handbook. Your posts are incredibly obvious.
Low energy shill.
Yea he sang happy birthday to one. Even the shills are happy!
And if you can't stand that some people still support him, then YOU don't belong.
Fuck off, faggots.
You need to go back, nigger.
Anyone using leftist arguments against Trump is just a shill, no matter what.
Calling people shills isn't an argument. Its just name-calling.
Violence is the only option. Time to man up little boy.
8/pol/ was vastly more enjoyable under Imkampfy. National socialism is first and foremost order.
You mean anything that shows Trump is a lying kike?
You're a cuckchanner who thinks politics is like a videogame. To identify shills is prologue to filtering them.
You get the killing started, we'll follow.
Get out new-fag. You can go worship Trump on r/the_donald or 4chan.org/pol
Here, we discuss the truth and the truth is Trump is a civ-nat cuck who is not going to build a wall and is going to legalize all the DACA kids because Obama wasn't able to do it and he wants to piss on Obama.
Who did you vote for in 2016, and who will you vote in 2020?
You are not fooling anyone
Get fucked Zig Forums, your ebin subversion doesn't work with the old crowd.
I voted for Trump in 2016. I'm not voting in 2020.
Trump gets the rope too you know.
lol go to /sudo/ and beg for some word filters
Worst quints in image board history.