Walmart Nationalists
By Bob Igelston
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Sweet Blog Bob.
Nobody wants to touch this.
It hits too close to home.
I expected a strawman argument against white nationalists, but I agree with the sentiment in the OP entirely. The war we are fighting isn't against Jews, or oligarchs, or blacks or whatever most anons think – none of these groups have power themselves, they can only exploit our own weaknesses; they only exploit the chinks in our armor. I have the utmost faith in our race when it is not in a sickly state, so I know that all we have to do it heal ourselves and our opposition will melt away with little effort. Of course, due to the parasitic nature of the threats we are facing, they will do their utmost to drag us down to their level and keep us from cleansing our own weaknesses, and therefore they still stand as our enemies, but they should be recognized as symptoms and not the root cause of our ailments. And so I say again, the war we are fighting is against ourselves and these Walmart Nationalists are only one of the manifestations of our collective maladies.
The more I think about these people that you call 'Walmart Nationalists', the more I think of them as another iteration of failed normalfags/lemmings/plebs etc. These are usually dysgenic people, with less than favorable circumstances that have suffered some kind of abuse, or isolation and so become degenerate Untermenschen that act edgy and loud for attention. These people are the least capable of our race at self-directing themselves, and are highly dependent on leadership, but that doesn't mean we should give up hope on them, we just need to recognize them as what they are. Hitler showed us that even people wallowing in degeneracy are capable of being saved with adequate leadership.
From Hitler, we also know that the masses are feminine, so if lemmings/normalfags are a group of women, the Walmart nationalist would be their fat and loud friend with pink hair that talks really loudly and won't get out of your face because she has daddy issues.
Good blog (ill give you a "nice blogpost faggot" to get it out of the way, board rules are board rules) but to be honest I've always associated siegeculture with exactly this problem.
I don't know if you realize this, but more than half of the 'read SIEGE' spammers I've run into:
a) haven't read SIEGE, and probably don't have the attention span to do so
b) are the people that most desperately need to read and understand what's going on.
All of the offshoots from SIEGEculture and IronMarch have become total dumpster fires, and most of that is because the people involved in these groups never actually read SIEGE but just yelled that to their friends because the whole aesthetic of the site attracts mentally unstable edgy tryhards who think they're going to buy nitrogen fertilizer and hunting vests from walmart and overthrow the american government with their dad's shotgun. The entire fiasco with AWP, Odin and that nutty Muslim kid sums up the 'Walmart Nationalist' problem to a tee.
I don't neccesarily blame James Mason, or his ideas for this, but there's a serious problem with most of the groups surrounding him .
These people remind me this first image. I just made the second image, an user recommended this article and I thought that it was a really good read so I screencapped it because it has a lot of parallels with any movement. Both of these images are also similar to what Hitler said about needing his movement composed of radicals in Mein Kampf, but I don't have that readily available to post.
Wait a minute…have skinheads been real this whole time?
Thanks for reminding me that only low IQ people give a fuck about SEEJ.
"it’s traitorous whites and degenerate whites"
No, it's traitorous kikes and degenerate kikes. Merchant forces the goy to buy, or starve / get arrested.
Fuck off.
I would say I'm in agreement with this post, but the one point of contention would be the mindset behind this statement.
Could this not also be because of generations of dysgenic whites being incentivized by original corruption by a jew? Take the recent Gilette ad for example. By the like/dislike ratio it's obvious to see where people stand, but the commercial was still artificially pushed by money and the powers that be.
He also mentioned PRcucks, but I would say the whole point is weak willed individuals who don't see the forest or the trees on issues
Stop being stupid for fuck's sake. That isn't what he's saying at all.
Second article is really good, I've seen the first image a million times.
The only criticism I have of the first image is that you need both carrot and stick. Many of us are all stick, and an 'all stick' approach can only work if you can take the whole damn thing out in one go, which any sane person should realize we can't do from our current position.
We need to offer the normie something that 'the system' can't offer them, and monopolize on that thing so that nobody else can offer it. Then use that power to leverage more things that we can offer.
Fuck off Bob. I'm an American and not one of these goddamn mixed race disgusting fucks
It's literally what it says shlomo
shit thread
wrong. non-white cohabitation and miscegenation are the only existential threats to the survival of the white race
it does
yeah I skimmed it and this guy is dumb as fuck and 100% wrong, basically
Are you sure about that?
