Greatly increasing animosity towards these delusional shitstains is the only way we're going to get them to fuck off back to reddit.
(((Trump))) has betrayed white voters time and time again, refusing to acknowledge white interests or even show concern for our existence while openly pandering to every nonwhite race there is. It has become unarguably clear that he is nothing more than an israeli-controlled neocon puppet like each and every one of his forerunners- he will change nothing.
Support of this impotent ageing boomer should not be tolerated and instead ridiculed at every opportunity.
If you sincerely don't understand why trump is a zog failure no better than his precursors, the only cure is to lurk for two years.
Routing out the remaining (((trump))) supporters
judenfrei first post
Have some OC
I tried to warn you faggots in 2016, but you wasted a couple of years on nothing while (((they))) made advances in all fields. Stop giving the Zion Don any publicity, even if negative. Make threads about genuine politics (ideas), movements, actions, useful information. Encourage people to use the catalog so their slide threads are less effective. Don't post in clickbait threads, don't engage in e-celeb drama, mainstream politics other than calling out shills while saging the slide threads. Spread useful information on other places, as far and as wide as possible.
sure thing moishe
Already pulled out of cuckchan after the pedovestigators investigated Discord for CP
like clockwork
you're a little late though, didn't nab first post this time
Ooh boy we have a smoking gun
what did you expect to get from that search result?
you guys are well funded, I give you that
good argument, faggot
He's still going to pummel Warren or whatever kvetching poopskin crybaby the democrats intend to slither into the debates.
This is your brain on nu-Zig Forums
as in Sazpaimon?
I don't know.
Reminder that he deported zero nonwhites and that he cannot mathematically win in 2020, nor will any whites vote for him because he betrayed every last one of us.
Great argument.
post your dildo collection
An increase in labor demand means an increase in wages which means a return to a meritocracy. If you can't outperform your competition you deserve to be bred out. Have some pride you all sound like a bunch of niggers.
I ask because Sazpaimon is a co-owner/admin at 7chan, and it's been down the last couple days. Maybe odd coincidence. Maybe.
I think I finally understand. Baffling as it is Zig Forums has always had a large number of nonwhite posters. I have no idea why they come here but it definitely explains why there are so many unironic trump supporters even after three years of spitting on the whites who gave him the oval office. Shitskins don't give fuck about white interests and neither does (((trump))).
i sensed there's something fishy about all these posts, didn't feel "organic" to me, one faggot even has tulsi2020 as his nickname lmao.
This fell out of your pocket, OP.
Think of it as a downvote AND shadowban Dupeddit faggots
Cuckchan loves the zog emperor even more than this shithole you slobbering retard.
I think these shills are completely inept and simply repeat back phrases that people say to them.
Kraut and his trannygang are also up to something again, probably still mad about getting buried by JF, Jim, etc.. Can't wait for that shit to backfire as usual.
What's wrong? Did the 76 percent approval rating of Trump's SOTU terrify you so much that only posting on a backwater Zig Forums on a backwater chan could make you feel better about your Untermenchen selves?
As an unabashed and loyal Trump supporter I can tell you that your statements don't bother me in the least. After all:
Lions don't lose sleep over the bleating of sheep
Except you're bleating. Loudly.
another one for the shadowban kek
Whole lotta shills in this thread. Anti-trump confirmed good idea.
The only fix is the long, hard fix: change the culture to change the politics. A Trump isn't going to save us. We need the Republican party to shift far right.
>>>Zig Forums
But Zig Forums is ifghting with them.
These people are truly delusional. They think because someone fights with them that it's "in-fighting".
They truly are the jesters of our time.
Getting Trump elected WAS pretty funny back in 2016, and it did shift the overton window to the right.
The new question is: How do we make 2016 happen again? Who do we support now?
gee shlomo, are you telling me trump getting re-elected wouldn't be as funny as it was in 2016? is that your new angle?
when did reddit take over our board?
Trump will lose 2020 and it will result in the most polarizing environment ever fucking created. It's going to be so fucking funny watching him get booted out. Not a single golem-president has ever received as much "mainstream hate" as he has, it'll be a landslide victory for the democrat and the little veil that has been placed in front of the "right-wing" since 2016 is going to fucking drop like bricks, only for them to realize that in the past 4 years whites have been devastated in terms of demographics.
