Hey Zig Forums I have been doing research on the topic of DMT entities for quite a while now as they once fasinated me, I only now see them as a demonic deception. I bet you have often heard how this substance is bad but with no explaination. I encourage you to really approach these posts with a truely open mind, and to share this information with whoever you think it may help.
Here are some primers:
3:06 "we're Just going to fix a few things" Operating on a human trying to "fix" things is incredibly suspicious.
3:26 he is being affirmed that he is not one of Gods creations, but an insignificant little monkey whos life ultimatley boils down to pleasures.
4:30 lets a demon eat into his neck, getting into his heart. Claims that it was nessesary to just let it happen and to not resist to avoid the trip going "bad"
6:46 Demon mocks him (presumably for being so blind about the true nature of the universe)
7:13 gives soul to demon of all demons. Claims hes not religious and its "very archetypal." This man is seeing a demon right in front of him and completley disavowing religion altogether. This being also has horns.
8:48 kisses the demon of all demons on the head, showing love to evil (essentially worshipping evil)
9:20 After showing the demon of all demons love, he is gifted with "beautiful demons"
9:59 demon of all demons comes back as a giant sea serpent (levithan) asks to do a soul trade
11:23 Marcus is gifted with a vision of Satan and "a Jesus like figure" making out and having gay sexual intercourse with Jesus as the "bottom" This vision
There are other points in this video I didnt really have time to put down. But sometimes its fun to make your own conclusions.
Other urls found in this thread:
When delving into the realm of entheogens, 'entities' are literally always encountered. These beings are often incredibly complex in ways the human mind struggles to wrap its head around. Terrance McKenna, a self proclaimed psychonaught coined the term ' self transforming machine elves'.
The most common explanation for these entitites are categorised by the secular western world as 'archetypes' embedded into every human by evolution to guard mankind. Another explanation is that since psychedelics link so many parts of the brain together, they are just figments of the users imagination. These are nice explanations if you only beleive in the physical, so you can toss the spiritual part of these experiences to 'a higher state of conciousness.'
A popular lie amongst psychonaughts is that the negative experiences are meant to teach you lessons about yourself that your psyche has brought to you. However, there are too many connections that can be made about these entities to conclude that they are only psychical interpretations of your mind on a simple compound.
It is important to note also that spiritual practices of Yoga, Meditation, Psychedelics, all 'clear the mind' potentially eroding mankinds barrier to the spiritual realm exposing them to nefarious entities in the process. If you know a thing or two about hypnosis, youll often hear that to be open to hypnosis or to be susceptible to it, is how willing you are to be hypnotised. This is why hypnotisers must build up the stages of hypnosis when performing. Now, an incredibly common piece of advice given by most psychonaughts is that you should imagine a piece of white light in your heart. This helps the tripper ground themselves in a trip to help remind them they will be ok. This practice of imagining yourself as a piece of bright white light is common in kabbahlistic spiritualism. The other piece of advice is you MUST give in to the experience no matter how terrifying or enjoyable. Which is exactly what you would need to do to be hypnotised.
The first of these entities are often seen present as little beings of light. They claim they are there to fix a few things and then proceed to enter the body and head of the user. This normally occurs when the user is being distracted by other visions to keep them steady until the main part of the trip. It is important to note that when the tripper denies these little light doctors ( or any entities for that matter) they start to become very upset and even violent very quickly which also occurs later on during trips.
When the user reaches past the hypnosis part of the trip they move on to a dazziling display of lights. (look up AJNA LIGHT on youtube) during this stage the user often sees many symbols of egyptian or mayan origin as well as other origins. These entities are often made of light (almost like little g gods.) Adding to the dazzling display of lights, many experiences of people suggest a 4 dimensional space, as they cannot comprehend the complexity of the visuals and entities.
