Trump: ‘We Need People’
Demands More Legal Immigration
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Antitrump discord trannies leave.
Pro-trump reddit niggers leave.
At 325 Million people (30 million of them here illegally), I would say America is already full. – Allowing more people to immigrate so they can live the high carbon American lifestyle will only fuck up our environment more.
Where the hell are all the faggot environmentalist groups? Why aren't they railing against immigration and its detrimental effects on our environment?
Trump's position is a typical jew-capitalist position. A never ending pyramid scheme to exploit human cattle and extract everything out of them and the environment. It's a vampiric system.
Jews having a conversation.
What happened to "Build a Wall"?
Now its "Bring them All In"…
it would all be so tiresome if the shilling wasn't like a slow-release whitepill in patch form
do you faggots realize how hard this board got psyopped into thinking the certified (not even kidding) shabbos goy of the year was supposed to "drain the swamp?"
And to think this faggot subverted an anti-semitic white supremacist place such as this
Your definitions don't really mean anything and it seems to make your IQ drop by 40 points.
Wow, Trump sure is BASED and REDPILLED! I can't for him to start telling us how proud we should be because the illegal immigrant unemployment numbers are the lowest in history! I'm sure these NATURAL CONSERVATIVES will help us build the wall - let's make sure to chain migrate their whole families up first, to make sure we beat those nasty Dems who want open borders!
People were desperate and high on the illusion of electoral success. They were tricked into forgetting that the System can never be defeated through phony elections.
There is no political solution to the problems we face today.
If only there was some way to make new people. Too bad all we can do is import more based pajeets, chinks, niggers, and spics.
God have mercy…
I think the constant permabans and witch hunting played a part as well.
Unless he is talking about European Immigrants, I don't understand how he can say this. We "need more people" like we need more debt.
"we need more ppl lolz" is one of those arguments that only work on NPCs. All my life we were told not to make kids, the world is overpopulated, we need population control ect. Then people actually do that and…."we need more people goyim" Yeah we "need" more people, every one of them increasing the debt around 500k in their life from draining our system.
True, but I also miss having mods. Free speech is a lie. You either brainwash people onto the side of good, or they will be brainwashed to be evil. Man must be governed is so true when you think of the average normies. We have all sorts of Jews, Trannies, niggers ect trolling the board. Back in the day they would all just be banned, with their post removed in minutes.
You can't explain, because you have no idea what's going on.
Anti-semitic=anyone who doesn't want to be enslaved by tryant jews.
White Supremacist= Any white who wants to live, wants his family to live, and wants his people to live.
If you're anything less than supremacist, imperialist or eugenicist than you're a pussy.
Face it.
Trump's a boomer farmer.
It's not enough to want your people to live, you must want them to thrive and exterminate all non-whites.
The NSDAP weren't even eugenicists. That was kike propaganda. Fuck off.
The bulk majority of bans were on actual natsoc's and Zig Forums oldfags critical of zog emperor trumpblatt, and the trannies and jews kikey banned were himself and his shill mods falseflagging(they're still doing it)
You think your anti-Trump Nazi shit is helping anyone but the Jews?
No one normal reads this board on a regular basis.
Kike discovered.
Fuck president Kushner and fuck figurehead Trump
Oh fuck off TORjew
Trump just doesn't want anyone to blame him for social security falling apart in a few years because he limited immigration.
Hes a spineless coward and sold us all out for his "legacy".
Don't vote or if you must vote, vote for whoever is going to do the most harm to the country.
Its over, we lost the demographic war, now its time to start fighting with bullets.
Not hard when the mod was a Turk
Go back to t_d yourself smileyface :)
He wasn't just a Turk. Take a look at his screeching here:
Notice the flag
The turkroach is a kike.
brb killing myself
I'm totally with you, I'm just pointing out that any white person who even wants their families to live or wants to exist period is by definition a white supremacist, according to our enemy. The only good goyim, socially acceptable views a white can have these days is basically to want himself, his family and all whites to be raped tortured and murdered, wiped from history ect. If as a white you don't want total brutal annihilation for you and everyone you know, then according to the enemy you are a white supremacist.
