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The Japanese are our only hope against fmeinist doctrine it seems.
Trump was a mistake. I hope shadow president Kushner chokes on a steak or something.
What was the point of voting for Trump if he's going to just do everything Hillary was going to do?
To trick you into thinking the government could represent your interests, until it is too late.
Wait so he's murdering people with impunity and sharting between seizures too?
Capital working overtime to destroy families.
>>>Zig Forums
He literally bombed Syria at the behest of the jews.
Insulting penis size only works on people with a small penis.
When will these soyboys and jews learn.
Shouldn't you be shilling to fight Hezbollah in Venezuela in some other thread right now?
To distract and degrade the remaining White population long enough for them to submissively slip into minority status.
They really mean jews.
They deny the magnifigance of the
And pray to their false bbc god.
When will the policy be to protect Europeans and not kill or replace them…
The republicans are the democrats of the last gen. America is the Great Satan.
Stop sucking off japs you cuckold. Weak beta males that are subservient to females and retreat to cartoons and drawings for sexual gratification aren't men to adore.
if you're preaching poor practices to your enemy, won't their failure be to your advantage?
To bring immigration and demographics to the forefront of public discourse.
I hope you are right.
America and the jews are indistinguishable for over 70 years now. If you have a problem with that, take concrete measures to correct it that can't be interpreted as anything else. Algeria got rid of its jews. Yemen has largely gotten rid of its jews. Venezuela has managed to chase most of them off to Miami. But poor ol' America just can't muster anything up, not even with hundreds of millions of private firearms.
too bad demographics isn't as talked about as it should
2020 is a lost cause.
This isn't news. Every time an expert defends why the fuck the US is still in Afghanistan on the floor, it's exclusively about defending the rights of women and minorities.
t. CSPAN watcher
Is this the one we use for women?
Which actor is playing Bolton?
He's obviously a contrived character in all this shit show.
Even his aesthetics and demeanor is done poorly, the way he holds his glasses in so many fucking pictures is a dead giveaway that he's a fucking character that is trying to stay covert and nothing more.
He doesn't though.
He never talks about demographics, and now he's shilling for bringing in non-Whites for economic reasons.
Donald Trump is American Angela Merkel.
Obama's 3rd term.
This might offend someone. I hope it doesn't. I'm very sensitive to others' feelings and their perception of me.
Trump can't even say "white people". He can't acknowledge whites as a group with interests.
Checked for truth.
Jews advocate against White advocacy.
Trump promotes Jewish advocacy, while decrying White advocacy, and refusing to engage Whites as a group with interests, let alone to advocate for those interests.
That's really all it amounts to here, and no pro-Trump shill has an answer to this conundrum other than "trust the plan!"-tier garbage.
The good news is they don't have a plan anywhere else in the world.
Do you think they need one?
It always was dumbass. Go read "Imperial Life In The Emerald City" which details Bush Jr's attempts to impose feminism on Iraq, which failed spectacularly.
Remember when you niggers used to scream, "Until he actually signs something into law, words are meaningless?" I certainly fucking do!
I remember that.
I remember, even more clearly than that, the omnibus thread.
You could really see the personality cult in that thread.
Right up until the announcement of his doing it, they shills were screeching about how he wouldn't, "if if if if" shit, etc etc etc.
Then the announcement was made that he was signing it.
And what did they say? Nothing. Not a god damn thing. They just started feverishly trying to craft narratives to justify it.
Very embarrassing.
I am so fucking glad that reality isn't anywhere near close to what goes on in your heads and in this thread.
Shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhhh now Trump shill.
Its time to go home. You're extremely kosher and you're making a scene.
Just go back to the kibbutz and go to bed.
I do too. I was the OP of the omnibus thread. kek
Their ability to project force across the world is in complete free fall.
Global feminism is much better than a wall, right pedes?
Oh, thank you. Is that meme for me you stupid autistic kike faggot?
Tell that to Assad.
Yep. You worked hard for it.
you know its only oc
OC is the best, loser.
Stick to your holohoax thread for now.