I encourage you to read researchgate.net
The appearance of these entites is rather facinatinating, which is a rather bad thing in my opinion. These alien like, snake beings often seen shape shifting into other entities resemble characteristics of predators on earth. I would like to think of 'HORNEDMACHILEDEVIL' as somewhat of a lionfish. Lion fish hunt by standing in the open, waiting for a fish to be caught in its incredible display of fins, which then the lion fish strikes and devours the fish. There are many other sea predators such as the cuttle fish which uses the lights and colours on its body to hypnotise small fish until it is too late. youtube.com
On top of resembling some predators, they can appear as numerous Idols such as Bhudda, Shiva, or other pagan entities. You will find in much 'visionary art' clear references to yoga & meditation, which encourages these Satanic spiritual pracitices. Another common denominator between these entities is that they often have a 'third eye' (I know there arent many examples here but a quick google search you will find hundreds of results) The third eye in Occult practices is said to be the crown charkra or pineal gland, and supposedly when it is opened you open yourself to the spirit world. Many people opening their third eye or activating their chakras have experienced psychosis, demon visuals and even seizures. DO NOT just disregard these practices are not real because they are very real and evil, disguised as a beautiful practise.
The symbols a user will often encounter during a dmt trip are called 'sacred geometry' but a look at the bible will tell you that it is actually the star of Remphan, another name for MOLOCH or SATAN. This is the same symbol used by king solomon to summon entities, and is used by occultists such as marina abramovic, along side the pentagram. As you may know, the word HEX comes from hexagon, which is the same shape used in this star of Satan. Acts 7:43 "You have taken up the tabernacle of Molek and the star of your god Rephan, the idols you made to worship. Therefore I will send you into exile' beyond Babylon."
this is not relevant to Zig Forums
As you saw in that joe rogan clip, He was terrorised before he was given 'beautiful wisdom' I beleive this is a deception tactic. IN the interview he said he was quite shaken after just being totaled for the whole trip, and then was brought beautiful knowledge. If these entities were really good, why would they feel the need to terrorise him? I feel like this ignorance of terror is due to the hypnosis. You will often see users of DMT with the same fake enlightened look in their eyes.
TO SUMMARISE, these entities should be considered nothing else than an APEX PREDATOR, their cunning and trickery knows almost no ends as different types of entities are being discovered daily. The hypnosis is perfect for deceiving its spiritual prey, its pretty lights a great distraction from its sinister intentions, and often times looks like a predator, (even though they can shapeshift into anything they want almost) It seems like these entities are truly demons posing as gods with every predatory gift of any animal on earth at its disposal.
2 Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
There is so much more I simply didnt have time to discuss today, I really encourage you all to do some digging as there are some questions about these entities i havent quite been able to answer yet.
The political implications will be much more prevalent in the near future than you think. A psychedelic uproar is about to take place very soon.
This sounds much more insidious and deceptive than the demons making fun of the retarded dmt abusers
This is exactly what the globalists want from the general public. The have infected the world with secularism in an attempt to prop up their own religion - the religion of Babylon. The will do this after the war, and after great famines, they will blame the religions of old for the struggles and pains caused, the great Pagan age will be upon the world. Everyone will flock to it because it is peaceful but they do not know what they are getting into.
Take your drug induced schizophrenia and fuck off back to
>>>Zig Forums
Thanks, will definitley be checking out these boards.
Its literally all in your head, everyone gets the trip they deserve. If you envision jesus having buttsecks with the devil then you werent right to begin with.
Is it similar to hypnosis? Maybe, but its SELF hypnosis, because theres only you and your brain.
You think psychedelics make your mind vulnerable to possesion by demons out of the ether? You propably are hypnotised by some kind of demon already and should work on getting clean before trying again.
If anything, psychedelic experiences can make you more resilient to possesion by quite real demons like addiction, TV and sluts. Really puts things into perspective, its hard to give two fucks about the superficial bullshit people are bombarded with 24/7, after you experienced a serious trip.
Man these slide threads are getting weirder and wierder
I have never tried a psychedelic in my life actually. I am glad I havent as soon after I couldnt get my hands on them I started to realise how bad these really are.
Entities again… yesterday you were talking about masturbation.
I hate occult christians
Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.
Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.
tell me more.
Heaven forbid someone create a thread full of information that took effort to make to try and start a conversation about a topic.
The source is from the video in the OP. The guy talking about his trip references them.
Check this out, this is just one account but I have heard many other stories with similar or identical beginnings. Particularily in Ayahuasca circles. The shaman at the start of when the Ayahuasca starts to take effect sings a song to the spirits of the jungle, invoking these spirits.
