simple propaganda idea, feedback and OC welcome
any anons who want to make some propaganda get in here
Close the borders or she will go extinct
the composition, font choice and pictures may not be the best, hoping anons with more talent can take this idea further and polish it more
shills, MGTOW faggots, miscegenation and cuck fetish losers not welcome, fuck off
I'm guessing this place is just as badly infiltrated as 4/pol/?
unsure but I can already here the extremely predictable shill replies about how white women should be abandoned, how everything is their fault, how dying alone and childless is "based", etc etc
useless scum that needs to be strung up from a lamppost for the sport of crows
Lol, it's not like any of you basement dwelling fagots would ever even have a chance with any of these beautiful women, so why do you care?
many of us including myself already have a beautiful white wife / long term girlfriend
keep projecting leftypol. the right has always produced more offspring than the faggot left.
My gf is a jew, but not an ethnic jew, she's lile pure aryan, blond hair and blue eyes. German decent. Weird, very pretty though. And I'm not some Nazi blowing nutcase like you folks, so I don't mind that she's a jew.
This is how pathetic liberals actually are.
this is a thread for producing and constructively criticizing pro-white propaganda, not engaging with braindead lying shill retards
filter and ignore ed05bb please
How about we make it a bit easier, something more like pic related
My dick swims in jezebel pussy
So I see she is the dominating one in your relationship then huh? Delusional faggot.
Remember to filter those who contribute nothing but go on ranting about themselves.
This has a 50/50 chance of failing or succeeding bumping you for workshopping
come back to us when your son cuts his dick off and and your daughter gets her uterus lasered out.
Meanwhile my son is weightlifting, doing martial arts and stands 5 10, weighing almost 80kg at 14yrs old lol. My daughters all have partners who they've been with for years. I will not see the beauty of white women disappear from this planet.
more aesthetic / better design?
IDK I don't think with my dick so I can't tell if this would appeal to the "muh dick" normalfag crowd. Maybe try to put women with bigger tits in the pics?
The 3rd world is already here and they are already out breeding us because our women are poisoned by jewry and are rotten to the core. No amount of faggy build the wall civic nationalism is going to change that.
That font would probably appeal to females more, which is good. The smaller text is less intrusive, yes.
it's not only a "muh dick" strategy it's also supposed to show innocent young women who could be daughters / sisters who you care about from that point of view, but yes "muh dick" is another (powerful) angle
hoping some other anons join in and provide different OC to see what looks best
It has the potential to appeal to "Muh DICK" and "MUH VAGINA"
the font is Segoe Script (pretty sure it comes with windows by default), pure white colored and the transparent background behind it has about 70% opacity
but I think it's worth experimenting with more designs
Love it.
Would this have more impact?
'Think about her future'
and then in lower right corner (allowing the message to sink in a bit)
'Close the borders'
hoping to see more OC superior to mine when I check on this thread again
stop arguing with shills and feds for a while and make some effective OC, maybe it will spread and do some good
good idea
maybe also something along the lines of "how will she afford a home if migration keeps driving up demand and prices?" but worded less awkwardly
i think these could actually spread on instagram and tumblr and reach the zoomers
Good. Money is always motivational.
Let her remain happy / close the border
What about her future? / close the border
Don't just think about the immigrant. / close the border (meaning that if you favor open borders you neglect to think about others/your own)
She is innocent. Keep it that way. / close the border (would appeal to fathers with daughters)
Dont you think something like
would be more powerful?
good idea
can you make some OC with it?
Who is she?
The issue with OP's idea is simply that the premise is based on love. If you take a look around you you'll quickly realize that hate is much stronger than love. Try again OP, and find something that can inspire true hatred, even among the normie hordes.
Not much of a 'shop goy, but here you go.
"Extinct" makes me thing of dinosaurs. It's like a sad thing that already happened but there's nothing I can do about it. "Lose this forever" is like "Oh shit I gotta do something"
True, extinct is like you can't change the course of the future. And we want to give hope
some ASMR youtuber
oops, saved as png8 not png24, this should be better
No mention of Whites meeting up IRL and networking as usual. Just Nazi cuck larping hoping someone else fixes the problem. Yet these same Nazi faggots will be the first to fuck up any mention of real life bonding by Whites.
wont let me upload the template because of .psd extension but here's another
looking good user, these are tame enough to make people think but edgy enough to piss off the right people and make the memes "spicy"
low IQ shill
good source material:
This shit is Jew tier humiliation for Whites.
Spot the irony?
Most anons are here shitposting because she is ALREADY practically extinct, faggot! Your enemy CELEBRATES the fact she will go extinct if the borders are not closed, you utter faggot. Don't be so weak and cucked with your memeing - dehumanize and face to bloodshed and hit the bastards hard between the eyes with your memes.
