When are people going to just accept democracy is dead and start taking the nation's problems into their own hands? The best example of this I see right now is the group Patriot Front.
When are people going to just accept democracy is dead and start taking the nation's problems into their own hands...
Other urls found in this thread:
Aussies stopped believing in democracy and the apathy towards politics is increasing.
The apathy doesn't seem to be growing into anger though.
I am always taken back when I see people still playing the same political games. Things like nationalism being debated or what a healthy family is or how multiculturalism as a whole is good and makes a country stronger goes to show how politics will only give the sensation of action and possible change, but as we have seen, it is a red herring. We must mobile our own countrymen and push back.
I agree. Most wont get angry at anything unless they are told to do so. That is why people of passion and great will need to be spearheading and once it is shown to work and benefit those that follow them, they will also follow.
Not when the extremely hardships affect the entire society. They are able to tolerate the political babblings for long time until they snap then it will change. What they need is really strong collective emotional burst to force them into action.
And knives are bad because people stab each other. The corruption is bad, not the system. Democratically we need to remove jews, oligarchs and other minorities.
It does, its simply not easy to go outside and start killing people.
Obviously not all of it is avoidable, but it is certainly not at the point where it isn't possible to improve significantly. We need a new constitution that lists every conceivable name for yids and bars them from being alive inside its borders explicitly.
This is a shill thread.
There are some inalienable Truths, that we must adopt in order to move forward, and improve the state of Humanity on this Earth.
1. Race is Real.
2. All Races have the right to Exist, and of self determination.
3. Races have different aptitudes and abilities, stemming primarily from their Genetic make up, and partially from environmental factors.
4. Nations belong to the Race, which conquered them, or the Native Race.
5. Race Mixing leads to the destruction of all Races involved.
6. Usury is Financial Slavery, and should be Abolished.
7. Degeneracy leads to Dysgenics, and Dysgenics leads to an increase in short and long term suffering.
8. Abortion is Murder, and should only be permitted if the Mothers Physical life is in Jeopardy.
9. All non violent criminals living in a Nation should have the Absolute right to own Guns, and ammunition.
10. Democide is more likely to occur, after a Citizenry has been stripped of their ability to defend themselves.
11. The Traditional family is the best way to raise a family, and should be encouraged, and propagandized to gain popular consensus.
12. Animal Cruelty is immoral, and as such Factory farming, and Vivisection should be Abolished.
13. Welfare to able bodied citizens, causes long term harm for the recipients, as well as an unnecessary drain on the resources of the nation. Welfare should be replaced by a Federal Job Guarantee, with placement into private industry. Welfare should only be available for Seniors, Soldiers,SIngle Mothers, and the the Disabled.
14. Media and Entertainment, should not be in the hands of a few organizations, and they should be heavily regulated to avoid this. All News agencies should be under constant and heavy scrutiny.
Sold. Solid work.
Can you comment more on this group? Not CIAnigger shit, just mean in general are they worth the time? Became aware of them in a jewtube comment but wasn’t sure if they were worth the time.
Filtered. OP clearly stated democracy is dead.
I am optimistic about the potential of the Patriot Front movement, from what I've seen they have a solid foundation, and a passionate and capable leadership.
Their method of plastering Cities with attractive propaganda is a great initiative, and it can be expanded online as well.
I hope that they don't succumb to the Purity Spiral, or begin engaging in ego fests.
From my experience, they allow complete anonymity, and they are very active in many of the events around the nation. The leadership is comprised of mostly zoomers as far as I can tell. They are a young movement, and if the right people come together now, it might turn into something powerful.. They are Against Civic Nationalism, and they are accepting of National Socialists.
Here is a pretty good interview that I found,.
Sieg Heil
Pussy Faggots is fucking gay and you're gay for shilling for them.
Thanks brother. Will look into them more seriously. IIRC their manifesto is legit
Legit for a civnat cuck.
They seem to be a good group. Very stable and consistent message. You can see how active they've been on via their gab account: gab.com
They seem to have shown stability and I doubt they will go into a purity spiral spin, which ultimately happens to most right wing groups. You can hear a lot about the leader's views on this youtube account. He speaks very clearly and with a solid understanding of what Patriot Front is and what they do and why. Instills lots of confidence. youtube.com
yea they sound real civnat
You know this isn't an option. In 200 years only one race will survive. It's us or the gooks. Right now it's looking like the gooks. Trust me, they have no problem with exterminating us.