Thanks for the effort, OP. Don't let all these faggot downers affect you too much. It's good for Zig Forums to talk about non politics every now and then, and we used to much more.
This kind of shit is vodoo and should be avoided at all costs, even though I say this having a life-altering experience (for the positive) on mushrooms about 10 years ago.
i wonder why shills even bother with this place
Would you be able to go into a bit of detail about your trip? Maybe a bit of a greentext? Please?
Thanks also for your support!
Psilocybin Mushrooms are incredibly safe for consumption, the best advice is to not try and communicate with any sort of entity that doesn't have a physical body. Plenty of people try this sober and it fucks them up more than someone taking a few grams of mushrooms and having an introspective experience and using that to increase his or her own self awareness. Its a tool like everything else and if you give a nigger a hammer he will tear a house down or kill someone, give a white man a hammer and he will build something of use. The same is true with these sort of drugs, they introduce to you a novel way of thinking and perceiving the world around you.
tl;dr if you are a retard and take mushrooms you'll get out of it what you put into it.
I really encourage you to look at Kundalini induced Seizures & Psychosis. It may help you put spirituality into perspective in a different light.
that was interesting.
that's similar to what i have read about experiences from schizo people.
it's jews or boomers.
politically incorrect has nothing to do with politics.
the more they want to shut it down, the more it's pol.
Reports do nothing. CM wants this kind of content. Remember : A board that talks about moon Nazis and tulpas is a safe board.
The absolute state of pol
I was with two friends, but I knew I wanted to be alone, so had a comfy room set aside for me. We each took 5 grams, by the way, which is considered a "heroic" dose. I was just laying on my dog and closed my eyes. I eventually had the realization "I am not the body or the mind," and instantly shifted dimensions to only what can be described as god. It was an overwhelming feeling of finally returning home, where I should really be, to a place of perfection, so much overwhelming love, and I recognized it as the absolute source of the whole universe. I kept crying how it was always with me, always been there, and I just wasn't in alignment with it. It was absolute and perfect, so undeniably so and you were just prostrated to it and bathing in its presence. In some teachings they call it the "Self" or "I am." It was a brilliant light in the center of my head, but it was more about the profundity of what it was than being obsessed with the visual. As being the source of all things, it was immensely powerful for the human mind to comprehend, and as I had cheated to get there, I also felt on the verge of death at any moment, and had to do my best to stay sane. Eventually, what was recognized as my soul, higher self, spoke to my human me in absolute love how I was not yet ready to abide here and I slowly came back to normal consciousness (and this is not to say I wasn't aware of physical reality anymore; it was existing on multiple dimensions at once). My other two friends went bat shit insane though and had horrible times.
Afterwards, I wanted to find out what happened, and something new in my consciousness had opened up. It was like I would either be conscious of myself or I'd just unconscious/lost in thoughts. Christianity didn't help, but I eventually found some teachings that expressed what I experienced, like GI Gurdjieff (who called normies "man machines, and that a person isn't born with a soul, just a potential for it that is earned through self-actualization and hard work) and some saints that have existed in India over the times (some not so distance either), and the rig Vedas and some Zen Buddhism. There was no going back at that point because nothing can ever compare, but I've been mired too much in the world's troubles of late because I was so disgusted at finding out what the jews are doing to humanity. That's my life story, user.
I think that maybe schizophrenics (due to their lack of proper brain function) may be somewhat exposed to the spiritual world as well. Not saying that its not a physical condition, just maybe it might have spiritual implications as well.
Would any of you be able to spread this information to 4Chan Zig Forums? I'm IP blocked for posting about the PizzaGate, Tucson Incident.
Just use a vpn nigger.
No thanks. I don't do drugs. I had muschroom tea and talked with "god".
Boomers are worst. Jews at least do it for themself.
I am also blocked on 4chan.
VPN usualy don't work.
I beleive everyone has a soul, there has to be something spiritual inhabiting the body. Normies are swept away by the world, as the Bible says, they aren't low life humans, just moulded because they always ignore their self-convicting intuition.