Discord trannies are fearing that they maybe prosecuted soon.
Waaaaaaah Cry shill Cry waaaaaaaaah
You're shilling right now.
That JazzJennings thread is disgusting. Livestream the suicide on TLC
Yeah, neovaginas are pretty gross man.
Then again, so are philosemites who oppose the truth of National Socialism. Maybe you two can livestream killing each other and neither of you will be suicides! Then you can both go to heaven, so long as you repent moments before pulling the trigger.
Bolton is a rabid zionist, no surprise here.
the lolz of the tears on the hillary supporters face. It was worth it
stop being a fag and relying on the government
Women are the problem. They are born communists. Kill more women, enslave the ones that survive, replace them all with sexbots and artificial wombs.
Get fucked, 56% mutt.
And everyone will blame the White man for exporting this feminism, including White women.
Whiter than you, Mohammed.
Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson talk about this a little, but never from a full-on racial perspective. They don't really go into cultural shifts as much as they should. Ann does rightly bring up that immigrants tend to vote Democrat, but Ann is not that good when talking about native blacks, so that undercuts her somewhat. Hispanics are somewhat better than blacks on some cultural issues, and they are definitely more likely to vote Republican.
And those are the best of your big names. Of course, Shapiro, Hannity, Beck, and others won't touch this. Trump doesn't really do shit other than talk about crime and jobs, and he's undercut the latter by saying he wants legal immigrants now.
It's really been a fucking waste. He was good on a small number of issues, and he got people angry, but that didn't help us in the end.
I'm all for pushing feminism to shitskin lands, anything really that can stop their rampant fucking, but we all know this will be used on Eastern Europe while more anti-abortion shit is spread to africa.
According to some sites, he has Israeli dual citizenship, in spite of not being Jewish.
Nigger hispanics voted 7-3 democrat since forever and there's no BASEDS, not a single one non-white group that votes majority republican.
So that the goyim learn this.
Yeah, that is still higher than blacks though. Read this
Real world, maybe 10% of blacks will vote for a Republican/conservative candidate, but never significantly more than that, and sometimes it's way less. Even blacks who regard themselves as conservatives rarely think of themselves as Republicans.
Feminism one of the most destructive and destabilizing forces to inflict on a nation. Of course Neocohens like Bolton and Kushner and their little Jewish princess support it. There is almost no difference between the views of Ivanka and Hilary Clinton.
I have no regrets, Trump was and still is the best choice available and he is merely a stepping stone
I'm all for this as long as it's targeted mostly at nonwhites.
There never was one
Cancerous nufaggotry.
Not even that my man.
The real kicker: Spic turnout is DRASTICALLY subpar. The minute the spics start turning out, the US electorate is fucked.
Oh look its the double space shill
Now you're getting it. But actually Trump did more than Clinton would have. Clinton just wanted a no-fly zone in Syria. Trump put boots on the ground there. Clinton just would have left Obamacare alone. Trump spent the first six months of his presidency dithering on it, wasting all his political capital, and then crashing and burning for all his effort. The list goes on and on.
According to (((politifact))) these are Clinton's top promises:
1. Free College
Trump status: Not fulfilled
2. Path to Citizenship
Trump status: Amnestied 1m Dreamers. "Bring more immigrants in than ever before!"
3. Keep Obamacare
Trump status: Burned all mandate, Obamacare kept
4. End Superpacs (lol)
Trump status: Not fulfilled (wouldn't have been under Superpac Clinton either though)
5. End Muh Gender wage Gap
Trump status: Too busy fighting to give niggers jobs instead.
6 & 7. I "won't" raise taxes on the middle class. E-end TPP goize! Heheh!
Trump: Lowered taxes for everyone (except the unborn, who will be saddled with mountains more of crushing debt), became "a globalist AND a nationalist"
8. Increase minimum wage
Trump: Not fulfilled
9. Background checks something something salt rifles muhfuggas
Trump: Banned bump stocks. "Take the guns BEFORE due process." Worse on guns than Clinton how do you even do this?