Everyone should has the right to own guns. If you're so murderous that you can't be allowed access to a gun then you can't be allowed access to knives, chemicals, cars, hammers and fire.
Propertarianism's prohibitions on parasitism covers this issue better.
More important is banning foreign ownership in media, banking, defense and real estate.
when the nationalists take power and show them the light
t. hasnt read the manifesto
Thanks shill, opinion discarded
Just what we need.. So badly.
A little bit of organization, and a unified set of Ideals.
There is so much passion and zeal in in the youth, and if this is bottled up.. there is nothing that we can't do.
All Aryan Americans are National Socialists deep down in their soul, they just need to be reminded.
Keep up the good work fellas.
When all Aryan Nations unite, under the 4th Reich , no one will be able to stand against us. At this time, we will be the Administrators of Nations, and peoples.. Just as Fuhrer Rhodes intended.
Fair Point.
I'll look into that, thanks.
Thank you.
Hard to say what further questions id have. Was just sort of curious as to others perspectives.
It’s very hard to gauge the reality of various orgs these days given big tech censorship, various psyops and honeypots, you get the idea. I like the feel of this group tho
I respect Chesterton, but he was wrong. Democracy only really works in a tiny isolated community. It's time for the Kantian experiment of American democracy to end and for a Third Position Nationalism to take advantage of Trump's autism and rise up
Great photo.
If they can strike a Balance between Decentralization, and relative Anonymity, while still remaining organized it's a good combination.
Now that so many of us have adopted Similar Ideals, we need to pave a new path forward. A plan of Action.
I think that Our next step forward is working together in groups like this, with the primary goal of Awakening the Aryan Behemoth. We have to Red Pill, the Blue Pilled, and White Pill, the Black Pilled. Once we have decent sized group of active and White Pilled members, we need to build a Mutual Aid network, to defend us against Doxxing, and the Legal Shenanigans of Judah.
The Mutual Aid network will ideally lay the basis of a New Aryan Economy, and begin bringing in Wealthy Aryans, to assist us in the next phase, namely the Construction of Aryan Volk Communities.
As the Volk Communities are popping up everywhere, and we are insulated from the (((System))), we can then begin to look for Leaders, and or Consider Balkanization. At the stage of Balkanization, and Volk communities we can implement our Lebonsborn programs as well.
It all begins with Awakening the Aryan Masses, and Uniting as One.
Victory is Ours, we just have to Accept it.
"Imagination creates Reality" - Richard Wagner
I understand. Their twitter gets banned every couple months, and they have to make a new one. They last only days on instagram. Youtube refuses to keep their official account. The only fair representation of their activity is their gab page.
At least keeping an eye on them for while til you feel like you're ready to take the next step. I was really taken back when I saw that something like Patriot Front even existed. Whitepilling.
Nothing but fluff and filler. They stand for nothing. They wish not for the destruction of Israel or the jews in this country. They don't wish for the destruction of capitalism nor democracy. Their stance on the jews is vapid and indifferent. A single quote from Charles Lindbergh makes them not National Socialists or fascists. Ask Thomas himself how he feels about the jews and Israel and he will give you a half hour regurgitated parroting of nonsense without actually answering the question.
Their manifesto is an effusive and garrulous waste of words which lead to nothing and appeal to anyone who still holds sympathies to the Americana and culture which was once the United States. Where they wish to attempt to resuscitate the putrid and rotting corpse which was once America, the only way forward is through a regime change to National Socialism. Their manifesto is a lot of words with very little substance. They don't take a hard stance on any single issue and only appeal to the vapid minds of those poor lost souls who still wish to cling to a Nation which has died long ago.
They say so in their manifesto. However, naming the Jew is not their primary message, neither is immigration or the death of the nuclear family or the failure of democracy, etc. People wish naming the Jew would somehow bring victory tomorrow because they think people with no connection to each other and no common identity would just all of a sudden band together and give up all their comforts and embark on a new struggle against giant corporations that wield more power and influence than any government ever seen in history…. This is what separates groups like Patriot Front from other far-right groups that seem to not gain any sort of traction or group stability. Patriot Front's primary message seems to be "Americans are a unique people who should fight for their sovereignty" and once that message is understood, all other stances can be established and understood. Subversive people like Jews can clearly be seen as a threat to the nation and our people. However, if people don't understand that they are even part of a "people" then what is the point of proclaiming "JEWSS". People think Jews are a major part of the problem, and they are completely right, but first our people must be awaken to their identity, place in history, and the potential solution to their problems, before they can be expected to band together in solidarity to fight our enemies.
