If there was any foreign aid to shithole countries that a sane person could get behind, it would be funding abortion, birth control and ideally sterilization.
If there was any foreign aid to shithole countries that a sane person could get behind, it would be funding abortion, birth control and ideally sterilization.
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Based Zion Don. Protector of Israel.
Africa is expected to grow to 4 billion people in the 21st century.
All the beautiful lions, elephants, giraffes, rhinos, and zebras….you can kiss them all goodbye. The environmental destruction in Africa is already bad enough, at 1.2 billion people. But at 4 billion people Africa will be a lifeless, desolate wasteland, devoid of all life.
Sub-Saharans serve no purpose on our planet. They're literally useless feeders.
Imagine when the chinese stop giving them rice, and they all starve in mass within a week.
Donald Trump is thinking so far into the future that he knows the African children spared from abortion today will be so grateful that when they become LEGAL American citizens 20 years from now, they will be proud Republicans ready to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
they won't get to starvation
they'll just disappear and their organs will re-appear on the chinese market
And of course, you never hear environmentalists talking about this, at least not on major media, as everything is about "climate change."
Niggers don't make great organ donors though. They will face heavy competition from Israelis selling Palestinian organs.
Sooooo, you are saying we aren't funding their abortions OR their AIDS prevention and care?
Do you not see how this problem fixes itself?
That was an oboma program. Probably shut down purely because of that. Not like it actually makes a notable impact on their population and it at least disentangles us from that. Africa's population will grow as the Chinese want them to grow.
AIDS is an incurable & communicable disease. Memes aside, whether it's AIDS or Ebola, IRL we do not want a whole continent to be a massive disease vector.
Nigs need to all be forcefully sterilized to protect Africa's environment.
Go fuck yourself leftypol.
And of course these cocksuckers figured out the report queue so they shit up the catalog in waves to lock anons out.
Bump because your ZOG emperor has no power here.
It's time for Trumpenstein to get JFK'd.
You wouldn't need to use force, as that would create major international issues. If you went to the women and offered them $1000 each to be sterilized, so many of them would take it.
Fuck off, fed.
The abortion aspect of the Republican/Democrat divide was glossed over, especially in 2016 & 2017 when they were banning people left and right. Republicans are better on most issues today, but one where Democrats are consistently better is abortion. And Trump has done more to reduce abortion, both internationally and domestically, than he has done to reduce immigration.
Republicans are slowly driving abortion clinics across the country out of business, and Trump has helped them with that. They closed 49 abortion clinics in 2017 alone. The main tactic is to throw up all types of bullshit regulations that make it harder for them to operate.
In Missisippi, the state with the highest percentage of blacks, there is now only ONE abortion clinic. In the whole fucking state. bbc.com
In Texas, Republican/Christians have worked tirelessly to close abortion clinics, including ones right on the fucking border. In 2018, an El Paso abortion clinic was forced to close.
Why the fuck should my taxes go to an african shithole you flaming juice
Fuck you, they deserve nothing fro us and your globalist agenda can get fucked.
Every last MAGA hat wearer needs to read this.
I agree with you regarding taxes, but this is one fucked up area to be selectively anti-government. Get mad about aid to Israel, Egypt and Jordan instead, as this is the most justifiable use of aid money we have going for us.
Also, they are not REDUCING aid, they are only moving the money around to other programs instead.
You're trying too hard now.
You might want to check the sources of that information. That is the UN's medium projection. It can also be as high as 11 billion Africans, dwarfing the populations of all other continents. They won't stay there, and there would be no way to stop their migration without billions of deaths.
At warfare, you do battle with the plans of the enemy. This is warfare 101, and it's plain you have no clue.
Because this shit, it's not a % game, it's a RAW FIGURES GAME, AND WHITES AREN'T REPLACING, BUT IF WE BANNED ABORTION WE WOULD BE. Other measures will help.
Discord trannies are out of their den since their chat rooms are being investigated.
As the wild Christcuck yells feebly into the wind….
Look at these nice Christian anti-abortion families that adopted niggers. They even had kids too.
I'm not a Christcuck, lad. Let's examine your photos.
i.e. replacement level. And you are showing the worst cases. I simply relay to you the ABSOLUTE FACT THAT ELIMINATION OF ABORTION WILL SAVE THE WHITE MAN.
Those in favor of permitting abortion of whites is my enemy. You are my enemy, kike.
I'll go slow for you. Those families are already anti-abortion. They had their kids, but then adopted black kids here as well.