Did you bring any "Wisdom" back from the trip or was that it? I had always wanted to try psychedelics prior to my research. The thought of meeting "God" impressed me immensley. It now occurs to me that since these beings teach different forms of spiritualism, they must somehow be connected. Their behaviour led me to beleive that these were not friendly or nuetral entities like many beleive and since this is their nature what else are they lying about. Don't worry user, the Jews & Pizzagate bothered me for a very long time, you must think to yourself, since all these Billionares, Celebrities (Idols), & Politicians always give out hints that they are SATANIC, what is the true nature of the universe if those drawn to the material worship the god of materialism and cheap spiritualism.
4chan/pol is over.
it's not politically incorrect anymore.
it is politics.
it's not a theme you came for the first time you visited pol.
no one really cares about politics.
but one can regress to it over time.
same are the people who regress to memes rather than to arguments.
Its sad really, like watching an old friend drift apart after years of bountiful friendship. It is no longer what is was. I was only hoping to bring this information to more people as I believe there is way too much misinformation talked about this topic.
Thanks Alex, now go back to doing whatever it is you do and let me handle the esoterics. Best not to dabble on foreign ground if you still have threads of terror running through you
I think you took the word "entity" too literally.
Do you seriously think that exess serotonin makes your brain log onto the interdimensionalwebs and expose you to getting hacked by demons?
"Entities" are just representations of your own thoughts, like having an inner monologue or visualizing some mechanical problem, exept that your thoughts on DMT are going way faster or different than you are used to.
They may be representing your own demons, born out of your life experience, which is good because it allows you to face them, when they are usually buried in your unconscious mind.
It changed me forever, and I'm still working on myself. It's very personal though. It's not like something to share with others. If anything, I more quickly realized how unevolved/low of a state most people are in, how they have almost no inner life, or what you can call a soul. Yes, what is happening is actually satanic. It's to keep people in a low and worthless state of worshiping their egos, all the while they're very depressed deep down.
You can try it if you want, but I'd only do a low dose at first. I've never heard about people talking to entities on mushrooms, but who knows. I wouldn't mess with any of that stuff (i.e., actually wanting to talk to some ET/interdimensional being) and have never done them again. It's like kundalini, and can be very dangerous. It's a very unintelligent way to self-actualize.
Neither of us can prove our theories, if it's all just chemicals or there other other forms of life you can interact with in some way. I've been convinced that there's much more to life than normal physical reality.
Please try and debate me on any one of the points I made if you are so right.
Entity is a word that should be taken literally. DMT is not excess serotonin it is a completley different chemical with vastly different effects. It may fit into the same receptors but they are not the same at all. If entities are real, how is it that people come back with indescribable experiences especially in the real of what is deemed "impossible." DMT and Psilocybin litterally disable parts of your brain as well as interconnecting them.
100% this. Secularism is a system put in place by the elite to make them less suspicious of supernatural powers. It is a very selfish and ignorant way to view the world.
You can have both neutral and mischievous gods, but certainly none of them would ever enter your soul. I belive people doing dmt are but into a hyperactive dream state, much like when I get sleep paralysis. The things you see during paralysis are often frightening entities that rape, torture or scare you half dead. But I recognize that these things aren't demons, they're simply a projection of base instincts and fear.
I can't deny the good that comes from it, but it may be one of the worst trade deals in the history of trade deals messing with dangerous spiritual entities. Youre right about the depressed part, Self worship is directly causing this via social medias. Maybe try and look into kundalini induced Psychosis & Seizures. If something can be that devastating, you obviously shouldn't be doing it.
read these OP
(i really like reading trip reports)
what is probably the most devastating realization is that you are here for limited time, while after that, you are there for eternity.
the only thing that you are therefore left with, is the absolute regret of the time you wasted while being here.
they haven't seen atom, but they believe in it.
what's necessary for them to start to believe?
in case of atom, that is so called science.
in case of this thread, there is none.
they are like little children running around, not being able to make conscious effort to think for themselves.
This view that nothing is spiritual and only physical is absolutely retarded. How do you explain the Satanic Elite? How do you explain the Billionaires that walk around like Lord Rothschild and never get harmed. Especially when members of his family look like boss level bond villains and worship SATAN.
