CIVNATS ally with COMMIES against "racists"

A dialogue has been established between the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club (PSJBGC), an armed leftist community defence group, and Three Percent of Washington (TPW), a rightwing pro-gun patriot movement group. In January, in the wake of a coordinated drop of racist leaflets in and around Tacoma, Washington, that dialogue bore tangible fruit.

The group that dropped the leaflets, Patriot Front, was formed in the aftermath of the murder of a leftwing counter-protester in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017. It split from Vanguard America, the group with whom the murderer marched, following prolonged infighting and feuding.

PSJBGC and other anti-racist groups collected the flyers and dumped them on the doorsteps of Patriot Front members and a local tattoo shop with far-right sympathies. As they did so, TPW posted a surprising and supportive message to its Facebook page.

It read: “ATTENTION PATRIOT FRONT!!! III% is coming for you. Apparently you missed the part about WE WILL DEFEND OUR COMMUNITIES.”

The message also said: “Racists like you deserve no platform. You disgrace the word patriot.”

The TPW leader, Matt Marshall, said the post attracted angry comments and threats from white nationalists.

“It was removed after it was reported due to some of the comments,” he said. He also claimed that the FBI called him regarding the threats and said his group was planning an updated and expanded statement which would include other white nationalist groups.

Duke Aaron, spokesman for the self-proclaimed “big tent” leftist PSJBGC, said he had known the TPW statement was coming.

Before the statement went up, he said, he got a text from a TPW member. When he saw what it said, including the part about no-platforming fascists, he said he “was pretty happy with that. It’s a big shift.”

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Other urls found in this thread:

The purity-spiraling 1488ers are proven right yet again.

If republicans aren't the REAL racists, and democrats aren't the REAL racists, then who are all these racists they're going to fight?

White people.

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Should come as a shock to no one.

he said republicans which is basically the white party.

Imagine believing this.

More like kike party.
ZOG is ZOG kiddo and this faggy alliance just proves your gay left/right dichotomy is bullshit.

it is what it is

Fuck off D&C Jew

I think what gets lost on people is the degree of anti-White sentiment in the Republican party. It is easily the most anti-White organization with tangible power that has ever existed at any point in history, easily eclipsing the Ottoman and Mongol empires combined.

My fucking sides!

If you trust civnats you get what you deserve. Never forget how the republicans, communists, and anarchists all teamed up in the Spanish Civil War.

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Pro-whites are desperate for allies, but whenever we hold out our hand it's slapped away. They don't understand that we're holding out a hand to pull them into a life raft.

Nazis look out. Kike-worshiping Ayn Rand fans are teaming up with 90-pound halflings to redistribute your colloidal silver elixir.

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and lost :^>

Fuck off Jews

Trump 2020

Trust the plan.

Don't listen to them anons.

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Shareblue shill detected

Jews are white and redpilled

MAGA 2020

So the commies went to threaten people at their homes and businesses over posters and these "patriot" lolberg kikes backed them up?
How long until these faggots support gun confiscation for being "racist"?
3%ers are fed scum, state auxiliaries like their antifa comrades.

Further proof the divide is not "left" vs "right".

yup and checked

>(((lolbergs))) and (((commies))) working together

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well, looks like shlomo is done pretending and is now cutting his losses.
This stage is essentially there to keep the pretense it didn't blew in their face.
Am i understanding this right?
if not, how?

Absolutely fucking jewish.

Civgnats were the ones that advocated working with the commies against the good guys in World War 2, so this is nothing new.

Here nigger let me rephrase my question. If the (((republicans))) aren't the REAL racists, and the (((democrats))) aren't the REAL racists, then who are all these racists going to fight?

Never forget when shit goes down civnats get the bullet first. They'll be the first to try and stop it and end up hindering any true progress to our peoples liberation at every single step of the way. Plays out really well if you have just a single person who can logically reign in the herd when their leadership drops. By all means a worthy venture to go crypto if you're looking connections.

Militias are way better than the 3%/Oathkeeper fags. Not like they used to, but still more realistic than these larping retards are.

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Multiple layers of irony

Apparently 3 years later they still haven't figured out what ID tags are. That's what happens when you outsource your trolling to some poo in the loo for 1/3rd the price of an American troll.

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they are being looked down on in absolute shame from those revolution era fighters who were literally white nationalists

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3%ers are the worst of the worst bumfuck retard mil larp idiots. Patriotism means tea party muh israel nationalism. Its facebook boomer memes and shitty shirts with no understanding of politics, or even basic American history.

Yeah the mask seems to be coming off and we are in the final stretch.
Shit ought to really kick off when election season heats up.

Maybe more Christian than other militias. Lots of stuff about the Creator.

Has anyone told them?

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Civgnats are the type to say "I don't agree with what you're saying, but buh gawd I will defend your right to say it to the death." They are cuckolds to the core.

Have they ever once been wrong?

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I should have clarified. They'll say that to darkies and anyone that isn't openly against darkies.

These retards don't realize that the Founding Fathers were essentially White nationalists. Being anti-White is anti-American.

Just checking those quads.
It needs a reminder to the skeptic fags at there who have to see themselves proven wrong time and time again before it gets through their thick heads that people have been around long enough to see this show go around in circles again and again.

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Just like when (((capitalists))) and (((communists))) worked together.

>Just like when (((capitalists))) and (((communists))) worked together.
They never really stopped.

Yeah, we know.

Reminder that "purity spiraling" is something only jews say.

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Friendly reminder that libertarianism always been liberalism 2.0
Libertarians are nothing more than drug addicted sexual degenerate that okay with jewish corporate rule.