Blacks and Hispanics have a much higher rate of abortion than whites. Even these stats don't tell the whole story, as they only give the race of the mother, not the father. Being pregnant with a black kid is one of the reasons women will get abortions.
Imagine being this cucked and stupid
I fucking hate Trump
Checked. I'm aware of the situation. I just think it's very funny that your examples, which you cherry picked, show replacement levels.
Again, you look at what you'd fix if, you know, you were literally Hitler. But Hitler ain't here, so we have to seek little ways to improve our situation. And elimination of abortion would put whites at above replacement.
I'll say it again, because you said you like to go slow.
Eliminating abortion would put whites above replacement level.
That's right, whites are doomed…
…and elimination of abortion would save whites.
Remember, the world will always have more niggers, spics, and curries, than anything else.
Imagine you're white people living in Africa - an Africa and indeed planet having no people other than white people. And someone says to you, "baboons are out-producing whites!!!111, we need to kill baboon babies*"
"*catch: we kill so many fucking white babies that the human, which is all white, population will decline."
Well you'd say fuck no to that deal, duh.
Me too. Those who don't make good choices are my enemy. You are my enemy. You are the enemy of the white man.
I'm not implying anything. Take the # of white abortions, discount some for miscarriage & other mortality, & that's how many more whites you'd have alive without abortion.
It's not rocket science.
I mean, another thing we could do is tax contraception, and make it so you have to consult with a doctor to get it. That would reduce use a lot.
Glad her lineage is gone
Literally the exact opposite.
Are you high?
My intention was to show people who already had kids and still adopted niglets.
Doubtful. Probably half of the kids that are aborted are non-white or Downies or other other mental/physical defects. Maybe more than half.
To have more white children, we need to make major changes to the culture.
Without Roe vs Wade, if all of those niggers were born, we'd have about 20 million more niggers in the United States. Hundreds of cities and neighborhoods would be as unlivable as East St Louis or Detroit. And that is just blacks, never mind Hispanics.
You're a LARPing faggot.
Being able to abort black babies is why women fuck niggers
That is the argument they fall back on.
It's a very sappy liberal argument, along the lines of "if we ban these evil assault rifles and limit magazine capacity so it stops even one school shooting…."
The reality is that for every 1 white child, there will be about 10 non-white children or worthless Downies if we made abortion illegal. The ratios will get far worse, plus more unwanted children, which is bad for everyone, including blacks.
Chinese are hilarious because they think they can train the African niggers like dogs to be cheap labor. You ever see something say "Made in Africa"? Yea, me either.
The circumstances have to be carefully controlled tbh. The Nazis had the right idea, abortion if the child was severely handicapped or ill. Heavily discouraged and punished otherwise
NIGGER abortion rate is higher, that's all that matters
Take 6-12 grams of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) a day for 5-10 days.
Take 1,000mg every two hours until bleeding commences
as long as they come here legally
You think the bugs give a fuck? Everything they sell is crap. Nigger fell off back of truck, you buy cheap gweilo!
Awww did daddy trump take the dick out of your mouth again? :(
Im assuming you are referring to the Chinese and yes they would since you are significantly less likely to be able to receive an organ from someone of a different race even if you have the same blood type
What part of this is confusing? If you tax contraception, then use will decline. Obviously. And if you require doctor's consultation, then usage will decline as well. This is inevitable.
It's a fucking massive problem. But do you know WHY it occurs? By knowing the cause, you can come to knowledge of resolution.
That's the sad part. They're not. They're genuine white kids getting slaughtered by the abortion kike. That's because it's a kike lie that niggers and spics prefer white chicks. They don't. People prefer their own. It's just how it goes. The problem of whites & niggers fucking didn't exist on the plantation. That's because there exists no such thing as natural attraction on either's part for either, none there. It's a phantom invented by the kikes. Much of the stress we have in life is due to the perception of that which doesn't exist, that kikes invented.
:) nig.
Wayyyy more than that, because they breed super young, you're forgetting about that. Gotta model that. There are googles out there which will inform on best way to estimate that.
So why would that be good? Well, spics work. niggers don't. If we had that many niggers the whole welfare state would have already collapsed. Then we could get down to the business of geographical segregation, and of course an end-game of deportation and of course sterilization. And the camps, of course, but it's best not to mention those.
tldr I will not sacrifice 1 of my white sons for even 1 billion of your niggers.
I remember a thread a few months back talking about how interracial organ donations are prone to rejection.
some mixed race goblinos are fucked since they are so scrambled up not even their parents can donate
It's not for them retard.
