Trump says he wants largest number of legal immigrants This is true and every Republican in that building agrees but why? They have to be legal in order to drive down wages for their donors. > Bernie doesn't agree with driving down wages.
Ok the GOP fooled you, that's ok just remember never ever under any circumstances vote Republican, i'm not saying vote democrat just not Republican.
Citizens United destroyed the country and it must be overturned, until then you're going to get fucked every time.
Trump obviously doesn't give a fuck about the working class if he wants to flood America with immigrants – I don't give a damn if they're legal or not.
No more!!!
Luis Thompson
Fuck off shill, you become president if it's so easy.
Sebastian Cox
Eli Adams
"Fuck off shill, you become president if it's so easy."
- It would be much easier to run a country when you aren't allowing 1,000,000+ foreigners to legally immigrate every single year.
Over 60% of legal immigrants end up on welfare, food stamps, or other government programs. They're draining our coffers.
If Trump supports legal mass immigration, then he's obviously a jackass who doesn't know shit about economics, and he doesn't give a fuck about the average citizen. He's just a zionist asshole who wants to help corporations attain more cheap labor.
Thomas Nguyen
How many white illegal immigrants do we get?
Hunter Cooper
He gives a lot of fucks about the non-White working class for sure though, he brags about their unemployment. The White working class? Crickets.
Colton Adams
Around a million (I consider Latin America white).
Other white countries (like those in Asia and Europe) are too comfy to immigrate from.
Julian Ramirez
It doesn't matter you leftist shill. I suspect more people will be preparing for the happening. This country has no future, some little bullshit like Citizens United is irrelevant, just another piece of trash on fire in the dumpster.
The real question leftists should be asking themselves is what happens when the country shatters and violence becomes the law of the land. I suspect they will shit themselves.
Once whites become the minority America will become [pick a brown country - a desolate shithole]. You Bernie faggots think he wasn't in on the DNC's "betrayal" of him? What are economics and why is it Bernie would accelorate Americas decline? You guys are so fucking stupid when Americas at it's lowest due to senile Bernies economic plan you'd be asking "How?" and "Why?". And "What happened?".
We're going to hang you Bernie faggots from the lampposts and light your corpses on fire to light ==our== roadways at night.
David Phillips
This ruling simply held that the constitutionally protected rights and freedoms aforded to individuals is also afforded to groups formed by individuals. Boomer farmers did that. They are doing it right now by hiring migrant labor instead of local labor.
Parker Richardson
The thing is boomers want more immigrants because they think that immigrants will support them, healt and finance wise from retirement to death since even the most retarded of them know that the gov has drained their pensions into the negative numbers. Too bad they will probably end up legally euthinized by those very immigrants.
Sebastian Nelson
Because democrats are the real racist like KKK Ralph, us Republicans are about merit
Landon Peterson
Mestizos are mostly AmerInd
Hunter Rogers
He's the dacaaryan shit poster. Just filter
Sebastian Phillips
No, there is enough of a surplus in SS to support the remaining boomers until they all die, which will be in about 20 years or so. The surplus was built up by charging the boomers record high SS taxes, to both support the "greatest generation" while building up that surplus…it was Reagan's idea.
And if you think the bonds held in the SS trust fund are worthless (roughly 3 trillion dollars worth), then you think the U.S. bonds held by other nations and in every investment firm on Earth are also worthless, which speaks to U.S. debt more than to any "boomer" meme. The central bank holds more bonds than the SS trust fund does, and unlike the bonds in SS, the Fed bank's bonds were obtained through onerous methods, and should be declared so…when we tear down the central bank.
Why is because he probably feels confident that he has backed the_donald plebs into a corner parroting his talking points about illegal = bad, legal = good, that he can push this invasion and have those indoctrinated rubes saying yes to it.
Evan Cox
I am typing this from Latin America, and I can confidently say that most of us are not White
Charles Collins
Friendly reminder "based niggers" and "based hispanics" don't ever vote republican. No matter how "white" mixed or white washed they are, they consistently vote democrat. The republicucks are fucked for any elections on 2020 and afterwards. The USA will become a one party governance system, and will become Mexico or even Brazil tier in the next 4 years.
Regan did the exact same thing and he got a second term. Never under estimate how pathetic vote cucks are
Zachary Cruz
Forgive me as I live in South America and don't follow your politics that close, but why does it matter what party the blacks and mestizos vote for if both of them seem to be pro Zionist and pro open borders? You guys always make a big deal about the minorities voting Democrat when your supposed Republican extremist President spent last night talking about feminism and the Holocaust?
Kayden Hill
America is a nation of immigrants. Trump stands up for the oppressed Jewish community, and will end antisemitism forever. Hooray for the greatest generation born 1945 - 1964!
Eli Bennett
During Reagan's time White people were above the 56~% line.
Republicans are the ones fucking us less hard in the ass, but you're in fact right, both parties fuck us in the ass. But at least one of them does it with lubricant and gives us wiggle room.
It seems kind of like the Republicans are the equivalent of end of life care nurses who try to make the death of Whites more comfortable instead of trying to outright kill them Haitian revolution style. Does my comparison make sense or is the geographic barrier so strong that I'm not quite getting the political dynamics?
Jason Russell
That's pretty much it
Jayden Rogers
I would be interested in this tbh. "Hispanics" can be black as night or passable as German. Could that 29% be all the white ones?