Spread these attached memes more if you want to do something productive
>using an image of 'coal burner' (((fellow white person laura southern)))
10 year challange…
without, then with a burqa
made more OC just for you shill
all propaganda has its intended purpose and audience, yours is effective in another way
that's her sister dumbass
Your text is a bit hard to read on this one.
1. Your wrong - it is Lauren
2. Even if it was her sister, your wrong again - she's still juden
sage for having to educate a faggot
Thanks, user.
(((Lauren Simonsen Southern)))
True. The way of the un-cucked.
Slight variation on the message.
lauren has faults but being jewish is not one of them
fuck off leftypol you're stupidly obvious
Bump because these pictures of perfect Aryan women make me have the energy to put myself out in the real world and work on my terrible anxiety.
I have Chadish looks but only get 5's and 6's, time to step it up, bros.
here is the AncestryDNA reveal video you lying shill faggot, now fuck off
It's important to remember that although kikes have hijacked a number of European surnames and naming customs, for 'ornamental purposes', not all of these oft subverted names = jew.
Simonsen means son of Simon. It could well be a hijacked name but it's possible that the name harks back to Scandinavian ancestry.
I think I'm going to use only kikes from now on to trigger you Zig Forums fags.
it's more than possible, it's scientifically proven with DNA results:
she is 98% European which includes 19% Scandinavian, part of her family is Danish - that's where the name comes from
Good to know.
>here is the video where her fellow (((white))) people who run the DNA site help maintain (((her))) cover
>using a (((DNA))) site ever
We traced the bitch as SIMONSEN.
The fact this is news to you means you faggots turned up here yesterday.
Even if you were right about her being white - she'd still be a coal burner for fucking that shitskin.
You fucking thirsty low IQ dumb reddit niggers white knighting any (((vagina))) can have rope too.
You unironically call me leftypol shill after posting
Terry says glowniggers get a free car on DOTR
every. fucking. time
>>>/oven/ for the lot of you
filtered and ignored
more OC
some great source pics of girls in nature here:
Fool the newfags if you want glowie, they're reddit soy beta cucks.
We're operating from the bunker now.
My slogans are usually dark, but I feel a dose of harsh reality is needed although people generally respond better to "positive" messages.
Best to not use nudes. Something like this is just as arousing but can be shared anywhere.
This isn't good propaganda, as messages such as these inevitably will result in leftists mocking the notion of "white genocide" as being the product of white males who are threatened by white women choosing non white men. You should be focusing on whites becoming minorities within their own homelands, compare what the world will look like in Europe, Africa, Asia one hundred years from now, etc.
Worse. Eternal september replaced the oldfags with newfags who cant even recognise their own shilling and stupidity. So we end up with a place that gets more respect than cuckchan but doest deserve it in the least anymore.
who cares how the far left will react, their terrible reactions are often a good redpill for normies - they are driving people away by the thousands every day
extinction can come from a white minority being slaughtered like it is in South Africa, it doesn't have to involve miscegenation at all
People that dont look toward the future, can not be scared by showing a dystopian one. (And even more dystopian one than the one were living in that is.)
Sex sells, as an entry level redpill this works wonders. Especially in young lands eager to fuck.
You're naive if you think normalfags won't be convinced by the "white genocide is real because I can't find a girlfriend" mockery which always follows these types of materials.
How about some beautiful women with man's best friend at their side?
True, but it's easy to push back against such a blatantly false meme.
Please stop. This isn't good propaganda and I just ate.
For you…
"Borders," you fucking nigger. Why is this so hard for everybody?
I can fix it mein nigger don't get upset…
Fuck off niggerjew, you will never be white. Stop shitting up the catalog.
These are better at convincing men than women. Sadly, women are the ones more in need of convincing. Perhaps you could make a version where it has "close the borders or she will compete with you" and a qt cherrypicked Asian?
Gud thred m8, gud memes.
you're either a shill or an uberautist if you think this will be effective.
I like this one…if I could just stop laughing…I think 'dodo'd' might need updating…or are we trying to make people laugh hysterically?
Tbh I'm unconvinced this is a good strategy, but regardless: Don't put a full stop at the end of the phrase. It looks awkward on a poster
Make one with a child instead. Always use the children as proproganda. Think of the keeds
More like deport and repatriate all niggers and other types of shitskins or she'll go extinct, closing the border isn't enough
So does (((Amy Schumer))) and she's hideous as fuck just like any other Jewess.
Start putting those up on every wall, pole, or anything you can hang it on and people can see, throughout the whole country, we need to make these niggers fear us again
Found the kike
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