Are you sure about that?
Are you sure about that?
Nobody (but leftists and kikes) is against whites improving themselves, hanging out with and lying about le baste shitskins doesn't make you look cool either. (((Seej))) is obvious controlled opposition.
He writes like a nigger.
You're supposed to post memes not become one.
It means kosher aut-kike nationalism, like Implicit Dick Spencer and Cuck Boys.
The first skinheads in UK loved reggae and black music… the Nazi shit is a disgusting perversion of that.
See your supervisor.
Those are SHARPs - faggots from the masonic lodge who invented 'ska'.
COINTELPRO demoralization psyop
At least they actually tried to do something in the real world.
I actually like the IE folks. Respectable guys. I love the amount of self-improvement I read about here.
Zig Forums used to be better last year when they'd talk about actual strategy and normie outreach. We'd discuss what issues had mass appeal and caused visceral reaction (Population replacement, Trans kids, & bomb'm/invite'm wars in case you are wondering) We'd talk about ways to make people "Notice" that didn't expose us and allowed people to think THEY figured it out.
I'm old enough to remember when skinheads were a thing. Toothless sub-80 IQ dumbasses who failed optics so hard that they are STILL being used as a Boogeyman to dredge up Jewish shekels for political donations.
Kampfy used to have mental breakdowns of we tried discussing the problem of whitetrash in our movement. Its nice that we can expose the low IQ posters ( ala the Walmart Trump Voters )
bump for disentangling and revealing hollywood manufactured, degenerate, ignorant subcultures
When I tried picturing a "Walmart Nationalist", I came up with a Siege memer. It even brings up CF who certainly wasn't a big fan of that general group. As I read through the article, I found myself mostly facing an echo of my sentiment; you won't save whites if your only strategy is to logic and reason everyone else out of white nations. Then it turns out the author is just a Siege memer who doesn't like it when boomers use his iconography to LARP. Oh well.
You going to have to deal with the fact that a large percentage of Whites are below 100IQ and have a lot of issues. If you're a White nationalist, it implies you do not exclude them on grounds of their class or capabilities but include them on the grounds of their race. Else you will run into the same problem communists did where they cannot stand the prole, getting too high off their own scholarly farts.
Normally don't get raids mid-week. Kikes are trying to hide something big.
Siegeculture is a degenerate O9A death cult that is run by Satanist retards who worship Jim Jones, Ted Bundy and pedophiles like them (Ian Brady). They are the definition of methhead mentally ill trash.
Here are the people who run this little psyop.
You will never be white, yid.
Atomwaffen/Siegeculture is a joke. One of them, 'Blitz', recently got exposed as a homosexual who messaged some 56% mixed race goblina trap and was going to marry it. No kidding. Kiwifarms has a good thread on Atomwaffen/Siegeculture if you want to read more.
Most posters here come from 'White trash' families and communities.
Quality post, thank you. Time to start the TEWN (Trash Exclusionary White Nationalist) movement then.
Anglos will never overcome their classism to unite against the jew. For the Anglo, being considered high class is their only goal in life. Quit larping as Germans you American Anglo-kike losers.
polish up your clown shoes twat
Please tell me more about what we should do, guy who can't even write properly.
It's very sad but true. Whites generally are obsessed with image and class but we all know it's going to be Kiegan and Chris operating the FEMA camps.
Your stunning lack of self awareness is stupefying.
nice b8 dude
So you're saying they're finally going to patch things up with TRS?
this is an O9A subversion post. reported.
It's true. He was the Terry Davis of his time.
He's right. Many nationalists are content with capitalism without addressing that it is intrinsically linked and is in the realm of the jew. Also despite what many say, the jews are not the sole ones to blame. They are a small and weak minority, yet we constantly allow them to ransack us and hold our nations hostage. Only a sick society would have allowed these parasites to get as far as they have, and to fix this issue we need to look at what caused the conditions for complacency to these elements in the first place and act accordingly.
Any more of you tranny fucks have your fake cunts rot out yet? kek
Wtf I love blog posting now.
This is true. Now it's nothing but back and forth; "Orange Man Good!" "NO! Orange Man Bad!"
Interspersed with a few /x/ tire threads and personal pet peeves like religion and womyn.
What even happened to the skinheads?
There are IDs here, Ricky.
They got replaced by Zoomers who are typically higher IQ but are the laziest fuckers outside their own grandparents.
