Situation in France looks crazy. Sounds like /ourthot/ has had enough ? I'd be pretty mad too if they banned me from the streets. And taking away helmets when cops are aiming for the head, really ?
Unhinged yellow vest
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually the entire gilets jaunes movement is going nuclear on Macron right now.
The CGT is on strike and they're merging with the gilets jaunes. It's not just Saturdays now. Every day this week has seen major street protests and violence with the cops.
France is sliding into a general strike.
And that is sickening, as they called to vote for that piece of shit. Big hijacking going on.
Havent seen a thread about this topic in weeks, what's wrong with you guys
Fresh news from the real revolution happening in Frogland and nothing
This has gone way beyond (((ows))) in violence and scale, with less media attention. At least there seems to be no stopping it, and if youre in power where do you steer this force towards? It has to collide with something at this point.
Hopefully it blows up. Just takes one country at this point to go ape shit for a domino effect to happen. The more economic damage you cause the more exacerbates the situation which leads to further violence until it leads to an actual revolution.
I don't know what other country is at the brink to be the second country though if France blows. Germans are too nice and Italy has Salvini calming everyones tits. England is just inept as America. I've learned to never bet on Sweden. Maybe Spain? Greece has already been in the shit rioting for like 8 years now so that doesn't count.
It will, if they keep treating them like that.
Macron is too stupid and power hungry to ever not continually fuck himself over, he is /ourguy/. A good ZOG puppet, one that is shit at it.
True that, I am really wondering how long they're going to let him harm them.
This board is dead, due to lefty mods. All the anti-Trump shilling is done by lefties, not disgruntled natsocs. Just ask them who you should vote for and watch them sperg.
This is american board. And there is little media coverage on it so we can't have proper threads.
there is on her channel
Well, if we are speaking PURELY HYPOTHETICALLY, a few capable frenchmen could do a lot of damage by sabotaging the right places.
Power lines and internet lines, cell towers. Very easy to do, can cause much MUCH chaos. It would also fuck up the polices ability to respond and organize.
The constant shilling and censorship against yllow jackets should give you an idea of the states of things.
Check yllow jacket on youtube most video are three weeks old. the people didnt stop posting videos, they are just censoring the shit out of everything.
Hell! Even in french newspaper they are barely mentioning them, its been three months that the media has been shouting before each protest that the movement is dying down.
ZOG shut down /ourthot/ twitter account, yet again, the very next day she livestreamed act V from Paris, and her tweets about it were censored AF.
Posting videos of people getting hit by the cops is against the law. Basically normie tier french have never seen a video of what the zogcops really do.
I think thats their plan, they are trying to disolve the movement but keep insulting and provocking the hardliners into doing a "mistake" like that. They are seriously playing with fire, and winning against the yellow jacket would be like signing their doom.
They're ALL OVER facebook, my dude. And people are getting real angry to see them.
True, i should have been more precise, i was talking about the boomers and the retarded urban rich leftists.
Oh, but these are unsalvageable anyway…
Stop playing games and start preparing for a war. The unlawfully created state of Israel has declared war against the freedom of mankind. Either Jerusalem will be liberated from the devil or all of humanity will become slaves to the jews.
Pretty spooky seeing how censored the Internet has become, with the complete media blackout. The only way to know what is going on in Frogland, is via boots on the ground.
I can only imagine the flood of information that's going to come out when the clouds finally break.
then you should follow her too, while you still can.
France looks like a living nightmare right now. I'm not sure anything good can ever come from this.
Look at them hunting people
I want things to change in my country too, but I'm not sure if I can handle getting beating bloody by police and thrown into jail.
If a tiny woman like this is willing to, then maybe you should too?
Doubt I'll have a choice. I'm sure I can make some great friends in leaf prison.
Whenever Yellow Jackets see a camera, they start to chant "Macron is a whore for Jews". That's why there's a media blackout.
I was able to watch the video on Youtube.