No. Do or do not, it doesn't matter to me what you know or experience. It would be funny to think that someone with no actual knowledge read: experience would attempt to inform someone who did, though. Is there a word for that?
I'm saying to stay away from kundalini and drugs in general. I think it can only be helpful in rare cases, which I guess I got lucky. If you really want the truth, the tools are already given to you by being alive and the ability to reflect on who you really are. Who am I? What am I? are the best questions and then meditating on and making stronger your sense of true self, not getting trapped constantly in just the human ego. Just sometimes maya is so strong that you need a little jolt.
Breddy gud
I never said that. Many things are profoundly spiritual. But dreaming while sleeping is an evolutionary adaptation and hijacking that process with externally added dmt, instead of what the brain naturally creates is not really a spiritual phenomenon at all. My experiences with lucid dreaming have convinced me that dreaming is not spiritual at all, it's mostly just a practical way to evolve your personality.
So you completely missed all of my points in OP? Cool.
PLease stay away from that witchcraft. It will be a very wise desicion on your part not to mess with spirituality in a way like that. Research my friend and you will find the truth. Medidtation seems to me like self worship with the amount of thinking on yourself even though you do not focus on your ego. The "god" realisation you get on meditation is arguably more dangerous for your self perception than you may realise.
Lucid dreaming and Astral Projecting are very similar. In astral projection people can hear real things and tell people about them while they were never physically there.
No, it's about evolving into a soul/growing and not being locked in a low state. That's all. You do that by empowering the sliver of consciousness we all are already born with.
Astral projection is the out of body experience right? I know that I saw my room and that I was able to pass through solids, but when I went outside it just devolved into a regular dream. It's probably related to the phenomenon of false awakening
Agree. OP should check out erowid.org
for much better and more varied descriptions than a youtube funnyfaggot.
Most of the texts are from the old web and put up basically anonymous, not for self promotion. I spent hours on there just reading peoples stories, it wasnt tryptamines that scared me the most but tropane alkaloids like belladonna.
Years ago i collected enough to kill a buffalo, made an extract and its been sitting on my shelf since, marked with a giant skull.
Shit makes you not hallucinate but delirious, you get visions that look 100% real and disables your reasoning to a point where you dont see any problem with your buddy from across the world walking in and having a chat.
What are you some evangelical whos spirituality consists of hard work and self flagellation?
Propably a good idea if you are a soulless NPC, better promote this stuff on twitter or something.
This may be what you are taught about it, however I have reason to beleive this is a lie due to the predatorial nature of the entities that teach this during the psychedelic experience. Empowering and improving youself is something I can get behind, but there is a spiritual force behind anything spiritual and you must first asses weather its intentions are sincere.
No seriously, do you have any personal experience AT ALL in what you're talking about?
Thank you for the resource this will greatly improve my research.
I meant "If entities aren't real" my mistake.
I said in my above posts that it clears the mind and may errode barriers to the spiritual that are blocked for good reason.
No, but do some research about kundalini induced Psychosis & Seizures and you may understand what I am talking about.
Told you, user, I've never had any experience with other entities. I never did DMT or the like, just mushrooms.
Only time I had an experience with a demon was one time I was traveling in Asia with someone who I found out later was going through some "possession" issues (and I would have never believed this was possible or real until I experienced this), and at night when we were sharing a room some demon woke me up and took my form. It was like total self-hatred and it was like I had razor fangs in my teeth and began to eat my own face in self-hatred, but I empowered my own self and it fucked off. I don't mess with voodoo shit. Meditation should be clean, but you are right when you say drugs can "erode barriers to the spiritual that are blocked for good reason." It's not something to take lightly, or even meditation.
Learn astral projection and merge with your Higher Self.
Merging with your Higher Self happens in "jumps", like an electron jumping to a higher energy orbit.
You have been given a dream to chase. You will return there without the use of drugs with the help of your Higher Self.
This is what he meant by 'you were not ready'. You have a higher than average soul, that's why your experience did not involve something horrible.
Being born with a higher soul simply means that you made progress in one of your previous reincarnations.
