This is some serious schnoz poz. It's exactly the same as what the kike puppet Macron did in France; tax fossil fuel into oblivion while simultaneously shutting down the only feasible alternative.
Eliminate fossil fuel energy because pollution
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Nice tits, though, amirite?
Weren't her parents esoteric?
Look up the meaning of Esoteric you dumb fuck… that's basically saying her parents are private or not known.. god your an idiot
We need more nuclear power tbh
We need an Aryan source of power, like oricalcos!
Never used.
But it doesn't make u-235
As a man of chemistry, our lack of nuclear power absolutely boggles my mind. Doesn't help that people don't understand ANYTHING about radioactive chemistry nor how nuclear reactors work.
She recently also said we need to remodel every building in the US. Not sure what game they're playing with her, since the point is clearly not to take her seriously.
The "green new deal" isn't a new concept and it wasn't coined by marrano jew AOC. The media advocate who advanced this previously is neoliberal chickenhawk jew Thomas Friedman of the New York Times – the same paper of record that regularly published false, kike propaganda to jew the United States into war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria.
if they really cared they would sanction china, india, and africa until they stop polluting (china is making changes for wind and solar but battery manufacturing is still toxic waste bc no saltwater batteries). They would also require that everybody
And seize the means of production.
It sucks, but we currently have the Trump administration simply doing the bidding of big corporations, which is bad as well, but little discussed.
Yeah, her tits are great tbh.
Also wind and hydro damage enviroments more than oil drilling and kill off vital parts of food chains like bees.
Geothermal requires more constant maintanence than any other power since you are dealing with extreme temperatures that can cause wear and tear of the facilities. Plus I imagine the more useful areas are probably near or on faultlines.
The tradeoff is acceptable because the input is renewable.
That's why I claim her as my waifu
is that Ron Watkins? (Codemonkey)
Congrats you played yourself.
True, and it does less harm to enviroments than hydro and wind. Honestly I like the idea of geothermal and nuclear, and imagine it would be cheaper than what I currently have, not that I would see any of the savings even if they changed it over.
Dumb cunt, if US, or even the entire West, stopped using fossil fuels, the cost would go down and nations like Brazil, India, China, etc would explode because they would then have cheap energy while USA pays out the ass for green energy. Dumb commie bitch.
Nothing works when you're Venezuelan.
Much of the ex-pat Venezuelan community in the US is jewish.
We have socialism in the US, but it's run by Jews and whites are excluded.
If you crunched the numbers, I would wager that a greater percentage of the US economy is directly dependent on the government than in Venezuela.
none of that is true though.
boats and buses use far less gas.
and wind and hydro damage is negligible, it's just the hydro is limited by geography and wind has limited output to begin with so it's not a practical full-grid replacement.
Certainly a greater number of people overall.
I used to be die hard ancap, but all my economic theories failed to maintain relevance when I realized that the world's governments are not controlled by ethnic nationalists representing the people, but rather Jews intent on the ruination other races. Communism in Soviet Russia didn't fail. It was meant to kill millions.
Stop arguing about the same shit over and over again and listen…all the money will soon be worthless, so they need do everything in their power to squeeze the last bit of wealth the middle class is holding onto out of them. Then debt usury based economical crash, times of starvation and war, followed by enslavement to universal income, cash-less currency and social credit system. Prepare for war, strike against everything jewish, and get your survival instinct going.
It's like you don't even want super powers.
All the average fuckwit knows about how radiation works is this
That's it, that's what the average normalfag in Burgerland "knows" about nuclear power.
Basically these people think nuclear energy=bad and hazardous because that's what they remember it being like on The Simpsons back when they still watched it.
Blue. You can also use it to make gold.
Also, most oldfags remember radium paint which is why they associate nukes with green. Twernt no color tee vees to see that purty blue Cherenkov radiation and get learnt like the kids got today with them little pocket magic windows.
bartender + meth mouth = Occasional Cortex
Having your DNA code ruined forever isn't a super power. Radiation is satanic. It destroys DNA which is the ultimate mystery and a source of divinity if ever there was one. It corrupts the very fabric of reality. It shouldn't exist within our earth. It's an abomination.
Ahhhhhh she's fucking retarded! Hahahaha.
This is the real reason why there is so much gold in churches. Shielding.
I still have a watch with that. Much less obtrusive than any LED at night, especially innawoods.
she can eliminate the man juice in muh dik with her mouth
Y'all must be dem's cuz y'all missed da point
WERE great, perhaps. Today she's nothing but bad posture and a bucket of sag, and the only reason she has maintained your interest is because you're a thirsty beta.
Even /leftypol is in cringe mode. This taco nigger needs to go back to making drinks.
The Green New Deal makes anything Trump suggests tame by comparison. All Trump has to do against his opponents is say "do you support the Green New Deal?" If they say "yes" in any regard, they're through.
