Meet Gatineau city councillor Nathalie Lemieux
Now she's back in the news with this:
tfw no qt French-Canadian gf.
Meet Gatineau city councillor Nathalie Lemieux
Now she's back in the news with this:
tfw no qt French-Canadian gf.
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haha fag boy is going to meet his match with this broad..
Sphere-cucks on suicide watch. Flat Earth Nationalism is the future.
I hope she goes far.
How much do you want to bet she's watched TGSNT?
Based Québécois qt. I love french canadians, super nice people. If I could be born anywhere else it'd probably be Canada.
Those things she's saying are true, but I'm getting some deja vu from when Trump was making statements;
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best; they bringing crime, they're bringing drugs. They're rapists."
Those statements are true, but I don't know if it's a mask or if she's genuine about it.
I need Mummy here to scold me for not working hard enough and encouraging me to do better. Somebody like that, but not a literal communist. She's worn that orange/blue ribbon before, and Russia still buys into their 'Great Patriotic War' historiography, sadly not much has changed since the Soviet Union on information front.
I hear Ukrainian women love Americans because they think we are prime meal tickets. I'd father a child or two with a pure Ukrainian if she wanted me to support them whatever, that's the price to pay I guess.
Why hasn't anyone reached out with Andriy Biletskys crew and found out if he's the real deal or not?
Tfw no Ukrainian social nationalist gf to breed
How long until she goes full Sinead McCarthy? She is a qt, though, goddamn.
She seems a bit ditzy, but good to hear diversity of opinions among normalfags. I'm not entirely convinced on flat earth, but neither am I convinced about the round earth theory. Also the flat earth "movement" is infested with glowniggers, but it's nice when the topic is discussed. Although usually it's just circle jerk "it's flat", "yeah, it's flat", or a debate between flat earthers and round earthers "it's like this", "nuh uh".
It's poor science, but at least she's questioning everything around her. I would like to know her thoughts on the holocaust. Unlike with sphere earth, which you can verify for yourself with astronomical observations and rudimentary math, the evidence for the holocaust is less convincing than say hollow earth.
Someone is breaking ranks!
This. It's also not illegal to question the Holohoax in Canada, thanks to the tireless work of Zündel.
Hey goyim! Le baste (((alt-right))) politician is also a flat earther. Let's change one form of retardation (SJW) for another! There are also space lizards. Just don't undermine our financial systems, ok? I will now go to Rick and Morty fans and convince them to accept their version of retardation even harder because you don't want to be like those stupid nayzees, eh?
Sure, astronomy seems to support the spherical model more than the flat one, however how do you demonstrate curvature? How does water curve into a ball?
Government infosec shill tbh
If you can get people to question spherical Earth, you can get them to question the Holohoax, you dope.
Exactly. FE is just a first step down the rabbit hole. Perhaps you'll realize it's a dead end, but in challenging yourself, you'll find holes in other narratives. Perhaps with NASA, climate change, UN refugee settlement, bankers->globalists->JUDEN etc.
A lunar eclipse is probably the easiest visual demonstration.
You can come to our conclusions by utilizing pure reason, logic and science, and that's what they don't want you to do. They'd rather have you act retarded and thus push any intelligent people away from actually questioning things and deducting that Hitler was right about pretty much everything in a reasonable, well thought manner.
How does gravity work? Since even the experts don't seem to know.
I'd prefer to see evidence of curvature on earth, something that can be seen with the eye. A long bridge that has to be curved, railroad tracks, something like that. There are other possible explanations for the lunar eclipse.
The idea is to correlate the truth kikes don't like with stupid flat Earth shit. It's hamfisted kike bullshit. Now stop wasting dubs.
Meant for OP.
she may have franc name but is genetic Portuguese gril.
5/10 would make Celtiberian babies with.
Fuck off masonfaglet. Shill your kopernikanist bullshit somewhere else.
Fuck off moshe.
Pick one.
You're not even trying rabbi.
A woman will never be our any fucking thing and only a kike shill would push more woman into politics
Well she might make a nice cock-sleeve.
10/10 thread would fuck thread.
Brown eyes, would gas her
Fuck off kike.
Everything is always the same.
o wow that makes my cock hard, but, alas, you know fucking well no women fucking come here.
