A lot of precious time and energy is spent here researching and countering societal cancer. Degeneracy, economic issues, war, family relationships, education, politics, etc.
I’ve been thinking about what causes all this. How is it possible for one group to cause this much mayhem in the world and it dawned on me that it can all be fixed by focusing on how to get rid of central banking, and more specifically, usury and its associated cancers like fiat money, MMT, and debt-based economies.
Think about it - how does public education indoctrinate kids to be debt slaves? If there were no fiat, it would be economically impossible for any group to impose a centrally controlled system of education, thus freeing ourselves from all the cancerous effects of this institution
Same goes for Hollywood, NGOs that push for open borders, gun control, and globalism in general. If you remove usury and fiat currency, the entire system crumbles under its own weight and people will be forced to work only in occupations that add real value to the economy. The bankers and money changers would be out of work!
Am I oversimplifying? Would our time and effort produce more meaningful and lasting results if we focused on this one narrow issue of abolishing usury? It just seems like our efforts are spread really thin and don’t appear to be having much impact. What do you guys think?
Please don't post on Zig Forums while browsing Grindr.
Sebastian Richardson
It doesn't. their boomer parents do.
Carter Ortiz
There is no specific definition past the general "unfair [interest rate] lending practices".
Matthew Foster
Kike free bump
William Parker
Ask boomers about the fed. Most people dont know shit about the money system or economy or law this is why they never affect anything politically imo
Luke Hughes
Jews. In-group loyalty. Yep, which is why that will never happen. Only barely. You have to get rid of fiat currency, too, and you have to make it punishable by death. And you have to enforce the punishment for a thousand years.
See, the problem is jews. Ethnically. Ideologically. THEY ALWAYS COME BACK. ALWAYS. 1,030 times in history they've been expelled. They always come back. They're made illegal; eventually they're made unillegal. They're told to convert; they never actually convert and only subvert from the inside.
The US Constitution EXPLICITLY SAYS that only gold and silver are money and that Congress cannot delegate its responsibility of managing the country's finances, least of all to a private corporation. The Federal Reserve exists anyway. Because the Constitution is just a piece of paper. You need men to enforce it, by killing people who violate it. Men can be bribed. Men can forget. Men can be lied to. Men can simply never be taught what the Constitution says in the first place. Like today.
All jews have to die. It's not a matter of "enacting a policy," because they simply ignore all laws they don't like. Always. It's not a matter of killing "just the bad ones," because thousands of times in history we've done that and nothing got better. They all have to die, and they have to die because they're jews. That's the crux of the argument. When all jews, everywhere, are dead, and the jewish ideology itself is eradicated, THEN we can worry about our own internal racial corruption. A law is just a piece of paper.
Just out of curiousity does anyone know if any of the tinychat debate rooms are still active? I remember thirdposition but I know that's been defunct for years. Any other places for live debate?
Leo Edwards
Hello, Mr, Linder. Big fan.
Nicholas Perez
I’m trying to think strategically here. Which scenario do you believe is more likely to actually occur - killing all Jews or rallying who you can to wake people up to usury and fiat?
Even the concept of a Jew is fluid (for lack of a better term). They can’t even corroborate their own ancestry, with half being Turkic, and the rest from Europe, Middle East and Africa. Jewishness, therefore, isn’t a race, but a construct. Being Jewish is predicated on a shared ideology, not an authentic genetic amalgamation.
With this in mind, it becomes clear that achieving your solution is infeasible, for one cannot kill an idea. They will simply slither, undetected, into the mass of people, until it is safe for them to come out again and begin the new cycle.
The reason I’m bringing this is is because it seems the Jews have once again set their host population against one another and I don’t want to be in a situation where my fellow Americans, who have been indoctrinated by Jewish propaganda, see me/us as enemies, for fighting among ourselves serves their interest, obviously.
Do you think it might be useful to feel pity for your fellow Americans and help them find a new enemy, which you both can agree to fight? Patriots and progressives both hate bankers. And the only thing that Jews fear is a united front of a host nation with their anger pointed directly at the bedrock of their most valuable instrument of control
Luke Walker
Not true. My parents knew nothing related to saving, don't even mention investing. They might have inherited from their own parents, but I doubt. Their parents would need to know how to save money, since they lended it to their sons and daughters all the time, even after early adulthood from what I remember. My grandfather had stuff we didn't even know, it was only revealed to us after he was dead.
