Yellow niggers are facing yet another scandal as a large batch of subhuman and illegally harvested blood for plasma treatments was contaminated with HIV.
The illegally harvested blood was produced by the second largest state owned chink nigger medical company Shanghai Xinxing.
The GRIDS infected batch of blood is said to be of 12,229 50 ml bottles of subhuman plasma. The plasma was sent out to multiple different hospitals, with state owned doctors have been sending mixed messages about the whole ordeal.
Over the past year, other medical scandals in chinkland involve thousands of infants being given expired rabies vaccines, and hundreds of children (zerglings) given expired polio vaccines.
Look we all have our collective jewish parasites fucking up our countries. I feel sorry for the Chinese, you had it real rough with the jewish overlords wipping Mao into culling your history, tradition, nuclear family, and so on. Now you're like bugmen NPC's. I hope you guys recover one day, and throw them out. Know who did this to you.
Dominic Smith
The chinks have never won a war and the nature of the chink is indistinguishable from the kike.
Godamn what a fucking name, two letters away from xingling
Leo Scott
get your vaccines goy
Jaxson Peterson
You must be one of upper-middle class white liberals who simultaneously thinks of the themselves as being morally above the scum of society while watching a six year old drag queen.
Alexander Diaz
Goldfish squarepants
Oliver Wood
Stoopid nameflag
Samuel Morgan
Chinks ruin everything
Brayden Brooks
They're different races that evolved in different conditions on different sides of the planet.