They probably resist disease a bit better, though. Something to think about. You may recall, from history, such people were often put into special jobs, such as handling of the dead.
You have 20 dollah? You buy now! It match, see? It rite size and everyting 15 dollah!
Whos it for, other blacks?
Oh you want other part? No like lung? We got all!
This fucking bug really thinks he's fooling anyone. One of the most unethical races on the planet harvests prisoners etc. is expected to give a fuck about patient matching or all the other particulars that keep even proper foreign parts functioning in your shell.
disease resistance is a bit redundant once you have developed basic hygiene and germ theory. it's not hard to avoid many of the diseases that plague africa, boil water and don't rape and/or eat your neighbor.
Bullshit, this is meaningless.
African population is exploding for the same reason any rat population will explode…you're feeding them.
If you want to blame anyone, blame "charitable" organizations and the people that give them money (mostly Christians).
They are duped into thinking they're doing good in the world, when the reality is, by interfering with the natural state, they are causing misery for untold billions of people.
The next major economic crisis will see an end to this free-flow of food, and that will result in migration crisis, war in Africa, brutality, starvation, cannibalism, and tens of millions of deaths, all laid on the doorstep of people that thought they were being kind.
We all know what road is paved with good intentions, and what these people are doing, is a set-up to literally bring Hell to Earth in Africa.
Being short-sighted should be classified as a sin.
cat lady mentality will bring about the apocalypse
"Hybrid vigor" is a fallacy.
When you have bred an animal within it's own family for generations, then yes, introducing outside genes increases vigor…but NOT because it's the general rule for all, but because you fucked up the breed in the first place, artificially keeping it away from its own kind, and breeding for traits that were occurring WITHIN ITS OWN FAMILY.
All races on Earth have a large enough genetic base that they don't need to breed outside their race, it wouldn't improve their vigor, because their vigor has not been eroded in the first place.
Your white children are your white children, you decide if you abort them or not.
If some white people decide to not reproduce, they don't deserve it either.
Reminder that not all whites are worth of saving. All the wiggers, racemixer, traitors, christcucks deserve the bullet as much as the jews
It is better for us if some of them don't reproduce to keep our population strong
Eugenics is necessary and abortion is eugenics
don't mixed species like lion+tiger and camel+llama has severe defects? it would be interesting to compare the health of mixed race people to pure bred people
She shouldn't leave detention, none of them should.
Take up a collection to send a doctor in to her, and I'll gladly donate.
This is probably a ruse, anyway, as she's more than likely thinking she'll get to the hospital, "change her mind" and then try to slip away from authorities and get lost in some Democrat "sanctuary city."
She then has the little spawn, on the country's nickel, and boom…anchor baby.
Least likely to abort.
Or disguise/hide it within the aid, as a biological trojan horse. Give them truck loads of GMO corn that can sterilize within a few hours.
In the images I showed, it is because they are Christian evangelicals, and their church pushes this.
You're living inside your head.
I'm going off of actual statistics on abortion. Usually they are several years old, so I rounding up to about 20 million. Of course, the real number would also be a little lower, as there are back-alley abortions, but at the same time, blacks generally don't feel the push to have abortions as strongly as whites do. With a white girl, having a niglet out of wedlock can wreck her life. With black women, they have the welfare state to fall back on, and it doesn't mean shit who the daddy is, they are already starting at bottom.
Black conservative Chapter Jackson satirized the hood attitude of black kids being used as a pathway to Section 8 and various welfare programs.
Are you a woman? This whole thing, society, it's a virtual reality we create with media & shit. It's not true. The world is a rough, tough, shitty place.
Basically, "integral accident," OK?
I'm not supporting some large number of them, but the castes are natural, and the non-castes have a role as well…
It is, but disease resistance isn't. Viruses & bacteria prey on qualities that relate to the homogeneous traits (they needs must, actually).
So, while the myth persists, niggers aren't a different species. This should serve as a warning to us, embolden us, but somehow people want to be like fucking lazy and be like, "muh genes make me great".
If we are going to pay their food and a roof over their heads and court time while the bureaucracy churns away, then we should be willing to pay for the one thing that is a net social gain: making sure that one less Mexico is born.
Which is not always a good thing, even if they are white. The kids can be non-white or have horrible diseases. Here is a beautiful white woman who got all self-righteous when her doctor suggested that she could abort her Down syndrome daughter. She could have aborted it and a year or so later had another kid who was normal. She could have had a beautiful healthy daughter or son.
