Hence, pregnant women shouldn't drink.
Telling pregnant women not to drink is sexist
Yeah. Something new to worry about. OMG thay might change the government guidelines.
"charities and researchers have called for" = forced meme. Ignore. Do something productive instead.
Some good redpills here.
Half the UK are FAS babies anyways. It's all chavs getting blind drunk and knocked up in the back of the kebab shop.
Let's trust this doctor with all the busted veins in her nose.
Daily reminder that the military does not kill these people.
FAS Deniers.
white vagina at work.
All i want to do is see these people in a ditch, dead
Dumb bitch, doesn't she know we are going to be at war soon? Her children will be fighting for their lives and race against the hordes of non-Whites. Does she have not a care?
saying that foetal alcohol syndrome is a negative illness is healthist.
they are just different. so are the ones born brain dead or inside out with their organs hanging out.
all life = equal.
as a strong, independent and seriously mentally ill woman, I have decided to have children at 47, although I have aids, HPV and hepatitus and herpes, the three lucky Hs as we call them. I have been preparing for conception by drinking a bottle of gin a day, injecting heroin, and the father is 80 years old and has been braindead and in a coma for the last 18 years.
he also is a survivor of a nuclear accident, so his body is highly irradiated.
i took the front door off my microwave to ensure that my ovaries are irradiated on a regular basis too.
i've been smoking 80 cigarettes a day too, and drinking drain clearing fluid after breakfast.
i am ensuring pregnancy by taking a ton of fertility drugs, and slurping up a blend of harvested blood and organs from children for lunch every day, stem cells are my favourite.
my body is riddled with tumours, forty different kinds, and doctors say i'll likely die when the baby is still 1-2 months premature. doesn't matter because i'm doing motocross throughout the pregnancy anyway, as well as attending stair-falling stunt classes twice a week.
i'll die, the - thing - will be cut out of me and kept alive artificially against all levels of sense and nature, and then be kept alive artificially for a few decades after that, with any luck it will have an utterly torturous and horrific life where it can't speak, see or hear, and it can't move beyond a few spastic twitches of horribly deformed limbs.
don't tell me what to do though, that's sexist.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this.
yes, but they all cried murder over flint.
Imagine having your internal though processing language so kiked.
s/though/thought drunk
I was born 810. What are you saying here?
Shit's kinda old, mate.
Acknowledging gender is sexist.
Acknowledging race is racist.
Not believing Jews on TV is anti-Semitic.
Living as a straight, white male is homophobic and racist!
Not sure if this is actually the worst timeline or not.
I don't know where you anons live, but where I am it is considered normal for a pregnant white woman to drink a glass of wine or a bottle of beer a couple nights week.
Our ancestors were raised drinking beer and wine every single day. I don't know why we should stop now just because niggers, injuns, and gooks can't handle their liquor.
imagine having to wear a face that says "my mother cared more about her buzz than me" your entire life
SMASH YOUR LIMBS BEFORE YOU TALK TO PEOPLE IN WHEELCHAIRS! BEING ABLE IS A PRIVILEGE! End abled supremacism. Do the opposite of whatever cultural traditions teach because check you Fucking priblege.
No, in fact this isn't enough. Everything considered superior or more desirable than other things is privileged and supremacist, therefore must be brought down to the level of other things through inverting cultural values. Being a genius must be twisted around ; intelligence and intellectual capacity must be painted in a negative light. The existence of genius is supremacist and exclusionary, therefore needs to end. The weakest and most helpless should be worshiped and idolized, ineptitude yearned for as an end goal. It's the only way to abolish privilege and enforce equality.
He thinks women should avoid making themselves and their offspring sick. That's rich! Hilarious! This guy should become a comedian, get over here and sign him up on a contract Shlombowitz!
I hope all their babies come out retarded. That should be the end of them, since they won't pass on their genes.
IIRC the effects of alcohol on fetuses in the womb basically falls off of a cliff after the first trimester and up to a glass a day of wine has no effect.
Lee or (((Lee))) ?
If I'd see some pregnant whore holding a glass of wine or a cigarette I'd verbally abuse the shit out of her or give her 5 across the face.
But only if she's white.
If she's a sandnigger, poo, gyppo or nigger I'd happily poor her another and light up another fag for and tell her: "You go girl!"
Why risk it? Are you a nigger?
Probably…or some 16 year old whore with a nigger baby….or the cuck dad of his wifes nigger son….
This and
reality is what my delusion prescribes it to be, and you're not real.
Is it that difficult to abstain from alcohol for nine months? I didn’t touch alcohol as I consider it child abuse. I feel the same about smoking.
daily reminder to start having a wife and kids now while you're in your 20s
kek made my day user
Inclusion of women into ordinary activities full stop is a bad idea
Daily reminder this is the real world
go out and find your cutie, user-kun
fuck her like the wild animal you are. The screams of pleasure, the wetness and slippery texture of her V hole. That comfort and warmth. The connection.
