Kike mod's sad attempt at burying this
Kushner Paid Mods Trying to Bury This: Trump Officially Changes His Immigration Policy
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So fucking based
Over a million LEGAL Invaders per year
Baste and shekelpilled
Here's a question. Why not go full Automation and UBI at this point? You can't justify UBI because of automation and mass replacement at the same time.
The ZOG Emperor
>Barely a mention of the wall steel slats barrier
>You're getting more LEGAL migrants, ya dumb goy.
A few here saw the ruse from the start, most got caught up in the excitement, but hopefully it's just a scarce few who still support him. No, Hillary wasn't necessarily a better choice. Politics isn't the answer.
He's a country club new yorker
The Goyim Know
UBI would actually cause a massive spike in the number of niggers.
There's nothing wrong with high levels of immigration as long as they're from the right places. Trump advocated merit-based immigration on 28 February 2017
Has he ever retracted that?
If the large numbers are educated whites who will create jobs, that's a good thing. The only thing Trump got wrong was thinking that Canada's immigration was mostly merit-based. We do have merit-based immigration, but we also have a completely separate "refugee" and "family reunification" (ie chain migration) system which pushes aside the merit-based immigrants. The only one trying to change that is Maxime Bernier's new People's Party.
Maxime is fielding candidates for the February 24 by-election, and I happen to live in one of the districts, so I get to vote for one :) I've never been this interested, I might even try to convince my family members to get out and vote PPC.
keep posting this pl0x. need conditioning before final reveal
Fuck off
White America is a permanently aggrieved entity that can never be allowed to regain any power or prosperity again as long as Trump's people are running the show. They can never be allowed to get their livelihoods back because they will seek revenge and a settling of accounts with the people who did it in the first place – the neoliberal capitalist kike hive that Trump fronts for.
The speed at which Trump took off his mask has no doubt been motivated by the failure of his base to line up behind his stupid kike wars.
Merit-based immigration already exists in Australia and Canada. It just means Asiatics. Bernier is a radical anti-White who is ON RECORD as wanting the total replacement of all White Canadians with non-Whites, only slower so they don't notice it.
Where were you on the day Trump decided to create a million jobs for foreigners on American soil?
We're approaching the 2020 election and everyone knows mods are on the take. We're reaching the point where they'll have to drop the act of pretending to be neutral before turning this board into the_donald once again. Re-posting pics from the closed thread.
Trump wasn't sucking up to Dems, he was putting on a smart political face. Congress lost seats in 2018, he wants to win 2020 re-election which means playing the tolerant peacemaker so that people will blame the Dems and see them for the obstructionists they are if they continue to fuck with Trump's agenda.
He didn't ignore us, he snuck in the nods to us, but they were subtle, because we know him, so they can be. He re-affirmed the wall, said he would get it down, so let's wait for the national emergency if Dems won't pay for it. Dems may end up paying for it for fear that obstructing further will lose them 2020 as moderates switch D>R from 18>20
Trump didn't say WHICH legal immigrants. Maybe they will be mostly be whites fleeing South Africa and England. Trump has never redacted merit-based claims, and he said he would guard jobs, so as soon as unemployment rises he would have to halt it.
The GRIDS/AIDS and Holocaust stuff is just chess, stop whining like a faggot. He has to cater to the moderates who will switch parties, the 2020 campaigning has already begun. This dismantles his 'bad guy' image and wrecks the Dems' narrative. It doesn't mean he actually believes the Holocaust happened or that Israel is legitimate or that his token Jew actually escaped any danger. Look at his ACTIONS: he's pulling troops out of the middle east. Israel doesn't want that. Israel wants US boots on the ground constantly to die for them. Trump would rather just bomb Iran to avenge Israel after Israel gets wiped out by Iran's nukes.
Trump naturally also has to play along with false flags like Tree of Life in Pittsburgh (as he did with Unite the Right in Charlottesville) because debunking those is something he can only risk in his 2nd term, the controversy would be too dangerous to his re-election campaign.
There's also nothing wrong with condemning anti-Semitism (the Semitic people are a wider scope of people than just Jews) or condemning the genocide of the Jews (it's always good to retain some genetic diversity, even for unscrupulous tricksters, the primary problems with Jews is their memes, not their genes)
why tho
And we've got a confirmed shill here.