Please point me to the National Socialism group that is more active and stable than Patriot Front.
They're not NatSoc and they're not Fascist.
So appealing to the weakest and lowest common denominator like the average mentally retarded conservative with rehashed buzzwords and phrases that Trump spat out will help? "America First" "America is for Americans" "America this and that". America is dead and gone. We must push away the remains of the former and embrace a new nation, truly built upon and for the white.
patriot front + Richard Spencer … fucking controlled opposition. You will be working for the jew
you like holding flags and marching … what the fuck have patriot front done????
show me results, then tell me how you have been working out and exercising with your new friend Jerry GOLDBERG
im good , i dont need to be part of a frat to improve myself. If you had friends would you join???? Just learn to study and exercise on your own. Dont become part of a cult and dont give these fags money.
Good Luck
active with what????
What do they do that I cant do on my own? Examples please, be specific please.
they aint shit
You said national socialism regime change is a must. So how is that gonna happen. Are there NatSoc orgs that are spreading the message and grow their support?
If you children want to read an actual 25 points reform platform to actually guide in the remaking and fixing of this nation, I recommend this.
Also, if you don't outright name the jew, then you're working for the jew.
Imagine if a National Socialist movement today allowed Jews into their Ranks, like Hitler did with his Jews…….. How would the group be received?
One thing that the Jew has perfected is being the constant Victim.. It's always someone else's fault, muh oppression.
The Jew is like an Ant on the back of the Aryan Elephant.. Only the Aryan has forgotten that he is an Elephant.
They're trying but it's difficult when you're getting sued from Cville and you have multi-million dollars institutions basically putting bounties and hits out on your leaders.
They don't allow Jews. They are public about this. Kind of a dumb argument.
Yea, let's go with your idea and groups.
Better than being a lame duck milquetoast AmNat.
They don't name the jew either and that's the problem.
All i'm trying to say is that Absolute Hatred for all Jews is not necessary for a National Socialist group to be legitimate, or to succeed. Exclusion, is sufficient in many cases.
When an Enemy is shooting at you on the battlefield, your immediate concern is not His Identity, your only concern is to avoid his gunfire , and to figure out a way to defend yourself. Once you have eliminated the immediate threat, then you can determine the best method to ensure that he no longer shoots at you.
White Genocide is the Battle Field that we find ourselves on, and the Weapon is Multi Multiculturalism, Race Mixing, Aryan Abortions, Suicide, and Poverty.. IS the Jew behind many of these Schemes? Yes, Clearly.. But is the Jew exclusively behind these? No, many of our own are actively engaged in our Destruction as well.
Americans are white and they should fight for their sovereignty as a nation. That alone is a strong enough position. Everything else can stem from that. Not lukewarm civnat.
What group names the jew and is really making traction?
Pussy faggots shitting up a board for recruits I never thought I'd see that
So what is the solution? What would you tell young men to do who care a lot about their people?
It's called conditioning, user.
Psychology (replacing religion.)
Then we move on to my favorite three forms of exploitation especially in a modern age.
These are simple yet effect methods of control that have subdued the populace. If you wish to fight the first ones then you must do what the snipers did to Silicon Valley during Obamas presidential term.
Which is coming out of the woodwork and shooting up a substation. Then disappearing and not being caught at all. :)
By the way; fuck the CIA.
Why do boomers expect their kids to pay for them, when clearly the boomers didn't work hard enough and didn't create a thriving enough economy to be successful by themselves?
this is the cause of 20% of the societal problems we're facing today
The Patriot Front names the Jew in their manifesto
Formal democracy was never 'alive', it's the death rattle of a people.
We were fine as a Republic, even that only works in a homogeneous country. Corruption and replacement is a natural result of democracy, politicians can vote against people.
Well, Vanguard and Atomwaffen are the only 2 groups with actual kill counts. Take that for what it's worth.
Prove it. Quote it.
VA here, more to come in due time
(In Minecraft)
And they shall die as well.
1. Realize Your Self as a Soul in a Physical Body. ( Read the Upanishads )
2. Improve Yourself in this Order Spiritually,Mentally,Physically,Intellectually. Work on the Crystallization of an Iron like Willpower. Look Good, and always remember that you not only represent yourself, but you also represent the Aryan Everywhere. Be Proud of our Superiority, and Reject Degeneracy.