Believing the earth is flat is less retarded than believing the races are equal or that niggers and chinks are people at all.
No one can save Canada. It's run by the banksters. Also, our country is too similar, that makes sense; there is no identity in Canada. Everyone acts, lives, does the same things. We need some kind of diversity in oder to create unity.
No, there are not. Name some if you like.
With astronomical observations we can predict the position of the sun and the moon in relation to the earth. We know what we should expect to see when they are in opposition, and then sure enough, we see our own shadow. In the partial eclipse, we can visually confirm the curve.
argh, no. For . Pardon my retardation.
No identity besides memes about being nice, syrup, and hockey.
In reality you wouldn't be able to tell Detroit, Toronto, London, or Paris apart without any monuments to give it away.
leafs are enemy of freedom tbh
The Canadian NPC identity. And they are so damn annoying to deal with. All conversation with them is superficial, and they turn on you the moment you present anything controversial. No one wants to rock the boat there. Here's an example I had with Canadians in a bar. Speaking to a group of people about Trudeau they didn't like him much. When I asked about the refugee issue, whether it concerned them that low IQ Africans were flooding in they all turned to anger. One even did the commonly observable NPC behavior* of repeating what I said very loudly to everyone in the room. "Hey guys, did you hear this? This guy over here [points] says Black people are stupid. Get your fucking racism out of here."
*One day I should create a database of common NPC routines.
As if the flat earth bit wasn't obvious enough.
Oh come on. It's fucking hilarious. Live a little, Jecux!
Caga tió!
shit, log,
shit nougats,
hazelnuts and mató cheese,
if you don't shit well,
I'll hit you with a stick,
shit, log!
Funny thing is, hockey won't be a thing soon for them, as chinks, niggers (Sudanese/Somalis), pakis and arabs don't play hockey. I don't think I've ever seen a gook or paki on ice.
Notice how the topic of flat earth simply appeared out of nowhere just a few months ago? This is obvious subversion by discrediting - how are you going to gain people's trust and build an image that attracts popular support of you if you mix your political messages with "the jews are lying to us about the earth being round". Zig Forumsacks, be on the lookout for common derailment techniques being used on here. A good video about the art and science of modern subversion:
The Earth may not be flat, but you sure as fuck ain't getting a ticket to be on the space station, so it may as well be.
Maybe. My point is that we should separate this from genuine political discussion. Even if the earth is actually flat (I won't discuss it here), this topic will drive many people away from us - a huge blow since we don't have TV stations, government operatives etc. Our biggest advantage is that we have truth and a silent majority of white people on our side.
The glow in the dark lefties know what they are doing, be alert.
Agreed. It's fucking hilarious that a Canadian politician is trolling people with flat earth stuff. You know why she is, right? It's a political tactic, say crazy shit, they'll cover you. Don't say crazy shit, don't get coverage unless you're the darling.
Kek she should use her pussy privilege to call out Trudeau being the rapist he is
Lol flat earth is worse than controlled opposition
It would make the entire conservative movement look bad if we came out supporting flat earth lunacy
The fact that you can see southern constellations from everywhere from Australia to Argentina makes the disk model completely untenable
The hill she's choosing to die on of all things is flat earth. Yikes
Women are tools for reproduction, and nothing else. They are not people, and they are not leaders. They are completely incompetent to do anything, from birth to death.
I swear, we could send all flat-earthers on a rocket around the earth and they would still continue to spew bullshit when they get back down.
I had a cute (((French-Canadian))) friend who didn't tell me she didn't date goyim. I found out from her probation officer.
You're going to get ALL press kvetching (they're all kike-controlled) if you do it publicly, although the francophone media is likely to report on it. But if a kike overhears you, you're fucked.
FE was brought up by the (((press))) to make her look stupid. No one said she was /ourgirl/ but since a lot of Bernier's people are in here and he has his office on St-Joseph near where this woman represents, it's relavant.
-Flat Earth? Nah, no financial incentive for jews to withhold that knowledge.
-Moon Landing? Total bullshit to create a never ending racket of tax money diverted into the fake NASA front.
-Pyramids? Probably earths biggest secret. The evidence that humans were not the first intelligent species on this earth.
Thanks sjw torfag.