How likely is it that he will be primaried when the voters don't see the wall?>>12769683
The GOP won't allow it.
That's why TOR is attacked so often and shutdown during key events.
Zero. Trump was never going to build the wall. What he's doing now is making sure all the people who voted for him under false pretenses are set up to be exterminated.
What do you mean? Will they block the event?
I want to believe this is bait and you are just that good at shitposting.
Party leadership can nominate whomever they choose. They aren't even obligated to poll the members.
Why wait until a fucking second term instead of doing shit now? If it's to "prevent some democrat from coming in to undo all his changes", that was going to happen regardless of whether he was a 1 or 2-term prez. Trying to present himself as some peacemaker hasn't worked because the Jews own the media and play a 24/7 whinefest about every little thing he does, and people in general just follow along with whatever's being talked about the most.
Nevermind. You're either shitposting, a newfag, or an outright shill.
Then should party affiliation be removed from the ballots?
You're just mad it's working.
They already thought of that.
Trump is proof that voting never changes anything for the better.
Take your vote to the streets with messages.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
The never trumpers are now blocking any attempts to replace trump
8ch is now and always has been a CointelPro operation to round up Nazis and radicals onto a watch list
Kushner 100% funds Jim Watkins and Mueller should be notified, assuming he's not in on the Jewish Mossad Operation.
My guess is that when the JMedia says "Russia" they KNOW Mueller is investigating the Israeli ties. I've always thought that makes perfect sense. Replace the words "Russia" with Israel and every thing they say fits.
Trump sold us out to (((Kushner))) and the rest of the kikes.
Trump gave his most attractive daughter to a kike to use as breeding stock.
Trump is as much of a whore for Zion as any Democrat.
They won't allow it. These parties exist to keep each other in power. Trump is the best salesman the GOP could ever hope for.
The Sunshine Code Was Admitted by 8ch to be Hidden inside the Source for the Website
They then made up a "Joshua Ryan Goldberg" arrest to cover up the legitimate arrests of anons
Hard to get Nazis pissed about a Jewish sounding name being arrested for posting on 8ch
The fact remains that 8ch is now and always has been a CIA/Mossad CointelPro Operation which is why it's never been taken off the web like even sperg Anglin and the DS.
Which whites from which nations are you concerned about, exactly? American culture is already a mishmash of several white cultures.
It doesn't JUST mean the Asiatics, it means whites too. Unfortunately Jews too, since they tend to perform well academically, but they're already here.. Less niggers/ragheads though, which is better for safety and economy.
What "anti-White" statements has Bernier way? What "ON RECORD" do you mean regarding "total replacement"? Quotes or GTFO, I think you're pulling it out your ass. You're a "slow boil" concern troll who is missing the point of conservative talking points required to get you elected. Bernier is chessing even more craftily than Trump because Canada is so much more leftist.
Call me when Trump actually starts increasing unemployment of whites giving jobs to immigrants. Until then it's just a talking point to get re-elected to counter the 'raciss orange man' meme.
Yes, it's not the non-stop touchingwall.png pushers who are the shills, it's people who look at all possible motivations that can accompany statements.
I'm an optimist. Are you so pessimistic that you believe everyone who says they love the Jews MUST love them?
He is doing shit now. He's gotten 2 supreme court judges on the bench, for example. Stacking the bench helps prevent the inevitable next democrat president from undoing things as easily. It also slowly acclimatizes our nation to get behind him for more extreme changes.
It's not just us who rail against Trump for not being extreme enough, much of his base does, is let down that he isn't pushing harder. Look at how many people just want him to stop talking with Dems and spend the emergency funds, for example.
The republicuck concern about this is setting precedents that a Dem pres will use this to build solar panels. Should I care? Stopping illegal immigration is more important than some bad energy production investments. Jews' ownership of media didn't let them win the 1st term, and their grip has loosened even further.
What's wrong with thinking that the problem with Jews might be 55% memetic 45% genetic?
