Turning Point USA

A recent chapter of this organization cropped up near me in my local University, and I've attended its first meeting. What does Zig Forums think of this thing? Here's what I observed:

As for the organization itself, from what I gather it was created by a University student Charlie Kirk to promote basic bitch right-wing positions on University campuses. Most of the posters simple advocate anti-Left and pro-Capitalism ideas. I am suspicious of how quickly the thing came about, the amount of resources it already has, and of its advisory council, but I haven't researched it.

My perspective is that TPUSA is definitely not an NS or third position organization right now, but that it is attracting many of the right kinds of people that could change with the right spiritual and moral urging. The basic argument that the society they either envision as Libertarians or treasure as Conservatives cannot exist without a secure and homogeneous nation and a third-position state is mostly all it would take to get most of them thinking in the right direction. In addition, it also naturally attracts Leftists who are either weakly-aligned or being indoctrinated who could be engaged with in either productive conversation or useful opposition shilling. It's displaying some of the useful effects that an early NSDAP did and has actual organizational resources, but lacks the moral foundation necessary to make it anything but a gatekeeper or collection pool right now.

What should be done when it comes to this sort of organization? I'll probably continue observing it from the inside and drop my redpills bit by bit. If nothing else it is extremely amusing watching reactions to it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Waste of time and a storehouse for weak people who aren't going to make it through what's coming anyway.

Reasonable place to acquire people who are actually more radical but are willing to put up with, as you put it, "murdochian squeaky-toy" cucks.

It wouldn't be worth taking over the structure of TPUSA, but it would be worth recruiting from TPUSA for your own structures.

This organization is funded by big Zionist dollars. Your best bet is to dogwhistle ar the meetings and talk to the people who respond to your dogwhistles in private afterwards to see if they are hip to the JQ. Many of them are. Once you've created a coalition of like minded peoppe in the group, work cohesively as a group during meeting to bring up important issues such as those often brought up by Tucker Carlson. Try to focus the topic on immigration, demographics, foreign policy (wars for Israel), etc.

Back when I was in college, I used these tactics to completely take over the group and made local friends that I still keep to this day who are now all radical National Socialists.

Oh, something's coming?
Never heard that before.


It's riiiight around the corner. Just sit tight and keep shitposting, but for God's sake, never ever do anything and wait for Hitler.

If only libertarians and conservatives would read voting statistics and realize that only whites care about liberty.

I agree with this. The structure itself is so dominated by other interests that I doubt it would be feasible to take it over, but it is attracting disaffected people who know something is amiss with Leftist politics and have some manner of Right-leaning predispositions. That's worthwhile to draw from I think, especially considering Libertarians are remarkably easy to guide into third-position thinking once they're assured their ideals are impossible without a carefully constructed environment.

Exactly my thought about it. From just looking at their group they seemed like people who haven't thought in-depth about questions that have never been posed to them, but are interested in it and ripe for those conversations. To contrast them against another group on campus that I converse with who meet up for an unofficial gentleman's club, the people who attend Turning Point USA meetings are automatically primed for political discussions, whereas the gentleman club chatters about gossip and classwork and other topics quite frequently instead. It seems easier to broach the topic in TPUSA than in most settings.

I won't deny that some of the people are basically going to be beyond convincing. However it has unexpectedly interesting resources. One person is a local government member who offers up his contacts to help get people elected to office. Another person is a graphic artist from the South. Another is a journalist-type who loathes Leftists. Another is a reformed Libertarian already in the process of taking the next step. Another is a business school graduate. While they are not "there yet" and maybe on the spiritual and personal levels somewhat "weak" when it comes to moral confidence and willpower, they can be strengthened and their talents put to extremely good use potentially.

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Guess, nigger
The guy below is trolling you by the way as well he should

Waiting for Hitler is the definition of beta cope. Praise be for pointing this out

I think SAGE
Cuckservative/lolberg republican group that will get air time on news while being 90s/80s democrats like the rest of the Rs.

Discussions like this are what makes the better parts of Zig Forums, especially because they involve an accessible thing outside of the internet that could potentially help in spreading redpills or creating local groups. So far no one is confusing that TPUSA as the new NSDAP, but the value of it is that it is actually successful in gathering up and organizing the same elements that would make up the political body of a reformed system. Seems important to talk with that audience, if nothing else.

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YAL is better

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CivNat trash.

CivNat *Kosher Trash

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Disgusting Zionist controlled-op CivNats.
Awful, awful shit.

