>Priest finds Nazi swastika and Hitler photo on pillow he ordered from Walmart
Based Walmart Sells Hitler Pillow to Christcuck Brainwasher
Other urls found in this thread:
What does this have to do with Trump?!
In other news walmart.com has been inundated with requests for the pillow, stores across the country have completely sold out.
>(((Newman))) and his wife, Erin, a physician at Valley Children’s Hospital, moved to Clovis in the fall. Their family heritage has some (((Jewish))) roots, including direct descendants who are (((Holocaust survivors))).
Oy vey Walmart, give me my pain and suffering shekels!
Anybody got a link so I can pick up the pillow at my local Walmart?
Sam Walton mercing kikes from the grave.
You magakikes need to go back to reddit.
Walmart photo center does custom pillows. Not a bad price either.
What a faggot
It's like the shoah all over again!
Well color me surprised.
Memes never change. Only the butthurt changes.
The swastika isn't in the Bible. catholicism has nothing to do with Jesus.
Is this sold out? It's like the walmart version of a rare limited edition.
Lucky bastard.
Show some effort white man.
They make Hitler dakimakura now? I bet the weebs on this board will eat that shit up.
Weird. Why the sage?
Okay, bye.
Wait, what?
You have to go back. Well, I'd like to say that, except certain plebshit boards here actually use sage as a downvote. We are polite, friendly sagejin.
Wait, why are you saging again? The autism!
Do you even know what sage is supposed to convey? Hint: not a fucking downvote.
In my experience "sage" is used, in 99% of cases, by kikes. I have definitely seen exceptions, and yours may be one. In those cases, the goal is to avoid bumping a thread - but, when it is a white man with such a position, he readily discloses his cause.
Well, just to let you know, on hebrew hand wringing bulletin boards such as this, sage is supposed to be a polite gesture that you use when you post some off-hand comment that doesn't warrant bumping the thread to the front page. Only newfags use it to signal "I disagree with this", because that's not what it means at all.
sage you dumb kike. Wow, what a kike, what a stupid hymie, what a dumb man you are Moische, one half shekel has been deposited to your account Chaim.
Where can I buy this?
The kike is claiming that he has the "rules of /b/". gas tbh.
"Newman", what such a "Germanic" sounding name you have there, Schäfer.
is that jesus hitler, or adolf christ.. is it the second coming or the 4th reich
Yeah, no.
I'm guessing this bicycle pillow was probably a custom pillow and one of our guys found a most excellent 3rd Reich stamp to use as a basis, cleverly moving the swastika/Hitler to the corner where you wouldn't notice until days after having received it when you are snugging and look up and see him, it's genius.
He's Episcopalian.
Sage for obvious Israeli propaganda. Remember, only Moshes say "christcuck." It's how they divide the goy.
This thread isn't propaganda.
Thanks for clearing that up, Moshe
Sure thing.
it's roman yids who came up with christardity, u moron
< it's not real
< mine is real
fuck off, yid.
not trying to argue, just want to read more about it
Christcuck jew worshippers complaining about division when they hate every white who doesn't join them in submitting to (((Jesus of Nazareth)))? And a TORpedo, naturally.
So walmart is losing to Amazon so badly they're advertising nazi pillows on Zig Forums?
Apparently that's the theory.
A symbol of hate for those that must be hated and killed.
This thread is interesting. I would like to find one of these here pillows.
Should I send him my mailing address?
>>>Zig Forums
>LOOK, I am so one of you goyim
gas yourself twice
I'm okay with this.
I think you struck gold user.
Only to have it deftly ripped from your grasp.
No, that's a different one. Apparently they removed the original and replaced it with something shitty.
You could make your own on Zazzle or CafePress or a similar site if you want.
Comparing trump to hitler is a sin.
Know what's a true symbol of evil? A Fresno priest.
