A recent chapter of this organization cropped up near me in my local University, and I've attended its first meeting. What does Zig Forums think of this thing? Here's what I observed:
As for the organization itself, from what I gather it was created by a University student Charlie Kirk to promote basic bitch right-wing positions on University campuses. Most of the posters simple advocate anti-Left and pro-Capitalism ideas. I am suspicious of how quickly the thing came about, the amount of resources it already has, and of its advisory council, but I haven't researched it.
My perspective is that TPUSA is definitely not an NS or third position organization right now, but that it is attracting many of the right kinds of people that could change with the right spiritual and moral urging. The basic argument that the society they either envision as Libertarians or treasure as Conservatives cannot exist without a secure and homogeneous nation and a third-position state is mostly all it would take to get most of them thinking in the right direction. In addition, it also naturally attracts Leftists who are either weakly-aligned or being indoctrinated who could be engaged with in either productive conversation or useful opposition shilling. It's displaying some of the useful effects that an early NSDAP did and has actual organizational resources, but lacks the moral foundation necessary to make it anything but a gatekeeper or collection pool right now.
What should be done when it comes to this sort of organization? I'll probably continue observing it from the inside and drop my redpills bit by bit. If nothing else it is extremely amusing watching reactions to it.