I really hope it's happening. Moche needs to learn to fear the white man.
Not really, There's gilet jaunes tv.
Shut your whore mouth. Trump has done literally nothing and only serves as a pacifier.
Spain undoubtedly. Last time the spaniards voted they wanted a hardline cuckservative government… after (((legal))) shenanigans the guy in power is the leftist they didn't vote for.
But Germany isn't that far behind France, if the Brexit does go through and end up putting thousands and thousand of German boomers to technical unemployement, I wouldn't bet things wouldn't be going sideway either.
Why would anyone care about yet another Middle Eastern shit hole protesting and rioting?
Got a video to prove it? Sounds utopic.
You frogs should keep GJ threads alive for the rest of us to see whats' going on there. Has there ever been any OC from you? I guess not. Too bad. One famous person once said 'Don't you have phones?'
I miss the livestream threads. I wish people could get us in the states some info. I kept trying to inform people about this, and they don't even know what is going on or IF it is still going on. I myself have been unable to find much. The media blackout is insane.
Well yes, in fact I might even be posting it here…
That pic is lulzy, but i mean videos from the streets, whitch Zig Forums could spread via facebergs, twatter, etc, to counter media blackout. I live in Eastern EUCCP and no one fucking knows about GJ, those who do, think it WAS about petrol prices and the whole ordeal is long over. People need to see this shit, so it spreads around EU like AIDS in Apefrica
The two vids I linked are ground reports from act VII, X & XII. Plenty street scenes to see, can't do much better, really.
Is this that whore Electre that used to shit up the board with her attention-whoring?
She is not a whore, she is the Predathot and she's always on the battlefield. You ?
lrn 2 frog
They should start using alternative services like GNU Social and RetroShare at this point. Otherwise if they only rely on twitter and youtube, they're going to keep getting shafted.
And they are filmed by whom?
Click on channel user ?
french anons… steal firearms and equipment kill your judges and police
soeurdelafrance.jpg hahaha
She's made porn for which she was paid for, and used to post her tits here while yammering on about being a sex goddess. She is, quite literally, a whore. She doesn't give a fuck about traditionalism and only cares about nationalism so much because she wants to continue her whoring without fear of Muslims slut shaming her
Well I mean it's not your OC or someone you know personaly. I've watched some videos from earlier acts. I'm trying to say it would be nice to get some fresh OC from french Zig Forumsacks. Shit, if this stuff was happening outside my windows, i would pump Zig Forums with pics and footage, to keep user updated. Unless you live somewhere far far away from happening locations or are severely autistic (not ad hominem), then nvm my ramblings
Yeah the video is still there. It was probably just a bug. :^)
crash> yt JkYdRGvEi44[youtube] JkYdRGvEi44: Downloading webpage[youtube] JkYdRGvEi44: Downloading video info webpage[youtube] JkYdRGvEi44: Extracting video information[download] Destination: FR_EN - EXPERIENCE ACT X - GILETS JAUNES ACTE X-JkYdRGvEi44.mp4[download] 100% of 133.12MiB in 02:52
French speak French, generally not English. And we're on a generally English language image board, so it makes sense. One thing that sucks is frogs don't seem to have any really active imageboards in their language, that I know of.
Says dumbass about a girl who dropped porn in 2014 after a handful of scenes to protect her political position and views. You literally know shit and unlike her, are a total embarrassment.
It is, and that's why I share it.
Frogs totally suck when it comes to english.
Awful lot of "bugs" on all her stuff, for years. Throttled. Thanks for running analysis tho !
Perhaps we should assist them in setting one up?
Perhaps they should learn english ! Don't facilitate them lazy Frogs…
I think the reason why we see such little participation/OC/general presence by the GJ in the anglosphere is that France is practically the last European nation still rejecting the complete Americanizatjon/Globalization of their culture. This can be seen simply by looking at the percent of the population who can speak English as a 2nd language, only 39% of the French people count English as their 2nd language compared to 56% (lol) of Germans.