Fuck. Always too late…
A fine display of the true stupidity of christcucks yet again.
you are the cancer that's killing Zig Forums
The orginal meaning was "sorry for babbling." The (((newcomers))) are are just used to shutting down anything that doesn't follow the (((narrative))) just got into the habit of using it as a downvote. Same with "this is a slide thread" or "a thread died for this" or other kikery.
Say a hail mary user.
well duh. plainly this confirms his victory in 2020. sheesh, i thought you guys stayed informed.
Pat and Mike were visiting New York City for the first time from Cork, and they assumed all large buildings were churches.
Pat went into one such building, dipped his hand in the holy water bowl at the door to bless himself, but smelled piss. Turns out it was a hospital and Pat dipped his hand in a bedpan.
"Oh," Mike said, "this must be either the Episcopalian or the Pissbeterian church."
you plainly have little experience. lurk for two fucking years before posting again.
In April 2009, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin publicly warned all Irish Catholics to brace themselves for the publication of the Ryan Report in May. This was a monumental investigation, named after Chairperson Judge Sean Ryan, begun in 1999 and concluded ten years later. Entitled ‘The Report of the Commission on Child Sexual Abuse’, it dealt in great detail within its 2,600 pages with clerical abuse reaching back to before the Second World War. The Commission’s brief was to investigate all forms of child abuse in Irish institutions for children. The majority of allegations it investigated focused upon the system operated in some sixty residential ‘Reformatory and Industrial Schools’ operated by Catholic Church Orders, more often than not run by the Christian Brothers.
The report should be made compulsory reading for the wide range of apologists not only for the current Pope, it is a truly shocking indictment. The report establishes that the system within these schools treated children ‘like prison inmates and slaves’ devoid of any legal rights. The report identified sub-human behaviour that repeatedly records beatings and rapes, subjection to naked beatings in public, being forced to perform oral sex, and even beatings after failed rape attempts by Christian Brothers.
Adjectives including ‘systemic’, ‘pervasive’, ‘chronic’, ‘excessive’, ‘arbitrary’ and ‘endemic’ are used by the Commission to describe the indescribable. Those apologists will search in vain for evidence that what occurred was perpetrated by a very small minority, although even one perverted degenerate would be one too many. It is clear from the details contained within this document that we are confronted with a widespread evil that went on year after year, decade after decade.
Not much comfort for the apologists is to be found in those conclusions. Indeed, as can be seen, although the area of investigations differed vastly from Justice Ryan’s epic investigation of industrial schools and orphanages, the evidence and the conclusions to be drawn from the respective reports have an overwhelming symmetry. As for the ‘learning curve’ pleading of ignorance, Archbishop McQuaid was dealing with such cases in the 1950s and 1960s. There have been bishops all over the world who have used this defence during the past thirty years. Any adult male – be he a bishop or a man in any other walk of life – who did not know long before this scandal became public knowledge that grown men having sex with children is wrong and insidiously harmful to children is either an idiot or a liar or both.
Non Angli, sed angeli – "They are not Angles, but angels". Aphorism, summarizing words reported to have been spoken by Gregory when he first encountered pale-skinned English boys at a slave market, sparking his dispatch of St. Augustine of Canterbury to England to convert the English, according to Bede.[76]
Anudda shoah indeed.
Hopefully this jesusnigger kike abomination kills itself LMAO.
For those interested, buy wholesale (50pcs min order):
Also available as wall hanging from the usual scumbags at the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Do they Deliver?
I want to order one to a neighbor Kikes house just for shits and giggiles…
Maybe, I can take it off of the Nigger Lovers hands… and dispose of it.
Found the source picture, it's one of those stock picture sites that require you to pay to access the high resolution versions.
素材ID : 690930
格式: PSD
尺寸 : 3150×3150 像素
分辨率 : 100 DPI
大小 : 61.1MB
版权 : 共享素材
Bump bad threads goy, it's what we oldfags do!
Then again - how could a song that steals its intro riff from sweet leaf not be great?
Sounds like a NPC.
A notable find user good job.
Is he fucking blind?