That's another group that is acting nearby as well. Super libertarian from my understanding, and would be another good audience to court. How would it be better though? Is it just a national organization, because Turning Point is international and hence adding to my suspicion about it…

That's not really in dispute. The organization itself is most certainly trying to gatekeeper many otherwise promising college students into (((acceptable beliefs and actions))). But that it is courting and successfully attracting conservatives and irritating Leftists means two things:
So, what can be learned from it then? What can anons do at their local TPUSA or YAL or whatever group to get in there and drop redpills? Or better yet, learn from how these organizations structure themselves and operate in order to create an effective alternative.

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Its controlled-op though. I don't think a lot of Anons realize that a major component of controlled-op outfits is "legitimacy through attack".
Hitler talked about how an ally could be identified by how aggressively the jewish media attacked them, and the jews realized this, and now they use that paradigm to uplift their assets synthetically.
TPUSA seems like just that.
Check this out:
Whatever structuring element they have in play would be interesting to examine, yes, but you'd need an insider perspective to actually understand its meta functionality.
Cuckservatives, IOW. I'm curious as to the degree of support it actually has.

Cuckservatives like cuckservatism and want something that feels new but doesn't change anything at all?
If I were to assume I were a Jew yet somehow held my beliefs, what would I do?
I would attempt to subvert and splinter the group as to draw off the more valuable assets through redpilling, or gradually poison the image of the leader to make them seem effeminate or weak and position someone for leadership who was more in-line with my desired platform.
The issue with creating an alternative for TPUSA is not the mechanistic/structural dilema, but rather an issue of cuckservatism not being a threat to the system and thus being allowed to function, and being more appealing than the no-go zone of re-racination simply because of the lack of stigmatization.

For further insight…


>These donors, some Jewish and others right-wing Christians, are determined to kick President Barack Obama out of the White House for what they see as his hostile policy towards Israel.

>"He's willing to name our enemy," says Freiss of Santorum. "We don't have a war on terror – that's a technique. We didn't have a war on blitzkriegs and we didn't have a war on surprise attacks. Rick Santorum understands who the threats are coming from and what to do about it."


Point being: There's a lot of kosher money behind TPUSA. You're not gonna have that.

Virginia "Ginni" Lamp Thomas (born February 23, 1957), an American attorney and lobbyist, founded Liberty Consulting. She had previously founded the conservative advocacy group Liberty Central, and served as its president until its merger with the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty. She writes columns for The Daily Caller and previously worked at The Heritage Foundation.

Note that Clarence Thomas is Black as coal and this bitch is fat and White.

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She's been learning much it seems.

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Good lord…

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This reeks of money laundering, now that I look at it.

Reminds me of the TRSodomites. What a cohencidence.

If true, could have some potential as far as subversion and splintering.

Like I said, that's pretty obvious even from looking at it from the outside. You point out how the funding and resources come from a big Republican donor, which basically tells you most of the story right there. The people it attracts to itself and gatekeeps, the little Libertarians and Conservatives who don't know better, are the main point. If it's a controlled operation, then it is even more important to peel off that audience and lead them in the right direction.

Exactly, an insider, meaning inside observation. It's not hard to accomplish that since they were literally begging people right off the street to become officers in their local chapters. In fact is what many anons ought to be doing: Going to successful political or business organizations, joining them, and taking careful note on how they arrange their operations for the express purpose of learning how to set an operation like that up themselves with the right ideas behind it. Just because TPUSA obviously is not NatSoc and probably just a containment mechanism, it is doing a decent job of it while being extremely easy to enter.

The nature of redpilling is that you start from a bluepilled place. Most Zig Forumsacks began as liberals, socialists, conservatives, or just anime/video game nerds. While there are some irredeemable sorts who just can't handle the redpill, you can't just dismiss them outright because of two things: First, they are the target demographic for these ideas, a fact observed even in Mein Kampf. Second, if left to their own devices they give bulk and muscle to Neo-Cons and other (((interests))) trying to keep the status quo, and the most persuasive thing among humans tends to be simple social proof. If even the ideas are planted and the people left alone it is better than leaving it to the puppetmasters to put them back to sleep.

I disagree completely. I think the reason right-wing groups fail is because they have bad organization, intentionally or otherwise. Every truly conservative group, or non-leftist group, for the last half a century has failed to accomplish their goals in any lasting way except for a small handful. Even the often touted figures on Zig Forums like Rockwell, Pierce, or Taylor have been demonstrable failures at organizing groups that succeed at growing despite having compelling ideas. The general objection to learning how to make a successful group is like yours, that the group to be studied is ethically and spiritually lacking and therefore one has to just reject it all without learning any more about how to build a mobilizing organization.