First of all, evangelicals aren't a member of The Evangelical Church. Care to go down the rabbit hole with me? :)
Mixed race peeps have shittier immune systems, as well as more tendencies towards mental illnesses. In the case of Ashkenazi Jews mixing with anyone, but most specially asians, incredibly high incidences of schizophrenia. Almost forgot to mention that people who are mixed race have a harder time finding blood donors for blood transfusions, let alone bone marrow transplants.
No, I mean that they would breed. 50% would be females, and so you should include whatever the fertility rate is. But you have to model it. cba to do the math tbqf. It's sort of surprising there's no boilerplate figure for "total number of niggers killed by abortion, including those who would have been born 2nd gen of the aborted".
If nothing else, read this:
When Christian Republicans try to limit abortion options, they make it hardest for blacks and Hispanics to bypass them. White women can generally afford to drive hundreds of mile away, get a hotel room if needed, and have friends/family/boyfriend there to support them.
Handicapped people play an important role in society. For example, the determination of trisomy is simply inspiring. They give 100%. We need authentic experiences of authenticity.
>>>Zig Forums
found a more appropriate board for you
I will be really fucking plain about this:
Not one. You get not fucking one, you kike. Kill yourself. I don't say that lightly, but I say it with full conviction. Kill yourself.
get the fuck out of here you faggot
< I don't care about how to save white people.
Kill yourself.
So, do you want white people to be doing dirty jobs?
you will save white people by killing nigger babies
I see no instances of pure-race people being preyed on by disease any more than mutts are.
I'm as white as you can get, and I rarely get sick with anything.
Other factors are FAR more important than being miscegenated, such as environment, diet, individual health decisions, the elimination of disease vectors such as mosquitoes and lice, and just general cleanliness.
I've seen no trustworthy study done that shows the miscegenated are any more disease resistant than anyone else, and I HAVE seen studies that race can improve resistance, such as white's having a specific cell-wall protein that the AIDS virus has trouble penetrating, while blacks do not have this protein. This was the basis for the African community's claims that the the AIDS virus was designed by the CIA to kill them, while leaving whites alone.
well golly gee schucks I guess we do needs the cotton pickers after all, who cares about racial degradation? someone needs to clean up and why not the filthiest people around?
Killing white people doesn't save white people. Obviously.
That would only compound the differences, and make the anti-abortion argument worse, as it would mean blacks having even more kids relative to whites.
You're a silly man who would never last in the real world, especially one that is at war.
But user! How else will whites develop resistance to region specific diseases of Africa? Sickle Cell and a few IQ points are a small price to pay for a slight immunity to malaria!
What, are you fucking kidding me? This is what farms used to look like, healthy white kids working on them.
I'm just explaining how diseases work. You will recall that a surprising number of white people have survived Ebola. Also, a surprising number of mixeds survived Ebola too (most niggers are like 25% white, in America).
They have reduced exposure to viruses especially, but also bacteria. The reduced exposure is simply because viruses exploit specific segments of DNA, and if your DNA isn't what it needs, it won't work. It's random, but mixeds have more variation, a greater chance of immunity or resistance.
And so what we have is this idea:
< The mixeds wall (doing jobs which interact with the nigger world)
So diseases have to get past the mixeds wall. And then, from there to whites. This amounts to a double obstacle for disease. So 2 obstacles vs 0 obstacles, without mixeds.
Look, it's something to think about. Society will always need someone to work on toilets. I fucking have had my arm elbow-deep in excrement, fixing plumbing. So I'm living proof that white immunity can be fucking good, but at the same time, we should be designing society. Everyone and everything in its place.
Killing white people who enable white genocide will help us to save white people
unpropotional killing of niggers will get us closer to our goals. It's the same as war when we need to defend ourselves
If you want everyone to live in peace, you can just kill yourself
Also people who do abortion are scum themselves
The genes make you great. Everthing is inheritable. You are just another evolution-denying christcuck who does not get eugenics and will let our race fall into junk just to follow jewish religion read: rules for the goyim properly
lol You won me over, user. I guess I will marry an African woman and have lots of beautiful children for a better tomorrow!
That's not how farms used to look. They used to look like this.
They still look that way.
And farms are a great source of summer jobs for kids that are not part of the family, too.
I used to work in the fields every summer, when I was in school, it gave me some bucks to spend.
And THIS is how white kids used to look.
yea and how did that work out?
Cotton plantations were a tiny percentage of farms.
Most farms were family farms, and the family worked them.
At the height of slavery in the U.S., less than 2% of whites owned slaves.
40% of jews owned slaves, but that was because they sold them.