How to Uncuck Trump?

What if we were to use Twitter to all spam Trump with "STOP ISRAEL" in his DMs or something? In the end, Trump is just a man who got jü'd. We will take him back.

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Literal furries. You're like bronies who can't stop making obama a pony.

Nigger I have not a single clue what you mean.

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Reminder, people like this are "voters".
Voting is hopeless.
Ride the Tiger.

Imagine thinking Trump gives half a shit about anyone other than his kike master.

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No, Trump IS a jew
He was never /ourguy/, he has always been their goy. His base is not "us", his base is evangelical zionist christcucks who love Israel more than the Jews themselves

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Population over 411,000,000; Middle East, etc. = Bad.
Population 8,855,000 Israel, etc. = Bad.
Back the underdog?
Help/Let them all kill each other?
Stay out of it?
All of the above?

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I have learned to not trust a single man, and politicians are mere men

force him to capulate or have him lose power
The only means of doing this is get Sam Hyde to run and win the Democrat Primary
Cucking out in the general will give Sam plenty of chance to chastise his Israel worship unless he changes

Literally the only way would be to have a psycho kill his family while having the star of david burned in his face and yelling shit in jew.

Politicians think they are untouchable men.