Tactic: invade SJW spaces and reframe miscegenation propaganda as “war on white women” and “war on black women”.
Tactic: invade SJW spaces and reframe miscegenation propaganda as “war on white women” and “war on black women”
Or you could start organizing with other white men and shooting your enemies in the head instead of LARPing on the internet.
Here's tip retard.
Any "tactic" from WN, Neo Nazi tards will never work. They will point to this board and your low brow effort which as always backfires upon Whites and the Jews win again.
Hey. Dickwipe. They still freak out about okay hand gestures and "It's Okay to be White" signs.
The worst meme ever. Fucking embarrassing.
This is the angle we should be approaching this from, because of where they stand on the progressive stack. Just compile a collage of BMWF couples from ads, magazines, movies, TV, porn and add some text about "erasure" or "silencing" of black women from the public eye and putting them on the lowest rung of desirability. I wonder if any actual sheboon feminazis have done anything in this vein.
It won't work because Shlomo says so hahaha gtfo bitch.
You can also boast that mixed kids have a higher IQ than their black parent.
Move to better boards, you retards. This place is compromised.
The ones I know of are nearly dead.
They won't care about the white women element though. IMO it would be better to focus primarily on black Male/ white female media propaganda as an attack on black women. Should sow some discord and discontent. Likewise should focus on driving white women away from these bullshit "women's marches" by claiming white women shouldn't be allowed to be there because they're "priveleged" or some such shit. Sow discord between them and divide their identity groups
Sure schlomo sure.
you first
This, join the army and fight the shitskin (((Assad))).
SJWs are the ones pushing all this race mixing. They want whites to go extinct and they want to get it on with black men or watch their girlfriend or wife get it on with black men.
Hey remember when an Aryan leader (gay pedophile jew) got a bunch of white nationalists and created the holohoax in the 70s? Fucking based.
SJWs want to destroy white race and they want to mix with shitskins
that could work maybe
this poster is false-flagging though
Die for Israel.