She reminds me of porn star Adriana Sage, which is a good thing.
i don't think so.
lemmings are dumb, they will make an immediate judgement based on the 3 words "green new deal" and be completely oblivious to what is inside of it. it will still go straight down party lines, red will be against it, blue will be for it. it has the words "green" in it so the goyim will immediatly infer that it's a liberal policy. the left will support anything the rest of the left does; they might bicker amongst themselves occasionally but they are excellent of sticking together on votes.
the goyim supporting the left will support anything their politicians do if there's even the slightest hint of opposition from the right. they only fight amongst themselves when they have no opposition to rally against. you see a break inside of the left in regards to isreal, but in practicality those that oppose isreal immediatly fall in line with their kike overlords when vote time comes; because if they don't they'll loose their positions because the entire system is rigged.
we all know atleast at the state level and congress; if it's a blue area; it's going blue, if it's red, it's going red. it matters far less about the actual votes; and matters more about who is the "official" candidate for the party; ie bernie getting stomped by shillary.
cortez for example; would immediately loose her spot and popularity if she lost DNC support in her district, and the DNC pushed some other candidate. she would not be elected on her own.
she's so hot
She actually does a really good demolition of the current system there.
Now THIS is luddite posting
Yes, yes it is.
Holy fuck, say what you want about her, but she hit that shit out of the fucking park.
…Are you a fucking faggot?
We're all faggots here, newfag. What's your objection to her points in that vid?
Wow, moarpheus shilling for a jew goblina, what a suprise.
I'm straight and normal, your brain is beta
Let me explain this for you cocksuckers, 70% tax on the wealthy makes big business leave the state, while they already pay 48% of the state income with 1% tax
get that through your lefty/millenial cranium
Or dodge paying 70% ENTIRELY because they know how, higher taxes made NY just lose 4 billion dollars recently
…Not to mention job loss, she hates jobs except hers. typical queenkike
The video had absolutely nothing to do with taxes, it was about the power of lobbyists in controlling both congress and the president while these elected officials enriched themselves.
So stop posting.
Btw, it's pretty pathetic you couldn't watch a 5 minute video before going full sperg. It was people like you who thought you fucking knew it all that were total Trumpfaggots 2-3 years ago.
Remember people, report and filter.
We are facing genuine shill brigades here.
I did, yes she seems anti establishment, yes she is anti-israel, but that is just a cover for her retarded policies
re read what I said and consider
Even your greentext makes no sense. Get off the computer, dad.
retort a single thing I said, please
Stop responding to the shills shilling for kike.
Nigger, she's Israel.
Nice! Looks like that makes it two in the thread now ;)
Still no retort
Whose the jew now?
That kike is, and you are a dumb shabbo goy for giving it attention.
That's not how intellectual discussion works, with good guys and bad guys. Two people commented that she made good points in the video, then you sperg out about taxes, showing you don't know shit about what was said.
You can find bad things about anyone and then dismiss everything they say, which would be pretty pathetic, or you can do what people with brains do and evaluate things on their merits.
redpilling against her isn't "giving her attention" fellow gentile
Looks like she forgot to wax all of her disgusting moustache.
No one but retarded niggers and leftists trust this bitch.
Proves my point to redpill
If voters support raising muh mimimum wayge and these stupid fucking normies always do then they will into another commie new deal. Americans are the new Europeans, so long as nobody tells them all the kiked ZOG shit they love is actually communism.
Did I ever say to trust her? What in the video did you disagree with that has you calling me a shill for praising her position? Are you just another kneejerk magatard jackass?
If we could collect all the BULLSHIT that's posted here and on Cuckchan and convert it to energy we could totally solve the worldwide energy crisis in one fucking day!
Goddamn she's stupid.
Idiotic people like her are exactly what create a Venezuela.
More utopian unobtainable impractical nonsense with the retarded eco mindset.
The kind that stops us from making nuclear safer by replacing outdated reactors with modern ones, because anything done in regard to nuclear is "wrong" so they create the possibility for disaster which of course they use to reiterate the same idiotic stance.
No, they were white.
Hats off to you to "redpill" niggers and leftists, they inherently want your destruction.
Their redpill equals a big hot bullet going through their brain.
Kike detected.
They've been using geothermal energy plants in Iceland for over 20 years, now. Guess what? They're not an unlimited energy source, they do run out and rather quickly, too!
Venezuelans are what create a Venezuela. Non-whites are not cut out for organization on the scale whites are. People like (((her))) are what create invasion forces into Venezuela under the guise of opposing dictatorship.
Do you even know what I mentioned in this thread? how is showing her retarded plan not redpilling?
Oh my god, I'm suddenly so woke!
To who, dumbass?
Redpilling to who?
Anyway, you seem overly-eager and waste your time giving your attention to yids.
Actually, I did pay into Social Security my entire life and, when I had the chance to retire early (60) I did! I'm now 63 and very happily receiving 2800 dollars a month, basically getting back all of the money that I paid into it over the course of 40 years of working.
If you knew anything beyond MUH HITLER and MUH REICHSCHTAG or MUH JEWZ you'd know that Social Security is a good system since it's very much like a compulsory savings plan that pays off in the end for those who pay into it.
IF you don't work you can't pay into it
(((So, do yourself a favor and get your fat, lazy ass up off your chair and out of your house and get yourself a fucking job!)))
good retort
You may also notice that those same retarded niggers and leftists are also chronic life-long welfare recipients who's sole reason for voting for someone is to keep the free money flowing to them every month.
>pay into this system goy, it's definitely still gonna be there for you when you're 63
God, fuck off, retard.
Yes, White Nationalism…attack older Whites, Christian Whites, Trump supporting Whites..
It just might save the Je…um White race.
You don't get sarcasm or opinions, do you? ha