Show me a DNA test proving that Ivanka's children are actually Jared's. Trump talks nice about Israel, but he's fucking them over by withdrawing US troops, so he is harming their interests. That's why he's doing damage control, so they can't call him Anti-semetic/Racist for abandoning them like this.
TouchingWall.JPG and similar is just a tactical maneuver so he can point to it any time they accuse him of abandoning them. Just wait, soon as troops are out, he will "make peace" with the Taliban, and then "well, our sanctions have nullified the threat from Iran, I won here too" and then with all battles won, Trump can finally justify ending foreign aid to Israel and the Jews infesting America can gnash their teeth impotently because they can't point to any dangers justifying that aid.
If you are going to complain about my statement then propose an alternate one. How would you ratio the G/M % of Jewish problems? Do you think it is 90% genetic and merely 10% memetic?
No, it doesn't.
It's readily available for you to find yourself. You'll believe it more that way. You're a shill, though, so you already know he said it because you're tasked with steamvalving neoliberal economics on forums.
Pretty good bait, solid 7/10. You lost a bit of steam towards the end, as I could tell your heart wasn't in it concerning the defense of Jews.
He knows all of it. It's a shill.
This language, moishe, you gotta stop using it. I mean no one on this board knows Donald Trump. That would be silly to claim and believe. You don't see somebody through the lens that you control, and then claim That we know him.
The small few of us that exist who want to destroy you. Just know the world will run red with the blood of you too, not, just us.
Don't worry.
Death is coming.
I also want to point out that you say he is pulling troops out of the Middle East. But they're going to deploy them elsewhere, eh? He's hardly removed any troops and is on record of showing that they will be staying til their time is done.
Troops are being added to Syria, not removed.
But Canukistan has tons of muslims, not just asians. And Australia has africans. What's the point of "merit" system for whites and asians, if any 50 IQ rapefugee can get it?
No user, Jared Kushner literally controls this board. It's an employee of 8ch, now. The QLarp was a way for Jim Watkins to retain ownership and protect Kushner's Mossad/Black Cube bot system.
BECAUSE the frog must die slowly, user; so it does not realize that it is dying. You must understand the long game. If you want to win in the short term that is.
They only allowed Trump to take place in office for one reason. Think of him and the action itself as being a pressure valve that is used to relieve. Could you believe there's a war going on that isn't being broadcasted? Who woulda thunk it, ehhh.
Well he was the chosen candidate.
Merit systems aren't for White people. They are to obfuscate and allow the naive and the dumb to believe they are different than open borders. It's just managing expectations like in the PR industry.
If they meant White immigration, it would be explicitly specified. You know, like all of our countries used to.
I am aware and I am aware that more movement will be deployed to EU when they call for it.
Anyone miss hearing about Ukraine?
gotta stop animal assad from gassing another 6 million children!
What's Kushner's citizen status?
This is probably true, tbh. It does make me wonder about the zogbots who see all this information, they see all the proof the Holocaust is a political lie, they see stuff like "Germany Must Perish" and the works of Ilhya Ehrenberg, they see what Hitler was actually like, they see information about what National Socialism actually was, and with all this information they willingly decide to support the people who want nothing but misery and suffering for the planet.
That sort of person is genuine evil, akin to the demiurge itself. Makes me think this world simply isn't worth being a part of with this many scumbags around.
Hmm, white south africans, where could they possibly ALL GO?
Good point. he should have brought up how he's going to bring them in all as refugee status.
Call me what you will, folks, but we all know how the forebearers of our fight lived and what they fought against.
The only way this is gonna solve itself is if we run the rivers red with their blood and bury them in the soil. So the plants can claim them from the soil and disperse their existence forever.
They won't televise the revolution until it serves their interest to make a huge powerplay.
Why do you think this world isn't worth living in, user? Even with all these disgusting cretins following these dastardly and damned Jews. There is much to behold that is beautiful, you know.
Do you think that is the attitude to have if you wish to get to somewhere that is beyond you yet is right in front of you?
because we now have milllions more people for work.
If we have more people that require UBI we should make them worth it.
With UBI and automation you want less people, at that point people more wasteful. They require more robots and use more energy.
Go to their home, south africa. Thats where their parents wanted to be, thats were they have to fucking stay.