As it stands right now, I see an organization that is gathering up potentially useful people who are eager to swallow the redpill but are being fed fodder by TPUSA instead. The two points of value therefore are to get to those people and also, perhaps, to study how the organization assembled and disseminates itself in order to make a model with similar mechanics but a better moral core.

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I had a conversation with a Turning Point rep a few days ago at my school. They're basically libertarians who are unable to make the final jump to NatSoc. I tried leading one of them to the logical conclusion of welfare not working without strong borders, automation and immigration issues but the guy wouldn't support the wall and he wouldn't support nationalization of anything, and refused to accept the concept of socialism being independent of communism, because "big government is always bad". The concept of having principles or racial identity was also completely lost on him.

He seemed to admire the German Miracle, but couldn't quite put two and two together.

Don't feel that you failed there though. Basically the guy is programmed into his current line of thought and wouldn't be able to just convert in one meeting with someone who reasonably could disagree with his positions. Almost no one just "sees the light" and turns on the spot. It's about planting seeds that grow on their own time. You're taking the right angle, because the fact is the Libertarian ideal society cannot exist without a very strong structure both in the state and in the nation, and once convinced of that they turn quite quickly and easily.
Libertarians are autistically principled actually, though that means that any principles that fall outside of their worship of the free market and individual choice aren't "rational" principles. But if you keep working from a principled stance of doing what is right for your people and argue it rationally, they'll warm up to you. Lots of Libertarians sort of like me because of that, and liking is a big part of convincing them down the road.

There you go, that's a foothold. It's only his programming that "big government bad" that is preventing him from fully reasoning his way through things like that. If you point out that his reaction to government being bad is purely knee-jerk and not rationally based in something small and non-politically charged (think local issues like how police and fire departments work well as nationalized systems, or good regulations, or armies), then the cognitive dissonance will tend to work on him and make him more open to other ideas eventually. Either that or he's a low-level Libertarian who just likes his guns an' freedumbs and doesn't want to understand otherwise, though that's only if he's a total brick wall and argues totally irrationally. I think you're making good progress with him if he was already interested in the German Miracle despite its historical context.

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Definitely this. TPUSA is full of mindless "conservative" retards, but it's literally the only significant refuge for anything right wing in colleges at the moment. Best to start off by meeting people there and being friendly, then quietly drop off redpills.

They're zionists, but their members can be directed into Tucker Carlson style nationalism. Especially if the left attacks them repeatedly. Don't be a retard who blurts, "H-H-HEY GOY *plays merchant theme*, GUESS WHICH DEMOGRAPHIC GOT KICKED OUT OF OVER 100 COUNTRIES?", just state that it's important to prioritize US interests over others since invasive interests will hinder the interests of US citizens.

And they are, by definition, outliers. EXTREME outliers.
>While there are some irredeemable sorts who just can't handle the redpill, you can't just dismiss them outright because of two things: First, they are the target demographic for these ideas, a fact observed even in Mein Kampf. Second, if left to their own devices they give bulk and muscle to Neo-Cons and other (((interests))) trying to keep the status quo, and the most persuasive thing among humans tends to be simple social proof.
I generally agree with that sentiment, however, you lack the potential to meaningfully uphold such sentiments in practice. That's a simple reality as well. There is an extreme stigma attached to any sort of explicit White advocacy or even most ideas 'to the right' of TPUSA regarding issues of race and nation, and any explicit attempt to mimic their practices with different ideology will run up against that wall.
Fair enough, but it can hardly be said that much of TPUSA's methodology can be employed in such terms.

But that's not what my objection was, as demonstrable from the post, which you excised portion of to serve your argument.
< and thus being allowed to function, and being more appealing than the no-go zone of re-racination simply because of the lack of stigmatization.

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No. They are not. That's why they are at TPUSA. They are eager to AVOID the redpill if at all possible, hence my inclusion of

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They are literally jews

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Treat it like any group that is most likely a kikepot, use it as grounds to recruit and to redpill people into NatSoc beliefs.

That alone is positive, I wonder what attracted them. Charlie Kirk is a big Christian, btw, also a big fan of guys like Prager and Shapiro.

lol Could they be more fucking blatant? She's really cute btw.

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the memes write themselves

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Anyone who’s spent any time in academia here realizes that anything helps. The rest of it is near openly hostile clown world. Hit where it counts. It’s sort of the same reason you always agree with lefty retards when they’re occasionally right regarding Israel. If they’re there and susceptible to ideas go for it. I started college 10 years ago and the place almost destroyed me. Any bit helps. Any alternative.