It's going to be hilarious watching the panic lights flashing as the "le epic conservative :)" wing gets a right kick in the ass and the radical few who have held out against the nihilistic demoralization of the past 4 years are once again able to be heard over the drooling retards like Fuentes and the other mutt-kike golems.
Congratulations, we got Trump elected. Now what's the next step of our master plan?
I don't give a fuck about stupid Trump. I only care about White power. If it means that I support Trump 2020, then so be it. But we can't just let Trump think it's OK to neglect us.
I'm telling you that we need to look for another funny political victory that etches our ethics into the common consciousnes.
Thank you, that one's going in my "cringe predictions" folder. I love how your retarded anons are wrong about everything.
Sitting on our asses while Trump meekly allows shitskins to flood into the USA while sending our money to IsraHell.
Blindly supporting the establishment simply because a silver tongued tweeter in chief has an R in front of his name.
See you in 2020, shlomo. I've been preparing these last 4 years. You're fucked.
This has been so aggressively done during this Orange Kike's term I seriously doubt it wasn't done intentionally.
This is literally posted in everything thread where people are slightly critical of the ZOG Emperor. Newsflash faggots, just because Hillary was a satanic cunt of a candidate doesn't mean Trump is repping your interests, a screenshot of some tranny's in discord changes none of that.
is correct
keep on building networks of european/white nationalists, work on taking over the cultural sphere since culture always trickles down to politics.
No but I found it amusing he is getting almost the exact same numbers as Hilary in 2016
And you're too stupid to even make a proper screenshot. Sasuga.
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would elect a president before throwing him under the bus?
I don't even know what you are talking about Trumpcuck
At least you can talk.
You've a lot of loyalty for a guy who Trump denounced and condemned.
Zig Forums got Trump elected
Oh, please trump sir! please please please save me! oh, mister politician man with your jewish grandchildren, won't ya save a white man like me?!
These are fake images from the /ptg/ discord that were first posted nearly two years ago.
If Trump loves his jews so much, we should rub it in his face. Call him the "Jewish Candidate".
fucking liar, these are recent screenshots
This is not a national socialist board. National socialists left Germany in ruins. Hitler was a freemason, and Donald Trump is not a freemason, and the best president since Kennedy.
Just when I start seeing TORpedos posting things that make sense, you come along and fuck it all up for the rest of them.
Thanks for reminding me that torpedos should be filtered at first sight, every time.
Yes, you Nazicucks serve them 24/7
Filter them and STFU
I have always enjoyed Rockwell's Fable of the Ducks and the Hens. Masterful portrayal of what Jews really are. Imagine my chagrin to find Rockwell attended a Jewish school when 13 years old. None of us would be allowed if we could not show Jewish kin. Frank Collins, who is now with the Ancient American magazine as Frank Joseph, was his second in command in the American Nazi party was also a jewish kiddie diddler.
What's wrong? Did I scare you away? Post some more so we can laugh at you.
OP Confirmed fucking kike.
Shut the fuck up already.
Vote Trumpfstein Reelestateberg 2020 to stop Anti-semitism dead in it's tracks. I am a friend of Israel and the Jewish community, because they Make America Great Always.
Toasting in a kike bread
you think too highly of whites. he probably only lost half his white voters. the other half genuinely believed from the start democrats are the real racists, based nonwhites rock and illegal immigration was an issue only because they broke the law (gotta follow rules now dont we).
Bumping Snapping Yep Onion.
Yo Ron, got any beer?
Oy Vey, that was so clever Adolf. Extra shekel for you.
Never. Kikes are trying to force the narrative that Zig Forums's long-standing support of Trump is something new and from an outside force (reddit) to trick you into not voting and letting their white genocidal democrat candidates obtain all positions of power so they can finally exterminate you with no chance of resistance.
Who the fuck is Ron
8ch won't allow me to create a new thread saying that there is a limit to the number of threads allowed per hour (I haven't created on in months so it must mean for the board as a whole and not specific users) is limited to avoid raids.
I've never seen this before. Is it new?