Eugenics=Better genetics by propagating the white race, and giving tax benefits to white families, they were by definition eugenicists. Eugenics isn't this evil "killing anyone who isn't perfect" shit like alex jones makes it out to be. Eugenics doesn't even have to be violent.
Good thing this isn't the 1930s Weimar Germany.
Other than openly legalized pedophilia (which is on they way), we are though..
Is there any way we could help Trump get impeached?
We need to punish politicians that don't stick to their promises.
I mean who else supports Trump besides jew's boomers and shitskins at this point?
Yes. Instead it is Weimar America and Weimar European Union.
Love the pic. Honestly, if Trump were impeached, it would piss off so many white americans, that it would do more for our cause than Trump has done.
This is true bc I only got bans and deletes right before the global change when there were some new people hired for a few weeks. Up to, during, and after the election, my pro- and anti- trump posts were never deleted or banned or whatever.
Non-white immigrants consume more than they put in, so that don't help.
It could be that Trump's advisers don't know this, or don't think it's true, since it goes against economic orthodoxy, but that is ultimately Trump's fault for hiring standard cuckservative underlings. .
As long as you Nazi cucks don't support Trump that is a good thing.
Go download some more child porn (((tor-fag)))
I was trying to upload a modern comparison to show exactly why we're in Wiemar Germany 2.0. This 4MB webm limit is gay. History always repeats. Kikes already run all the media, and every degeneracy is allowed save what this user spoke about >>12771573\
We're well on our way.
>visits >>>/qresearch/
Let me guess, you are over 50 right?
#metoo, but you did not even have to be critical of the cuck emperor, it was enough that you posted about pro-white namefags. It was the last bit that made convinced that Team Trump had bought the mods, since Trump was to be the sole focus point of Zig Forums.
This is far worse than Weimar, at least Weimar Germany wasn't under 50% White.
How can we help it happening?
I think it's fair to say that magafags are bigger cucks than leftyniggers.
Weimar 2.0 and jewfluenza are both more powerful strains. They require the antibodies to actually step up and fight back. Unfortunately, most won't lift a finger until their money no longer buys bread.
Numbers don't mean so much when whites time and time again have been outnumbered by insane amounts and still killed all the inferior non-whites. Cortez was outnumbered 1,000,000x easly when taking mexico. This was back when most fighting was done with melee, and guns were shit still.
Don't worry I'll be voting straight democrat now, we can't let whites keep thinking politics is viable
You'll be voting another kike in office either way.
I'm well aware I just want everyone else to know it too
you can only stack shit so high. Pretty soon we will reach that point where comfyness is gone, then whites will go full killer again.
ps. I've been writing things like "jews rape kids" "it's okay to be white" ect on all of the money I spend. I hope it triggers alot of people in circulation.
trips confirm. Thanks for setting the record straight, Satan.
It is a fair assessment. At least with SJW libfags we can ALL get behind hating them, but MAGAfags are like jew rats that weasel their way into Christian lands and slowly subvert them from within until there's nothing left of it
The problem is that they support Trump, and not any specific ideology. If Trump had stayed as he was during the campaign, magafags would be good still. Trump goes anti-white, maga fags go antiwhite
The white maga fags won't last two more years, and with the white ones gone, quality will fall, and t_d will stop being funny. (they already have IMO, it's just rehashed old memes)
Vote Little, win big.
This. MAGApedes would willingly kill themselves and donate everything they own a Jewish owned immigration charity if an alt-kike youtuber told them it would "own the libs"
So you are telling us that we should help magafags become even more retarded?
I agree with this meme, except what is wrong with "hating" our enemies? If you have perfect love for your people and culture, you would have to have pure hatred for those who wish to exterminate your people. No?
