Not that hard if you're CIA with spying equipment in everything
Jack Dorsey the pedo enabler
Didn't you try this exact thread a couple days ago and dropped it like a hot potato when it was pointed out that Twitter and the Trump administration are in total alignment with censoring pro-Venezuelan accounts, to pave the way for a military intervention?
Keep up the charade – I'm sure someone is buying it.
Hardly on the chan boards these days, missed a lot, where's the evidence for this?
r/thedonald. Where else?
Former Bernie supporters are the easiest to identify, you asshats are the reason I don't come on here anymore. That and the Artificial Intelligence sliding threads.. The 12 year olds who matriculated down here from Reddit, then 4chan, then here have made it so that not even 5chan is safe from your collective degeneration. You're more focused on calling me a nigger than Jack Dorsey covering up for pedophiles? Jeez, you're so productive for the movement why can't I be more like you guys?
Same Boinie who is also on board with regime change in Venezuela? Keep up the charade – I'm sure someone is still buying it.
Who the fuck is Bernie?
Can you get Ron on the phone?
Infighting isn't good for anybody, I used to go on this website when the threads were weeks old. I posted the Dan Schneider stuff on here and helped get him fired from Nickelodeon. Have you asshats done anything productive?
I got Ron to almost give me his address in the Philippines, Im working on it.
There's no "in" between here and reddit.
You're the type of person who enjoys rolling around in their own feces
Ah yes the almighty Zig Forums where the buck ends, I forgot you were the arbiters of truth. The quality of Zig Forums has only gotten worse. Infocomms is better for real discussion
Now fucking (((Imagine))) that.
There are other bunkers that are safe still and no, not fucking mewshit nor endshit
Bump away based fellow nigger, not like the catalog is a total joke anyways.
Fair enough, compared to Zig Forums there's more real discussion on infocomms
What the fuck is this gay kike shit?
Looks like typical impotent patriotard chum.
Nice attempt at derailing
Zig Forums on target as always.
Jack Dorsey is probably a pedo himself
Where's the proof?
If you only knew what the future is going to look like. Then the dark decades ahead would harken back to this moment, the last time you were safe and well-fed. Personally, I will relish every minute of it, knowing that I have prepared and made myself an agent of what's to come, and that every measure of suffering that comes with cold and hunger and war will hurt these sybaritic cosmopolitans far more than myself. If you only knew the future.