Republicans pretend to be race blind. Democrats are explicit in their hatred of whites. So behind the scenes they're basically the same, on the surface they seem different.
Ian Ortiz
Isaiah Howard
I think that's a fine analogy. The problem is that boomers only care about boomers' end of life, and once they're dead and gone having left the country minority White, then every generation after will have none of those comforts. The only option is to purge, purge everything that isn't White or doesn't fight.
So Icouldn't bring myself to watch the SOTU last night, I figured I'd catch the highlight reel or fast forward through the Americlapping. I fast forward to around 4 minutes in, and this fuckers talking about how GREAT it was that Muerrica entered WWII to kill those mean ol' Germans sand save the poor oppressed kikes. MFW I can''t take this shit any longer
There's a possibility of that, but the amount of datamining and demographics studies readings to determine that is beyond my scope this semester. You can have this as a start.
Trump says he wants largest number of legal immigrants. This is true and every Republican in that building agrees but why? THEY'RE ALL OWNED BY JEWS, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. LURK BEFORE POSTING.
Julian Hughes
Lucas Reed
Poe's law. I honestly can't tell if you're real, not the least of which because mods let those people post here.
Easton Evans
Is that you Ron? do you know if Ron is home?
Matthew Wilson
Nathaniel Walker
Talk to a nigger
Get shot
Camden Gonzalez
Imagine the world if we'd been able to memetically elect Ron Paul in 2012. We'd be far better off.
Gavin Anderson
Why the fuck are kikes using this word so much.
Andrew Howard
At this rate all of us can agree that there is literally no reason to continue fighting, because everything will get shittier and shittier for us no matter what we do. We fucking lost forever and all that awaits us is a thousand years of despair. Can't fucking believe the asses and elbows guy was right the entire time. Fuck we should have listened. Reminder that suicide is the only escape. We have nothing left to live for. Everyone on this board realizes this now.
Jordan Hernandez
boomers are just finishing what they started, turning this country kosher and non white
Everyone needs to fucking realize this. The kikes now control everything forever. The ending will always remain the same, as you describe. There is no longer any need for self-improvement, as we have nothing to live for. We fucking surrender.
>it's the (((whitepill)))spammer again ==Optimism is cowardice. Accept the cold, hard reality, or leave. It's over. It's all over. Deal with it.
Ryder Adams
Whites exist in Latin America, but they're obviously a minority here. Depending on the country, Whites go from around 10% of the population to around 25% or even 50% in places like Argentina. Uruguay is the only country where Whites are a straight up majority
Zachary Watson
Nah. I think I'll fight and win instead. Feel free to die whenever though, I have no need of you. But if I find you or anyone like you once the thin veneer of society washes away I'll gladly ease your passing.
Luis Evans
So, none of them are white then? What about all those 'White Hispanics'
Camden Howard
you're going to accept the cold because traitors get the bullet first
Aiden Rogers
You're not even remotely convincing in your frantic shrieks. Go kvetch elsewhere.
America will become Brazil 2.0 and there's nothing you can do about it.
Samuel Wood
Yes you can, because you are him, you fucking sped. You leave a trail like a fucking slug.
David Kelly
Now I know why I tell kids to shut the fuck up when they talk and openly grab their cell phones and throw them on the ground. FUCKING SEETHING 5 more years tranny discord faggot.
Do you know if Ron is around?
Joseph Martinez
Disappointing. At least understand that Trump wants to flood America like Canada and Oceania.
Henry Nelson
Oliver Turner
nobody but cuckchanners talk like this, go back there, retard
The moment non whites flood into the United States under Trump is when it is known. If Trump opens doors to Europeans I won't care even though I don't want the increased population.
By jumping fences. The shit the Merkel pulled is what people are genuinely scared of. At the end of it all Hillary would have turned the US into a dumping ground for human trash. I want a wall and a future for whites in the United States. If Trump doesn't use the military to build a wall and if i see sand people coming in I am just going to accelerate my plans to move North and bunker down. Niggers will die in the Montana winter.
Nicholas Johnson
No, you're just retarded. Trump has deported zero nonwhites. Zero. He has legalized over a million of them. They come in through all the same avenues as before. The wall is 100% meaningless. Trump has done nothing to stop "legal" immigration, or "anchor babies", or work visas.
No one gives a flying fuck. No one is "scared" of anything. It's KNOWN now. No one does a damn thing about it.
Brody Reyes
It takes legislation to do this. Even if I were to assume the bank fraudster Jew rat Bernie Sanders were serious about wanting to overturn it (And no successful Democrat politician is actually in favor of turning off the money spigot, they just claim they want to because they know they don't have the power to and to keep small donor money flowing), there is no way in frozen Hell that even with both Houses full of Democrats that he'd be able to get those kinds of votes. Especially not as the Democratic Party is actually Wall Street's favorite party.
Angel Nelson
Right. And where are those pure blood Aryans today? Should I ask northern India and their caste system where they've last seen them?
Noah Miller
I'm not sure if I should vote Trump next term. Maybe one of you retards can study his ways and surpass ((Trump)). As Jü Trump is, I'd take meddling over nuclear warfare.
Jacob Morales
There was tons of deportations and tons of people just turned back that would have normally been let through. He did quite a bit to control the border from the human element. Obviously a mad kike that wants to see the west burn. kys
Josiah Brooks
I can't. I don't support zionism like our current president.