President re-affirmed in SOTU that he was withdrawing troops, source?
A lot of shill-paranoia going on around here. I understand that, I feel the same way about you. But we can both give each other the benefit of reasonable doubt.
Valid point. We don't KNOW him, but we know enough of his talking points and mannerisms that he doesn't need to spend a lot of time affirming the base. SOTU isn't aimed at us, it doesn't need to be, it's aimed at the moderates and dem voters both for 2020 and so they raise shit now so dems capitulate for fear of 2020.
So to clarify, you agree with Trump's claim he's withdrawing them from Afghanistan, but disagree that he will be 'bringing them home' as promised in SOTU because they'll immediately be deployed in Syria?
It sounded to me like the's going to stop fighting ISIL/ISIS close-up and just bomb them, so why would he be sending people to Syria? When did this last happen?
There ISN'T any point of merit-based immigration when you can bypass it through refugee claims or "family reunification" (chain migration). That's the loophole that Bernier has said he wants to close. It's possible Trump wasn't familiar with the loopholes at the time he said that in February 2017, I haven't heard him praise Canada's system since then.
If they had the power to stop Trump from taking office, then they would have the power to stop our revolts too. At some point you should entertain an optimistic outlook. Maybe they actually intended for him to lose? Just MAYBE?
trips aside, not enough of the US whites are redpilled enough to be blatent like that. You need to fool them for their own good. Instead of saying white, you just define criteria that whites predominantly excel at, so they are specified indirectly.
Jared's father Charles Kushner was supposedly born in 1954 in Jersey (to Jew-Poles immigrants) so it seems likely he has birthright citizenship. Joseph Berkowitz married Rachel Kushner (and took her surname) in August 1945, they arrived in 1949 from the USSR. I am curious if Joseph and Rachel immigrated legally or not.
but does he have Israeli citizenship?
No. Trump doubled troop levels in Afghanistan. You're fucking filtered.
I don't expect Trump to make moves like that until he gets the wall funding, or possibly not until he wins 2020.
Trump could simply invade South Africa and give them back their land (and some extra) once he wins 2020. Perhaps expand the U.S. border further south (deporting non-Americans along the way) as well.
There's so many smart people that want to come live in niggered cities. But Democrats won't let them. Tragic!
as if genocide will wait for the democrats
why?? it wouldnt do america any good.
Theres no money in saving south africans or taking mexican land
I do believe that. I also believe that within the years since his election he has been effectively stymied, and co opted to a certain degree.
TRS made this point, would kikes every act the way you are right now? If a bunch of Charlottesville protesters were up on stage with the president would they sit in their own circles and talk about how this isn't the right time and there's already growing hostility to them and they should accept what they can get? To ask the question is to answer it. They got to where they are now be being willing to upset the established order and damn the consequences.
What a fucking race-traitor
I like to call those who wear black suits and black uniforms who serve those interests as being machine men. They abandoned their soul in favor of the material and wealth that has been showered upon them. They thought it would be fine given that they too have families to look after.
Now they reap what they sow and will live as the damned even through death.
You expect me to believe the shit coming from your mouth, user? I will allow you to reconsider your position. But if you do not then you're surely going to regret it in the very near future you know. As a man I can ascertain you will not live a long and prosperous life. But this begets my true point; which is your ignorance. The man in office was allowed in for one reason and one reason only. To appease and to release the pressure, for, if public opinion aka the public eye shifts too greatly. They would suffer a heavy loss here in the US and much of what they worked for could be undone overnight. You and I both know how easy it is to destroy yet to craft something with artisanship may take even years to accomplish; depending on your craft and whatever it is you are making. I could sum this up as the common phrase about reputation, but, that's no fun.
You may see my outlook as grim so as to make me appear some way. But truly you are the one looking gaunt my friend. I am not worried nor am I proposing any pills at all for any to swallow. Since I do not advocate for Jewish quackery in any form, and I definitely have not said anything that is defeatist.
It's not okay to put words in people's mouths, you know… But ah yes do keep trying to make others believe that we'll be good in 2020. Don't allow them to focus on the here and now. That wouldn't serve the agenda very well if they did would it?
