hello everyone persiananon here i wanted to talk about happenings here i'm not insider but my country and people need your help i know ypu are o ones personal army but if you don't help us my country will go full communist with a woman leader run by globalists i beg you for the GOD and jesus christ help us
Hello everyone persiananon here i wanted to talk about happenings here i'm not insider but my country and people need...
the reason you don't see iran general on half chan is that even with vpn none can post there
Trumpnigger threads just keep getting worse and worse.
You're probably fucked m8.
Trump belongs to Zion.
dnc schills are scared
only pompeo and trump want to help iran other oppositions are in bed with government
nancy pelosi is friend with maryam rajavi
Welcome brother. Zig Forums stands in solidarity with Iran against Israel and its JewSA attack dog puppet.
An Iranian with a German proxy does post there though. He makes threads about the US government stealing all his cryptocurrency so he's now living out of a tent.
itold you you cant because you have to buy a pass
about theire war it is a show , iran is contrled by different groups/country one is israel
is anyone even want me to continue ?
just tell me someone am i safe enough to tell everything ?
Prolly less fucked than we are longer term,demographically. You will lighten up as a people as Zionist Israel & 'murica lose power in Central Asia& ME while we are completely mudded out.
That,& at least you quit fucking niggers centuries ago.
Sure, buddy. I know I'm not working for .
nigger this board can barely see the forest for the trees
Testing our shitty language pack:
why eveyone itt is defeatist ?
Fuck it. Pic related.
We have a bad king.
Just try to survive, nothing's going to get better until the USA is in civil war, but when that happens feel free to nuke israhell off the map. Immediately. Also purge the shit out of your weak "politicians" and set up warlords to further purge the scum from your lands. A sizable portion of Whites are over there, enough to be worth saving. Just gotta do a little political editing first
nobody nukes there all this war is whos going to controll there
i mean no one wants to help people ? you have the power toc chang anything
It wears one down to lose every single war every single century w/o a 1% totally lacking competence to go with strategic vision.
Right in the feels :(
We cant even change the WASP/ BOLSHEVIK/ ZIONIST cabal thars been in charge right after the ink was dry on our incorporation.
but you exposed pedophiles in pizzagate
Because our media has already convinced a majority of our people that we should be fine with accepting all the degeneracy and eventually going extinct. That's basically it
Then take it manually, I don't give a fuck. Beat them to death with sticks if that's what you feel like. You're on the hook for ACTUALLY killing 6 million jews this time. And I'll handle the other 6 million. You better not pussy out on me, this is a done deal
im not talking about jews they are in bed with our government all this fight is a show if you dot know almost all of israels fruits are from iran
Oh I know exactly what you're talking about. Our government is infested with rat kikes too. You'll need to get rid of those first, which will probably mean re-inventing your own government. I'm telling you to kill all kikes, wherever they are
stop your anger
No. If you won't save yourself I see no point in talking to you, and have no problem bombing you out next. And you know I really don't, the casualty rate in your area is expected to top 88% and that's a good thing
sorry nobody even cares what i was going to say there were lots of things but ok guess i was wrong coming here good bye everyone
Persia was the USA of the antique and the Greeks kind of Nazis (Barbarians!). The Greeks hated the jews and the jews back. It is kind of ironic that he greatest of Greek generals, Alexander fell into the trap of multiculturalism and oriental decadence, still the Greeks hated the jews.
Persia was full civ-nat and best friend of the hebs. Sounds familiar? They were already fucked, literally before the arab and turk-mongol took them from behind.
Watch Muricans, your future will being mongrelized like Persia!
Iranian exiles, particular the women are the mostly insufferable communist cunts. The only ones worse are the Kurds (kind of bastard Persians, so bastard of bastard. If you want to get a glimpse of their attitude, watch the manga "Persepolis".
The thing is, Irans current government are sucker for semitic penis for religious grounds. Khomeini even claimed descent from the paedo street robber Mohammed.
So it is a pity that the great turk, the Shah has been removed from the premises, while kind of cucked, not cucked enough for the hebes.
i was'nt trolling but whatever makes you laugh at me
eskandar freed iranians from the hands of radical zartoshtis and kind of continued hakhamaneshis dynasty
we fucked because of zartoshtis , then arabs and moghols and now jews
khomeini was indian not iranian
you 100 percent right about iranian women nad do not watch that persepolis movie its made by a woman
shah was in bed with england and eussia and fucked country ( i mean mohmadreza )
G-d is not here.
Saw Persepolis several years ago .US/UK
owes you big time.
Guess we couldnt learn from your sub-Saharan slave trade, India,& the "Tar Baby" nature of far-flung imperial ambition.
Kikes in your 1%'s ear,same as it ever was.
&yet they're not dangling from a human mobile off a crane!
We’ve got our own problems and this guy wants us to divert our valuable time, energy, and resources towards helping browns who hate us