Did you think reddit couldn't get much worse?
Think again goy
The chinese menace is expanding its tentacles.
Reddit, Discord, Epic games, what else add to the list.
a pack of chinks just passed by my house should i worry?
Did you think reddit couldn't get much worse?
Think again goy
The chinese menace is expanding its tentacles.
Reddit, Discord, Epic games, what else add to the list.
a pack of chinks just passed by my house should i worry?
One of my Chinese professors in University constantly praises kikes. So this doesn't surprise me Chinks are kikes of the East.
Reddit isn't profitable, so doesn't really matter. They're just fighting the clock until it goes under.
95% of that site's userbase is a bunch of paid shills and bots. Surprised it hasn't died already.
It was a sort of civil 4Chan once, then turned into a weird safe space for faggots.
Now the edgier players are polluting 4Chan.
Oh the irony.
They've been bleeding out hard, so of course,triple down on the cancer that killed you.
It isn't about profit, it is about control. You don't think the kikes will spend a measly couple of million a year to brainwash millions of whites? None of these sites have ever been about money. Twitter isn't profitable, youtube isn't profitable. They don't need to be. They are jews maintaining a stranglehold on information.
Don't care, you have to go back.
Reddit showed up in my assigned textbook. In a section talking about the pros and cons of using usernames and anonymity online.
I had a good laugh because I'm already aware that reddit's admins and many mods of their main subreddits are pozzed to hell with sjws. Zig Forums would've been a far more apt example to use than fucking leddit of all places.
Even in STEM fields, you're forced to take mandatory sjw classes and textbooks like this. But still, it's funny knowing that these books' "academic" writers fear even a pozzed place like reddit.
Kevin MacDonald.
It's nosediving, but, basically, they hire hackers to take out competitors. Oh oops did I reveal grey hat SEO secrets?
Hell of a (((coincidence))) where it says "to name just a few" has 66 as the footnote. few rhymes with jew. And jews like the number 666, and 6's in general.
tech companies are like niggers
Always looking for the gibs and generating nothing themselves.
Also, the reveal personal info part is so hilarious. As for myself, I'm a trillionaire with 10 supermodel live-in house mates. Normally I wouldn't tell all like that, but online the truth comes out, yep.
Fuck man, I'll check those dubs.
Reddit's fine for vidya but the second anything remotely political is said the shills come out
You know, I got those dubs from jewish Hitler himself. We hang on the weekends, go to the movies and shit. He made me Obergruppenführer.
Checked. Good info. gaems only. But wow have all the other subs suffered.
We still await a decent commenting/discussion system that lacks the NSA-related faults, censorship.
let's meme this
How can we go about offending the hell out of reddit using pic related?
Is reddit in meltdown? I don't actually want to visit to find out for myself.
Reddit is absolutely unusable hideous trash.
If it did, it would have lasted only a day and they would be back to doing what they usually do, posting on reddit.
The kike is shedding it's anglo skin to acquire chink form.
The chinks love Jews because they view them as very successful at making money. There are tons of books on how Jews scam their way to riches in China. It makes perfect sense since both races are amoral greedy money grubbers.
I tried to use Reddit, but they make is so difficult for new users. Just posting more than once or twice get me the "you're doing that thing, try again in 10 min". I had to Jewgle what that actually meant and apparently you can't post too much unless lots of people upvote your posts.
I wasn't posting 20 things a day, just 2-3 times. It's ridiculous.
On top of that it gives me frequent errors just when I try to sign in. I knew the place was cancer but this is too much.
I don't see the problem user, fuck plebbit and fuck the faggots that support it.
That isn't fine, you fucking sheep.
You're not supposed to post on reddit. You're just supposed to mindlessly comment.
Go Back
It's unbelievable how obsessed the Chinese are with getting rich.
The word "disagree" is blocked on the chinknet.
Chinks cant comprehend what being rich means. Theyre the same as dunecoons demanding the best deals or thinking wearing a brand means theyre rich. Theyre children.
It all started with David Sassoon.
Because the chinese, along with jews, are a mercantile race. Merchant breeds need to be purged the world over.
If you don't look good, we don't look good.
Chinks are what happens when you use too much kike kaballah and turn into a bugman for GAOTU. Like masons they go for names thinking memetics. There's a reason they all flock to places with the words "rich" or "gold" in them.
Except they're more successful than regular jews, because no one is actively distrusting the fake Nanking "massacre".
based schizo poster
keep your guard up though
Was nanking really a hoax? got any inforgraphics?
You could at least have made a better OP.
Thanks for the info user.
Reddit? Infiltrated by censorious chinks?
No impossible. That's absurd.
8ch Zig Forums is fucking reddit.
Who the fuck cares.
np he has a nine hour video out there somewhere if you're ever feeling really autistic
Will this drive more people to flee to places like voat or 8ch?
This. One of the first Chinese sayings i ever heard was something like: "peole die for wealth, and birds die for food", they also have the believe that successfull people need to "walk" over other people like stepping stones on the way up.
Here I thought they were already a chink operation.
first one pissed me off. i guess i need to learn to fight
last one was sad because while the guy stood his ground, he stood his ground over porn
The point of Reddit has never been profit, you mongoloid.
Over the years I have like tens of accounts with each having ten thousands of karma making for quick posting but I can never help myself and show my power level so I get banned al over. You literally have to censor yourself to get around it.
Migger = nigger
Kipp yourself = kill yourself
Lew = Jew (see J/L)
It's shit but with all the downvotes I receive and no bans I'd say it's quite effective.
Stopped visiting when they went full sjw.
Whatsup with 4chan these days anyway?