Switzerlands Biggest Troll destroys Leftist TV Hosts Career
Shit is in swiss cheese language
Buy a add on a german speaking website
turn the captions on you stupid fuck
Public service announcement: OP is still a fag
Its a gay ass fucking video.
The guy with the mohawk is setting off my jewdar.
The kikes always rush to that to defend islam. Humongous strawman, completely ironic, and you'll see the larpers do the same thing on Zig Forums
The irony is, of course, jews still supposedly follow the old testament, so it's supposed to follow that "you don't condemn jews, so why muslims?" I can't wait until that backfires on them spectacularly
This was an unexpectedly good interview to be honest.
The host is literally freaking the fuck out and desperate to get in a cheap blow. Mohawk dude was able to stay calm and collected and fucking pummeled him from every angle. Impressive.
kys i'm not the biggest fan of thiel because he's a halfway normalfag but he's a goy and got labeled as dangerous by so called "racism experts".
Do like the chicken dude did
Agree with them on all accounts about the old testament.
You disarm them instantly and they are left with only being able to call you names for it
btw all these experts also exist in your country and they're paid by tax money lmao
They exist in all countries, because they're a rootless international clique, and they suck off the tax tit in every country that exists.
I still want evidence this Thiel character is not kosher.
do the world a favor, go to the nearest bridge and do a flip you fucking faggot.
Why are you so defensive?
You made a claim, that this man is not Jewish. If you can't prove it, just say so.
He looks like one of my fellow American countrymen. God bless the USA.
WTF? This is German:
Can I see this video without all the gay reddit shit?
The US does contain approximately 41% of the world's Jews, so that seems viable.
hooktube uses youtube player now. use invidio.us instead
I mean really now, I don't see how anyone could NOT question whether or not this guy is a Jew.
Well… at least it lets me skip age restriction without having to log in..
The nose on the other guy is more roman than not. His forehead is also more tilted forward. His lips aren't as full and his ears are slighly less rodenty.
He could simply be a mutt of some sort.
You can see traces of italian and some kind of "native"(mexican?) but also european.
Either way it was a fun interview,
If you ignore the shit editing.
kys, op
Don't fall for the "looks like a jew" shit or you'll get lobenigger posting back in here. jews are in every genetic group that has ever had one member practice jewry, as every religion does.
Evalion did a lot wrong, except her masterclass on this subject which was spot fucking on.
christLARPers should honestly shut the fuck up about other people supposedly being LARPers or preferably get crucified like their blue-haired dumblrina savior.
Fuck you're trash, don't come back.
Holy shit, Europeans really are 5 years behind on memes
Were all of European blood filthy jew. Fuck off.
Hilarious hearing Americans call people Jews when something like 55% of the US "white" population is at least 10% kike
So does invidio.us, plus the whole not giving views and getting jewtube cookies and shit thing.
Sage for OT.
"You're jewish?"
"Are you more a jew on the paper or agnostic or a believing jew"
Damn….in Germany you'd never see this….
Here's an Invid embed, OP is a humungous Faggot as usual
Those memes are annoying. Was that video edited by a 17-year old? Otherwise an interesting discussion. I really like that the chicken guy drew attention to the host's kikeyness, even if it was a brief remark.
I call these puppet shows.
There's a good guy and a bad guy but it's scripted to teach the audience a lesson.
considering anti-semitism is against the law in switzerland, i doubt the outcome was desired.
wow they prolly didnt realise it at the time but their whole world was about to change
Yea right, i could barely understand half of it lol
Still interesting tho, i always enjoyed the civility of swiss media, even tho they obviously hate eachother.
The burden of proof is on the argumenter making the positive claim. You cannot logically prove a negative. If you're making an accusation of the gay zebra man being a kike, it is your job to prove that your accusation holds any water. All you've managed to do is go 'I assert x and if you don't agree with my assertion despite a lack of evidence, you're a liar!'. Stop arguing like a Jew, you smarmy faggot.
Man, I understand trying to make it interesting. But the editing… God those are some stale memes.