3. Abandon the Desire for any specific Result, and instead focus on constant Struggle and Improvement. Find your Purpose in the Struggle Alone. Hoping for any specific result, may lead to despair. Imagine Great things for yourself, and your Volk. Realize that Imagination shapes Reality, and the Aryan Hive Mind is Real.
4. Write, Create a Blog of your Own, Discuss White Genocide with your Friends, and Family members. Propagandize whenever and where ever you can.
5. Create a network of Personal and ideally local relationships, with other people in the movement, or outside of it. Anonymous message boards are Great, but ultimately they will fall short. Consider joining local Community groups such as a Church, or Coding club, where other Intelligent Aryans can be found.
6. Work Independently, or with a Group to build Online/Offline Businesses, which will help you support yourself, your family, and hopefully other Aryans financially.
7. Never Give Up. Never Stop Learning. Lift up other Aryans, and never Pull them down.
We have quite Prussian problem in our democracy. Back in day when Otto von bishmark was running Germany he was maybe greatest diplomats in world so he went and made chain of deals and alliances so amazing that Germany was to be never in true danger. His deals made sure that Germany would never get caught war whit both France and Russia, biggest fear of empire. Proplems rised when he retired becouse no one else could navigate system that he created and you know how story ended.
What we have in West right now is democratic system so complicated that no one can run it properly, you need incredible amount of byrocrats, backroom deals and shady business to get anything done. So lot of ways best thing to do would be tear everything down.
Please see
message received. Can anyone name a non-honeypot alternative?
ya, this is on point with these exceptions imo
I don't care about Societal problems, as much as I care about the Long term survival of the Aryan Species.. How do you ensure the Survival of our People? It's pretty simple, Increase the Quantity of Aryan Birth Rates, and Improve the Quality. These Ideas are not Jewish, they are National Socialist..
Hilfswek ‘Mutter und Kind,’ was created in February 1934 by the NS-Volkswohlfahrt welfare organization. Mutter und Kind performed many functions: “welfare and recuperation for mothers, welfare for small children and the establishment of help and advice centers… All mothers were given aid, as long as they and their children were racially pure and valuable. However, this help was not only given in the form of money and food; National Socialists went as far as to set up homes for women who recently gave birth, where nurses would take care of them and their needs. An assistant was sent to their house to take care of the children, and the new mother would travel to a recuperation home, which doubled as a National Socialist propaganda tool. “Mothers coming to these homes received a large dose of National Socialist ideology,”.. as they learned about the proper role of women and were instructed how to raise strong children for the nation.
As for Welfare for Soldiers, it is my opinion that once a Soldier serves his people, and risks his life for x amount of years, he has earned the right to take a Life Long vacation. I also think that Soldiers, and Police should be among the best paid, and cared for.. We need them Loyal No Matter what, and we will do this by ensuring their Health, and Wealth.
" An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp.” - The Prime Minister of Prussia Hermann Goring
We have to Respect the Sanctity of All [Innocent] Life. When we do this, the gods will bless us, and we can Return to the Age of Dwapara, and return to a Higher state of being.
one of the biggest blackpills is realizing just how bad things can get while (((the system))) remains unchanged. the stress capacity of Civillization is enormously high compared to where we are today. i just dont see The Revolution happening in the next 50 years. maybe if Nature intervenes and serendipity strikes and a 500ft meteor hits Langley or Yellowstone blows or The Big One sinks SoCal 200 ft into the ocean or the Cascadia Subduction Plate wipes out the entire West Coast or Mt Saint Helens blows… maybe any of those events could cause the ZOG Govt to disappear and thereby free up space for our post-DOTR rebuilding to occur.
look at Stalin's Gulags. at its peak in 1953, Stalin gulag'd 1700 of his people per capita. as bad as life under Stalin was, the State still functioned and exerted control, people still managed to scrape by and eek out an existence and the USSR expanded. the people certainly were never able to stage an open mass rebellion. today America only gulag's 760 people people per capita, so we still have room for everything to get 2x as bad until we reach peak Stalin. and who knows how far off a revolution in the sense of Robespierre would be from peak Stalin. that limit could be 4x as bad as peak Stalin. so i wouldnt bet my last chips on DOTR. unfortunately i dont have any good news.
You're spiritually Jewish. You're not one of us. Fuck off.