Yep, liberalism for rednecks.

b-but not the lolberg nationalists! they're /ourguys/

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CivNats are just as fucking bad as SJW's and lefties, this isn't really shocking news. Just like with lefties, CivNats have no issue with white genocide

Why do you guys reply to obvious divide and conquer? Zig Forums is a bunch of newfag faggots.

kill yourself

Fuck off nigger-lover.


Alright, look you knuckle-dragging socialist niggers. Not one singular anarchist is going to align themselves with Communists. Not. One. Not one singular capitalist, not one singular anarchist, not one singular anarcho-capitalist. Socialism in general but Communism specifically is antithetical to anarchy as it is antithetical to freedom as it is antithetical to Humanity. Post as much gay shit as you like, say some dumb shit about jews if you like but all of that is either fraudulent or irrelevant. You can't be an ancap who advocates theft and murder because "class division" or some gay shit like that. You simply fucking aren't one. You can't be an ancap who advocates or even tolerates the redistribution of wealth and outright foul murder of people. Any retard can paint themselves in black and yellow body paint and say "lookit me, imma ancap :^) McNukes LOL!" but it takes someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about to actually be one.

I am sick and tired of socialists. I am sick and tired of authoritarians.
Stop being so fucking stupid you subhuman great-ape-like homo-hominids.

It seems to me like a big coincidence that the left and right are working as one gigantic anti-white entity.

Divine providence.

Said the shill.

How do you ally with yourself?

You mean the same retarded accelerationists endorsing politicians like AOC and Tulsi Gabbard?


Hand on dragon dildo when working the new hole?

It's afraid.

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Cutting off your dick and shoving things in other dude's asses isn't minor.

So basically nothing has changed since WW2. Whites kill each other and kikes win.

Here. I've been saving it for the right occasion.

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IIIpers show their true colors. Is anyone surprised conservatives are cucks? Regardless, they're bigger LARPers than the commies so what difference does this make? Reminder Rockwell and Metzger are right about the Right.

→ /trs/

So when are you "National Socialist" fags going to do something besides shitposting?

Maybe I can come down to your interview room and we can discuss it, special agent Dipshit.

JewSA foreign policy is collapsing. The ability to actually enforce its will is collapsing and with it, the ability to coerce other states to pick up the necessary slack. Failure in Afghanistan. Failure in Syria. Failure in Iraq. Failure in Ukraine. Vassal state in France breaking down. Japan eyeing rapprochement with Russia. Turkey publicly distancing itself. Failure to uproot Duterte and the attempt resulted in cold shoulders from Indonesia/Malaysia. South American puppet states barely hold governable majorities.

This government is in real trouble. It's on the ropes. Time to kill them.

Its cute that you're trying to change the subject now that you faggots are allying with communists, but please fuck off. No one here is buying it.

Civnats is jewish as is communism, no surprises here.

So you Nazi fags are unable to accomplish anything but post shit for the Jews. Or it's "FBI".

So armed groups are confirmed as feds/shills/kikes.

The longer I live the more I've come to understand that an authoritarian regime is necessary to preserve society, culture, and our way of life.

>>/reddit/, magakike.

you meant the (((white))) party right?

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Do these retards not know that the people they are defending will vote for politicians who will take their guns and property?

Whatever these retards supposedly care about (muh rights) have already basically been taken away, and WILL be taken away with ease when the non-white voting block gets big enough. The niggers/spics/jews/and even gooks who they are all buddy buddy with, will happily vote to take away their guns in exchange for gibs. They don't care, they are like renters, and we are the home owners. It isn't their problem if they destroy our society and collect gibs in the process.

non-player characters are pretty easily bullied into anything if you threaten to use the R word. I grew up in america, and all throughout public school we were brainwashed that Racism (whites existing) is the greatest possible evil. In the minds of many, you are better off being a child molester than a racist.

They would probably kill thier own kids if it proved they weren't raycis for a day.

In fact, the meme is likely true. Many of these faggots will be standing at their door, as officer jamal takes their 40 year collection of guns, thinking to themselves "at least i'm not raycis".

At this point I don't expect boomers to know anything.

It's muh boomers and shit.

Nice try FBI.
Go away CIA.
Not today NSA.

It didn't help the commies or reactionaries in 30's Germany.
The Horst Wessel song mentions:

It damages both of their voter bases.
Commies loose voters because they ally with capitalist and the capitalists loose supporters because they ally with commies.
This is the best thing that can happen.


The commies might be smart enough to know that the threepers are being played for fools. As far as they are concerned its just the right attacking itself. I don't think the threeps guys are reactionaries either, more like libertarians with a liberal moral compass. "Muh consitution" kinda guys don't really fit in the same vein as hardcore German aristocratic monarchists.
But you reminded me of the British Union of Fascists song which is a takeoff of the HW.

50 or 25% jew?
before or after being arrested by the fbi with cp?

You get a 'leader' going autistic like this, it creates infighting with the gruop and it collapses like matty's anus.

'civnats' are larpy faggots with reddit accounts who won't even drive in monkey and bean people areas during the day.

>(((dialogue))) ensues, TPW subject to forced brainwashing

Ever since I learned how to see the fnords the real problem is clear as can be.

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Urgent shilling job and the (((usual suspects))) had their ISP cut off after being laid off from BuzzFeed, so Mechanical Turk it is!

All public (((organized groups))) are under varying levels of government control, and this increases with age. This is what the 3%ers used to be:

that's /trs/, I know because i listen to their shit to keep up with your bullshit "narratives" and

Kill them all.
Violence is the only solution to any problem.

out. come back when you've lurked two years.

No one's forcing you to side with communists, kikelberg.