10. More shekels for infrastructure!
Trump: More shekels for infrastructure! (But fails to get it)
So as you can see, on 6 of Clinton's core promises, Trump has done as much or more than Clinton promised to do. I doubt even Clinton could have delivered on a success rate that high.
lol drop the boomer talking points. They are fucked because they have been a US vessel state since the end of WW2, not because of anime
True, yet entirely irrelevant.
It also bears noting that Hispanic support for the GOP rises and wanes in direct relation to how many of them there are in-country AND how badly the GOP candidate is willing to cuck on the issue of Hispanic immigration.
It doesn't matter, most of the people on Zig Forums still supporting Donald Trump are doing so because they're so demoralized that their minds are in a wonky broken state - where they cling desperately to the last vestiges of hope they still have for a better world. I don't it makes them cowards, just mislead. They haven't figured out yet that it's going to take THEM, AS IN YOU, YOURSELF, ME AND I. to change things. Not a New York Jew Billionaire and his catalog wife + Jew kids. He is a physical avatar of everything degenerate about American Whites.
He didn't amnesty them, he just allowed the status quo to continue from the Obama administration.
I know, fuck Trump, but there is a big issue in our society that whenever there is a mass shooting, the anti-gun hysteria reaches fever pitch for days & weeks, sometimes months. Personally, I don't give a fuck about bump stocks, but I was very disappointed they didn't get the Hearing Protection Act through which would have made a silencer available without the BATF stamp.
DACA is the same thing as amnesty.
First of all, if you're telling illegals whom you know are illegal, and you even know their names and addresses – if you're telling them that they can stay, that's just amnesty by another name. They get services, they pay taxes, they're basically just citizens who can't vote (but their KIZZ caaan!).
Second of all, they will just be amnestied by the first democrat that comes into office, so deferred "action" is just deferred "amnesty."
Trump was the last chance to get those dreamer shits out of this country, and he swore he would do so on day one, and he needed no one else to do it. And he fucking didn't. He fucking lied to us. Straight up lied.
He AMNESTIED those criminal rapist pieces of shit and shamed us for not supporting him while he did so. The fucking FAGGOT! REEEEEE, tbh.
Amnesty would mean that you are on the path to citizenship, just don't do anything really stupid, and it's yours. Also, voting, as you say, which is really important because the demographic shift affects voting heavily.
Florida might be lost to Republicans now because they allowed felons to vote. It doesn't take a lot to move things in these more or less swing states. California was very solidly Republican until Reagan did the amnesty, then within a generation it was very solidly Democratic.
Agreed, that was his first betrayal.
Trump is such a flaming faggot jew
Yeah, it's a psychological weapon of mass destruction. Why wouldn't they push it?
they are dreamers user , not mexicans
mexicans are ugly
japs are slit-eyed piss niggers, fuck off weeb. this is a WHITE board, and japs are literally le 0% face
some 2% of beaner girls are hot as fuck but that doesn't mean they can stay. maybe if they get their tubes tied and the rest get deported/euthanized
Feminism lowers the population growth. Perfect for Africa. UN global population reduction objective in full swing. One of the countries not below replacement fertility is Israel. So, WTF, kikes winning over the goyim again. youtube.com
Vlinton would have allowed the acceleration to boots in iran, don't fucking kid yourself.
Pick one, and only one
Chain migration is still a thing. So when those 25 million illegals trump admitted to be being here receive amnesty, then each of those 25 million will bring in another 6.
this needs to be coopted into "amount of population that commits 50% of all crime"
Pick both. It doesn't stick because nogs are too fucking stupid to process the memetic virus.
Hmmm I tried to retort against this, but then I remember that the only reason why sheboons picked up feminism in the US is because of "intersectionality" in the first place.
I have never seen an attractive lateenks. Even their celebrity tier top .1% are butt ugly. J-Lo and Christina Agulara were never pretty even at the height of their youth. (might be dating myself as a 30 year old boomer here with these references)
They exist, but that's because they have a heavily white admixture to them.