I sincerely appreciate your response, but the question was bordering on rhetorical. I know you don't know anything, it's obvious. You're a would-be mapmaker lecturing seasoned trappers on how to navigate terrain, having never left your village. It would probably be wise to reconsider if that's a great idea. I know you won't, I know what evangelicals are like. But think back on this once you gain enough wisdom to feel foolish. Also
perhaps the price of such knowledge is terror
Also. The fact that I can control everything about the mental world I'm inside during lucid dreaming, cements that it is indeed a personal experience. If it was anything profoundly spiritual I wouldn't have any control, since I'm much weaker spiritually than any being capable of altering my mental state.
What really cements it is the mentality people that regularly use these drugs get. Joe Rogan is a good example since he feels like dmt gives you some kind of great insight. But when you see him talk it's clear that he has no insight whatsoever, and thus the reality created by the drug is definitely false. Not that psychoactives can't be used for personal development, they can but not in a spiritual way.
Sage for Tavistock thread
The entire drug subculture was created to destroy the white man. The only demons here are kikes shilling this degeneracy on Zig Forums
you are correct that it shouldn't be shared with others.
it is the lowest common denominator discussion.
everyone can do it.
moreover, everyone's experience is different, therefore you see threads flooded with bullshit.
there is even no point of doing it twice as even the first time, it will break your world view.
who cares about your experience.
point rather is the implications of it.
time before our time, there was jesus who gave us a peek.
there was no necessity to indulge into 3rd party substances to see.
it was the authority we are missing today.
and his message was so strong, that it survived to this day.
Devils may give you knowledge, but it is THEM giving it to you, it is not YOU reaching that level of wisdom.
What this means is that you are not making progress.
It is YOU who must take the steps towards the Higher Self to raise your own soul level.
No one else can do it FOR you, not even GOD (understood as the ALL/ABSOLUTE/etc.). There is a time you must invest and an effort that you must make, there are no shortcuts, no other ways to do it. It's one objective truth.
I'm a warrior and unafraid in the most dire of situations, and I'd never take something like that. There is too much fear in my soul for it I'd make a wrong choice.
What would happen if I were to be tricked? What is the worst that could happen?
Unfortunately there is no real way to gauge what would happen as these experiences differ from person to person. It is best not to play with fire if you don't want to get burnt.
You wont learn shit with psychs, they just give insight, if you "acquired" knowledge from them, it is because it was already in your head, but you didnt realise it, also why wouldnt you gain knowledge, just because its a spoopy demon? Thats dumb, the same as rejecting knowledge from another human.
Hallucinating idiots know nothing of the true spirituality and are mostly ignorant of the metaphysical laws. They are chasing experiences rather than knowledge. They are withdrawing into the subjective rather than understanding and affecting the objective. They seek a more convenient illusion rather than overcoming the current one. They are becoming impotent and powerless. If they had any gifts, those are wasted.
The entire drug culture movement was created by CIA and Tavistock (People like Timothy Leary, McKenna etc. played a great role in it) as an experiment on how to degenerate and pacify the (mostly white) population and take away their power of acting in the material world.
Look at various hippies, drug addict prostitutes, open borders types, and people going to India to fuck subhumans thinking it will expand their consciousness. Drug addicts throw themselves in front of cars so they can sue the driver or collect insurance money to fuel their addiction. Is this something that you want to become? It is what (((they))) want you to become.
Reminder that DMT is referred to as the spirit molecule and is produced by the brain naturally. It comes from the pineal gland, which bares a resemblance to the Ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus. The Pineal Gland is calcified and its output of DMT is practically halted by flouridation and of course flouride is in the water.
Reminder that drugs are the opposite of mental enlightment. Whenever you are exploring the psyche or the universe, your senses need to be free. It's literally like shooting yourself in the foot to win a marathon.
Interesting point about Lucid dreaming. Will definitely think about this more in depth.
Read the post. Geometry in those shapes are used to summon spirits by occultists, just look at marina abrimovic
Any other details on the demon encounter?
Perhaps you're right best to leave well enough alone.
My dreams link me to my ancestors enough no need for some forced visit to a place that could do me harm.