The people of France may use many of the same social media platforms as the rest of the GloboHomo empire but they participate in separate lingually-defined circles largely inaccessible to outsiders who don't have a personal connection to let them peer inside. Also, considering the fact that the GJ is a (largely accidental) nativist and decidedly populist movement, the percentage of participants who speak any 2nd language at all is going to be far lower than that of the general population.
It's a shame these barriers stsnd in the way of us joining in but at the same time they serve as proof that individual European national identity still exists in this fucked up age.
Yes, exactly.
also > the percentage of participants who speak any 2nd language at all is going to be far lower than that of the general population.
which is why I post one of the few bilingual YV who's also active on the ground, and a radical nationalist.
Crazy little Frog speaks better english than the whole french govt put together ! Says a lot.
Maybe they should make a board here, on 8ch.
They're posting on the frog equivalent of TDS.
No you pussy worshipper, just because she's doing self-made porn instead of jew funded porn, does not mean she's somehow no longer a degenerate. And she's still getting naked as a form of "protesting" like those Femen cunts. If you think she's a leader to rally behind, you have fucking brain damage.
I'll rally behind those who are brave enough to publicly name the joo and everything else, and I don't care how kinky they are as long as they do the job we should all be doing. She's a woman ? Only you care. I bet she's doing much more than you.
Care about the past all you want, but if we aim to win this war we should be focusing on present and future. For now, you only sound uninformed and retarded enough to waste time and energy to attack someone who actually bothers ZOG. Good job faggot.
Your feelings don't matter, you know. Only facts matter, and not only is she one, but they see her as such. Keep whining like a bitch, and please go full retard in your next answers.
Also, learn to read shithead. I never wrote that.
Ayy lmao, follow that whore to your demise. Because Mercedes Carerra and Pamela Anderson were of such great contributors after being placed on twitter bad goy lists
Yeah, do something with your life and trash actual whores instead of screeching lies about France's new Joan of Arc.
She is there alone on saturdays, and she is now banned from protesting in her own city, for no other reason than being her, aka a registered terrorist in her country, for skillfully naming the jew.
Best part being inbreds like you cheering at ZOG's tricks. Eat shit you brainlet.
burn the banks
o im laffin, Electre stop posting
Moan of Arc, sorry.
Eat shit, kike.
whoops wrong post
Did you throw molotovs at any more banks?
Jewtube striked her channel today. Another cohencidence.
Cos you better wetter watch what you record and put on the internet, goyim.
Lovely Frogs
They made a symbol out of the leader who lost his eye.
Goldman Sachs should surrender. China's not falling for jew tricks either. It's over. Just shut Israel down. You could have had a two-state solution. Now you're fucked.
Haha… that would be a good representation of Electre on the internet.
What scum… Look at that fckn thief, he took all her stuff !
Why is this thread loading so slow. Have no problem in any other thread. Pictures take a while to load, webm's barely play
Yea, I noticed too.
Well, seeing how threads about her content always end up being censored on here as well, I would assume that they didn't dare to do that just yet (we're breaking longevity records here), but that it is still being throttled it in some way.
Here they are not loading at all, which is why I am posting to check.
the whole of 8ch is working slowly for me, today. However, the lack of threads on this topic is extremely disturbing. It's probably the biggest thing going on right now, they're probably being deleted promptly.
This is my 4th attempt at posting……. extremely worrying you say ?
The 3 previous ones had a media in it. Let's try here *includes video and post content*
"Cops are seen charging at the beginning of her Act X video, this is what it looked like from an outsider view."
*removes video cos chan won't let it pass and tries again*
I am not allowed to share medias anymore. It is NOT working. Just so you know, (((admins))), I am screen recording everything.
*admins shut it down*
I suggest you leave it up tho, as it is glorious evidence of censorship on a supposedly very free website.