Then she aborts your baby because…."it's my choice"…………
Then the old, "If you don't do what I say I will divorce you and take your kids away"
They're doing it to themselves. I say let them.
And all the beer fat…
Asymmetric warfare.
Funny how kikeface and FAS face are similar
You can't be a congrasswoman n sheet.
German girls don't open their legs after one beer.
I hope you realize that is a parody account but yeah the real Maxine is really fucking dumb.
Remember that one Congressnigger who thought the island of Guam could tip over from Marines being stationed on it?
Pillar 33.
Never,. ever trust anyone named Lee.
Oh well, they're just going to all have retarded kids with diseases, so it's all good because a chick who drinks when she's having a kid does't deserve a healthy kid
Dumb nigger. The men may have drank. The men aren't the ones developing and birthing children. The mens' intakes are not actively affecting development.
That's where you should have your second and third. It's late for the first.
This this this this this
Post of the fucking decade
Lee tries to ruin everything.
uh durrrr its zero dumb bitch
In the future amazonian x-games woman will deliver mid-air.
This but unironically
I think the people with disability will want to have unfriendly chat with them to lecture them how hard it is to live with the disability.
The men drank. The women at most would have a half glass of wine during celebrations/major events and that's about it. Furthermore the types of pilsner your pregnant female ancestors drank was between 1-3% alcohol content and was only alcoholic as a means of sterilizing whatever shitty water source was used to produce it.
Daily reminder that all women are whores and in the majority of species, 80% of males don't reproduce anyways.
Daily reminder that there are other ways to benefit the white species than just fucking.
The issue is this has nothing to do with laws (since in most 1st world countries there's nothing stopping a pregnant woman from drinking herself into a stupor daily). It has everything to do with removing those little "warning: don't drink while pregnant" labels from bottles of booze/convincing young, easily imprinted minds that they can drink while preggers.
You just made this up right now, didn't you?
Pilsner is a specific type of Czech lager, not a broad category. I think you meant to say 'beer'. Also, the alcohol itself isn't what sterilizes the beer, It's the boiling of the water/ingredients and the fermentation process. You pseudo-know-it-all anime fagging homo.
looking at her face her mother must have been completely smashed when she had her.
If their genetics have left them with such shitty reasoning and IQ as to want to drink while pregnant, their fetal alcohol kid is never gonna reproduce and it will end a failure of a bloodline.
This is why I believe the idiots need to be sterilised.
A whole generation of Maisie Williams in the making
No problem until their idiot adolescent son, overgrown from eating clown food laced with bovine growth hormone for his entire life suddenly impulsively gets the urge to run up behind you and drop kick you through the big plate glass window of the gas station/snack store as you're going in to pay for your gas. You wind up seriously crippled for life.
Funny how AFS boys end up looking like they're Irish. I'm having trouble deciding that's because all the Irish are drunks and their kids are all AFS or if it's because AFS degrades you genetically into a lower form of life, like the Irish.
Hi jew it’s you again.
Not a jew, far from it.
Just sick of the micks that's all. What have those fuckers ever done to distinguish themselves?
Is that bottle in Churchkike's pocket real? What a degenerate lush.
So the kikes want babies with fetal alcohol syndrome now.
Probably. He was a huge alcoholic. David Irving completely redpilled me on him.
Huxley, Orwell, and Vonnegut saw this shit coming, and that's just the normie-tier stuff you're supposed to read before you finish high school. I can't help but wonder if people are so numb from years of public schooling that they lose the ability to even process this stuff.
I've read 1984, BNW, and BNW Revisited and I'll share my experience with our English class reading the first one. It's not that students are retarded or numb, they can write when told so and what they lack is awareness. In this respect they're absolutely retarded, how can somebody be reading 1984 and not even pickup the book to look around., instead they immediately whip out their phones to check whatever and continue with their lives as if nothing happened. It gets better, when writing the essays themselves the proselytize about issues in society yet it's all superficial having talked to them outside of class they just schmooze it for the grade. Nearly all of them were like this, and these people are the fodder for sociopaths and Jews in the future. They are smart enough to carry out boss' orders but unaware of why they are doing such or eventually justify it to themselves.
You're banned
While I agree a woman could probably drink half a pint of real ale, once a month during pregnancy, and there'd be no harm at all done to the child, what's the point of drinking during pregnancy in the first place?
The point of the "no alcohol whatsoever" rule is to minimise unnecessary risk. These people who want to give their babies FAS are alcoholics who can't imagine life, not even for 9 months, without getting tipsy on the weekends.
That's fucked, glad my mom didn't drink. Could be cursed like that.
So? Let them do it then, all their kids are going to be retarded, let them kill themselves off if it's what they want
Good lord the limeys are such cucks.
Holy shit I've known like 5 people with those features. They were all short as well.
Some fields shouldn’t be eligible for the title doctor
English already look like they have FAS
Not funny piece of shit
A person said to leave this post here and it will do the rest have fun
they do
such cases
Fucking kek