Yeah im gonna take 2g of shrooms smoke 3 joints and a THROW MYSELF INTO CARS AND SHOOT HEROIN THIS IS WHAT PSYCHEDELICS DO. But seriously if you do stuff like thaz its not the drugs, it jusz means youre a fucking cocksucker.
there's a strong euphoria with it, and you don't see things like the fags in this thread are blabbering about. you have to take a moronic amount to see things, and then you "break through", which takes your brain to another mode.. if you take a normal amount it's very intense, but in a good way.. it feels like everything is ``more real``. you can even talk to your friends on it if you arent a pussy.
Wish I had a source saved for this, I cant find it anywhere. Allegedly yes, it does calcify the pineal gland but in the process aids the consumption of DMT? I can't seem to find anything on it now. Interesting to note also the Vatican has a huge Pine Cone statue yet hide secrets from the world in their 53 mile shelf space archive, while being an idolatrous sex cult at the same time.
this. focused prayer can yield the same results. fasting, volcelling, and vow of silence helps.
Yea ok i totally get that, but its basically confirmation bias. The kind of people who not only go public but base their whole personality on these substances are shit-tier to begin with. Its like saying national socialism is shit because skinheads are trash.
The people were trash to begin with, its not the drugs that turned them that way, even with things like methamphetamine, theres plenty of people who can use it to improve themselves, but its only the tweakers you hear about.
Check out that link in the last post, really has a wide variety of experiences from all sorts of different people, some of which will seriously make your skin crawl.
Check out the link i posted earlier and see for yourself.
Imo the worst thing that can happen is that the experience basically shatters your conditioning, especially if youre an NPC. This is what i think happened to most of the people who "went crazy" or "got stuck".
If you are some sheltered suburban kid who spent his whole life watching and emulating TV, then suddenly doses without preparation, the realization that the people around you are just empty shells and half of what you have been told by trusted authorities was a blatant lie can be overwhelming.
Its hard enough for people who come here from facebook, imagine that 100x faster and surrounded by faggots for the entire time.
Other than that idk, in case of tryptamines it cant physically hurt you even if you overdose massively and i guess what doesnt kill you make you stronger, but its still going to be scary while it lasts.
I tried all sorts of different tryptamines, but havent dared yet to go far enough to see any "entities". Its pretty easy to dose things like mushrooms, just even out your batch, then start low and increase slowly.
I really encourage you not to break through enough to experience these entities. If I'm wrong then you experience it after death, which is a much more suitable time to meet them. (and not cheat death)
You can't even dream if that's true - DMT is the psychotropic responsible for dreaming
Excellent Point.
Prove it. I have only heard kikes and reguritators spout that. I have seen no proof
Psychedelics aren't for brainlets.
DMT is a fundamental key for personal growth. If you have never done it you will never understand. It is medicine for all mankind. Its literally the the antidote to all of our bullshit.
This isn't necessarily a good thing the great Pagan Era will be a deception that fools many.
I'll give a junkie like you a tip, although you are not deserving of one. The key word is 'naturally' . All physical phenomena correspond to their twins in the frequency domain. If you take more DMT than your brain is supposed to produce (based on the vibrations of your Mind), you are creating a dis-balance that will eventually ruin you. This is where the "demons" come from. You get overloaded with external entities because you have created a physical susceptibility without the inner self being able to match it. And DMT is one of extremely rare exceptions, most other drugs are just neurotoxins without any 'spiritual' component whatsoever.
You need to develop that link normally, there are no shortcuts.
Everyone throwing themselves in front of a car started with a joint. It's an extreme example, but drugs are not good for you kiddo. Better drop that addiction and find some healthy hobby so you can help save your volk and fight the eternal rat (unless you yourself are one lel)
They surely turn you into one. This is what you SJW's like, total equality with niggers, no?
Read all my posts and really consider my points.
Nothing to do with "Pagan Era". Its just a tool. Its the source code of the ALL. It makes you fall back in love with the absolute wonder of existence and the unknown. And it can help you see your shit and instantly fix it in the most astonishing way. Recommend 10/10.
How many times have you had DMT?
Of the 4 people I know who took shrooms, one jumped in front of a train and died, and the other threw himself out of a 3rd story window and is paraplegic now.
DMT is not shrooms and is a completely different experience and tool.
You can have psychotic breaks on both because they are the same class of drug.