I haven't heard of Jared having Israeli citizenship. That sort of thing wouldn't make him ideal for brokering peace between Israel and Palestine, which Trump put him in charge of.
AMERICAN troop levels? Or are you double-talking about shit like
If you can give me some specific numbers and dates, you will change my mind, but please track down some stats if you want to convince people.
Having more land ruled by white people and less land ruled by non-whites is a good thing, regardless of how much money that land produces.
I think we realistically have to expect all leaders to become co-opted to some degree, I still think Trump is probably less co-opted than many other candidates we might've ended up with, so it's a step in the right direction.
I'm having trouble following your point here. Could you phrase more directly?
'damn the consequences' like when you don't filter your march enough and it gets derailed by a couple KKK guys who get 90% of the coverage? You can upset order and still do it intelligently.
Reminder: the only time Trump has directly addressed white Americans is when he signed a resolution denouncing "white supremacy" in America. Whatever that means.
Wake the fuck up nigger
Why would anyone believe this when he immediately loaded his cabinet and administration with neoliberals and neoconservatives? Why would anyone believe this when his lifetime track record pointed exactly to what he was?
In 2014 Henry Kissinger wrote an op-ed that almost verbatim called for "making America great again". All the evidence points to Trump being the stage-managed, pre-selected nationalist choice to rally disinterested and disinclined citizens back on the PNAC train and to generate an image of strength to erstwhile "allies" who don't see much future for the US.
Nobody "got" to Trump.
Pretty flowers don't make up for a world inhabited by demons in my opinion.
Name one thing he's done that Ted Cruz wouldn't have. I can, the prison reform bill.
This speech spat in our faces in multiple ways. We should be mad and expressing that anger in public.
not true, if you are going to make sweeping statments like this then you are just dumb
This is sadly the truth. Trump is a fucking Jew from Jew York City, so that about sums it up
Does your duplicity end where your nose begins?
Who is we?
Why should anyone with the right mind even begin to accept these terms? You definitely should be hung from a street lamp.
Ever thought about conquest, user? Wherever is your spirit.
It's because there's already a thread about this, with 100+ replies from several hours ago.
Fucking nigger OP can't read or check the catalog.
One of the ways he's been stymied is by limiting his options for cabinet positions. Another is the Mueller investigation. If the System didn't fear what were potential outcomes of the Trump administration they wouldn't have acted so forcefully against him.
That's reaching, make America great again is a pretty obvious and logical nationalist/populist slogan.
10/10, I won't be tired of winning until there is a Somalian on every street corner!
Congress lost seats in 2018 because Trump turned into a giant libfag that went back on all his promises. He single handedly killed the Republican party
The resemblance is striking.
idk how you guys still make it through the day. i dont want to be a part of it anymore.
*homicidal urges intesify*
How quickly could Russia wipe out those Troops anyways?
You mean if the US didn't interfere, coming to the aid of their terrorist pets, like they always do? One day.
I meant killing the US troops.
…Same answer.
You can't expect anyone to believe this.
You mean the one that keeps shifting Trump's overt and blatant israeli puppet strings onto Russia?
They haven't acted against him at all. They shrieked hysterically that he was a "Russian agent" while Trump did nothing but attack Russian interests, and in doing so have whipped up Trump's nominal opponents into frenzied war crazy lunatics out for White Russian blood. You're a fucking moron or a shill.
It really isn't when it's what ended up happening.
Meh what are you expecting? If you're taking anyone in the Washington, Jew York, etc circle seriously on their word than I'm sorry but you're pretty low int.
Just enjoy the show that is American politics. Have fun in the next meaningless elections and further push the window rightward. Did any of you honestly think 200 years of kike infestation was going to be undone in 4 years through the same system that empowered them?
Just enjoy the fun and the memes. This board has gotten so bogged down with shills and agents that it's forgotten how to just have fun with some memes and watch the burning circus of America.
rather have trump be impeached than to go through another damn term of his.
ffs there's probably a ton of Americans with STEM degrees just working shitty jobs right now that would quit their pointless jobs and go work in those factories but since Trump is importing people to take those jobs from Americans, they're fucked.