Patriot front are a real fascist movement, unlike these larping neo pagan "natsocs" movements and individuals, if I were an American I would definetly join it, especially not worrying about political persecution for example what happened to national action in the UK
That can change very quickly.
This. People change accordingly, especially with values like these.
Don't ever do anything and wait for Hitler: the post
System was designed to be corrupt and maintain the perpetual power of the political mafia and their (((financiers))). Read Ted Kaczynski. The game is rigged from the start, and the only way to win is not to play (and destroy it from the outside).
Nuremberg laws, if you are less than certain % Jew, you are not a Jew. It's kikes themselves who are pushing the purity signalling the most so they get anyone with even a small trace of Jewish background into serving them. You have a lot of "Jews" who are just deluded shabbos goys.
Breeding like a nigger in an utterly kiked system serving them only brings them more slaves to exploit, corrupt, and ruin.
Retarded hippie ideas like this is why your daughter is getting raped by a pack of niggers. There is no innocent life.
Pretty interesting that the major alternative provided by the critics to PF is AV. Wasn't that the group with "Based Stickman" and associated directly with TRS?
But they won't.
Uh, no.
Havin' a laugh?
Vangard has kill counts?
most of people are and have always been throughout history, spiritual and literal plebs driven by their stomachs
they are not going to revolt against "democracy", they are going to revolt when bread and circuses stop flowing regardless of how their rulers rule them, and that's where an actual elite should act and use them
look at france and the people's revolt there, it hardly has to do with democracy or some higher principles, they just aren't getting what they want and are beating their chests about it, same thing with their beloved french revolution, even if there were higher interests to bring down the monarchs that "the people" didn't understand
Yes, you're a paid shill. Democracy is not good. You are a subhuman faggot.
It's not 1933. Voting does nothing.
Disagree it should.
Not for voting mind you but to see how many of us they truly are.
You need at least 10% of the population to take your nation back.
whats up trs? oh i see just throwing out buzzwords instead of talking about a specific stance because youre too stupid to attempt that. go rim each other faggots. and the only thing im mad about is that stupid fucked word. go back to wherever you came from homos.
fascism is crypto communism pull up the pastalini quotes even goebbels roasted fascism. hopefully patriot front is natsoc and not fascist.
here is a very short read
overall good blog post, the difference is fundamentally about the founding myth(needless to say I'm not using the word "myth" as a pejorative here), for Germany the new myth was based essentially on blood and a sort of Germanized nordic myth, while for Fascism Romanity was and will always be the ideal "axis mundi", though I would agree that a more detailed focus on the problem of race in Italy was to be had, to this day fascists in Italy tend to be blind to the massive diversity of Italians
i believe the key point is that philosphically national socialism seeks a state for the good of its people while fascism seeks people for the good of the state. remove labels and americans are sure to choose the first one.
Kill count of 1.
bah I don't necessarily think so, Italianity was always central to Fascism, even if it wasn't understood strictly in terms of race and of a lebensraum for the "Italian race"
recovering Italian territories and what was seen as "rightful" Italian dominion over the mare nostrum clearly points at that, and was a sentiment tracing back to the very re-unification of Italy under the ideals of risorgimento and thus "a state for Italians"
both fascism and natsocialism are heavily interwined with modern ideas anyway, a socialistic/syndacalist element is present in both
It doesn't matter what you think, it matters what is true. Instead of spouting off about your feelings, how about you learn what you are talking about: worldfuturefund.org
oh the irony is killing me
Democracy is a codeword for communism. The retarded mobs of people should never have been given a right to vote in the first place
politician's policies are only enforceable if there are police to do so
you didnt address the base point that each separate idealogy is founded on (with confirmation through quotes by the creators of said idealogies). one places the people as the most high while one places the state as the most high. this is the base which all other aspects of each idealogy are created. this creates both nuanced and vast differences. lumping them together is a marxist tactic.
you are the one suggesting such an aspect is present in fascism, I guess because you misunderstand the fascist opposition to individualism and the prominence and totalitarian presence of the state
the prominence of the state is not a reason onto itself as you are making it sound, it is about the need for utmost unity against the degeneration that can occur when individuals are allowed to freely abuse this unity, it is an organic conception of the state
Fascism is "universal" in the sense that its doctrine can be applied to suit the needs of different people, but in its particular realization in Italy it was about the Italians, whereas in Spain it was about the Spaniards, thus with its Spanish specific particularities