The main problem when fighting Walmart Nationalists is that you often end up in the same places communists are. The end stage of this is usually Natbol or Strasserism, both of which are firmly Zig Forums topics that Zig Forums has no desire to look into.
I'd go so far to argue that the Jew itself is only a symptom of a larger capitalist problem, it's clear that capital is trying to destroy white society in that large companies want to replace white stock with cheap labor and imported flotsam which also has the bonus of destroying knowledge (especially of manufacturing processes and do-it-yourself information) that perpetuates the cycle. However, even getting anywhere to discussing socialism on Zig Forums is impossible because everyone here worships Hitler. There's nothing wrong with worshiping Hitler, but he himself is not infallible and his fall can be attributed to him killing all his NatSoc contemporaries in stupid purges aimed at consolidating his power. Unfortunately much of this knowledge was destroyed by both Nazi authorities (per the internal purges) and Jews postwar. What's left was mostly preserved by Communists who saw it as a part of themselves.
This relates to a broader discussion of Socialism, one which Nazi party members themselves resolved by more or less aligning with Communists after WW2. It's why West Germany (modern Germany) had to outright ban all communist parties because they explicitly wanted to let the tanks roll in and destroy their new jew government. Also for as bad as communists were, the RAF is exactly what Hitler wanted his endgame to be of guerrilla warfare against Americans. They continued that war until reunification in 1990.
Punching Right: The Blogpost
I don't disagree with some of the points but it smacks of the intercine White class warfare that liberals engage in. Always looking down their noses at the lowest rungs in White society. The thing is, these people are mostly salvageable. But non-Whites will never be trustworthy allies no matter what. So even the Walmartians are a big cut above any jew or non-White. They just need firm direction, authority, and options in their lives. Sure, it's easy to be disgusted by the morbidly obese shitheads who don't seem to have any coherent thoughts, but there are so many higher priority enemies to attack that it reveals something insidious about the writer's character when he singles out poor and rural Whites as the target of his ire.
Funny, cause seejtards are even more retarded than skinheads. They are basically white niggers who worship Charles Manson. They aren't in the position to criticize anyone.
How long would it take a eugenics program to make defective whites extinct, or at least incredibly rare?
I don't see why incentives for voluntary sterilization are considered extreme but ripping apart a 9 month old fetus without anesthetic is not.
The problem is that salvaging these people -giving them the tools and knowledge to destroy their jew-infected communities- uses the same means as communists and socialists. A lot of people on the right can't accept that half of national socialism is socialism. Richard Stallman himself has done more to promote WNism because his GPL can be used to make 3d printers that make guns. There's more to destroying jewish privilege than shooting, it demands renewal and construction along with warfare. Look at Germany's high speed lines and Autobahns, whose core networks were built out in the 1930s.
How's that festering second asshole?
How did Hitler's cap stay on?
Yes, it will.
Subversive deformed kike spotted. Killing all of you and all immigrants is the best solution.
Violence always wins.
tornigger here, nice blogpost OP. let the blogposting commence
How has nobody understood the basic message of SIEGE? It is very simple. Dedicate oneself to total resistance by eitheror both attacking (((the system))) or dropping out of it entirely go innawoods. The observation made that democratic political strategy (i.e. mass strategy, like Hitler) had already been tried in the jewnited states and failed.
The other message was to focus on living in the present in such a way that would further toward the goal of the future. Look at how Trump brought a new flock of sheep into the GOP and cuckservatism and the same for #FeelTheBerntm on the other "side." That was a delightful telavivision, twitter, kikebook, and reddit spectacle that fractured yet more of the white population. The overton window has shifted, too, and that has led many of the willing and ready down the right path. But this has been happening for around 70 years now. What comes next? What should be done now? Make no mistake, it's an important thing to continue, but it's not the only thing.
I would argue that fracturing the white population is a good thing. It may appear in the best interests of jewry that whites not be united but it reveals loyalties. Cuckservatives, progressives, and larpers will never stop feeding the jewish parasite that rapes them; even if they "sieg heil!" every morning. With more goyim having been revealed, what next? How can this be used to the benefit of white people? Would redpilling a goy make a convert or just a medicated goy? Some break ranks, but the rest will not. Perhaps they need to be made to break rank or perish, then? Or maybe they want to break ranks but cannot or do not know how due to some other failure.
