Best maymays collected from #SOTU

Give me what you collected, /b/ I’m salt mining. The left is losing its shit. No shills need reply.

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Kike thread

Your meme is shit, and likely made from some magatard.

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have the better version fam

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Have a bump, OP. You deserve it for rustling three commie jews in a row :D

I tried to get a year end may may dump thread going and it wouldn’t sail. The New Knigger Shills on the board have sucked all the fun out of it with
their “Don’t Vote Zognald” Bull shit “you magakike because we real white nats” even though you can see their noses poke through every try hard post (((they))) make

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Fuck off kike

I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever


After a while of calling everyone kike and throwing a nigger around here and there , it will begin to eat at you no matter how many Shekels you get and you will look in the mirror, the self loathing will overcome you and then you’ll self Shoah your own Jew ass

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