It looks like a jewish presenter fake arguing with a crypto counter-jihad (aut-right approved) kike
Don't you guys ever have any other insights than saying everyone is Jewish? For such a small ethnic group you seem to think there are a lot more of them.
There is something of a subtext to saying everyone is a jew. When a person is filled with propaganda and lies and deceit or malevolence to the point of being indistinguishable from das juden then Zig Forums will and does often refer to them as a jew regardless of apparent race.
So rather than go 'this man who is a jewish puppet' most here rather say this jew. Honorary semites.
Jews threw out the old testament for the talmud as soon as they got called out on their shit 2000 years ago.
This interview is from 5 years ago.
I you try and use YouTube’s translate function to get english subtitles on the original clip it mistranslates into meaningless garbage. Hmmm…
christ swiss german sounds almost as disgusting as dutch, could barely make up what they were saying
These three bots/shills are afraid of this dudes train of thought I think?? I'm not sure honestly. These don't feel like, genuine.
ways it all.
Host is juden, while Mohawk is Dinarid, not jewish.
t. classifier
Except the talmud includes the old testament aka the torah.
Mohawk is basically Central Europe Dinarid. You can see this phenotype in Patrick Steward.
Fuck off.
What is interesting, Mohawk is better redpilled then most of us. You can hear his comment in this video:
Muslims are stuck between Homo Sapiens and Homo Neanderthals.
While most anons are stuck with ashkenazi Varg Vikeners false mantra, "Nordics are most Neanderthals", he basically said, semites are Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalensis hybrids.
And then, some anons with broken jewdars think, he is a jew. Jesus fucking Christ. He is one of few remaining old Europeans.
No, the Talmud includes the talmud and has nothing to do with the old testament.
And the Talmud is what they are actually believe/follow, whereas the Torah is just some symbol for them that they like to wave around.
The original video being 4+ years old might have something to do with that.
The contents of the talmud include:
1. The torah
2. The oral torah
3. The talmud
The old testament is itself just the prototype for the talmud.
Heiling in TV would be too much even for a best troll, wouldnt you agree?
Racially, only hybrid semitic species exist (HS + HN), term "jew" is just word for one semitic tribe with a fucking book.
Therefore, your question doesnt make sense. Mixes genetics with ethnicity.
That argument would be a whole lot easier to shut down if he denounced all Abrahamic religions equally instead of presenting the enemy with a weak point where he has to explain why christianity is good, but also bad, but not entirely bad, and actually a lot better. It slows down his overwhelming momentum in the conversation and gives the audience an easy out to view him as just another hypocritical ideologue on TV saying whatever he must to win.
What does that have to do with anything rabbi?
Ethnicity is genetic rabbi.
Ok, fucking jew, repeat after me:
Everyone knows you heebs have no problem repeating any of the assorted variations on your LORD JESUS CHRIST IS MY ONLY GOD AND SAVIOUR meme Shlomo, you're not helping your case at all.
You don't need to sign your post.
The left one has the jew beak though
dude they both got massive kike noses and even their skull shape is similar.
I'm sorry, but no.
They both have jew beaks bruv.
I don't understand why its so hard to prove this man is not a Jew. Why would you promote someone if you don't know for sure they they're not a Jew?
this place has reduced itself to people calling each other shlomo and putting echoes around words they don't like.
That's great, but do you have any proof this man is not Jewish?
Why is this so complicated?
I am talking about phenotype. For example, jews are armeno orientalids and ashkenazi jews are host nation, armeno orientalid influenced.
He doesnt look armeno orientalid influenced aka semite. He does look like Dinarid.
At first. After years of classifying people, it just became rutine.
Now, who is not convinced. Please look guy in the video and think about Patrick Steward. And hope nobody will argue, Patrick is a jew.
Also this.
Dinaric is supposed to be high vaulted, brachy and with a flat occiput, mohawk guy is too low vaulted and doli by the looks of it, some mediterranid-like influence must be considered
He is not pure, agree. Dinarid is his predominant. Maybe Baskid influence.
I thing he is not Dinaro med.
For reference.