It's just the typical Cult of Personality we always have to deal with. These kinds of people don't actually have any principles they stand by because principles are independent of the person, they just liked the image Trump gave off and that's about it. It's the exact same thing as leftyfags and Obama
it's hilarious how (((Zig Forums))) sold out to the democrats so easily. It takes so little, what was it? $500 / year? Most people don't know that's how it is. It was bought for one side, now the other.
No. You're a kike. No, there is not that level of plasticity.
Bait, and then people reject the crap, move on, hope again.
And again.
And you kike say, "they are plastic".
Yet we do not bend.
Difference is that liberals both get cucked and cuck others, while MAGAfags only get cucked because they are too cucked to cuck others
The reason why they get cucked is because they never attack and will always let the leftist have their way after some time.
MAGA was shit all along
Most MAGApedes (except boomers) were nothing but normie degenerates hating feminism for going to extreme (pics related)
People need to realize that money is just jewish paper. Someday 500$ won't buy you a glass of water. I always wonder what sort of bribe got America our federal reserve, and thus endless unpayable debt slavery.
So what are you waiting for?
Well the Federal Reserve was formed primarily because the kikes had all of the opponents to it travel on the Titanic.
Damn, I've heard the Titanic wasn't actually sunk by an iceberg, and it was a false flag, but didn't know that. Can you post some proof?
Unfortunately the sheer (((coincidence))) is all I have.
That is not important now, compared to how the Feds will crash the stock market before 2020, if they are not already doing it.
The way I've always seen it is that you've pretty much got it already. It's not just some stupid, blind hate because "they're different than us" that people love to stereotype us with, we are acting in a perfectly rational manner considering the circumstances of what has happened and what we're trying to protect - but everything we do is based in love and a desire to protect. I can't find the picture in my unsorted hoard of images, but remember that the NSDAP practiced pro-German nationalism, not some "master race, gotta kill everyone" nationalism.
I don't understand what the fuck you're trying to say, but you type like a redditor and should therefor kill yourself, or at the very least get the fuck out.
Captain Haddock was a good man don't tarnish his image.
Why are Trump supporters such fags
It's done. He's done. Time to move on.
What kills me is, you've spent so much time arguing over this twat, nobody better has been in development. Kosher GOP shit is worse than Dems in power, because the White-wing thinks it's safe and stops fighting as hard.
I think the Trump letdown has made more whites realize that politics isn't viable. Probably alot more so than democrat leadership would. If Hillary had won, they would think "If we can just get our guy in next time". We already got "our guy" in and he let us down.. That is ultimate proof that there is no political solution.
Do you care about the negative effect of illegal immigration on black people, yes or no?
To a degree, but not yet, not fully.
They just convince themselves of ridiculous stories, you'll see this in the posting even here from the Trumpnigger shills. They simultaneously want you to think that he's working to do good things, AND that he has no power such as to be constantly overridden by powers in DC.
Its all a big farce, and the American people are mostly checked out at this point. IQ too low, apathy too high, just a bunch of lazy cynics who see that its all a ruse, but are too dumb to know what to do about it in some cases, and too lazy/cowardly in those cases wherein they know what needs doing.
Only if you see it with eyes unclouded.
Every time I try to look away from one Monster I find myself staring at another.
Capitalism needs a replenishing supply of suckers.
"America will never be a socialist country." – Donald Trump.
Then America will never be great again.
oh boy, that meme is 100% accurate. whoever made it is an oc magician.
you're right, I should have voted for hillary instead
Me too. If I had known Trump would say that I would have just stuck with Bernie. Also, I 1000% support everything my candidate says and does because that's just how I roll. It's too hard to have varying opinions about different things at different times and to try and be flexible and maximize my current situation. It's either all handed to me on a silver platter or I just say "no way man".
Hi paid D&C yids, which by the way there are more of you here than actual genuine Zig Forums users, can you answer this question:
Should I have voted for Hillary instead?