So they had an example to follow, they just didn't chose to do it. Maybe school or TV, I wouldn't know, but it got worse at my generation. No one from my generation, in my entire family, knows how to properly save or invest. We are all dependent on gibs or short term employment, which is what is available for bad genetic material anyway. There is no more opportunity like it happened for boomers, where to get a job, you basically needed to show up for it.
Americans have been (((tricked))) into fighting the false enemy back in ww2 killing their brothers had they see the situation we currently are in they would see hitler was right.
And how do you end the Fed and prevent its replacement from becoming more corrupt? Through referendums. The Yellow Vests have it absolutely right. It's the only way to stop corruption as soon as it appears.
Wyatt Cook
well, it didn't took long to see the next attempt of tricks after you dropped (((civic)))-nationalism. anything outside of liquidating blood deviants should be regarded as secondary. once non-whites, jews in particular, and their associates have been removed, everything will settle just fine.
Easton Brown
99% of people will have no idea about how the fiat money is created and why it has a very specific set of symbols on it which are equivalent to a magic spell. They have no idea why their name is capitalized on all official documentation. They have no idea what admiralty law is. Most people are clueless about who controls them and they will never learn because they haven't been wronged enough… yet.
Aiden Stewart
How else is that silly faggot going to find a date?
Carson Williams
Justin Diaz
There are multiple cryptos that serve as a proof of concept for a deflationary, fiat, currency that provide both security and transparency. Many of these would be ideal framework for a national currency. Fiat works - debt based fiat is foolish.
No it doesn't. It explicitly forbids any STATE to, "coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts". Congress is notably omitted from this clause.
The Fed exists due to this clause in the powers given to Congress, "To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;" however, it is unconstitutional as the Constitution gives Congress the sole power "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" which of course they have handed over to the Fed.
The only thing that makes Gold and Silver valuable as a currency is it's relatively stable supply, it's scarcity, and the value of the effort in mining and refining it. To this end, we have artificial currencies that do the same now that provide more auditability.
Hunter Sanders
That is a positive trait just reminding
Logan Lee
It's a positive trait when that group is self sustaining. It's a negative when that in-group loyalty survives only off of exploiting another people.
Isaac Sanchez
It is always positive trait but things positive to our enemies are negative to us. I think that having in group loyalty is natural to all races but for some reason whites have more selfish people who cause the destruction of our people.
Easton Hernandez
"Fiat" isn't the issue. NS Germany and colonial America had currency issued by fiat,, but they were interest-free currencies and so the state did not have to pay extortion money to a group of Jews.
Cameron Campbell
colonial scrip went into hyperinflation so the founding fathers instituted the silver and gold standard.
Isaiah Ross
It is logged in a government server anyways
Michael Wilson
Hitler was successful in this effort for Germany and for that Germany was destroyed. Also see Qaddafi in Libya more recently. Same nationalist goal; he was ass-raped to death with a knife in the street by CIA mercenaries and Libya has gone from Africa's wealthiest state/highest GDP/life expectancy to a hellish playground for warlords slavers and oil pirates.
Did you know that the Catholic church was created to combat jewish usury?
Hudson Edwards
True, Lawful Money still exists. You can demand it from your bank when you deposit a check, and it cannot be used as collateral for fractional reserve spending. You will likely never see a physical note, but with by keeping your checks signed in this way you can prove to the IRS when they come knocking that you are not using (((their))) money. Thread with instructions here. godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1304915/pg1 Bonus: when using it you stop adding to the national debt. Double bonus: no income tax. Triple bonus: no property tax because this currency allows you to retain alloidial title. Time to act, Zig Forums.
Ian Russell
The economic system doesn't work. There are lots of brilliant people being forced into poverty and having their data harvested and put out of business.
Jaxson Lewis
Excuse me young man, but have you read the bible? Usury is described as sin inside it, and the jews responsible for it are even older than the bible. Of course the economic system cannot work properly, because it's controlled by jews. Read up on what debt and fiat currencies are about. You know that old capitalistic saying "let the money work for you"? That's a sin, that has real damaging consequences.