Simply by making media, any media.
Any form of entertainment that has come from the anons of Zig Forums or /liberty/ will inevitably become more successful, especially if it's not explicitly political in any way, and if the audience doesn't know who made it.
If It simply lacks any anti-white narrative or anti-white production team, that is enough to set it apart from all the competitors out there, we can begin inserting the opinions that are held by the majority of pro-white whites on peripheral issues (stances on issues that are not necessarily related to things like sex, race, or sexuality), once we have popularity and a dedicated following, once these small doses of the redpill are taken without a problem, we capitalize on the tolerance by increasing the number of these ideology endorsements along with how explicit these endorsements are, we continue until these positions that are held by the majority of those who are pro-white whites, but are not pro-white themselves (I'm obviously talking about things like economics here) are a major part of the particular project.
Once this period ends, we move onto the third stage, we begin inserting indirect and vague endorsements of exclusively pro-white positions on the central issues of being pro-white, just one at first, and requiring a ton of investigation and interpretation to arrive at, then, by small increments at a gradual rate, the number of them increases, and so to does their blatancy, until finally, it becomes a property that is explicitly pro-white, but since we have built up a tolerance among our work's fanbase, the transition is perceived as natural and welcome.
I know this works because we have seen it in our media over the centuries, how the leftist themes gradually increased from being very unnoticeable, to totally blatant, from few to dominating the show, and people didn't notice because each time the increase in these two categories was so very small, and the rate of the increase in political content was so very slow.
It worked, it created a generation rised on harry potter, when the generations before would have widely rejected it, seeing the books as being filled with totally apparent marxist propaganda.
the success isn't in masking people who use their propaganda as a guide for their politics, it's creating people who would read it in the first place without taking great notice in the propaganda in the first place.
look at all western media from 1900 to now, and see that the propaganda of the left was in the media from the very beginning, though very small at first, and we didn't notice the changes as it slowly got more extreme, little by little.
A tolerance formed each step of the way, and the overton window shifted as a result of it, each time they became capable of taking a little bit more, what we see in the media of today is the natural result of all that accumulation, it could not exist among a people who have not yet developed a sufficient tolerance for it's consumption.
We must do the same, entertainment and propaganda have always been one and the same, the real world is dangerous ground for us to even consider touching upon, do not include real world people, groups, places, events, etc.
Instead, do what the Jews have done - create fictional people, groups, places, and events to host your stories in, use analogy and metaphor, but do not try to be too direct with it at first, this means it must not be readily apparent what real-world situation or issue you are commenting on with this, make it necessary for the audience to do some work to figure this out, the one's who make the effort are going to be the true fans, you do not need anyone else, in the beginning, a cult following is more than sufficient.