Jewry the world over is currently churning 24/7 trying to turn the, yet another, resurgance of gnatseeism into their benefit again so sticking to current tactics will only go so far. Eventually, the tactics will have to change. With all the redpilled gen. zyklons, what next? Wait for them to be devoured by the system by their own naivete, wait for them to do the work themselves, or maybe give them more inspiration toward effective action?
Even though James Mason's writings were more than a decade after his inspiration, Charles Manson, had been imprisoned, the strategy he saw may have been dead or ineffective by that time. Who knows? What is the strategy now, and who is out doing it?
Is the goal to preserve the white race, to achieve mastery of the world and universe, to live in harmony with all of creation, or something else?
Also, learn from the past as well.
sage for double post
Great thread, archived.
More (((Weev))) classism against working class whites. You're a fucking kikeservant if you fall for this shit.
More (((Weev))) classism against working class whites. You're a fucking kikeservant if you fall for this shit.
More (((Weev))) classism against working class whites. You're a fucking kikeservant if you fall for this shit.
These must be the anti-nationalists.
Better version?
Low brow Nazi fag calling others "Walmart Nationalists".
Does not get any more kosher than this.
My mom always said
It's good advice.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with the expressed sentiment. What I don't like is the subversive egalitarian nods sprinkled in.
Memes aside, has anyone taken their time to actually read Siege? All these anti-Siege naysayers are starting to sound like those people who think Hitler was a baby-eating monster without ever having picked up Mein Kampf.
In that case, my belief that Americans need to experience privation in order to be moved to do something about our slow genocide is further reinforced.
Have you?
Siege memes are far better than the book, which is written like a middle schooler told to write an essay and doesn't actually say anything that hasn't been already said by better men who had a firm grasp of basic grammar.
Pierce, Covington, Rockwell, and Whitaker are fare more enlightening and stable writers.
Who the fuck thinks that Charles Mason is a hero of our race?
Pierce and Rockwell would have agreed with Mason.
Yes, Jew controlled opposition is and was so successful. Muh Nadzees. muh Racists, muh Niggers, muh Kikes ad nauseam
I read it because Ironmarch forced everyone too. Its got good points, buts its immensely black-pilled and flirts with Manson. Manson was a deranged fuckwit.
This. Sage
Same shit over & over.
And both were far superior in every way.
Read Pierce.
Good thread OP. fuck the shills
At least you were consistent, Bob. The internal, some could argue eternal, issue with the European, western man (apart from the jew) is the shabbos goy, not the low-caste brother and sister–powerless as they have always been. Julian the Apostate, the usurper Maximus (who was probably a kike), both sons of Theodosius I, Witiza himself and his sons, Peter the Cruel, archbishop Oppas and on until present the shabbos goy in his citadel has been the prime enabler of the jew, not the low-caste European who is prime mover only of the shit he shovels.
I prefer wignats tbh.
Wasn't being egalitarian. If whites were of better quality this wouldn't be a situation we would be in. I'm aware the majority of white people won't be the cream of the crop but it's very important for the leadership to be so they can lead society away from these things that breed complacency and weakness in people, and make them vulnerable for the jew to take advantage of them.
They themselves aren't a threat. They have to hide behind brainwashed goys and their golems to have any real power. Were it not for that it would be like the second temple all over again.
Why is it that retards can't figure out that its not JUST the kikes? Are you fucking scared or something? Are you scared of the reality that the majority of your people are APART of the problem?
It's just a fact. A lot of them are the house niggers of the modern era.
hi kike
duh. include them for social darwinism of the white nationstate in the future
how retarded can these kikes be? and if you think NSDAP wasn't social darwinist, you are naive. No such thing as a nationstate without challenges to power. Such is the way of things - Jews/nonwhites are just not part of the nation.
you're living in a fantasy world where major nationstates, like China, do not exist and do not collectively advance their interests for a billion+ people - such that you're against even relegating the degenerate to lower castes; you want to expel them completely
AKA, you're an anglokike, most likely
richard spencer is a civic nationalist?
Are Newton and Goethe jews in the 8/pol universe?
No one knows what Spencer is. Not even Spencer. He is all over the place politically.
Seems like you're too stupid to get his point. Even William Pierce pointed out that Americans have a propensity to importing cheap labor.
Pretty much.
Wow, for once a post by someone who actually read the damn thing. Usually it's just retards spouting nonsense either for or against without actually having any sense of what they're talking about.